My players are all actors

Chapter 126 Identity Correction Successful!

Chapter 126 Identity Correction Successful!

"What are you doing in a daze? Kill the thief!"

While talking, Li Hongyun picked up a spear from the ground again.

Seeing that Lord Superintendent rolls up his sleeves to go into battle in person, the other soldiers are also greatly encouraged to start a bloody battle with the bandits on the top of the city!
In fact, as early as when he played Wang Zongchang for the first time, Li Hongyun had already noticed one point.

That is the physical fitness of this Lord Wang, which is actually very good!
It is even much higher than the physical fitness of ordinary soldiers.

As for why the physical fitness of a standard civilian official like Mr. Wang is better than that of soldiers, it is hard to explain. It can only be said that in ancient times, not all the officials who served as officials were frail scholars, and many of them were of excellent physical fitness.

Not to mention, the magistrate Tang in the last dungeon was a civil servant who could slash people with a machete.

In short, it was precisely because of Master Wang's physical fitness that Li Hongyun planned to try again for the last time to see if he could use this Master Wang's identity to defend the city.

There must be a reason why General Deng relied so heavily on him.

Soon, fierce battles began in the city!
For Li Hongyun, at this time he has completely let go of himself, and he is not thinking about acting at all.

Wang Zongchang is a civil servant, and perhaps the crisis should be resolved in the civil service way. Perhaps it was General Liu who was tampered with. Perhaps the battle can only be won if General Liu and Wang Zongchang cooperate with each other...

But as a player, Li Hongjuan has temporarily put all those things behind him. Now he only has one thing to do, which is to keep picking up the spears on the ground and throwing them at the thieves climbing up from the city!
If the thieves are climbing the ladder, they will be killed on the ladder; if the thieves climb the city wall, they will be killed on the wall; if the thieves enter the city, they will use all the favorable terrain and props in the city to kill them!

The entire Nanhe City has become a tragic battlefield.

Several lieutenants surrounded Li Hongyun to cover him and fought bloody battles with the bandits.

As for Liu Ji, Li Hongyun cut off the rope on his body at the same time as the bandits ascended the city, and let him rush to the front line of fighting against the bandits.

Outnumbered and outnumbered, Liu Ji is a good combat power after all.

Seeing that the situation was so critical and retreat was completely impossible, Liu Ji had no choice but to take up arms and fight desperately with the bandits.

Soon, there were more and more corpses around Li Hongyun, including bandits and Sheng Jun.

The lieutenants died one by one, and the spears beside Li Hongyun had already been thrown away, so they had to pick up the spears from the side of the dead Sheng Jun to use.

Suddenly, the knife flashed!
Li Hongyun had just thrown a long spear, when a bandit saw the timing, he slashed at his back with a knife!

Li Hongyun reluctantly dodged, knowing that he probably didn't dodge, but the knife didn't hit him.

Looking back, Liu Ji was covered in blood, holding the knife that had pierced his lower abdomen with his left hand, and slashing at the bandit with his waist knife in his right hand!

After cutting down the bandits to the ground, Liu Ji finally reached the end of his strength.

He looked at Li Hongyun, opened his mouth, and seemed to want to say something, but blood gushed out of his mouth, and in the end he couldn't utter a complete syllable, leaving only a complex, indescribable look in his eyes.

Then with a "plop", he fell to the ground.

More and more thieves came to the city, Li Hongyun knew that this copy might end here.

But at this moment, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

Smoke and dust billowed outside the city, and it was General Deng who finally arrived with the elite troops who conquered Puning Port!
"Very well, just in time...

"General Deng really lived up to expectations and conquered Puning Port!"

Li Hongyun knew that the thieves were so red-eyed that he would never be able to get out.But the fierce battle in Nanhe City also held back these bandits, making it impossible for them to escape.

As soon as General Deng arrives, these thieves will be wiped out in one go, leaving no one behind!
The port of Puning was breached, and this group of bandits mixed with a large number of regular troops was also wiped out. Maybe the banditry in the southeast... can be calmed down now, right?
It's a pity that the process this time was not perfect, no tampered characters were found, and the city was not really defended, so it fell at the last moment before dawn.

But anyway, it's cool!

With a roar, Li Hongyun stabbed the last spear into the bandit's chest, and was hacked to death with random knives.

What surprised him was that before he died, a special fragment appeared in his vision, with Liu Ji's image on it.

Memory pieces!

Before Li Hongyun fell, everything in the memory fragments flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

"General Liu, this is a secret letter from Elder Yan Ge. The bandits will attack Nanhe City while General Deng is attacking Puning Port."

"I understand that I will stick to Nanhe City to the death, and will never let down the trust of the elder Ge and Lord Dutang!"

"No, General Liu, you made a mistake. Mr. Yan Ge means that you don't need to do anything."

Then, Li Hongyun saw Wang Zongchang in Liu Ji's memory fragments.

Not the Wang Zongchang he played, but the real Wang Zongchang.

At the top of the city, Wang Zongchang was a civil servant, but he was wearing armor and fighting side by side with the lieutenants.It's just that the real Wang Zongchang didn't throw a spear to kill thieves like Li Hongyun, but held a rattan card and waved a waist knife to fight bloody.

Then, the fog gradually covered Li Hongyun's field of vision.

He returned to the beginning of the dungeon again.

Only this time, there was an extra line of prompts in his vision.

[The identity of the key person has been successfully corrected! 】

[Key figure: Wang Zongchang]

[The image of this character has been successfully finalized, and he will always act in a corrected state in the future! 】

When this reminder appeared, a memory fragment naturally appeared in Li Hongyun's mind.

This is the memory fragment that will be generated after completing the goal of correcting the identity of the key character, similar to an auto-playing cutscene CG.

The real Wang Zongchang didn't put the knife on Liu Ji's neck, but he still managed to order the deputy general to tie Liu Ji up and take him to the city.

Afterwards, he deployed his troops, planned and directed them, and finally fought bloody battles. He even killed more than a dozen bandits with his own hands, and finally died heroically.

Li Hongyun didn't expect that he had never thought about acting, but in the end he was almost the same as the real Wang Zongchang!
"It turned out to be like this...

"It wasn't Liu Ji who was tampered with by the monster. If I played Liu Ji after I failed to play Wang Zongchang once, it would be tantamount to being fooled.

"Even if I try my best as Liu Ji, I probably won't be able to win, because Wang Zongchang's image has been distorted by demons into an ordinary civil servant who can only talk but has no real ability.

"But in fact, he is a warrior who dares to attack people himself.

"What's more, Liu Ji hasn't been tampered with at all. He wanted to be a deserter because he was instructed by Elder Yan Ge...

"Old Yan Ge has always been in control of the situation of the southeast gangsters, and he has long since discovered that Governor Lin ignored his secret letter of 'the bird is exhausted', so he thought of another way.

"As long as Nanhe City falls, the plan to attack Bu Ning will probably be shelved, and if the bandits come to reinforce them again, the banditry in the southeast will probably last for another year or a half.

“At that time, any unexpected situation may happen.

"It's a pity that Mr. Yan Ge counted thousands and thousands of calculations, but in the end he missed a supervising army. That's right, who would have thought that a supervising army who was born as a civil servant could really guard Nanhe City?

"Looking at Liu Ji's last look, he must have been moved by Wang Jianjun's performance. Although he made a mistake and almost led to a serious result that was out of control, he fought hard and died in the end, which is a good result."

It turned out to be successful by mistake, which made Li Hongyun sigh again, as expected, good luck is still useful!
"But why haven't you cleared the customs yet?

"The identity of Wang Jianjun has been corrected, which means that Puning Port has been conquered, and the main force of the bandits has been completely wiped out by General Deng. It stands to reason that the customs should be cleared, right?

"Is there anything left unfinished?
"Do you want me to personally command the battle of Port Bunning again?"

Li Hongyun was a little puzzled. He scanned a few identity cards, but found that the status of the cards had changed.

Some cards have become unavailable, such as Governor Lin's card, which has become gray and unclickable.

The identity cards of pawns, general Deng, and staff are still available.

"What does it mean?"

Li Hongyun was a little puzzled. After thinking about it for a while, he selected the identity of the pawn again.

The reason is very simple, this is more proficient, so it should be a good start and a good end!

It's not bad to conquer another side of Puning Port as a soldier.

However, when the white mist cleared, he did not appear in Port Bunning.

Instead, it is a scene that has never been seen before!

The yellow sand is flying all over the sky, and what you can see is obviously not like the scenery of the southeast sea, but more like the northern border.

Li Hongyun was a little confused.

Isn't this dungeon about gangsters?There shouldn't be Dongyi bandits haunting this place, right?
What's happening here?
(End of this chapter)

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