My players are all actors

Chapter 129 The speedrun plan starts again!

Chapter 129 The speedrun plan starts again!
At the same time, Meng Yuan was also watching Li Hongyun's customs clearance video from the perspective of God.

The more you look, the more dignified the expression becomes.

The more you look at it, the more outrageous it becomes!

In fact, every night, Meng Yuan pays attention to the performance of these players when he has nothing to do, especially those players who progress faster.

Take the dungeon of "Feng Hou Is Not My Will" as an example. In the first stage, reckless players like Zhao Haiping and Fan Cun are the fastest; and in the second stage, puzzle-solving players like Chu Ge catch up Overtook and gained the upper hand.

Originally, Meng Yuan thought that the final winner would definitely be born from these few people, and he was especially optimistic about Chu Ge.

After all, these players have already performed well in previous dungeons.

But the final result surprised him.

This Li Hongyun turned out to be the only player who cleared the level last night!
Most of the other players are stuck at the last step, or they are not strong enough to defend the city, or they failed to reverse the status of Wang Jianjun. In short, they are all one step short.

But Li Hongyun is different.

Although he was much slower than Chu Ge in the second stage, he surprisingly surpassed Chu Ge in the third stage, and it can even be said that he was not hindered too much!
When playing the role of Wang Zongchang, Li Hongyun obviously didn't think too much about it. Blind Jill played a whole game, patronizing himself and killed the bandit with a long gun at the body of a civil servant. In the end, he really succeeded in correcting him!
As for meeting the staff member Mr. Xu naturally in the final stage and leading him to General's nothing.

"This person's European Emperor attribute... is a bit scary."

Meng Yuan's face was serious.

The merchant was a little confused: "Huh? Isn't that a good thing?
"The stronger the players, the stronger our strength. Luck, of course, is also a part of strength.

"As long as this Li Hongyun can continue to maintain such good luck in the process of fighting monsters, it will be a good thing for us. Why are you so serious?"

Meng Yuan was silent for a moment: "There are more and more powerful players emerging, of course I am happy, after all, this means that the power of the sequencer is getting stronger...

"However, in this way, wouldn't it be more difficult for me to get the quota for the ultimate trial!"

Participating in the business was at a loss for words.

It seems... that's really the case!
The number of places for the ultimate trial varies depending on the situation of each historical slice, and the number of people entering is also different, but there must not be too many.And Meng Yuan, the "driver", must go in, which means that Meng Yuan must find a way to reach the top five or top ten players who challenge this instance.

With one more talent, the chance of him getting in is even lower...

The participant patted Meng Yuan's shoulder with Rourou's little hand: "It's okay, if it doesn't work, let's operate in secret. I found out that these players are all monsters. It's not shameful that you can't compare with them."

Meng Yuan shook his head resolutely: "That's absolutely not possible! I'm also an aspiring sequencer!
"From today onwards, I'm going to retreat, and when the time comes, I must win the quota for the ultimate trial with dignity!

"By the way, the video should be sent out as soon as possible, so that players can quickly clear this dungeon, so that the final trial will be more secure."


At the same time, on the other side of Tiandu City.

Zhao Haiping was browsing the forum while eating breakfast.

"The second stage of this dungeon is too difficult...Chu Ge posted a strategy post on the Internet before, saying that the key to playing the role of Governor Lin is to break the balance in the court and win the chance to enter the capital to face the saint...

"But how exactly?

"Huh? The first pass video has been released? Learn about it."

Zhao Haiping quickly clicked on the video to check it out.

It's a pity that he failed to get the first pass of this instance this time.

He and Chu Ge were among the first to get through the copy of "It's a matter of waiting to close the coffin". Although they were not the first to get through, the time difference was almost the same.

But this time it was a little farther.

But Zhao Haiping didn't care too much. After all, there are many talents in this game, and each has their own strengths. It's normal to encounter a dungeon that you are not good at and can't make the first pass.

Click on the video, and the whole process of Li Hongyun's customs clearance is shown in front of him.

This customs clearance video is the same as the previous customs clearance video, it is edited, there are no failed shots, and the irrelevant parts of the successful shots have also been deleted, and the final cut time is about 20 minutes.

It is mainly to show the customs clearance methods of some key nodes and play a guiding role for other players. It will not be as detailed as movie videos.

Zhao Haiping looked at it, and at the same time substituted himself into it for comparison.

"Well, there is nothing to say in the first stage. The combat effectiveness of this player does not seem to be particularly strong. There are obviously better ways to deal with it several times.

"However, although he is weak in melee combat, his skill in throwing a long spear can be called superb. This is another kind of 'unique skill brother', right?
"There is something about the analysis of acting as a staff member, and it has convinced Governor Lin even without the blessing of awe-inspiring righteousness, which is amazing.

"Huh? Prepared two confessions? Can you still play like this?

"Seeing that the emperor has prepared such a set of rhetoric again? No, I feel that my brain can't keep up, and I can't understand why I can get military funds like this... Forget it, let's write it down first, copy the answer, and wait for it later Look at the analysis on the Internet.

"Huh? It's so easy to pass the customs here in Nanhe City? The one who was tampered with was Wang Zongchang? How the hell did you guess that! Don't tell me it's just a coincidence!"

At the beginning, Zhao Haiping still felt that this person was quite powerful.

After all, being able to throw a spear to repel bandits and analyze the current situation for Lin Xiangmin is indeed in line with the initial analysis of the players: this player is both civil and military, wise and brave.

But... Seeing the back, I feel more and more wrong.

Although the video has been edited and the failed scenes have been cut out, there is a time stamp in the video, and you can see how much time it took to clear each stage.

And the time for Li Hongyun to clear the third stage was obviously too short!
At first, Zhao Haiping worried that he was the only one who thought so, but after reading the comments at the bottom of the video, he found that he was not alone.

Other players feel the same way!
"Damn! I was cheated, what kind of civil and military skills is this, it's obviously luck!"

"This big guy is obviously an assassin player, why haven't I seen him use 'Everyone's Fury' once?"

"Huh? This is an assassin player? I thought he was throwing a spear all the time and thought it was a pawn..."

"...but he looks like a scribe after the second stage!"

"I also passed the second stage and got stuck in Nanhe City. I can say responsibly that if you want to pass the level according to the process in the video, you can't try Liu Ji's line at all. As long as you try, the time will definitely be short." It’s not enough. In other words, this boss has been slamming Wang Zongchang’s line from the very beginning!”

"Does that mean, it's either because of the subtleties, or because of Ouhuang's miracle?"

"That probably belongs to the latter... After all, his speed through the second stage is not very good, and the third stage is like a bug!"

"Boss Ouhuang is so terrifying!"

"However, this is also a good thing. The big brother has abruptly advanced the customs clearance time by one day by virtue of his European Emperor attribute! This is actually a very good thing for us!"

"Indeed, thank you, boss!"

"Thank you, boss! I'll just copy the answer and pass the level tonight!"

Although the players also expressed their envy and hatred towards Ouhuang, they were more grateful.

Because without Li Hongyun, they would probably be reviewing the details of the Nanhe City battle like chickens without their heads at this time, guessing how to pass the level.

At night, even if you follow the pre-thought-out routes to verify, the customs clearance time will definitely be greatly delayed.

And if you want to determine the standard answer and start speedrunning on a large scale, you have to wait until tomorrow night.

Li Hongyun moved the customs clearance time one day earlier, which is equivalent to allowing players to copy the answers one day earlier. This is really important for the speed-passing progress of the entire dungeon!
After a short moment of admiration and worship, the players quickly took action and began to discuss and disassemble the contents of the entire dungeon.

The speedrun planning of the players is about to start again!

 In the past two days, I have tried to adjust the update time back to 10 am...

(End of this chapter)

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