My players are all actors

Chapter 135 Final Trial Selection Completed!

Chapter 135 Final Trial Selection Completed!

Two days later.

10 pm.

The players who were selected to participate in the ultimate trial came to the real sequencer space one after another.

Li Hongyun is very excited. If he can post a question on Zhichao at this time, he must post one: This is the first time to participate in the ultimate trial of 100% pain perception in "Dark Sand". How can I pretend to come here often?

The period after customs clearance can be said to be painful and happy for the players.

It hurts because it is really too curly!

All the internal test players are desperately improving their clearance scores, and the list on the list changes every day. Li Hongyun recalls his hard work in the past few days, and it is a bit unbearable to look back.

The level of this volume is almost the same as the college entrance examination!

Of course, no matter how hard it is, it is all done in sleep, and it does not consume too much energy, so this kind of suffering is more spiritual and can be overcome.

As for the source of happiness, it is diversified.

On the one hand, I constantly break through myself and achieve better results in the copy, and on the other hand, I feel that I have really played a key role in history as a participant. This kind of happiness is absolutely unmatched by any game.

In particular, the excavation of Wang Zongchang's tomb made the game "Dark Sand" spark a new upsurge.

If there were still some people who doubted the scientific principles behind "The Dark Sand" and believed that it could not be traced back to real historical memory, then when this incident happened, most people believed it.

In the past two days, follow-up archaeological work has continued. The excavated cultural relics have been properly restored and sent to the museum for exhibition. The place where Wang Zongchang’s tomb is also protected. The building and the statue of Wang Zongchang were erected as a memorial.

After all, this is a hero who died heroically in the process of smashing bandits, and should be remembered by future generations.

As for how to carve the stone statue, that's very easy to handle. Isn't there a ready-made Wang Zongchang in "Dark Sand"?
After this incident, more and more people began to praise the deeds of those heroes during the raid.

As for Su Chengbai, he jumped fast and withered even faster.

Especially Endo Entertainment, also brought a wave of bleeding.

Not long after Su Chengbai posted a question on "Dark Sand" on Weibo, Wang Zongchang's tomb was discovered. While beating the dog in the water, netizens also uncovered all the old accounts of Su Chengbai and regarded him as a "historical inventor" All those strange talks and strange theories were flogged again.

For a while, it could be said that everyone was shouting and beating.

Although Su Chengbai had some fans before, he had nothing to say in front of the overwhelming evidence and could only shut up silently.

As for Endo Entertainment, it was also unlucky.On the same day, he hastily issued an announcement to disassociate himself from Su Chengbai, but neither the players nor the capital market appreciated it. While being scolded by the players, the stock price also plummeted.

Soon another gossip came out, saying that Su Chengbai had actually been banned!
As for Endo Entertainment, they also paid a sky-high fine and had to undergo a three-month rectification. Several online variety shows that were originally approved were all disqualified, and they were permanently banned from participating in any historical and cultural programs.

Netizens couldn't help applauding!

I have long seen them as displeasing to the eyes, let them continue to dance for so long, it is too tolerant!
Of course, netizens also realized that the connivance of Su Chengbai before actually had some meaning of leading the snake out of the hole. It was to let him continue to speak nonsense, produce a certain influence, arouse the attention of netizens, and then destroy it, and take this opportunity Only by showing the real history can it have sufficient educational significance, can it be used as an example to others, and can serve as a sufficient warning to other "historical inventors".

In this way, at least some timid big Vs will not dare to tell the truth.

Of course, there will be many people like Su Chengbai in the future, and no matter what, it will be difficult to completely ban them, but anyway, this is a good start.

For netizens, this incident has come to an end.

But for Meng Yuan, he still has the last step to complete, which is to reverse this historical slice and confirm whether Su Chengbai has been influenced by monsters, so as to more accurately estimate the degree of influence of monsters on the real world.


Li Hongyun looked at the real sequencer space with some curiosity.

Although it does not seem to be much different from his own sequencer space, Li Hongyun can vaguely feel that the two are still fundamentally different.

Soon, he saw the players participating in the ultimate trial.

Zhao Haiping, Chu Ge, Fan Cun, Xia Ruoling, Huo Yunying, Meng Yuan, and a player whose name was only seen on the list but not in the video, Lu Heng.

Among them, Zhao Haiping, Chu Ge, Xia Ruoling, and Huo Yunying are all familiar faces. The ultimate trial of the dungeon of "It's decided to wait until the coffin is closed" was broken by the four of them together with Meng Yuan, and they performed very well. excellent.

I have to say that the first-mover advantage is still useful in this game.

These players either started early and had strong combat prowess, or they were more accustomed to the puzzle-solving process of this game. Coupled with their already outstanding talents, it was normal for them to continue to obtain qualifications for the ultimate trial.

Of course, this does not mean that they can always rely on their strength to monopolize the qualifications. There are also new players emerging in the game, and they may even gradually surpass them.

In the game "Dark Sand", it is always like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

As for the other players on the list.

Fan Cun, as a representative of reckless players, was very active in the last expedition of the Sequencers, and his combat power was extremely strong. He was reckless, and he also successfully obtained the qualification to participate in the ultimate trial this time.

Lu Heng and Li Hongyun are the latest batch of internal beta players.

Lu Heng's identity is a scribe, but unlike Chu Ge, his advantage is not in solving puzzles, but seems to have a lot of experience in acting. Perhaps this has something to do with his identity in reality.

As for Meng Yuan...

His popularity is actually not low. After all, in the dungeon of "It's a matter of waiting to close the coffin", he played the role of Su Xianjun and gave an impressive stage performance. He seems to have become a famous opera master. It is said that Many brokerage companies want to sign him.

This time, Meng Yuan was very lucky, just happened to be stuck in the No.8 position, and entered the ultimate trial list of "Fenghou is not my will".

Li Hongyun couldn't help being a little surprised. Could it be that I am not the only one among them?
This Meng Yuan is also the hidden Emperor Ou?

Meng Yuan responded with a meaningful smile to the curious look Li Hongyun cast on him.

Is it some kind of luck to be stuck on the edge of No.8 and enter the list of ultimate trials?
Of course not.

It depends on the situation.

If Meng Yuan can enter the top five, then it will be the top five.

If Meng Yuan unfortunately only gets seventh, eighth, or even ninth, then he should let two or three more people in, so that the admission line just gets stuck on him.

If you fall out of the top ten... then you can only engage in black box operations.

How can a smart authority dog ​​be stuck by his own rules?That's too outrageous.

Of course, the black box operation is really not very good, so Meng Yuan is still working hard to make himself in the forefront of the leaderboard.

He, the genuine sequencer, can't be too shameful.

Everyone greeted each other, and Chu Ge took the lead again, and began to assign roles for everyone to play after entering the ultimate trial, and planned tactics in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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