My players are all actors

Chapter 137 When did the guards have such a warrior?

Chapter 137 When did the guards have such a warrior?

a little while ago.

While the players were discussing countermeasures, the merchant also secretly conveyed some information to Meng Yuan.

"I'm ready to start reversing this slice of history.

"However, there is one thing to remind, this time the monster is different from last time, it may be more difficult to deal with.

"Because the history slice this time is not limited to a small area, but involves a large space-time area, so the power of the demon must be very strong.

"It is very likely that it will not be attached to any bandit and exist independently, and it may also tamper with any character except General Deng. This point must be paid special attention to."

Meng Yuan said in his heart: "Understood, you should just reverse the historical slice normally, and leave the other things to me and the players."

Part of the reason why Meng Yuan finally decided to play the emperor was related to the reminder from the merchants.

This point, other players do not know.

Players only know that there are differences in gameplay between the ordinary Trial Illusion and the Ultimate Trial. For example, the ordinary Trial Illusion identity is gradually unlocked, and talents appear randomly, while the Ultimate Trial identity can be chosen by oneself. Ordinary trials are much bigger, and almost all the characters that have appeared can be selected, and talents are also directly selected from the library.

They didn't know the reason behind this mechanism, they just thought it was some special settings made by the designer to make the game more fun.

But in fact, these are all targeted measures to better break the blockade imposed by the demon on the historical slice.

There is also a difference in the ability of monsters. The later you encounter the stronger the monsters, there is no doubt about it.

And the time and space range of the historical slice can also roughly determine the power category of the monster.

The dungeon of "It's a matter of waiting to close the coffin" can basically be regarded as being in a specific range of time and space.

All the plots took place in a small county town, and the time did not exceed one day and one night.

For such a small slice, the invading monsters must be relatively weak, and their abilities may be relatively limited.

But the copy of "Fenghou is not my will" is different.

Its time span is as long as several decades, and it can be said that it includes the entire process of the southeast raids. In terms of space span, it also includes the southeast coast, the capital, and northern Xinjiang.

Although it doesn't include the entire land of Huaxia, it's just regional fragments, but this kind of time and space scope can't be underestimated.

With such a historical slice of time and space, the monsters that can invade are definitely not small shrimps, and they are bound to be much stronger than the previous monsters.

According to the intelligence of the merchants, some of the more powerful demons can not even possess barbarians or bandits.

In other words, it is actually overlooking the entire historical slice from the perspective of God.

The performance of most of the characters in the historical slice cannot escape his eyes!
This is why the "performance" link has been elevated to a very high status in the scoring system of the simulated trial of the historical slice.

Because only by acting, can this monster be sufficiently confused!

If all the players don't act, the monster can instantly determine that there is something wrong with these people, so it won't tamper with them, but will tamper with other people.In this way, the possibility of the sorter failing will be greatly increased.

In other words, the ideal situation for the sequencer is: to deceive the demons and make the monsters think that the sequencer is the key aborigine in the dungeon. When the monster tampers, the power of the sequencer will offset this tampering power, and then The players successfully repeated the history and broke the blockade of demons in the historical slice.

The more the sequencers are exposed, the more likely it will arouse the suspicion of the demons. In the worst case, the sequencers may even have to fight the monsters directly without breaking the barrier.

That possibility is very low, but it is still something that Meng Yuan and Shangshang must do everything possible to avoid.


The small body of Shenshang floated in the turbulence of time and space, and began to guide the power of the sorter.

After absorbing the last history slice, her strength has grown significantly.

The powerful Sequencer power crossed layers of time-space turbulence, wrapped that history slice layer by layer, and began to reverse it!
Beyond the Great Wall in northern Xinjiang, yellow sand is flying all over the sky.

But at the next moment, Huang Sha flew back to the north again, and General Deng, who was preparing to go out, dismounted and retreated to the barracks.

Time quickly reversed, Nanhe City, Puning Port... The characters in each scene were reversed and returned to their original state, the sacrificed soldiers were resurrected, and the invading bandits returned to Puning Port.

Finally, a group of thieves withdrew outside General Deng's guard, ready to attack.

The entire slice of history has come to a standstill.

It's just that this time, the thieves didn't emit any black energy from their bodies, which meant that the demons didn't possess their bodies.

Instead, in the sky, a wisp of black smoke spread out, almost imperceptibly.


When Li Hongyun came back to his senses, he was already in the middle of the battle.

Surrounded by soldiers wearing khaki double-breasted cloth visors like him, it was obviously the standard equipment of the guards of the Dasheng Dynasty.

Everything seemed to be back to the state when he first entered this trial illusion.

But he could clearly feel that this was not a simulated trial that he had cleared many times, but a completely different place.

As for the legendary 100% pain sensation, he didn't dare to experience it, nor did he want to experience it.

I just want to apply the effect I played in the simulated trial here, and pass the level as safely as possible.

Don't tell me, I'm a little nervous.

Especially when he thought that his performance would be made into a movie and broadcast in front of countless audiences, Li Hongyun became even more nervous.

Soon, the thieves rushed over shouting!

Of course, Li Hongyun had seen such a scene many times, but the soldiers on the scene still had their legs trembling, and a timid emotion naturally spread.

There were even soldiers in the front row cowering and retreating. In this state, they might run away if they couldn't meet the bandits.

General Deng was still riding a tall horse, pointed his spear at the bandits, and shouted loudly: "Don't retreat! Follow me to kill!

"Don't go back!"

However, his stern reprimand did not have much effect, and many soldiers have already started to collapse in unison!
General Deng's face was livid with anger. Obviously, he didn't expect much from these guard soldiers, but with such a low psychological bottom line, the performance of these guard soldiers still broke through his psychological expectations. .

Li Hongyun was also a little surprised.

Because judging from the situation he had previously simulated in the illusion of the trial, although the combat effectiveness of these guard soldiers was worrying, at least they started to flee after fighting the bandits and finding that they were completely one-sided and had no chance to fight.

What's the situation now?
They haven't even met yet, and they've already started to flee!

"Could this be the influence exerted by demons? After multiple players entered, the difficulty of the dungeon has increased?" Li Hongyun couldn't help but make such a guess.

It's just that the current situation is very critical for General Deng.

From the previous "collapse at one touch" to the current "collapse without a fight", he never thought that these guards would still have room to retreat.

Candidates who have already scored zero in the test can break through the lower limit and take a negative score. How did this happen?
He had no choice but to grit his teeth and charge towards the bandits single-handedly!

As a general, General Deng must not take the lead in escaping. In this situation, there is only one choice, which is to fight to the death!
The situation was so urgent that General Deng even had the idea of ​​dying for the country.

However, just as General Deng rushed halfway, he found that there was an extra person beside him!
This little soldier was obviously only charging with his two legs, but he could barely keep up with his horse in a short distance.

Of course, General Deng didn't let the horse charge at full strength, he couldn't leave his line too far, but even so, this little soldier still caught his attention.

Before General Deng had time to think about it, this soldier had already fought against the bandits!

He held the rattan plate high in his left hand, and held the spear in his right hand. He didn't foolishly raise the spear to stab him at the first time. It would be easy to get out of the way, and once the spear was cut off by the knife, he would be very passive in the follow-up.

He first observed the bandit's movements, and waited for the bandit's barbarian knife to strike, and then used the rattan card to block it away in a hurry. Then, the spear pierced the bandit's chest at a very tricky angle!

The thieves were all dumbfounded, and so was General Deng.

When did there have such warriors among the guards? ?
 Challenge 10 o'clock update failed again today, continue tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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