Chapter 144

"Flee with me!"

Seeing that Zhao Haiping and Li Hongyun broke into the village building and beat the bandits into a mess, General Deng naturally saw that the opportunity must not be missed, and ordered his soldiers to seize the time to attack the gate of the village.

Soon, a gap was knocked open in the wooden gate of the village, and the soldiers of the Sheng army rushed in!

Fan Cun was still in the lead, he was carrying a heavy long card, which was densely filled with arrows.

As for his body, of course, two or three arrows have already been inserted, and it is difficult for the long card to completely protect him during the charge.

But this injury was nothing to Fan Cun. The analgesic effect of the two talent skills and the burst of adrenaline allowed him to completely tolerate the pain and focus all his attention on killing the thieves.

Upstairs in the stronghold, Li Hongyun and Zhao Haiping were still attacking the thieves within range.

One of them used a musket and the other a bow and arrow, both with high accuracy.

Although the former relied on dog luck and the latter relied on solid arrow skills, these two people standing on the commanding heights did cause huge troubles for the bandits.

The thieves on the forts have not been cleaned up yet. After all, there are several forts in Puning Port, and they are not all connected to each other. Many thieves are hiding behind the wooden fence, and Li Hong can't do anything to them with a musket.

But these thieves are already in panic, because the breach of the gate of the village means that the soldiers of the Sheng army may rush up at any time.

In panic, their shooting accuracy was greatly reduced.

Sheng Jun formed an array and advanced step by step.

The rattan players block the bandits' arrows and sabers in front, while the wolf gunners, boring handles and spearmen in the rear can take the opportunity to stab the bandits to death.

The black air in the sky was rolling, constantly patrolling and wandering around the battlefield.

Of course, the demon is very concerned about the battle situation in Port Bunning, but it is not difficult to see from its impatience that the battle is already in a one-sided situation.

Even though the strength of these thieves had been enhanced by the influence of demons, they still had to be beaten in front of Sheng Jun.

The reason is simple: the new army built by General Deng was born entirely to restrain the fighting methods of bandits.

The combat power of this new army has actually surpassed that of the thieves by a lot.

The combat power and fighting will of individual soldiers are not lost to bandits at all; weapons have completed the comprehensive restraint of bandit weapons; soldiers form a battle formation, cooperate with each other tacitly, and can adopt different tactics according to different terrains.

Therefore, even if the individual combat power and fighting will of the thieves have improved, after encountering this new army of General Deng, they will still only be slaughtered!

In fact, among the previous bandits, there were many warriors with superb sword skills and resolute fighting will, but they were still helpless in the face of Sheng Jun's rattan cards and wolf traps.

Now the demon is nothing more than raising the combat power of ordinary thieves to a level similar to that of Baizhan thieves.

Since there is no qualitative change in combat power, the relationship between Sheng Jun's restraint against bandits will not change much.

In fact, the biggest damage caused by the bandits to the Sheng army was limited to the period before the Sheng army entered the gate of the village.

Relying on barbarian bows and muskets, the thieves who were strengthened by demons did cause some casualties to Sheng Jun, but after Li Hongyun and Zhao Haiping made a surprise attack and disintegrated the defense of the village from the inside, the thieves' failure was a foregone conclusion .

The next step is to expand the results of the battle and clean up the battlefield.

Fan Cun was very excited, and he himself led an elite Shengjun team, constantly hacking and killing the lone thieves.

Li Hongyun and Zhao Haiping also came down from the stronghold and rejoined Sheng Jun's team.

"Hey, these thieves haven't retreated yet?" Li Hongyun was a little surprised.

Because according to the situation of the routine trial illusion, these bandits should have retreated long ago and returned to the port to board the ship.

Although there were not many ships in Puning Port, and less than one tenth of the thieves escaped in the end, judging from the situation in the previous routine trials, this was unavoidable.

But now, these thieves are fighting to the death!

According to the normal situation, it is of course a bad thing for the bandits to fight to the death, which means that the bandits have a high will to fight, and they will inevitably pay more casualties to win Port Bunning.

But now, the Sheng army itself has maintained a very low battle loss ratio, and it is still overwhelmingly slaughtering the bandits.

Therefore, the thieves had a tenacious will to fight, and instead of retreating, it became a good thing.

Sheng Jun didn't need to pursue him anymore, he just had to fight the bandits to the death, which undoubtedly saved a lot of time.

The monsters strengthened the will of the bandits to fight, and on the contrary, accelerated the progress of Puning Port!

In the sky, black smoke billowed, obviously the demon was in confusion and anger.

After a while, the black smoke disappeared.

Obviously, the demon has discovered that the failure of Port Bunning is a foregone conclusion, and turned to pay attention to the situation in Nanhe City.

As long as Nanhe City can be captured, the bandits will still have a chance to come back.


In Nanhe City.

"Hold on! Don't let the bandits enter the city!"

The lieutenant general guarding the city gate shouted loudly, but it was of no avail. There were too many bandits, and the city gate was still breached.

The thieves rushed in!

The soldiers of the Sheng army guarding the city formed an array and fought fiercely with the bandits.

Although these Sheng troops also have rattan cards and wolf whisks in their hands, they are all old and weak soldiers after all, their combat effectiveness is not very strong, and their numbers are also at a disadvantage, so even if they fight bravely, they will inevitably start to retreat.

If there are enough people, the battle formation is enough to block all the thieves.

But now, many Hundred Wars Rogues have crossed the battle formation of Sheng Jun and entered the city.

Their goal is very clear, attack the city wall, cooperate with the inside and outside, first try to kill the generals defending the city!

These thieves can also see that the generals who fight on the city are the key. Once the generals are dead, the thieves on the wall of the thieves and the thieves in the city can join forces, and the Sheng army's will to fight will also be severely hit. Will fall into a state of chaos without a leader.

These wanderers entered a low residential area and headed towards the entrance of the city wall.

They walked aggressively.

Because in the eyes of these thieves, the soldiers who can really pose a threat to them in the Sheng army are those soldiers holding wolf sticks and forming a battle formation, and those soldiers are basically concentrated at the main entrance.

Now that they have broken through the main gate, there should be no Sheng army that can hinder them in this narrow terrain.

However, just as a vagabond in a hundred battles was walking through the alleys of the residential houses, a black shadow descended from the sky.


Rogue's reaction was quick, his right hand had already grasped the handle of Yi Dao, but it was still one step too late.

Xia Ruoling had planned the ambush location in advance, so it was naturally impossible for the wanderer to have enough chances to draw his sword.

Pifu mobilized instantly when he was angry, and the dagger accurately pierced the bandit's neck.


Xia Ruoling pulled out the dagger, casually shook off the blood on the dagger, and quickly hid in the alleyway.

She has already gone through countless times in the simulated trials of the residential houses in this area, so it can be said that she knows them well.

After entering the dungeon of the ultimate trial, she came to this residential area again and directed Sheng Jun to cooperate with her to make some traps and roadblocks to delay the thieves as much as possible.


"Get closer, don't disperse!"

Naturally, the other thieves couldn't turn a blind eye to the death of this wanderer. Xia Ruoling's blow from the sky left these thieves with lingering fears. If she was allowed to run away, who would guarantee that they would not be the next target?
Moreover, these thieves gathered subconsciously to prevent them from being too far away.

Even the assassin with superb sword skills couldn't react, and was killed by Xia Ruoling who fell from the sky, how could the other thieves escape?

So the best choice is naturally to go together and not to disperse.

In this way, when Xia Ruoling assassinated again, even if she could kill the target, she would not be able to escape at all.

This group of thieves gradually shrunk their formation in the alleyway, and chased in the direction Xia Ruoling was fleeing from.

"What about people?"

Moments later, the thieves got lost in a maze of alleyways.

This residential area originally extended in all directions, with many trails, but at this time, many of the trails have been blocked by wood and stones, making it difficult to move, and turned into a huge maze.

When Xia Ruoling fled, she was clearly trying to lure these people into a dead end on purpose.

"Cunning Sheng Jun! They are stalling for time!" the bandit leader said angrily.

"No, it's not delaying time..." A thief looked up at the roof, with a shocked expression on his face, and stumbled.


The thieves raised their heads one after another.

They thought they would see Xia Ruoling's figure on the roof, but they were wrong.

It's not Xia Ruoling, but Sheng Jun!

The soldiers of these Shengjun didn't look elite, they were still some old and weak soldiers, but the key point was that what they were holding at this time was not a waist knife, rattan token or bow and arrow, but a spherical object slightly larger than a gourd.

The faces of several thieves changed instantly, and they recognized the name of this thing.

"Sky Thunder!"

(End of this chapter)

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