My players are all actors

Chapter 146 Clear the Ultimate Trial!

Chapter 146 Clear the Ultimate Trial! (monthly ticket plus update)

While fighting the bandits, Huo Yunying paid attention to Lu Heng's performance.

It has to be said that Lu Heng's fighting style completely overturned Huo Yunying's perception of the identity of a scribe.

Is it even possible?
For a long time, Huo Yunying thought that scribes were just a profession of talking.

The performance of Chu Ge and his scribes is indeed the same. Haoran Zhengqi is very versatile. It can buff your own side and reduce the status of the enemy. It has a powerful killing effect on monsters.

But the problem with Chu Ge and his scribes is that their close combat ability is almost zero. Once they are approached by bandits, they can only run away.

So so far, the scribes players have all practiced the skills of running when the situation is not right. Whether it is the reaction speed of turning and running, the short-term burst speed of running or the endurance, they have made great progress.

Every scribe should have excellent running ability, which has become the consensus of players.

But Lu Heng's performance today completely demonstrated another possibility of a scribe.

That is... what if the scribes themselves have certain combat abilities?
The reason why the scribe players have been hiding behind is mainly because of the screening effect of the initial trial.

The other three dungeons all require certain basic combat abilities, but the scribe dungeons do not.Therefore, those players who like to fight basically choose the other three professions.

Most of the people who really got the status of scribes are people who don't know combat skills at all in reality.

In addition, the exclusive talent of scribes is awe-inspiring righteousness, and they do not have the conditions for direct combat, so scribe players have become accustomed to the fighting method of adding buffs and running away.

However, in the game "Dark Sands", there has never been a restriction on the physical fitness of scribe players, and it has never been stipulated that scribe players cannot carry a knife to attack people.

Scribe players can also choose combat talent skills.

Not only that, "The Dark Sand" has been hinting that scribes can also go into battle and kill people.

For example, the county magistrate Tang in "It's still a matter of closing the coffin", and Wang Zongchang in this copy.

Lu Heng's fighting style undoubtedly opened the door to a new world for scribe players.

I saw that when he was fighting with the bandits, he would give a loud shout when he came up, unleashing his awe-inspiring righteousness to frighten the enemy, which had the effect of preempting others.

This shout is especially useful when facing thieves who have been amplified by the power of demons.

Then, taking advantage of the fact that the opponent was intimidated and unable to react in time, he immediately attacked with a knife.

If it was an ordinary bandit, it would have been cut down to the ground by this time.

And if it was a strong bandit who blocked the knife, then Lu Heng also had other methods.

Either continue to yell to launch the interference of righteousness, or kick the opponent's crotch, or step on the opponent's toes, or take the opportunity to spit in the opponent's eyes...

In short, try every means to distract the opponent, and then defeat the enemy with one blow.

Even if you can't beat it, you can give other teammates a chance to kill.

This style of play is indeed very lacking in literati demeanor, and it also lacks martial arts ethics, is really easy to use!
Strictly speaking, Lu Heng's righteousness is still an auxiliary skill, but other scribes are assisting other players, and he is assisting himself.

Coupled with the unlimited fighting skills in reality, Lu Heng has become a very special existence.

Among the scribes, he is the most capable of fighting, and among the professions that can fight, he also has the spiritual attack effect of awe-inspiring righteousness.

In addition, Wang Zongchang is a fierce man himself, and his physical fitness is already very strong, so after Lu Heng abandoned the shackles of martial arts, these thieves had nothing to do with him.

Finally, the battle in Nanhe City gradually came to an end.

Although the three players performed very well, there were not enough Shengjun defenders in Nanhe City, and there were a large number of bandits, so after fighting hard, the bandits still surrounded the city wall.

But it doesn't matter, because Sheng Jun's reinforcements finally arrived!

In the distance, under the leadership of General Deng, Sheng's army had broken through Puning Port. Except for a few soldiers left to clean up the battlefield, other soldiers had rushed to help Nanhe City.

Fan Cun even took the lead, running faster than anyone else.

The thieves had no time to escape, and the rushed Sheng Jun made dumplings, stuck in Nanhe City in a dilemma, had no choice but to resist stubbornly, and was finally wiped out!


Fan Cun walked quickly to the city wall.

"How's it going?"

There were still a few arrows stuck in his body, but he didn't pull them out, because pulling out a piece of flesh might take off a piece of flesh, which would expand the wound instead, so he just cut them off with a waist knife.

Anyway, after the copy is cleared, these injuries will disappear automatically.

There are corpses everywhere on the city wall, the corpses of the soldiers of the Sheng army, the corpses of the thieves, and the corpses of the people who helped defend the city, piled up like a mountain.

The three players, Lu Heng, Huo Yunying, and Xia Ruoling, and the few remaining Sheng troops were all leaning against the city wall, too tired to move.

Xia Ruoling is in the best condition, with only one or two small injuries on her body; Huo Yunying and Lu Heng both have multiple injuries on their bodies, and there are many more cracks in their armor.

In comparison, Lu Heng's condition is worse.

After all, he was playing Wang Zongchang. As the main guard, he was taken care of by the bandits.

According to the official history, Wang Zongchang had already died a heroic death for his country at this time, and Lu Hengneng was already alive.

Huo Yunying was gasping for breath in pain, 100% pain sensation is indeed no joke.

Lu Heng's expression at this time was a bit tangled: "For a higher degree of completion, should I die now? Otherwise, it will not match the original history."

Both Huo Yunying and Fan Cun were shocked. What kind of ultimate ruthless person is this? Do you still want to experience the feeling of suicide in a state of 100% pain sensation?

Huo Yunying was a little curious: "I want to know, why are you still talking and laughing after being so seriously injured? What do you do in reality?"

Lu Heng: "Me? I'm an actor.

"But this has nothing to do with my career, it's because I have a special talent.

"Xin level golden skill Iron Will."

Huo Yunying suddenly realized.

No wonder!

Iron will is the skill in the previous scribe trial.When players play Yang Yan to clear the level, this skill is basically a must, and it depends on scraping bones to heal injuries.

In the basic trial, the players' pain perception is 20%, but such things as bone scraping and healing are quite terrifying even under the 20% pain perception, so it requires iron will to top it off.

Now, although it is the ultimate test of 100% pain perception, a knife wound cannot be compared with a bone scrape after all.

What Lu Heng took was a fully upgraded version of Iron Will, and the pain relief effect was naturally better.

Huo Yunying couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Lu Heng is really smart!

He knew that the role of Wang Zongchang was more likely to be fatal than good, and he was likely to be seriously injured or even hang up here, so he took the Iron Will in advance to reduce the pain.

Now it seems to work really well.

Lu Heng's entanglement did not last too long, because soon, all his pain disappeared.

The scene in the historical slice changes rapidly, and the scene outside the Great Wall is full of wind and sand.

This time it was easy. After finding Mr. Xu and talking to General Deng, in the back view of General Deng getting on his horse and heading out beyond the Great Wall, the players all left their original bodies and floated in the air in the form of souls, overlooking the whole world.

Everything in the history slice started to reverse rapidly, and then turned forward again.

This time, what was presented to everyone was the real history.

They saw General Deng leading the vulnerable guards to set the world with three arrows and repel the bandits;

Seeing that Puning Port was unable to attack for a long time, Lin Xiangmin made the final decision after discussing with Mr. Xu;
I saw Lin Xiangmin's performance after meeting the emperor;
I saw General Deng drill the new army, research and develop new types of ordnance, and win battles against bandits;
I also saw that on the tower, Wang Zongchang tied General Liu Ji to the top of the city, personally went into battle to kill the enemy, fought to the death without retreating, and finally died for the country...

The real pictures in history, like a revolving lantern, are presented in front of everyone one scene after another.

Natural and real.

In the end, as the figure of General Deng disappeared into the yellow sand, those two lines of poetry emerged in everyone's mind.

Fenghou is not my idea.

I hope Haibo is calm!
Deng Yuanjing, Lin Xiangmin and Wang Zongchang, all three of them interpreted these two lines of poetry with their own lives.

A line of system prompts appeared in everyone's field of vision.

[Ultimate Trial: Fenghou is not my will]

【Clearance! 】

[The historical slice tampered with by the demon has been reversed to the real state, and with the efforts of the sequencer, the dusty history has finally come to light. 】

[But the battle is not over yet. 】

[The barrier of this historical slice has been broken, and the power of the sorter can penetrate into this slice, but the demon will not hand over control of this historical slice so easily. 】

[The Fortress of the Sequencer has been successfully connected to the historical slice. 】

[Resist the attack of monsters and wipe out all the monsters in this historical slice! 】

(End of this chapter)

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