My players are all actors

Chapter 149 City defense battle, a purely cool game

Chapter 149 City defense battle, a purely cool game

There was a loud noise, and the trebuchet in the northern barbarian battle array threw a huge stone, but the distance was not calculated too well, it didn't hit the city wall or fly into the city, it just landed on the hillside, smashing a big stone. Pit, dusty.

The players were a little panicked.

"What? The demon still has a catapult? It's not fair!"

"Yeah, we haven't unlocked this technology yet!"

"It's so far away, we can't fight back..."

The players are a little numb.

At this moment, they could only watch helplessly as the demons controlled the northern barbarian soldiers to throw stones into the city with catapults, but they had no countermeasures, because they didn't have any equipment that could hit so far.

But soon, the players felt relieved and praised the construction players headed by Li Weiyi for their foresight.

Because of the change of terrain, the threat of catapults to the city has been greatly weakened!
It was no accident that the first stone fell not on the wall, but on the hillside.

Soon, several trebuchets on the barbarian side threw stones one after another, but except for a small stone that hit the city wall, the other stones fell on the hillside, failing to pose any threat to the players.

As for the stone that was smashed on the city wall, it was only smashed into pieces after a muffled sound.

Some players hurriedly poked their heads out from the city wall to check the place where they were hit, and found that only a shallow trace was left, and there was no serious problem at all.

As for the oil barrels that were thrown over, they basically failed to hit the key targets, but many oil barrels fell below the city and burned blazingly, which actually hindered the barbarians who were about to attack the city.

This is obviously because of the terrain.

Under the proposal of construction masters such as Li Weiyi, the players agreed to spend a lot of precious construction value to change the terrain of the entire Fortress of the Sequencer, although they were in pain.

When the barbarians attacked the city, they attacked from their backs, and the trebuchets were thrown from the bottom up, which greatly reduced their power.

Those heavy stones couldn't fly so high, so they landed before they touched the city wall, and just hit the ground outside the city without any effect; while the slightly smaller stones hit the city wall by chance , also unable to cause serious damage.

After all, this city wall was piled up by players with a lot of construction value, without any jerry-building, it is extremely strong.

What if changing the terrain of the entire Orderer Keep without spending a lot of construction beforehand?
So even if the city wall is twice as large as it is now, even if the second city wall on the periphery has been built, it is impossible to have such a good defensive effect.

Because there is no difference in terrain, trebuchets can completely cross the city wall to attack the city, and huge stones falling from the sky may also cause damage to the city wall, causing great difficulties for players to defend.

And if it is on flat ground, those oil barrels are more likely to fall into the city and the city wall. Once it is burned, the buildings in the city or the rolling logs prepared for defense on the city will be ignited, and the consequences will be disastrous.

In short, the choice of professionals is indeed right!

The morale of the players couldn't help but boosted. This battle has not yet officially started, and they have already gained the upper hand psychologically.

The army of barbarians was approaching rapidly, with heavy cavalry charging ahead, light cavalry following closely behind, and then infantry carrying ladders and battering rams.

After approaching the city wall, these northern barbarian light cavalry took down their hard bows one after another, opened their bows and set up arrows, and wanted to shoot at the city.

The monsters played extravagantly, and the heavy cavalry were the most precious existence in the entire army, but at this time the monsters completely used them as meat shields and cannon fodder, creating opportunities for the infantry who came to the city later.

Of course, the players in the city will not be used to these monsters.

Since it is cannon fodder, then get ready to meet the fate of cannon fodder!

The two commanders were each responsible for the defense of the west gate. After the barbarians entered the attack range, they waved their hands tacitly and ordered the players to launch a counterattack.

"Rolling log ready!"

The soldiers and players hidden behind the arrow stacks on the city wall drew their bows and arrows in unison, and shot at the barbarians below.

In an instant, arrows rained down like rain!
Among them, the default conventional arrows are the main ones, but there are also powerful special arrows, such as armor-piercing arrows, rockets, etc.

Unlike real archers in history, players have unlimited access to basic weapons.

For example, basic waist knives, long spears, shields, bows and arrows, etc., are all unlimited use.

Therefore, players do not need to cherish arrows at all. Conventional arrows can be used at will, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Of course, in fact, these things will also consume a little power of the sorter, but to Meng Yuan, this consumption is insignificant at all, so he simply opened the supply directly without any restrictions on the players.

However, the upgraded version of the weapon is not an unlimited supply.

At present, many players have switched to advanced weapons, such as more sophisticated spears, armor, bows and arrows, etc. These weapons cannot be used without restrictions.

Among the arrows, there are also special arrows like armor-piercing arrows and rockets. They are all bought from blacksmiths with real money. The quantity is limited and the price is high.

But there are still many players who use these special arrows as soon as they come up. The reason is very simple, there are rewards for killing enemies.

After the war, not only can you receive rewards in the game based on your beheading data, but when the new movie makes money and the box office is divided, the contribution value will also affect the amount of the money.

So, when are these special arrows not used now?
Although expensive, as long as you can kill the enemy, you can earn the money back.

The overwhelming rain of arrows fell on the bandits, and the first to bear the brunt was the heavy cavalry rushing forward.

These heavy cavalry were covered in armor from top to bottom, and even their horses were tightly wrapped. Although arrows kept falling on them, they failed to penetrate the heavy armor.

A few unlucky ones happened to be shot into the cracks of the armor by arrows, or were shot by special arrows such as armor-piercing arrows and rockets, and became the first wave of cannon fodder to be cleaned up.

But since the number of special arrows is very small after all, the other heavy cavalry continued to move forward without any stagnation.

But the light cavalry behind these heavy cavalry was not so comfortable.

The light cavalry only wore helmets and had no armor at all. Many unlucky light cavalry were directly shot into hedgehogs by both men and horses. They fell to the ground and never got up again.

These light cavalry had already drawn their bows and arrows to counterattack for the first time, but after the arrows were shot, they found it was useless.

Because they were attacking from the back and shooting high from low, the range of the arrows was already quite short. In addition, the players on the tower were all relying on the arrow stacks to shoot, and they were well hidden, so the counterattack of these light cavalry had no effect at all. have too much effect.

However, the charge of the heavy cavalry and light cavalry did attract firepower for the infantry. Some infantry were already carrying ladders, braved the rain of arrows, and followed the cavalry, waiting for the first time to take the ladders to attack the city.

"Let go of the log!"

The players in the city work together to push the log off the wall.

"Dong dong!"

The thick rolling log rolled down from the city wall and hit the ground heavily, but this was not the end, because although the terrain of the West Gate was relatively flat compared to the north, south, south, east, it still had a clear slope.

After the log hit the ground, it rolled down the ramp.

The heavy cavalry of the barbarians were charging, and when they saw that it was too late to dodge the log, they directly ran into it with their horses and men!

When people fly, so do horses.

Although these cavalrymen were wearing heavy armor, they couldn't resist the impact of the rolling logs at all. They were like a well-sealed can. The damage caused by cutting with a knife was minimal, but a blunt instrument could directly cause internal injuries.

Looking down from the city, the place where the rolling wood rolls is like a barber's clipper pushing the top of the customer's head, which is very relaxing.

But these barbarians are all controlled by demons after all, and they don't know what fear and retreat are.

Relying on the superiority of the number, they managed to reach the bottom of the city wall abruptly.

With a "click", there was already a ladder on the city wall.

Due to the topography, the southeast, north and south sides of the Fortress of the Sequencer were so high that the ladders could not be built up at all. The west side was already the only place where ladders could be used to attack.

Many barbarians immediately climbed up the ladder, trying to climb the city.

Arrows still came like raindrops, but many barbarians held their shields and climbed the ladder to block the arrows.

However, just when some barbarians thought they were about to successfully climb the city wall, they saw some new tricks in the hands of the defenders.

A block of stones slammed down!

These barbarians were all on the ladder, unable to dodge at all, they could only subconsciously raise the shields in their hands to resist, but in the end they could only be hit by stones, and even the barbarians below who were trying to climb the ladder fell together Go down, like string candied haws.

Not only that, after these stones fell to the ground, their momentum remained unabated, and they even hit the thieves on the ground who were about to attack.

In an instant, blood flew everywhere, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard endlessly.

Some of the barbarians fell to the ground, and the hands holding the shields were completely bent and deformed. It was only because they were strengthened by the power of demons and their vitality was very tenacious, so they did not die.

Soon, the stoned brutes realized they were lucky.

Because some other barbarians were even worse, just halfway through the climb, the defenders on the city had already thrown down a round iron ball with burning fuses!

With a loud "boom", the Thunderbolt exploded in the place where the barbarians were densely populated!
In the dense smoke, the huge power generated by the explosion of gunpowder blew up the pig iron fragments, and these thieves had no time to react, and they were already cut to pieces by the fragments.

All the barbarians near Zhentianlei were blown to pieces!
The players with the best location faced the overwhelming number of barbarians, but they didn't feel any pressure at all. Instead, they were inexplicably relaxed and relieved.

Many players who have newly qualified for the closed beta are participating in the Sequencer Expedition for the first time.

They were still a little nervous at first, but at this time, the nervousness had completely disappeared and was replaced by excitement.

Is this the city defense?
What a pure cool game!
(End of this chapter)

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