My players are all actors

153 cavalry charge

153 cavalry charge
Only then did many players realize that Chu Ge was right.

The previous victories did make many players a little confused, and they wanted to take the initiative to go out of the city to fight.

But thinking about it now, if he really went out of the city to fight and consumed a small amount of manpower, then at this time, Ximen was unexpectedly breached, and faced with the barbarian heavy cavalry rushing in, how should he resist it?

Now, at least with the support of the reserve team, there is a high probability that the players will be able to hold on.

The leading pawn player raised his hand: "Immediately follow what I said before and form an array!

"Fight the enemy with long spears at the front, and the musketeers, musketeers, and archers shoot at the rear depending on the situation!

"Scholar player, take care to protect yourself."

The players acted quickly and formed an array according to the command.

Rows of pawn players hold spears to form a dense formation, insert the tail end of the spears on the ground to form an angle, and point the spears forward.

From a distance, the players seem to be transformed into a giant hedgehog, with the tip of the spear shining coldly.

It's just that the players with muskets, guns, bows and arrows, as well as the scribe players, are a little confused and don't know where they should stand.

Some players are still thinking about whether to stand in the array of long spears, after all, this can better attack the enemy or buff other players, but they were stopped by a sharp voice when they just wanted to move forward.

"The number of spears is not enough! Continue to bring more players! Musketeers, archers and scribes players stand on the flanks and high places. Don't mix with spearmen, otherwise once the cavalry breaks through the defense line, you will be sent!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Chu Ge and Zhao Haiping were running down the city wall in a hurry and came to the west gate.

"Is that not enough?" The soldier in charge was a little surprised.

At this time, the military pawns had already formed an array from the entrance of the west city gate, stretching for a distance of more than ten meters in a dense formation, with spears like a forest, shining coldly, in the view of the commander in charge, This should be enough to deal with cavalry.

From the point of view of common sense, spearmen forming a phalanx are definitely a big killer for cavalry.

In field battles, infantry had no chance of winning when they met cavalry, even if they formed a spear formation, it would not help. That was because the cavalry was very flexible and could choose any time and place they liked and start fighting in the way they were good at.

In field battles, the cavalry can keep harassing and attacking, and after the infantry is exhausted, they can calmly attack the weak positions of the spear array.

But now it is a city defense battle, and the quality of the players is by no means comparable to those low-quality soldiers in ancient times.

Since the entire Sequencer Fortress currently only has a gap in the West Gate, and the players will not be hungry or tired, so for the monsters, if they want to capture the Sequencer Fortress, they can only use heavy cavalry to force their spears.

In this particular case, it seems that the player side has the upper hand.

Chu Ge shook his head: "You must be too optimistic.

"The cavalry rushing into the gun array will not take advantage of it, which is based on several premises.

"The first premise is that the horses of the cavalry will panic, and when they hit the point of the spear, they will panic and affect the formation of the cavalry; the second premise is that the infantry's spears must be long enough so that they can be hit at a long distance. Cavalry, let your own casualties to a minimum.

"In addition, the loud noise of the muskets may frighten the horses, so that they can gain a certain advantage in the face of cavalry charges.

"But right now, we don't really have those advantages at all.

"First, these cavalry are now controlled by monsters. They are not afraid of death, and war horses don't know what fear is, so it is impossible to expect war horses to shrink back; second, our soldiers' spears are simply not enough. long.

"In ancient times, this is an ordinary short spear at best. Even if it can stab the enemy's cavalry, our own casualties will be great.

"Li Weiyi has already brought a group of players to find craftsmen to hurry up and produce rejection horses. Before these rejection horses arrive, we must be prepared to block the west gate with human lives!"

The pawn was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know much about the details of what Chu Ge said, he could feel that what Chu Ge said made sense, so he continued to command more pawn players to enter the formation.

At the same time, let all the pawn players pay attention, once there is a gap in front, they must immediately top it, and no matter what happens, they must not retreat.

The vibration became more and more violent, and the soldiers in the front row could already see the heavy cavalry of the northern barbarians rushing to the front.

Even the hands of some players holding the spears trembled a little. It was unknown whether it was because of nervousness or the tremors from the ground.

The players in the front row began to understand why Chu Ge said that the players' spears were not long enough.

What the players are holding at this time is the standard long gun of ordinary soldiers. The length of the gun body is about two meters to less than three meters.

Such a long spear is actually a little inconvenient to use in ordinary battles.

As the saying goes, one inch is long and one inch is strong. Long spears were recognized as the king of cold weapons in ancient times. It is because of the long attack range that even soldiers who have not received much professional training can stab a general off their horses if they are lucky.

But the long weapon also has its problem, that is, once it is close to the body, it will not change.

Therefore, most of the pawn players holding long spears basically can't take care of using rattan cards, because it is really difficult to understand the long spear with one hand alone.

Except for a few fierce people like Fan Cun.

And the two-meter-long spear is already a bit inflexible for players to use.

The game "Dark Sand" pays more attention to the player's individual combat ability, so the military pawn players are allotted with standard long guns, which are the most versatile.

But in fact, whether it is the long spear in General Deng's formation or the long spear specially used to deal with the cavalry phalanx, they are all real "long" spears, and the actual length should be more than 5 meters.

In other words, the size of the long spear used by the player is exactly twice the size of the real long spear used to deal with cavalry.

If it is not long enough, when the heavy cavalry charges, even if they are stabbed by a spear, they will continue to crash into the player's phalanx with inertia.

If the player did not make psychological preparations in advance, failed to withstand the first round of offensive, and the players in the back row failed to withstand the gap in the first place, then something might really happen.

Chu Ge was also worried about this, so he ran down to command, because Li Hongyun was in charge of the defense on the city wall, and it was no longer a serious problem. The important point now is that the west gate must not be breached.

The tremors on the ground became more and more intense, and soon, the heavy cavalry of the northern barbarians had rushed through the west gate!

The west gate is the largest gate in the Fortress of the Sequencer. The former commander of the northern barbarians who gathered the power of demons knocked out a huge gap, so four or five heavy cavalry rushed into the soldiers at the same time. Players gun array.

The soldiers in the front row had already followed the command, stuck the tail end of their spears on the ground, and faced the northern barbarian cavalry obliquely upwards, but only after bumping into them did they realize that it was indeed very different from the ideal state they had imagined. big gap!
The heavy cavalry of the northern barbarians are all armored, including their horses and men. The horses themselves are raised with concentrate, tall and full of muscles. All the weight added together is a giant iron-clad beast weighing half a ton.

Such a behemoth only starts to charge when it is close to the player's phalanx, but when it rushes in front of it, it is already unstoppable!
A pawn player standing in the front row could clearly see that the war horse seemed to hesitate a bit when it met the spear point, but soon, the monster with black eyes in its eyes clamped the horse's belly, and the war horse The hesitation he felt dissipated in an instant, and he just aimed at Ru Lin's spear array and rushed over!

"Bang! Boom!"

The musketeers and musketeers fired, and the archers began to shoot.

The scribes also launched their awe-inspiring righteousness one after another, either directly attacking the heavy cavalry controlled by the demons, or adding buffs to the soldiers to share the damage.

Hao Ran's righteousness did have an effect, temporarily dispelling the demonic energy of some heavy cavalry in the front row, and after the musket bullet hit the cavalry, whether it was the huge gunshot or the actual damage of the bullet, it caused a huge shock to the horses .

The few barbarian heavy cavalry who rushed to the front were beaten to the ground by random guns before they could even touch the player's gun array.

But before the players had time to be happy, more cavalry rushed over!
It takes time for the players to reload, and the follow-up cavalry has already slammed into the spear points of the players in the front row.

A pawn player felt an indescribably huge impact from the gun in his hand. Then, he saw the tip of the gun against the armor on the chest of the horse, and then the body of the gun bowed to form an exaggerated arc. .

With a "click", the barrel of the spear broke!

The charging horse was like a speeding tank, hitting him directly, knocking him upside down, and even implicating the players behind him.

The player hadn't even realized what happened, and had already gone to the resurrection to count down the seconds.

At the same time, the spears of the players around him pierced the horse's body from all angles. Some players were not lucky. The spears pierced the armor without causing too much damage, but some players were lucky. , the spear pierced into the soft body of the war horse.

However, even if the horse was stabbed into a sieve in an instant, its impact was still there, and the fallen horse slid abruptly for three to five meters before finally stopping.

Immediately afterwards, more heavy cavalry rushed in!
The commanding pawn immediately shouted: "The players in the back row are on top! There can be no gaps!"

He now understands that Chu Ge is right. It is indeed an irrational behavior for a heavy cavalry to rush into the spear phalanx, but what about irrationality for monsters?As long as the defenders of Ximen can be overwhelmed, it doesn't matter if all the heavy cavalry are taken in.

The monsters, like the sequencers, can completely ignore reality to some extent. After all, both the power of the sequencers and the power of the monsters can raise the soldiers' fighting will, discipline, and individual combat ability to the peak. There is no need to consider battle damage.

Thanks to the favorable terrain for defending the city, the players faced the impact of a row of four or five heavy cavalry, which has greatly reduced the pressure.

If it was a field battle, a row of heavy cavalry rushed over at the same time, almost waiting to die.

Even so, Ximen's situation has become precarious!
(End of this chapter)

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