My players are all actors

Chapter 157 New Version Update Announcement

Chapter 157 New Version Update Announcement

The merchant said: "Currently, the new dungeons of "Dark Sands" are planned according to the mode of multiplayer dungeons, so this new historical do you plan to deal with it?"

Meng Yuan didn't panic at all: "It's not a big problem, it's just a matter of changing the game flow.

"Just make it clear in the game announcement beforehand.

"However, for the content of the dungeon, I really need to plan it carefully.

"After all, it would be too difficult for one player to clear all the dungeons. I'm afraid Chu Ge and Zhao Haiping, the top players like them, would also find it difficult to do so.

"Perhaps it would be a better choice to split the entire dungeon into different parts to clear the level..."

Meng Yuan fell into deep thought.

The historical slice this time is very critical, and there is no room for loss. He has to think of a perfect plan.

The merchant didn't ask too much, Meng Yuan made up his own mind about this kind of thing.The merchant was satisfied with the improvement of his own strength, and then went to edit the video of the Sequencer's expedition.


At the same time, players are also waking up in the real world.

The discussion on the official forum of "Dark Sand" quickly skyrocketed.

"Last night's Sequencer Expedition was really cool! The city defense battle made me find the joy of playing tower defense games!"

"The battle at the West Gate was so exciting, I want to do it again."

"The video has been released? So fast! The official efficiency of "Dark Sand" is so fast that there are no friends."

"Hurry up, I can't wait to watch the footage of myself fighting!"

"Are you sure it's not the shot of being beaten into a dog by the barbarians?"

The players teased each other and clicked on the video to view it.

Just like the video of the Sequencer expedition last time, it is still a perfect documentary. The entire video lasted for more than four hours, and all the shots of the main players were edited into it, without missing a single one.

Including the scene where Zhao Haiping was holding a saber and dealing with the enhanced version of the barbarians alone, it really made the players' blood boil.

It is conceivable that when the server is re-opened tonight, the new Zanma knife at the blacksmith shop will inevitably be out of stock.

This is also a kind of carrying goods, right?
Zhao Haiping felt a little regretful. When will the blacksmith shop settle the money for the goods?
The biggest difference between this video and the last one is that it focuses on the heroic performance of the players when defending the city.

Relying on the location of the Fortress of the Ordered, the players defeated the powerful northern barbarian cavalry, which was obviously different from the previous battles in the small county.

Of course, Li Weiyi and other players received a lot of thanks and praise. If they hadn't insisted on transforming the terrain, this battle would not have been so smooth.

Many players cut their own shots separately and enjoyed them repeatedly.

And I am looking forward with joy to the customs clearance movie of the multiplayer copy, as well as the official update announcement of the new version to be released soon.


At this time, Li Hongyun was chattering in the dormitory.

"Look, my shot is handsome! I shot down the heavy cavalry of the northern barbarians from [-] miles away!
"Oh, it turns out that this is what it feels like to be in the video, and it's nothing special.

"I was quite envious when I saw you commanding like a king with a strong mouth on the city wall before, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

"A player like me who has just qualified for the closed beta can also play a vital role in the multiplayer dungeon."

Li Hongyun was in a great mood at this time.

The battle footage of the Sequencer Expedition is completely comparable to a super-broadcast movie, and this time, he is also one of the protagonists.

Chu Ge smiled silently, too lazy to bother with Ou Huang, who had never seen the world.

Instead, edit the post carefully and sum up the experience.

"Although this battle was won without any risk, we must not take it lightly, and we must realize that this victory has a lot of chance.

"Many players looked down on the northern barbarian cavalry at first, but after the monsters broke through the west city gate, we really fought the northern barbarian cavalry and found them terrifying.

"This time we relied on the location of the Fortress of the Ordered to survive. If we were to face such a powerful heavy cavalry on the plains, we would have no choice but to slaughter them unilaterally.

"So, next, we still have to pay attention to the relevant mechanisms in the game and be prepared to deal with more powerful enemies..."

Chu Ge's post quickly won the approval of the players.

Especially those pawn players who really fought against the Beiman heavy cavalry at the West City Gate can better understand the meaning of this passage.

This time it's a defensive battle, so what if next time we want to take the initiative to attack the northern barbarian cavalry position?
The result is not easy to say.

Therefore, Chu Ge's post can be regarded as a wake-up call to the players, telling them not to be inflated, not to think that they are invincible, and to prepare in advance for more severe challenges in the future.

After the players had a lively discussion on the forum, the update announcement of "Dark Sand" also came out.

Everyone hurriedly clicked to check.


"The new version update announcement of "Dark Sand":

"The Sequencers worked together to defeat the monsters in the historical slice, regained the historical slice, and the scope of the Sequencer's fortress was further expanded.

""Dark Sand" will enter a seven-day state of preparation for a new version:
"[-]. The edited video of the ultimate trial of "Fenghou is not my will" will be released in major theaters and online video platforms in the form of a movie, and the income will still be returned to the players.

"Second, in the game of land feudal borders, the scope of the sequencer's fortress and the player's fiefdom will be further expanded.

"At the same time, some new craftsmen and shops will appear in the fortress and fiefdom of the Sequencer, and more resource points will be unlocked. Items such as muskets and thunderbolts can be purchased from corresponding merchants.

"Third, the heroic spirit summoning function is open.

"In the process of conquering historical slices, some historical heroes may be unlocked. Players can consume construction points in the Fortress of the Orderer to summon heroic spirits to appear for a short time to destroy the enemy.

"The heroic spirit activated in the dungeon of "Fenghou is not my will" is: General Deng Yuanjing.

"Fourth, the issuance of internal test qualifications.

"At this stage, an additional [-] internal test qualifications will be issued, bringing the total number of internal test players to [-].

"The new internal test quota will be selected according to the original mechanism.

"Five. Unlocking the subsidiary status: 'Cavalry'.

"On top of the four basic identities of soldier, assassin, scribe, and ranger, unlock the subsidiary identity 'cavalry' and open the exclusive trial copy for cavalry.

"Players who have obtained the four basic identities can obtain the sub-identity of the cavalry after clearing the exclusive trial copy of the cavalry, and obtain the exclusive talent skills of the cavalry.

"Remarks: More subsidiary identities will continue to be opened in the future. At that time, players can also choose to give up the cavalry-specific talent skills and replace other subsidiary identities. There can only be one subsidiary identity.

"Seven days later, the game will open a brand new version 'Reconstructing China'.

"Unlock a new instance of 'Heroic Bravery'.

"This dungeon has a single protagonist, and the difficulty is the highest in the current historical period. Therefore, the customs clearance mode of this dungeon is different from the past.

"[-]. There is no 'Ultimate Trial' link in this dungeon. After the cracking is successful, the 'Sequencer Expedition' will start directly.

"Second, this dungeon is divided into different stages, allowing players to form teams freely, conquer different stages separately, and rank according to the team clearance score.

"[-]. Players and teams with higher scores will get more resources and higher positions in this 'Sequencer Expedition'."

After reading the update announcement of the new version, Chu Ge fell into deep thought.

The content of this update is as rich as ever.

Routine content, such as movie screenings, upgrades to the gameplay of Lands and Frontiers, expansion of the Sequencer's talent skill library, new weapon unlocks, etc. Of course, needless to say, this is what players have already guessed.

The key is something you've never heard of before.

The first is the hero summoning function.

Judging from the current situation, this seems to be a supplement to the Fortress of the Orderer and the Expedition of the Orderer. It can summon heroic spirits to fight, and it can turn the tide at the critical moment of fighting monsters.

The second is the unlocking of the subsidiary status "Cavalry".

According to the announcement, the cavalry is a subsidiary status, while the previous soldiers, scribes, etc. are the basic status.

That is to say, military pawn players can become cavalry, and scribe players can also become cavalry.

The subsidiary identity does not conflict with the basic identity, it is more like a professional skill certificate.

In fact, according to the basic setting, cavalry is a kind of military pawn, but after all, riding and war horses are too important in the cold weapon era. If the military pawn is transferred to cavalry, it is too unfair to the other three professions. .

Therefore, simply four basic occupations can go to horseback riding.

Of course, there will definitely be new sub-professions for players to choose in the future.But at present, the subordinate status of this cavalry is definitely like a driver's license in reality, players have to take the test.

As for whether you can pass the test, that's another matter.The exclusive trial of this identity will definitely not be too easy.

In this Sequencer expedition, the players have realized the power of the cavalry.

Without the terrain advantage of the Fortress of the Orderers, it would be difficult for pure infantry players to fight against the northern barbarian heavy cavalry.

But now, as long as players can pass the exclusive trial of cavalry, can they get special riding talent and horses?
In that case, the next time the sequencer's expedition is played again, the players may also be able to organize a cavalry unit to fight against the monsters.

Also, this dungeon, known as the most difficult so far, is "reckless and heroic".

Just looking at the name of the version of "Reconstructing China", without thinking too much, Chu Ge knew that this must be a copy related to Sheng Taizu.

The poem "with reckless heroism" confirms this point even more.

Just, why is this dungeon a single protagonist dungeon?
Since it is a copy of the protagonist, why do players need to team up to clear the level?

This does not seem to be in line with the usual routine of the game "Sand Sand".

Or is the production team going to make a new attempt this time and explore a new dungeon mode?
In any case, this copy is quite worth the wait.

 Make adjustments and start preparing for the next stage of content
(End of this chapter)

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