My players are all actors

Chapter 160 Completion of Historical Materials

Chapter 160 Completion of historical materials (monthly ticket plus update)
Lines of original historical materials appeared on the screen.

"...the thieves rushed in with the three chieftains in three directions, and thousands of soldiers from each department were invincible. According to Yuan Jing, Gao Shi shot the thief, and hit the three chieftains with three shots. The soldiers all joined together, and the thief retreated. The soldiers of all tribes admired their bravery. slightly."

"...The bandits are powerful, the provinces are conscripting troops, and no one in the county dares to take a single shot at the enemy. Yuan Jing's lone army went straight to the bandit camp, regardless of his own safety, and the bloody sword succeeded. , Three victories in Xinhe, all victories in Nanwan. Open up the majestic wind in the southeast, stop the long-distance campaign of conquest and garrison."

"... Bandit soldiers invaded and came fiercely. The officers and soldiers could not defend them. Xiangmin summoned his own soldiers to attack and smash them at night. Dadan, the camps will know. . . .

"...The bandits invaded Nanhe City. The bandits were powerful. The guard Liu Ji fled in the wind. The people in the city rushed to hide. Wang Zongchang, who supervised the army and participated in politics, was furious. He tied Ji to the city. He drew his sword and shouted: a strong enemy is ahead. , There is death, there is no retreat. Beating drums and singing songs, vowing to donate seven feet, and the morale of the army is greatly inspired. Fight fear and defeat the enemy."

"... On the day Zong Chang died for his country, he had nothing to live on, and his travels were desolate. When the emperor heard about it, he gave him a funeral. Scholars, women, young and old worked hard to pay for gold and stones, and erected monuments to commemorate them."

"...There are many policemen in northern Xinjiang. Please call Yuan Jing to train the frontier soldiers. The emperor can do it. The barbarian chief watched all the intruders, and Yuan Jing chased them back. So the barbarian chief's relatives 300 people, kowtow Guan asks for the death penalty, wears plain clothes and kowtows to beg for pardon. Yuan Jing accepts his surrender, and the barbarian chieftain returns the looted border people, and saves his sword to make an oath."

"... Zhong Yuanjing is in the town, and the northern barbarians dare not commit crimes."

A small part of the original text of these historical materials has been found by players before, but there are also many contents that were added after the movie ended.

For example, regarding Wang Zongchang's records, there was no description of defending Nanhe City at all, so the player was a little at a loss when playing Wang Zongchang.

For another example, regarding the tomb of Wang Zongchang, there was originally only a description of "there is no money, and the travel is desolate", which is consistent with the folk rumors that "the corpse was buried wrapped in straw mats".

It was only in the movie that the details of Wang Zongchang guarding Nanhe City were added, as well as the related description of the emperor's "sacrifice and burial".

Just like the copy of "It's a matter of waiting to close the coffin", after the movie came out, these neglected histories resurfaced, displayed in front of all audiences, and added to the history books.

After watching the whole movie, Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

"Although I have personally experienced it many times, I still have a lot of emotions when I look at it in the form of a movie.

"It's just that at the end, it's always inevitable to have some regrets. It seems that famous generals always have a hard time meeting Mingjun. General Deng's famous name will inevitably end in depression in the end. As for Governor Lin, he died unjustly in prison, which is embarrassing."

Chu Ge nodded: "Yes, there are always many regrets in history, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"But for us, being able to remember history, remember these people's choices, give them a fair evaluation as much as possible, and continue to move forward under the inspiration of these heroes is probably the best result.

"Just like the mission of the sequencers, we don't change history, but we remember it more clearly than anyone else.

"Remember that these heroes are heroes not only because they are strong-willed and talented, but also because they make the right choices at key points."

Li Hongyun stood up: "Let's go to the cinema for the second time!

"When I come back tonight, I will continue to challenge the new dungeon. I don't know what the illusion of the cavalry trial will be like? I can't wait.

"Thinking of me attacking the enemy with a musket while riding a horse, I feel exciting! Riding a horse and shooting a gun!"

Chu Ge said: "I would like to know what Sheng Taizu's single-player copy looks like, it must be soul-stirring and magnificent.

"I don't know if there will be a scene of him opening a bowl, or the scene of Yu Jia's personal conquest."

While talking, the two left the dormitory and went to a nearby movie theater.


On the Internet, the popularity of the movie "Fenghou is not my will" is also getting higher and higher, and many netizens have joined the discussion!

The popularity of this movie in the early days was even higher than "It's a matter of waiting for the coffin to be closed".

Because "It's a matter of waiting to close the coffin" is a story that happened in a small county, and the overall style is biased towards literary films or documentaries.

And "Fenghou is not my will" tells about famous events in history, and the overall style is more like an action movie or a war movie. There are not only literary dramas showing mutual acting skills and tricks, but also war scenes of flying over walls and fighting for their lives. .

Moreover, there is the heat of events in reality!
Before Wang Zongchang's tomb was discovered, those cultural relics have been properly kept in the museum.

And this has also convinced countless netizens that what is shown in "Dark Sand" is indeed the history that actually happened.

The performance of the players is compared with the real historical scenes, giving many viewers a special viewing experience.

History has never felt so vivid!

While the audience felt sorry for heroes such as Deng Yuanjing, Lin Xiangmin, and Wang Zongchang, they also looked forward to the future updates of this game.

Everyone can't wait to see more movies with heroes!
Those unsolved cases in history may really be completely revealed to the world.

Of course, there are also more players who want to squeeze their heads out to get a place in the closed beta of "Dark Sands" and become witnesses and participants of history.


At this time, Meng Yuan looked at a trending search called #孟原演技# with a solemn expression.

Finish the calf!
Why is it on the hot search again!
Meng Yuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Hey, I just wanted to be a driver and give soy sauce to the players, but in the end I still stood out inadvertently.

"Sure enough, an outstanding person like me can't even keep a low profile!
"Originally, I just wanted to play the emperor casually and plug the shortcomings, but I didn't expect that it would become a film history classic by accident."

Shenshang's big eyes narrowed slightly, it was obvious that Meng Yuan's words had too many flaws for her, and she was even a little unable to vomit.

Of course you can stand out if you have three sorter talents, isn't this nonsense!
But after thinking about it again, the previous sequencers really haven't achieved Meng Yuan's level.

The reason is very simple. The sorter has limited skill slots, and it is too late to get combat talents. How can they get so many auxiliary talents?

But Meng Yuan didn't think about fighting at all, instead he was able to use these auxiliary talents to achieve unexpected results.

This...maybe it's a blessing for a fool, right?

In short, judging from the current situation, Meng Yuan, as a sequencer, has indeed surpassed those genius sequencers before him in some respects.

On the one hand, it is the way of fighting monsters. With the addition of these top players, the Sequencer is no longer fighting alone, but it is easier than monsters to grasp the initiative on the battlefield, forcing the monsters to show their original shape first, and then return to the battlefield. The Order's power wiped it out.

On the other hand is the influence on reality.

By shooting movies, it is also beneficial for all audiences in reality to have a clearer understanding of the relevant history.

Because the more stable people's memory of history is in reality, the more support the orderers can get, and the harder it is for monsters to invade reality.

This is a path with a very high limit.

The merchants even felt that if such a plot continues to develop, maybe one day, the sequencers can counterattack the ancient historical slices and wipe out all the big monsters entrenched there?
This picture is so beautiful that I dare not think about it.

But in any case, since the introduction of the variable player, the important task of protecting history is finally no longer so difficult, so bitter and bitter.

"By the way, have you figured out what to do with the illusion of cavalry trials?" Shang Shang suddenly thought of this question.

In fact, there is no "cavalry" in the original exclusive status of sequencer, it is more like a special skill that can be obtained directly.

That is to say, the trial illusions of soldiers, scribes and other identities originally came from the space of the sequencer, while the cavalry did not have a special trial illusion.

Meng Yuan could directly give this ability to the players, but he didn't.

Because of this ability, it consumes a lot.

After becoming a cavalry, the player can ride a horse to fight, and the horse consumes a lot of power of the sorter, even greater than the player himself.

Consuming such a large amount of ability, of course, can't be given casually, it needs to be assessed.

Therefore, Meng Yuan needs to create a trial illusion to test the players. Only those who pass the test can become cavalrymen.

The selection of materials for this trial illusion became a problem.

Meng Yuan can use the power of the sequencer to swim freely in the cracks of time and space to collect materials. Because there is no need to conquer the corresponding historical slices, this kind of materials is quite free, and can even be used to draw materials from some ancient slices.

Meng Yuan smiled slightly: "Of course I've thought about it.

"Players will definitely be surprised when they see it.

"That was quite a difficult challenge."

(End of this chapter)

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