My players are all actors

Chapter 162 Killing General, Falling Horse

Chapter 162 Killing General, Falling Horse

Zhao Haiping and BMW stared wide-eyed.

How do you ride without stirrups?
Zhao Haiping couldn't help thinking of his experience in the third stage of the military pawn trial dungeon.

At that time, he acted as a lieutenant general, riding a horse to break through the blockade of Beidi barbarians, and went to rescue soldiers in the snowstorm.

At that time, the horse he was riding did not have stirrups.

This is not surprising, because the period when the military pawn trial dungeon took place was the Great Chu Dynasty, and the dynasty Qin Kaiyun belonged to was the turn of Chu and Wei.

As for the stirrup, it was only officially invented in the middle and late Wei Dynasty...

Of course, if you think about it optimistically, although there are no stirrups in this era, at least there are saddles.

If you don't even have a saddle, the riding experience is so sour and unimaginable.

As for why Zhao Haiping was able to pass the military pawn trial without stirrups?

The reason is very simple, he had the talent of "Skillful bow and horse" at that time!
If he didn't have this talent, let alone riding a horse to break through, he would be considered a victory if he didn't get knocked off by the horse.

The innate skill of the Sequencer is amazing. It can directly instill a set of very mature muscle memory into the player's body, so even without stirrups at that time, Zhao Haiping directly mastered the skills of that era because of the relevant muscle memory. Top riding.

For the top riders of that era, it was normal to not have stirrups.

So at that time, Zhao Haiping naturally ignored this problem, and didn't think there was anything wrong at all.

Of course, in the gameplay of the Sequencer's Expedition, some players also captured the war horses of the thieves and became addicted to cavalry.

But that's because stirrups had long been popularized in that era.

Now, the situation Zhao Haiping is facing can be said to be the square of the difficulty.

Neither the talent for the bow and the horse nor the stirrups!

As one of the great inventions of the cold weapon era, stirrups are obviously crucial to cavalry.Its biggest role can be matched with Takahashi saddle, and it can cooperate with cavalry to stabilize the forces in the four directions of front, rear, left, and right, and it is not easy to fall off the horse.

In the period when there were no stirrups and high bridge saddles, records of cavalrymen falling off their horses during combat were not uncommon.

Of course, would it be abolished without stirrup cavalry?

That's not enough.

Before the invention of stirrups, there were also large-scale cavalry battles, and there were also famous generals famous for their riding skills.Like many nomads in the north, even without stirrups, the effect of the unity of man and horse can be achieved.

It's just that compared with the situation with stirrups, it takes more effort.

Now, Zhao Haiping has neither the talent to improve riding skills nor stirrups.

So I was embarrassed.

"General?" The deputy general sat on the horse, a little puzzled.

Zhao Haiping had no choice but to bite the bullet, grabbed the saddle with both hands, and jumped!
Unexpectedly, he sat firmly on the horse.

Zhao Haiping couldn't help feeling rejoicing: "It's okay, the car rollover didn't happen as imagined.

"So, I'm using the body of the famous general Qin Kaiyun?

"Then this is awesome!"

The master of this Chiji is definitely one of the ceilings of force in ancient history, and his popularity is indistinguishable from that of an overlord.

Zhao Haiping never thought that a mere copy of the cavalry trial could still work for his old man.

But in any case, this physical fitness is definitely enough.

Since it is Qin Kaiyun, he must have excellent riding skills.

It's just that the riding skills are still hidden in his muscle memory. Since Zhao Haiping didn't have the relevant talent skills, he could only activate them slowly.


Zhao Haiping flicked the reins of his horse and led his generals to charge towards the enemy.

After only two steps, Zhao Haiping felt that something was wrong.

too weird!Too insecure!

When the horse is running, with both feet in the air, I always feel that I will be knocked down in the next second, even if I hold the rein, it is difficult.

What's more, you have to separate one hand to hold General Qin's weapon-a lance.

General Qin has two weapons, a lance, and a ring-shoudao.The so-called lance is actually a very long spear, with a length of more than eight feet, and it is basically used on horseback.As for the ring head knife, it is an auxiliary weapon, worn on the waist.

Holding the rein with one hand and hanging his legs in the air, Zhao Haiping's biggest wish at this moment is to hope that his butt can grow a suction cup and firmly suck on the horse's back.

Because every time I bumped and hung in the air, I felt that I was about to be separated from the horse.

Fortunately, there is still some muscle memory for passing the military soldier trial, and Zhao Haiping quickly recalled it.

His legs exerted strength and tightly clamped the horse's belly, which stabilized his body a lot.

Compared with the situation with stirrups, this kind of riding will greatly increase the physical exertion.But there is no way, people in this era ride like this.

Fortunately, Zhao Haiping is now using Qin Kaiyun's body. To say that he is physically strong would be an understatement. A more accurate word would be called a monster, but there is no physical problem.

The distance of less than ten kilometers is not too far in the distance of a war horse, but considering the problem of preserving the horse's physical strength, it is not possible to sprint with all its strength at the beginning, but approach it in a jogging state.

It wasn't until the distance between the two sides reached about five kilometers, that is, about ten miles, that the enemy army moved.

Obviously, the enemy army only noticed Zhao Haiping's surprise attack at this time.

Zhao Haiping rode on his horse and watched, and found that the enemy's formation had changed.

At the beginning, this army was obviously attacking the ferry with all its strength, but when it saw this army of its own coming to attack the rear army, it had already begun to change formation.

From the previous inward siege formation, it was transformed into an outward field formation.

Zhao Haiping couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene.

The opponent's general is obviously not someone to wait for!

It stands to reason that one's own side should have the upper hand in attacking the enemy's rear.

But the enemy general reacted quickly and was able to command the troops to change their formation, which is enough to show that the opponent's general has a clear mind and the army is well-trained.

Because the changes on the real battlefield are definitely not like ordinary strategy games, which can be completed by pressing two buttons.

The whole process of formation is a test of the army's training, organization and command ability, which can only be achieved by top generals.

If you don't have the strength to play hard, there will only be two results: one is that the formation collapses directly, and the formation is messed up; the other is that it takes a long time, and it cannot be completed without hours.

And looking at the situation of the enemy army at this time, the speed of the change of formation was unexpectedly fast. Although it was not perfect, it could barely be regarded as neat and orderly.

There are flaws, but with the completion of the evolution, this flaw will inevitably disappear gradually.

Zhao Haiping subconsciously wanted to speed up and rush in.

However, after only two steps, I heard the lieutenant behind him yelling in horror: "General Qin! Chiji is a steed, I can't keep up with you! Our army formation is disordered. If the general is surrounded, it will be difficult!"

When Zhao Haiping thought about it, it seemed reasonable?

The enemy's formation changed and their foothold was not stable, so why not our own side?
His horse ran fast, but at most, only a few of the guards and lieutenants around him could keep up, and the others would probably be left far behind.

Rushing into the enemy's formation like this, isn't that equal to giving it for nothing?
Even if the enemy's formation has not been completed, what if they react quickly and encircle directly, and then two fists are no match for four hands?
It should still be on the safe side.

Thinking of this, Zhao Haiping slowed down a little, waiting for the generals and soldiers behind him to catch up.

The enemy's change of formation was also very fast. Before the two armies fought, the change of formation was basically completed.

Zhao Haiping adapted quickly. After this charge, the riding skills he learned in the martial arts dungeon with the talent of "bow and horse proficiency" are gradually recovering. In addition, he used the body of General Qin to begin with. , full of strength all over his body, so he has generally adapted before coming to the enemy's formation.

He clamped the horse's belly tightly with his legs, held the lance with both hands, and stabbed at an oncoming general!
It has to be said that General Qin's physical fitness is indeed at the top level. Zhao Haiping felt that his momentum was heavy, and with the impact of the horse, he was simply invincible!
In fact it is.

The tip of the lance pierced the general's armor in an instant, and then pierced straight into his body.

And the long spear in the general's hand didn't even have time to stab it out.

This is where the advantage of the longer lance lies!

Zhao Haiping was very excited. Sure enough, his previous hard training was not in vain, and his foot fighting skills could also be applied to horse fighting to a certain extent.

With just one move, an enemy general was beheaded!
Although at first glance, the status of this enemy general is not very high, and his combat power is average, but it can be regarded as beheaded.

But in the next moment, Zhao Haiping felt something was wrong.

While stabbing the enemy general, the two horses crossed each other. Zhao Haiping felt a strong reaction force from the lance in his hand. Although his legs were still trying to clamp the horse's belly, it was not working at all. He leaned back in a controlled manner, and then slid off the Chiji!
It fell to the ground with a "slap", and the loess flew up.

Zhao Haiping was a little confused by the fall, with question marks all over his face.

what's the situation?
(End of this chapter)

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