My players are all actors

Chapter 164 How many steps will it take to kill the enemy?

Chapter 164 How many steps will it take to kill the enemy?
Zhao Haiping's mood at this time is very complicated.

Is this history famous?It's so famous, I'm afraid even children know it.

But it was also because of the fame that Zhao Haiping didn't expect at the first time that the game "Dark Sand" was so insane that it used this history as a copy of the cavalry trial.

This period of history can be said to be the only one in history throughout the ages.

It is not that no other generals have done such a thing as "decapitating the head of an enemy general in a crowd of thousands of armies", but the problem is that most of those generals who beheaded were unknown people, and most of the battles they participated in were devastating. status.

Therefore, some gold content is virtually reduced.

Of course, even counting these low-gold "beheading enemy generals in the army", there are very few fierce generals who can do it throughout history.

As for Qin Kaiyun's beheading of Gao Yi, the gold content is indeed the highest in history. There is no one before, and there will be no one after.

First of all, this is from official historical materials, the author's age is not far from that time, his academic attitude is very rigorous, and his words are as precious as gold;
Secondly, many other deeds at that time, such as General Qin's rewards, changes in status and evaluations of other historical figures after this battle, also corroborate this point;
Third, Gao Yi is not an unknown person. He was already a world-renowned famous general long before the battle with Qin Kaiyun. the top general of the power;

Fourth, this battle was not a one-sided battle. At that time, General Qin's side was still at a disadvantage. It was his shocking operation of beheading the enemy general that reversed the situation on the battlefield in one fell swoop.

Of course, at that time, General Qin was only the executor of specific tactics, and the higher-ranking commander who formulated the tactics to divert the two enemy armies and ordered General Qin to storm the rear of Gao Yi's army also played an important role.But in any case, no matter how good the strategy is, it depends on how it is implemented.

Throughout the ages, only General Qin can do this kind of thing, which is enough to show how difficult it is.

As for why the dungeon is named "Exploring the capsule and extracting objects"?
Apparently it was what General Qin said before: To take the head of a general from a crowd of ten thousand troops is like picking something out of a bag.

But, that's what General Qin said!
Is it too much to use the four words "to get out of the bag" as the name of this trial?
When General Qin said this, it was an objective perception of his own strength; what about the players?It is true that there is a serious disease in the brain...

Zhao Haiping calmed down a bit, but for the sake of his precious cavalry status, he could only study the details of the battlefield recorded in this historical material patiently.

Although there are not many records in the history books, there are only such a simple two lines, but the amount of information is very large.

Except for the content about the enemy general Gao Yi, the description of the whole battle is actually the following content: Kaiyun saw Yi's cover, rode his horse and stabbed him among the ten thousand troops, beheaded him and returned it. The encirclement will be resolved.

The translation is: I saw Gao Yi's cape from a distance, rode directly to the crowd of thousands of troops, stabbed him off, beheaded him and came back. The other enemy generals could not stop him at all, so he won.

After reading the original text of the historical materials, Zhao Haiping felt like a primary school student looking at high-level math problems, and his eyes were full of content such as "this is easy to prove" and "obviously available".

I was so angry that I wanted to slap the table.

steps too!The key step!
It's like that joke: How many steps will it take to kill the enemy?Three steps, the first step is to find where the enemy general is; the second step is to rush over and stab the enemy general to death; the third step is to withdraw.

The problem is that each of these steps is a task that cannot be completed at all.

Let me talk about finding out where the enemy will be.

It was an ancient battlefield full of chaos and turmoil. The general also had lieutenants and soldiers around him, and he had never seen any photos. How could he recognize the general who was about to be beheaded from such a long distance?
Even if you get closer, you can use the details of armor and clothing and the position of the general to determine the highest-ranking general, but it is a process from far to near. When people are besieging you with various postures, can you still maintain this kind of judgment?

This is not playing games, you can directly open the ghost mode or observe slowly from the perspective of God.

Second, how to stab the enemy general to death and behead him?

There are so many other generals and soldiers around the enemy general, and the enemy general himself is not mentally retarded, they will resist and want to surround and kill you.

Even if all of this is successfully completed, how to withdraw it?

Even if the chief general is killed, the well-trained army will not collapse in an instant. On the contrary, those deputy generals will chase after them like crazy to snatch the chief general's head back.

Only then can the battle be said to have been won.

In short, the difficulty is only two words: inhuman!

It's no wonder that the matter of "beheading a general in the midst of thousands of troops" has such a high status in history that few fierce men can really do it.

Zhao Haiping had no clue, so he checked many netizens' discussions on this historical event.

Some people say that General Qin must have used some kind of trick, such as pretending to be a messenger, or hiding in the horse's belly, or simply because the horse ran fast and came to him, killed someone and ran away...

But a closer look at these claims is obviously nonsense.

Because all of this is based on one premise, that is, Gao Yi, who has long been known as a famous general and is the number one general of the enemy force, is actually mentally handicapped.

Mentally retarded to the point where the other party ran over with a fast horse several meters long, he thought the other party was a messenger, or was completely defenseless for other reasons.

Or it may be that General Qin had mastered some kind of Zenith star technology at that time, and was able to complete the teleportation of more than ten miles.

It is clearly written in the original text of the historical materials: Before reaching more than ten miles, I was shocked and came to fight against it.

That is to say, at that time Qin Kaiyun led light soldiers to attack Gao Yi's rear army. At a distance of more than ten miles, Gao Yi found Qin Kaiyun's army, so he was shocked and prepared to fight.

This is also completely consistent with the scene in the trial illusion.

At that time, Zhao Haiping noticed that the enemy had a change of formation, from the siege formation of attacking the ferry inward to the formation of fighting in the field.

Moreover, the whole process can be said to be methodical and efficient.

Because Zhao Haiping listened to the lieutenant general's persuasion, he stopped for a while and waited for the lieutenant general and soldiers behind him. As a result, when the two sides fought, the enemy's formation was almost completed.

Therefore, Qin Kaiyun stabbed Gao Yi to death, definitely not when the formation was neat and ready.

After all, no matter how fierce General Qin is, he is not a superman. It is impossible for him to rush into the army and kill the enemy general under the obstruction of the enemy's numerous soldiers, crossbowmen and lieutenants.

The enemy has a loophole, but this loophole is not big, and the duration is not long.

Combining the analysis of historical data by many bigwigs on the Internet, and the actual situation he encountered in the trial illusion, Zhao Haiping quickly summed up the standard customs clearance process for the entire dungeon.

He had to act as General Qin Kaiyun, charge with a small number of elite horses, and break in before the enemy's formation was completed.

Of course, it is definitely unrealistic to ride alone, but it is also unrealistic for the whole team to run wildly with him in such a fast assault situation.

The biggest possibility is to form a cone shape. General Qin Kaiyun is famous as Ma Chiji, who runs the fastest, and must be at the front; some lieutenants or elite cavalry should follow behind, and other soldiers behind.

Like a steel awl, it cuts open the enemy's defense line and tears the gap.

And the enemy army is changing formation, there will definitely be loopholes.But this loophole will not be a straight line, it is impossible to go straight to Gao Yi's position from the periphery, it is likely to change at any time, or it needs to be actively created.

Therefore, he had to clash left and right in the enemy's army formation, relying on himself or other lieutenants, in short, he tore the gap wider and wider, and finally came in front of the enemy general Gao Yi.

In this process, the position can be determined by the cap or other elements.

When Gao Yi approached, although the other party would be a little panicked, he would definitely not sit still.As for the surprise attack, the most important thing is the first sprint ahead. If the first sprint is missed, it is likely that the latter will not be successful again.

Therefore, assassination, beheading, and breaking out must be done in one go, and if there is a slight mistake, all previous efforts will be wasted.

After an analysis, Zhao Haiping had a very absurd feeling.

This feeling is like, I just wanted to get a driver's license for a small car, preferably the one with automatic transmission.

But when I arrived at the examination room, the examiner actually asked me to drive a tank to destroy the enemy's headquarters?


P.S. 15号好像有个活动,更新2万5千字读者可以抽奖,我这几天攒攒稿子,15号之前每天还是常规的两章5000~6000字,等15号当天爆更一下2万5,大概10章左右

 Push the book ~ "Game of Cultivating Immortals"

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  "Fuck, let's go, ignore! It's weird, it's the younger brother among the real brothers!"

(End of this chapter)

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