Chapter 175 Famous generals are hard to find (additional ticket 1)

If you look at the standard answer from history, it is indeed true that Yu Jia personally conquered it.

However, when Zhao Haiping entered the illusion of trial, the system had already clearly indicated that the situation this time might not be completely consistent with the situation in history, and he still had to judge for himself.

Zhao Haiping thought about it, and it seems that it is not a bad idea to invite a famous general to fight?
Thinking of this, he asked: "Since this is the case, which general do you think can take on this important task?"

Several important ministers thought about it for a while, and then the Minister of the Ministry of War came forward and said: "I think that Qiu Yuan, the Duke of Qi, can take on this important task."

Qiu Yuan?

Several question marks floated in Zhao Haiping's mind, he had never heard of this name.

Although he has also supplemented some historical knowledge, after all, he is not a player who specializes in history like Chu Ge, and he has not remembered all the things that people with special names and surnames do in the history books, let alone such people who are not well-known themselves.

Zhao Haiping asked, "How is General Gu Yuan?"

Bingbu Shangshu's expression was strange: "Your Majesty, King Kaiping died of illness last year..."

The scene was awkward for a while, but fortunately Zhao Haiping was playing the role of the emperor at this time, no one dared to jump out and laugh at him even if he said something wrong.

At most, these civil servants would only think that the emperor was too busy with state affairs, or missed his beloved general too much, so they made such an oolong.

Zhao Haiping coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and asked, "Do you all think that Duke Qi can take on this important task?"

Soon, several ministers came forward to second the proposal.

"The ministers thought that the Duke of Qi was born in the army, made many military exploits, knew military affairs well, and had been guarding the northern border for a long time, so he was appointed as the general who conquered the captives, and he was also with the Marquis of Jing'an, Marquis of Wuping, and Marquis of Dingyuan in the north. Conquering the barbarians is safe.”

Zhao Haiping fell into deep thought.

He was indeed a little persuaded.

The General Gu Yuan he thought of before was a famous general who fought with Taizu Sheng, and he can be ranked among the famous generals throughout the ages.

So Zhao Haiping thought of him immediately.

If he can go to the northern barbarians, then Zhao Haiping can really rest assured.

But the problem is that during this period, the top famous generals who followed Sheng Taizu to fight the world, either died of illness, or were old and frail, and returned to their hometowns, and they were already a little bit immovable.

The average age of ancient people was only in their thirties, and the medical conditions were not good. Even famous generals didn't necessarily live very long.Someone like Sheng Taizu who can live to be seventy years old, 50 years old and still alive and kicking is already an outlier.

Since there is no way to count on these well-known top generals, they can only settle for the next best thing and consider second-class options.

The general named Qiu Yuan recommended by the ministers seemed to be a good choice.

Those who could have titles in ancient times basically made great military exploits.For example, Gu Yuan was named King of Kaiping because of his outstanding achievements.

And the Qiu Yuan recommended by the ministers was named the Duke of Qi, the top Duke.

If he was indeed born in the army, and he was constantly promoted by virtue of his military exploits along the way, being able to be promoted to this stage is enough to prove that he is a famous general.

Since he is a famous general, if you don't ask him to achieve great results, he won't be forced to send him away like some emperors who don't understand military affairs at all, right?

Moreover, the Minister of the Ministry of War also said that he was not allowed to go alone, and a large number of generals such as Jing'anhou, Wupinghou, and Dingyuanhou followed.

Just by looking at their titles, it is clear that these people must have fought in wars and have real military exploits.

Thinking of this, Zhao Haiping said: "Okay, then, according to the words of the ministers, I will order Duke Qi to be the general who conquers the captives, and conquer the northern barbarians for me!"

All the ministers said in unison: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Haiping saw a cutscene.

The Duke of Qi went to Beijing to meet Taizu Sheng.

But Sheng Taizu entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, and he repeatedly urged him before leaving.

"Military affairs must be cautious. When you arrive in the northern border, even if you can't see the traces of the northern barbarians, you must be prepared to face the enemy at all times. Look forward to the opportunity before marching. Don't be stubborn. If the first battle is not won, you will Wait patiently for the next opportunity.

"If you are careful, you will win, if you are not careful, you will lose. We must purge the team, observe the movement and morale of the soldiers, and make foresight, strive for a complete victory in the first battle, and pacify the northern border.

"If you hear that Beiman is easy to defeat, don't believe it, you will lose if you believe it! Compared with binding the tiger, binding the tiger requires all your strength, and binding the rabbit must also use the power of binding the tiger to keep everything safe!

"Beiman is very cunning. You must be cautious when you travel thousands of miles. If there is a sudden change in Beiman, you have to adapt to the situation and don't be stubborn."

Having said so much, it is actually just four words, so be careful!

The reason is very simple. Sheng Taizu was originally the top military genius of this era, so he knew the key to fighting in northern Xinjiang.

The key is to be cautious.

The northern barbarian cavalry came and went like the wind, and the northern barbarians were not brainless reckless men, they also knew tactics.

When Sheng Jun arrived in northern Xinjiang, he was unfamiliar with the place and the terrain, the logistics might not be well guaranteed, and the morale might not be high.

In this case, if you underestimate the enemy and advance aggressively, it is worthless, so being cautious is the top priority.

General Qiu Yuan wholeheartedly agreed, saying something like "I must keep this in mind and live up to His Majesty's high expectations".

So, the army went out like this.

It's just that the next thing that appeared in front of Zhao Haiping was a military report of a defeated army.

The Babaili urgent military newspaper clearly stated the cause and effect of Qiu Yuan's failure.

After Qiu Yuan led the troops into the northern border, they won successive battles, and the northern barbarians feigned defeat in every battle and retreated.So Qiu Yuan left the main force of the army and led more than a thousand cavalry forward. After defeating the Northern Man Rangers, he took the opportunity to cross the river. During the pursuit, he captured a high-ranking official of the Northern Man. Thirty miles.

So Qiu Yuan was convinced and decided to take advantage of the victory to pursue.Marquis Jing'an persuaded not to trust the words of the captives, but to keep in mind His Majesty's instructions before leaving.But Qiu Yuan didn't listen at all, and led his army galloping, and finally encountered an ambush, and the entire army led by thousands of people was wiped out.

Zhao Haiping's performance naturally failed.

Back to the original starting point.

Zhao Haiping couldn't help being speechless for a while: "It's a trick!"

One can imagine what kind of reaction Sheng Taizu would have when he saw this military newspaper.

It is estimated that the idea of ​​​​digging graves and whipping corpses is already there.

As a bystander, Zhao Haiping could see clearly.Before going out obviously, Taizu Sheng repeatedly asked Qiu Yuan not to rush in rashly, but to be cautious, as long as he fought steadily, he would never lose this battle.

As a result, Qiu Yuan didn't listen when he got there, he felt as if he was about to capture the leader of the Northern Man, but he was ambushed and sent off with the lieutenant general and elite cavalry.

The only good news is that after all, he is also considered to be a soldier. Although he advanced rashly, he only sent more than a thousand elite cavalry accompanying him, not all the army.

But even so, it was already an unacceptable fiasco.

"Sure enough, I knew that this trial dungeon was definitely not that simple.

"If you can accomplish your goal by sending a random general to the Northern Man, that would be too simple, and you don't need me to do anything at all.

"So, Taizu Sheng was facing the same situation at that time?
"When the imperial conquest was proposed, there must have been many voices of opposition in the DPRK and China.

"If you send a general to conquer the northern barbarians, I'm afraid it will be difficult for people to feel at ease.

"Because the famous generals who could be trusted by Taizu Sheng at that time were all old and unable to go to war. But among these generals who could go to war, their military literacy was not enough.

"I couldn't find a particularly good fit.

"This Qiu Yuan is the Duke of Qi, and logically speaking, he was already the top general of the Dasheng Dynasty at that time. He shouldn't have made such a low-level mistake, but he still brought about such a tragedy.

"Other generals are even more difficult to trust.

"After all, Taizu Sheng himself had the highest military level in the entire Dasheng Dynasty at that time, and the army's attack on the Northern Man was a war that could not be lost, and it would directly determine the fate of the Dasheng Dynasty in the next few decades.

"As for whether the general who commanded the army to conquer the northern barbarians will become a high-ranking and powerful man in the future, threatening the position of the prince... this is a secondary issue.

"Looking at it this way, the royal conquest can only be done in person."

Zhao Haiping was a little helpless, so he had to start again.

This time, he can't count on other people, he can only go to the imperial court himself.

(End of this chapter)

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