My players are all actors

Chapter 178 Empty Seal

Chapter 178 Empty seal (additional ticket 4)

Huo Yunying and Lu Heng were a little surprised.

"How to say?"

"Can you guess this too?"

Chu Ge explained: "This is actually not difficult to guess.

"Judging from the trial illusion before "Dark Sand", its difficulty will actually be within a certain range.

"It won't be too simple, allowing players to pass the level in one go, at least they have to suffer repeatedly and meet certain conditions; but it won't be too difficult, and players won't be required to reproduce all the operations of historical figures 100% authentically, otherwise all players will be stuck close.

"So, the easy start of the identity of 'Rebel' may mean that it will be a challenge of a developing nature.

"Historically, it was really easy for the rebel army to fight against the northern barbarian army at the beginning, because the northern barbarian cavalry had become so corrupt and depraved that even many noble children of the northern barbarian were not good at riding horses anymore.

"So according to the real situation, it is not difficult for the rebel army to fight at the beginning. The difficulty is how to develop and expand its own power as much as possible. Because Taizu Sheng felt that the rebel army had no future after joining the rebel army, so he went it alone.

"If you can't pull up a sufficient team and recruit strong enough talents within the time limit, then you will most likely be judged to have failed."

Huo Yunying: "Well... indeed."

Chu Ge continued: "There is one more thing to pay special attention to. You can pay attention to the rebels around you. Is there anyone named Gu Yuan? If there is, you must hug this golden thigh.

"Because according to historical records, the first hero of the founding of the country and the most trusted general of Taizu Sheng met during the rebel period."

Huo Yunying said it was very good: "Yes, I will go find this person tonight!"

Chu Ge added: "As for Lu Heng, my guess is that playing the role of a beggar is likely to be a game mode full of randomness.

"You also said that you have fully experienced 'One Life' so far, but the overall process is far from what Sheng Taizu used to be.

"The year when the natural disaster occurred, the corvee service, and getting married and having children are all very different from Sheng Taizu's experience back then.

"So I guess, the playing mode of the identity of 'beggar' does not completely reproduce the scene of Taizu Sheng.

"Because Sheng Taizu's experience back then was actually nothing difficult, it was nothing more than starving and struggling to survive. This is actually not a good obstacle for players.

"So, this identity should be a collection of beggars, poor people, tenant farmers and other identities that were common at that time. What happened was very random.

"All you have to do is struggle to survive and survive. Maybe after certain conditions are met, the time for the rebels will come."

Lu Heng: "For example?"

Chu Ge thought about it: "For example, you have completed a certain number of life cycles, or you have persisted to the end several times in a row."

Lu Heng: "...I feel like I've been fooled again!

"However, if it's true as you said, then the identity of a beggar is indeed a relatively low-tech identity, and you can pass the customs if you stick to it...

"Okay, I'm going to check the information and see if there are any special tips for surviving the hungry people in ancient times..."


The four of them started to look up relevant information separately.

Although the specific customs clearance method is not yet sure, at least there is a general direction.

On the forum, players also started extensive discussions.

Apparently, the special mode of the dungeon "Brave Heroism" makes it impossible for players to use the previous mode to attack, which invisibly increases the difficulty, but from another perspective, it also adds some freshness.


At 10 o'clock in the evening, Chu Ge once again entered the illusion of trial.

After resting and looking up information during the day, he is now in a state of vigor again.

Once again, he turned his attention to the mountain of memorials in front of him.

"Hey, let's take a look.

"On the bright side, I am much more relaxed than the real Sheng Taizu in history.

"I can rest, but he can't rest; I have the mentality of playing games, and he is really running the country; I can at least roughly guess which of these major cases are, but he is completely blind; after I take measures, I can According to the reduction of Guozuo, it is a matter of inferring this measure, but he can't see how many years Guozuo has left."

Chu Ge, who originally thought it was a bit hard, no longer felt hard after substituting himself in the identity of Sheng Taizu.

Read the memorial for a while.

"Either way, the emperors in ancient times were quite difficult. They had to know everything and understand everything. Once they encountered something they didn't understand, they were likely to be fooled by the people below.

"Especially the things about numbers in ancient times can really make people vomit blood."

There are also many account books in the memorials that Chu Ge handled, and these account books are without exception, all of which are densely packed with various numbers.

At this time, he missed the Arabic numerals very much.

At the beginning, he did the calculations more seriously, but after simply calculating a few figures, he found no problem, so he had to put it aside for the time being.

Strictly speaking, this is not the job of the emperor after all. If the emperor patronizes the accounting books, then there is no need to review other memorials, and there is simply not so much time.

This kind of thing is the responsibility of the household department.

It would be unreasonable for the emperor to find the flaws in the numbers calculated by many officials of the household department from morning to night.


"Wait a moment."

Chu Ge had already picked up the next memorial, but at this moment he suddenly thought of something and put it down again.

Go back and look through the books again.

Looking at it again, the numbers really aren't too much of a problem.

From the figures reported at the most grassroots level, from the county to the government, to the chief secretary, and finally to the household department, all the financial revenue and expenditures and tax accounts calculated are all consistent, and there are no mistakes.

If you just look at the numbers on the account books, it is obvious that there is no problem. The various financial revenues and expenditures of Dasheng Dynasty are very normal. Although there are a lot of expenditures, the income is not bad, and they are all within the normal range.

Even some players who are not sensitive to numbers probably just threw this thing aside and didn't bother to look at it at all.

In fact, Chu Ge didn't realize that there was anything wrong with it at the first time, nor did he see any flaws in it.

It's just that when he saw the account book, he naturally thought of a big case in Sheng Taizu's time, so he kept his mind on it.

"But... the timing of this case seems a bit out of date.

"According to the time in the game, this case should have happened more than ten years ago, and it was not at the same time as the North and South List case..."

The big case that Chu Ge thought of was the very famous "empty seal case".

However, the timing doesn't seem right.In Sheng Taizu's later years, the empty seal case had already ended.

Chu Ge thought about it, but still didn't dare to neglect.Because he knew that in this trial illusion, the time of many events had been disrupted, and many known conditions had become specious.

It is absolutely impossible to completely copy the answers from history.

Thinking of this, he felt the need to look it up.


Chu Ge said hello, and the little eunuch who was serving at the side hurriedly said, "Your maidservant is here."

Chu Ge thought for a while: "Go to the procurator and ask them to check the account books. Especially how these account books are printed."

The little eunuch took the order and left in a hurry.

The Dasheng Dynasty once set up a special organization to supervise the officials and spy on the emperor, and the prosecutor was the predecessor of this organization.

To investigate this matter, relying on the group of bureaucrats below is obviously thinking too much, and professionals still need to do it.

Chu Ge continued to review the memorial.

After all, this is a game, not real history. Soon, the prosecutor came to the palace to report.

Hand in a special account book.

Chu Ge flipped through the account books, his expression gradually became serious.

Sure enough, as he expected, this is a blank account book.

But it is not completely blank, because it has an official seal on it.

In other words, the seal on this account book has been stamped in advance, and you can fill in whatever you want, and write whatever you want.

Chu Ge couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

It seems that the brain cells are going to start burning again.

I just don't know whether the situation encountered this time is consistent with the situation in history.

(End of this chapter)

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