My players are all actors

Chapter 188 Troubled Times and Mercy

Chapter 188 Troubled Times and Mercy

After thinking about it for a while, Huo Yunying found Marshal Peng again.

This time he learned to be smart and didn't tell Marshal Peng that he would take all his subordinates away.

All the 700 people were reserved for Mr. Peng himself, and he only took 30 people away.

This time, Marshal Peng really didn't stop him, he praised Huo Yunying's enterprising spirit and asked him to choose randomly among the 700 people, and he also generously allowed him to choose some excellent equipment to take away.

After all, there are only thirty people, even if all of these people take away excellent armor and equipment, and each take away a horse, how many can they bring?

Compared with the 700 people left behind, this is already a considerable concession.

Soon, the team of 700 people that Huo Yunying worked so hard to pull together stood neatly on the school field, waiting for Huo Yunying's selection.

The Corps Chief, Shi Chief, and everyone in charge of other affairs in the military, including logistics, were all placed in front of Huo Yunying.

"You, you, and you..."

In fact, Huo Yunying didn't know much about these people.

After all, when fighting, he was always the one who charged forward, and those who were impressed were often those who charged with him.

Huo Yunying felt that since these people were able to make military achievements and get a long or even higher position in the rebel army, they must have certain talents, at least among the 700 people, they should be called elites.

There were also people with anxious expressions on their faces, and they kept winking at Huo Yunying, motioning him to take him away.

Obviously, Marshal Peng was watching from the side, and it was impossible for these people to jump out and hug Huo Yunying's thigh to ask him to take him away.Otherwise, what if he didn't leave and was remembered by Marshal Peng in the future?
And among the 700 people, there are so many people shouting together, how decent it is.

So these people could only wink at Huo Yunying, hoping to take them away.

But the problem is, there must be far more than 30 people winking.

Huo Yunying also felt that her head was as big as a bucket, and it was only when she really chose that she felt that she had a bit of difficulty in choosing.

But fortunately, after a while of entanglement, thirty elites were selected from them.

"Peng Shuai, it's decided, just these people." Huo Yunying said.

Marshal Peng was very happy: "Okay, then I wish you success in advance! You can come back and have a look at any time in the future. Chuzhou City is your forever home!"

That's what he said, but Huo Yunying knew in his heart that he would never come back in the future.

Then, Huo Yunying saw the camera gradually zoomed out.

In the field of vision, the young Sheng Taizu left Chuzhou City with these [-] elites and headed for an unknown distance.

Huo Yunying couldn't help showing joy: "Hey, could it be that I am the first to clear the customs among the four identities?"

What I saw in front of me was obviously a cutscene CG that appeared after the plot came to an end.

In the previous trial copy, this often means clearing the level.

But soon, Huo Yunying realized that she was wrong.

Because in his vision, a system prompt that he hadn't seen before appeared.

["Rebel" identity clearance failed! 】

There is only such a simple line of words, there is no other explanation.

Huo Yunying was stunned.


"Why did it fail... It is clear that Taizu Sheng escaped from Marshal Peng's control and went to lead the team to fight the world...

"Also, didn't you encounter the Northern Barbarian army?"

The system did not provide any further explanations. Obviously, the reason for the failure is for the players to think for themselves.

Huo Yunying didn't start over immediately, but fell into deep thought.

"Why is it directly judged to be a failure?
" should first think about what is lacking.

"Military failure? It shouldn't be so. I didn't encounter the northern barbarian army, and I didn't die or suffer heavy losses like last time. Moreover, I also successfully broke away from the rebel army and went out on my own.

"Judging from the automatic triggering of the cutscene when leaving Chuzhou City, there should be no problem with this step.

"But the system directly judged that I failed...could it be..."

After some analysis, Huo Yunying had a guess in his mind.

But he didn't put this speculation into practice for the first time, but left the game temporarily and returned to reality.

Glancing at the time, it was only past two o'clock in the evening, and there was still plenty of time.

However, considering that the flow of time in reality seems to be much faster than in the game, Huo Yunying did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly turned on the computer to search for relevant information.

Soon, he found what he wanted.

"it's here!

"After a period of development, Taizu Sheng successfully recruited a team of 700 people, most of whom are from his hometown.

"This is a good force, so in Chuzhou City, Marshal Peng was very happy and promoted Sheng Taizu to the governor.

"But not long after, Taizu Sheng took 24 people and left Chuchuzhou City, south slightly to Dingyuan...

"And these people are known as the '24 generals of the Lianghuai River', among them the founding general Gu Yuan, and most of them will become the pillars of the entire Dasheng Dynasty in the future, and almost all of them will be knighted Many of them became high-ranking officials in the Dasheng Dynasty after paying homage to the generals..."

After checking the information, Huo Yunying understood where her problem was.

"There was a problem in the selection process..."

Comparing the two, Huo Yunying realized that she failed in the last link.

Under the circumstances at that time, Sheng Taizu really had no other choice.

If they stay, sooner or later there will be internal strife within the rebel army. Even if there is no internal strife, it is very likely that the northern barbarians will focus on the crusade.Developing under Peng Dashuai's hands, after all, his hands are tied.

Therefore, if Huo Yunying only knew how to fight, then after reaching a certain level, Dong Chengyun, the Northern Man's general, would besiege Chuzhou City, and this was an impossible battle to win.

Even if it wasn't Dong Chengyun who came but other northern barbarian generals, even if they led people out of Chuzhou City, the game would still be a failure.

Because this means that the player has failed to properly analyze the current internal situation of the rebel army, and there will be no good results if it continues to develop.

If you want to leave, it is absolutely impossible to take away your subordinates, you can only take a small part.

But it is of course particular about which people are taken away.

Because these people taken away are not only the team that will conquer the world in the future, but also can reflect Sheng Taizu's knowledge of people.

Huo Yunying couldn't help thinking of a question she had read on the Internet before.

"Emperors who were born at the bottom like Sheng Taizu, their famous ministers and generals are often a small group of people near their hometown. Why do famous ministers appear together in that place?"

The answer to this question is very simple, in fact, it is two words: "platform".

What kind of things can be done on what platform.

If a person is just an ordinary civilian who has been farming and herding cattle all his life, he will not become a general when he is seven or eighty years old.

And if a person has been fighting since he was a teenager, with more and more resources in his hands and stronger opponents, then as long as he has a certain talent, he can always become a good general.

Many times, there are smart people in every small place, and the level of intelligence of these smart people is actually almost the same.

What really makes them widen the gap is the platform and resources.

And the founding emperor is this platform.

On this platform, these famous ministers and generals encounter invincible enemies and difficult problems. They may fail, but a lot of resources can give them a bottom line and let them keep trying.

What's more, they can learn from each other and help each other.

So, they end up achieving higher than everyone else.

Of course, the premise of saying this is that they are all talents that can be made, and they all have good talents.

If there are some people without talent, no matter how big the platform is, it is meaningless.

Therefore, another important factor is that the founding king has the knowledge of people, can know the talents and potential of these people, put them in the most suitable position, and select the most capable talents for his own use.

And the key to playing the role of "rebel" lies in this.

As a rebel army, Huo Yunying didn't face any difficult battles. The northern barbarian army he encountered in the early stage was not difficult to fight, and in an environment where all the heroes in the world were fighting together, it was not difficult to recruit an army of several hundred people.

Other rebels in the same period can basically do this.

So, what made Sheng Taizu fundamentally different from other rebels?
It is three points: the judgment to see the general trend of the world, the decisiveness to make the right choice, and the knowledge to select talents.

Without these three points, even if Sheng Taizu could fight, he would be just a warlord in a chaotic world, and would only fall into failure in the end; and with these three points, Sheng Taizu could stand out from countless rebels and create a new dynasty .

And the role of "rebel" is to test the player's ability in these three aspects.

After figuring this out, Huo Yunying finally understood why he had played the role for so long and hadn't seen anyone named "Gu Yuan".

Because the game "Dark Sand" deliberately re-covered the fog of history.

Sheng Taizu didn't know that Gu Yuan would become the founding general in the future. He saw his military talent little by little, and continued to promote him, finally making him a famous general of the generation.

If the names of these people are still exactly the same as in history, wouldn't the players just copy the answers?

The test of "knowledge of people" will not be effective at all.

Therefore, Huo Yunying's task is, while expanding the team and defeating the northern barbarian army, he must also clearly see everyone's abilities, and keep the outstanding talents among them firmly in his mind.

The final test of the identity of the "rebels" is actually an exam.

The content of the test is the performance of more than 700 people on weekdays; and the standard of the test is the player's own judgment; after the test result comes out, the system can judge whether the player's ability to recognize people is qualified, and is accepted Whether these selected people can support the skeleton of conquering the world.

More than 700 people choose 24 people, this is a very difficult multiple choice question.

Sheng Taizu in history can almost be said to have passed the test with a full score, but now, it is the turn of the players to reproduce this operation.

Having figured this out, Huo Yunying took a deep breath, lay back on the bed again, and entered the game world of "Dark Sand".

Take on the identity of "Rebels" and start over.

There is still time, this time he has to start from the beginning, and take a good look at who among the 700 people can really become the pillars.


At this moment, Lu Heng is starting an unknown number of rounds of his life.

As the game progresses, his identity is constantly changing, and he is constantly trying various tricks.

For example, he once tried to mobilize those desperate beggars to revolt with him, but he was surrounded by officers and soldiers in the ruined temple because of an informer during the discussion stage, and was hacked to death without resistance;

He also tried to spread various religions among the people at the bottom, spread ideas such as "the sky is dead, and the heavens should stand", and he tried to write a few anti-poems, but after a while, he still He was discovered by the government, and then sent to the execution ground to beheaded;

He also traveled all over the place, begging all the way, searching all the way following the news of the rebel army, but was killed by the robbers cutting the path halfway, even if he said loudly that he wanted to join the gang, the other party was completely indifferent...

In short, Lu Heng at this time is like a rookie who has strayed into the game of chicken.

If Huo Yunying and Chu Ge played one round in half an hour, then Lu Heng could play more than a dozen rounds in half an hour.

Died too fast, and often died inexplicably.

What hurt him the most was that at this moment, he still had no idea how to pass the level.

After analyzing it before, he felt that the biggest possibility is to have a certain degree of initiative.

You can't wait for the rebel army to find you, you have to find a way to form the rebel army and forcefully enter the stage of acting as the second identity.

But after trying a few times, I found that it doesn't work at all.

Therefore, Lu Heng felt as if he had returned to the original point.

This made him devastated, and even worried that he would slow down the progress of the entire team.

What if the other three people have cleared the level by then, and he is the only one still wandering around pretending to be a beggar?
I can't afford to lose this person!
Finally, the performance of another life began.

Lu Heng mechanically carried out a series of standard operations he summed up: in the early stage, no matter whether it was herding cattle or farming, first find a way to survive, and after finding the right time, go to a nearby temple to become a monk, and then travel around, As close as possible to Sheng Taizu's life trajectory at that time...

But this time he was very disappointed that there were no temples nearby.

It's over, it seems that this performance will be sent again.

Just when Lu Heng was considering whether to find a stone to kill himself and reopen the car, something unexpected happened.

After the severe drought, angry peasants captured the government office, and some took the lead in revolting.

Someone sent an invitation to Lu Heng, hoping that he would join the rebel army.

After thinking about it, Lu Heng joined directly.

In fact, he didn't hold out much hope, because he had encountered such a situation before. As a result, the rebel army was quickly wiped out by the official army who rushed over. All the leaders were beheaded and their bodies were hung on the city gate for public display. .

But for Lu Heng, there is no hope to continue like this anyway, it is death anyway, it is better to die more happily.

In the process of playing the "beggar", he has experienced countless tragic lives and too many deaths, and he even became a little numb.

He has communicated with countless low-level people, and he knows their hardships, too many government pressures and people's rebellion and people's livelihood, and he also knows that ordinary people are powerless to change all this.

He wanted to raise the butcher knife, but countless attempts ended in failure.

He thought that this time it would be the same as before, but he didn't expect that the moment he decided to join the rebel army, his vision gradually increased.

The government office is on fire.

Immediately afterwards, the field of vision continued to increase, and the city, as well as the small and large cities farther away, were full of flames.

And in Lu Heng's vision, a system prompt that he had never seen before appeared.

["Beggar" identity clearance! 】

[Customs clearance evaluation: Sometimes, the process is more important than the ending; sometimes, the general trend of the world depends only on an accident.Heroes are not the only creators of history, but they did leave the most impressive stroke in the history books. 】

Seeing the system prompt, Lu Heng was completely stunned.

I...passed the level?
That's it?

How did I pass the level?
He couldn't even believe this fact.

One second, he was still crawling around like a dog in the troubled times, begging along the street, being chased by officers and soldiers, and the next second, he had already cleared the level...

This dungeon is too nonsensical.

Even Lu Heng himself couldn't figure out how he passed the level.

Thinking back carefully, he really didn't do anything, but happened to meet angry peasants burning the government office and revolting in anger, and he joined in along the way.

Then it's over.

But the problem is, he has encountered this kind of situation before, and he hasn't cleared the level yet?
Lu Heng couldn't figure it out, so he had to look at the customs clearance evaluation again.

Then, he seemed to figure it out.

In the evaluation of customs clearance for this identity, the core of the "beggar" identity test is actually contained.

"Sometimes the process is more important than the result."

"Sometimes, the general trend of the world depends only on a coincidence."

"Heroes are not the only creators of history, but they have indeed left the most impressive strokes in the history books."

Why is the process more important than the result?
Because the trial of "beggar" status is not intended for players to achieve the specific result of "becoming a rebel".

But through the whole process, let the player realize something.

For example, the suffering at the bottom, and for example, the difficulty of a successful uprising.

In this process, Lu Heng played many low-level people and experienced many completely different lives.

In the real history, there used to be countless low-level people like Sheng Taizu. They may be shepherd boys herding cattle, farmers who died in corvee labor, or beggars who were killed for meritorious service...

Only by understanding the difficulty of life for the people at the bottom can we understand some of the decisions Sheng Taizu made afterward.Only by understanding this pain can we gain the courage to change the world.

Why does the general trend of the world depend on an accident?
In fact, seeing Sheng Taizu's experience as a beggar, you will know that at that time he did not think that he could really accomplish this great cause, he was just step by step, driven by the general trend, and finally embarked on this specific path.

Among them, how much is passive acceptance, and how much is active?

I'm afraid it's hard to say clearly.

Lu Heng couldn't help but smiled wryly: "It turns out that playing the role of a 'beggar' is a European emperor detector..."

He got it.

The only condition for this identity to pass the level is not ability or determination, but luck.

Sheng Taizu was lucky.

Because throughout the ages, there have been countless oppressed peasants, and countless people who have nowhere to go at the bottom.There may be some of them who are as talented as Sheng Taizu, but they died at the very beginning.

A severe beating by the landlord and servant, a natural disaster, or an accident may cause these people from the bottom who have the opportunity to become heroes to die young.

This is why most of the people who can become emperors throughout the ages are from aristocratic families.

From this perspective, Sheng Taizu is a real European emperor.

As a player, Lu Heng experienced infinite times in the randomly generated situation. After an unknown number of times, he accidentally got a successful start.

But Sheng Taizu only had one life and one chance, but he seized it perfectly.

In the stage of playing the role of "beggar", it has nothing to do with ability, but just pure luck.

From another perspective, that era was also fortunate.

Because a hero like Sheng Taizu appeared.

There are many such troubled times.

Throughout the ages, there have been some troubled times where heroes have emerged and powerful dynasties have been established; but there are also some troubled times where chaos has continued like this for hundreds of years.

Some places were separated during the war, and it took hundreds of years at once. The appearance of some heroes took these places back, so that later generations can naturally say "it has been a part since ancient times".

But some places were separated, and no heroes appeared, and it has been separated like this, becoming two places and never coming back.

In the chaotic times at that time, if there were no people like Sheng Taizu, everything would have been unpredictable.

History books are written jointly by the people, but it is undeniable that those heroes have indeed written a strong stroke in it.

And the result of history, maybe it was finally finalized because of a certain decision of a cowherd boy in a certain valley.

Lu Heng couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

"OK, let's call it a day!
"My mission is complete, and I can happily conquer the cavalry trial."

He also didn't expect that he, who played the role of a beggar, would be the first to clear the level among the four members of the team.

Just before deciding to launch this trial dungeon, a new line of prompts appeared in the field of vision.

[The current identity has been cleared, and you can enter the trials of other identity players to watch. 】

"Huh? Can it still be like this?"

Lu Heng didn't expect that this multi-person trial illusion would have such a setting.

The priority of clearing the cavalry trial is naturally not that high. Lu Heng returned to the original space and saw the cards of the other three identities.

He can directly see the current state of the other three players from a God's perspective.

Huo Yunying, who plays the role of "Rebel Army", is still fighting around Chuzhou City to expand the team;
Zhao Haiping, who plays the role of "commander", is leading a large army of his own to eat sand in the barren mountains outside the Great Wall;

Chu Ge, who plays the role of "Emperor", is working hard on the paperwork, dealing with Sima Yan's case.

It seems that Chu Ge's progress seems to be the fastest.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng directly clicked on the "Emperor" identity card, and entered the trial illusion where Chu Ge was.


At this time, Chu Ge, holding a memorial in his hand, fell into deep thought.

Sima Yan has already been imprisoned.

But how to deal with it, Chu Ge has not yet made up his mind.

Sima Yan himself must be killed.

But what about his family?What about children and grandchildren?What about the female relatives?

From an emotional point of view, Chu Ge is of course inclined not to kill.

Although Sima Yan is the chief figure of the Lianghuai faction, the bureaucratic group, his son and family members seem to be far inferior to him in talent, and they don't have much power and status.

For a civilized person who grew up in a modern society, it is a matter of course that "the family cannot be harmed".

Sima Yan must die, but this kind of death actually has some element of unjust killing.It would be too much to involve his whole family.

But from an intellectual point of view, Chu Ge is very clear about the truth of "cutting the weeds to get rid of the roots".

Why kill Sima Yan?
Because Chu Ge is not sure whether he is an acting school, not sure whether Sima Yan is like Sima Yi, secretly harboring evil intentions, and will start to make trouble after Sheng Taizu dies.

So, what about Sima Yan's descendants?

Are there characters like Sima Yi's descendants in it?Will it be possible that after Sima Yan and Sheng Taizu both died, the Lianghuai faction will be connected again, and these bureaucrats will be connected again, so that some unpredictable variables will occur in the future?

This dilemma made Chu Ge fall into a tangle.

Just then, he heard a familiar voice.

"What are you struggling with?" Lu Heng asked.

Chu Ge was stunned for a moment, and he turned his head to look at Lu Heng who appeared beside him in a "spiritual body" state, almost thinking that he had run into a ghost.

" did you come here?" Chu Ge was surprised.

Lu Heng chuckled: "Master, you have cleared the level! According to the game mechanism, after clearing the level, you can watch the progress of other identities."

Chu Ge was obviously also surprised, and said "Awesome".

Obviously, he didn't expect that Lu Heng, who played the role of a beggar, would be the first to clear the level.

"I'm a little uncertain about how to deal with this matter now."

Chu Ge briefly described the problems he encountered.

For him, the strategy of the "emperor" status has gradually come to an end, and after handling this case, his mission should almost be completed.

Let the state of the Dasheng Dynasty exceed 230 years, and the role of the "emperor" is considered a customs clearance.

" you need me to give you an idea?" Lu Heng asked.

Chu Ge: "Huh? Tell me."

Lu Heng pondered for a moment: "If I had to decide, it would be to kill them all and leave a son."

Chu Ge looked at him with an expression that seemed to say, you deserved to make such a cruel decision so easily.

In fact, from a rational point of view, Chu Ge is more inclined to this approach, but as a modern person's values, it is always difficult for him to make up his mind.

"So, can you tell me how you made this decision?" Chu Ge asked.

Lu Heng was a little strange: "Is there any difficulty in this? Isn't it the standard answer given by Sheng Taizu? I would like to ask you, what is the reason for not copying the standard answer?"

Chu Ge was silent for a moment: "Rationally speaking, I know the importance of 'cutting the grass and roots'; but emotionally speaking, I feel it is too cruel."

Lu Heng smiled indifferently: "Cruel?
"So, have you seen the scene of ten rooms and nine empty rooms in the year of catastrophe?

"Have you ever seen a scene where farmers sell off their sons and daughters, or their whole family dies from the plague or dies from eating Guanyin soil?
"Have you seen the scene of the headless corpses hanging on the city gate after the rebels were wiped out by the army?

"It's cruel to kill dozens of people, but isn't it cruel to watch the world in chaos and millions or more farmers repeat this scene countless times?"

Chu Ge was a little surprised: "But these were not caused by Sima Yan and his family. On the contrary, Sima Yan played a vital role in ending this troubled world."

Lu Heng nodded: "Yes, you are right.

"But Sima Yan is not alone, he is a big network connecting the entire bureaucratic system.

"It is the officials at all levels that make life difficult for the people at the bottom. Some of them have changed from the officials of the northern barbarians to the officials of the Dasheng Dynasty; some climb up the branches, and the top of the branches are Sima Yan and his Lianghuai faction; Sima Yan is dead, and his descendants may still connect this system again.

"In ancient times, bloodlines were highly valued. In any uprising, a member of the royal family of the previous dynasty must be elected. And a person's background is an extremely precious resource in itself.

"So in ancient times, it was indeed cruel to exterminate the clan at every turn, but it was in line with the social reality at that time. There are too many examples in history that the other party took the courage to kill them instead.

"What's more, even if you were killed unjustly or wrongly, so what?
"Killing dozens or hundreds of people unjustly will not shake the state of the Dasheng Dynasty. Will there be any difference in terms of results?"

Chu Ge was silent for a moment: "From an absolutely rational point of view, it is true, but...

"It's a bit too hard-hearted."

Lu Heng asked back: "Then what else? What kind of person do you think Sheng Taizu is?

"I never thought Taizu Sheng was a kind-hearted person, he was indeed a hard-hearted person, and sometimes he could even be said to be ruthless. There are probably countless people who were killed unjustly or wrongly.

"But the virtues of modern people are really not very helpful in this troubled world.

"There is a saying that if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace, and if you have enough granaries, you will know etiquette. There is also a saying that the material base determines the superstructure. In this era when the material base has not been achieved, there is no soil for the survival of modern moral standards.

"So, what's the sentimentality?

"Kill it quickly, the next step."

Chu Ge smiled helplessly, but gradually, this smile became more relieved.

Yes, what are you thinking?

Too much.

Chu Ge knew very well why Lu Heng was able to make this difficult decision so decisively and naturally.

Because Lu Heng played the role of a "beggar" before, he has seen too much death and suffering, so death is no longer something worthy of prudence for him.

People who grew up in peaceful times regard life as more important than Mount Tai.

People who grew up in troubled times regard life as lighter than a feather.

However, some people born in troubled times take life lightly not because they despise life, but because they weigh the pros and cons with an extremely cruel rationality.

Chu Ge couldn't help thinking, did the real Sheng Taizu in history go through such an inner struggle before deciding to kill Sima Yan?

The rational side told him that this man was a brother who fought together and the greatest hero, so he should not be killed.Even if you kill him, it's better not to harm your family.

But at this time, the young man who had been a beggar came to him.

He recalled the scene of great chaos, starvation and death everywhere, and the scenes of chaotic people not as good as Taiping dogs.

Recalling the scene where the bones were exposed in the wild and there were no chickens crowing for thousands of miles.

So, the last trace of pity in my heart finally disappeared.

A warrior on horseback, an emperor with an iron fist, doesn't need that kind of thing.

so be it.

Thinking of this, Chu Ge sighed softly, and used one word as his final answer.


 As I said before, they are all big chapters now, and they are published together.Pushing the book, my identity as a cultivator was exposed by my deskmate
(End of this chapter)

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