My players are all actors

Chapter 204 The Missing Hero

Chapter 204 The Missing Hero
At the same time, the northern barbarian cavalry had arrived at the gate of Linyuan City.

The gate of Linyuan City was wide open, but not closed.

After all, players usually go out of the city through the west gate, and the traffic is inconvenient after it is closed.The city gate here will only be closed when the Sequencer is on an expedition or when it is certain that there will be a large number of monsters far exceeding the player's strength.

"Kill in!"

The leader of the monster gave an order, and the northern barbarian cavalry immediately sped up and rushed towards the open west gate!

In their view, although this city looks dangerous, as long as they enter the interior before the city gate is closed, no matter how dangerous the city is, it will only be destroyed without attack.

As for those Dongyi thieves, they were obviously left far behind.

"As long as we enter the city first and kill all the aborigines, this slice is ours!"

These northern barbarian cavalry are all full of confidence, thinking that relying on the footsteps of their horses is enough to get ahead.

But they didn't know that at this time, the group of Dongyi thieves had been harvested by more than a hundred player cavalry troops.

sigh -

The horse with black air in its eyes suddenly picked up speed, ran along the long slope outside the west city gate, and headed straight for the city gate.

However, at this moment, these monsters found hundreds of players appearing in front of them.

These players stood in four rows, and the players in the front row squatted halfway, inserting the end of the spear on the ground, and moved forward at an oblique angle;

The players in the next three rows held their muskets high, squatting in the front row and standing in the back row. The matchlocks had already been lit, and the black muzzles of their guns were facing forward, aiming at the galloping Northern barbarian cavalry troops.



The player in charge gave an order, and the players in the front row fired their guns together!

A burst of gunpowder smoke filled the air, and countless bullets flew out of the muzzle of the gun, shooting at the oncoming Northern barbarian cavalry, and a large number of horses in the front row fell down in response.

Immediately afterwards, the players in the front row squatted down, and the musketeers in the two rows behind also shot in turn.

There was no time for these demons to dodge, and many cavalry fell from their horses under the dense rain of bullets.

When the cavalry rushed in front of the player, the three rounds of muskets had already fired.


The players put away their muskets one after another and each took out their weapons.

The horses of the northern barbarian cavalry collided with the spears of the players in the front row. Some of the horses were instantly pierced and fell to the ground, but more horses continued to move forward and galloped forward.

Players began to show their strengths, some took off the same Zhan Zhao Haiping sword on their backs and slashed against the cavalry, while others stabbed fiercely with long spears, and the scene was chaotic.

However, due to the large number of players, and the three-round musket salvo had already weakened the combat power of the northern barbarian cavalry at the beginning, the players naturally had the upper hand in the subsequent battles.

"Let let, let let!"

The two sides were fighting fiercely, and there was another commotion in the city, and the sound of horseshoes sounded.

A player's cavalry unit rushed out of the city, charging at the northern barbarian cavalry in a condescending posture!

In one round of charging, countless northern barbarian cavalry were picked off their horses by spears.

The dark eyes of these monsters were obviously full of doubts.

Okay... just a normal medium-sized slice of history?
Logically speaking, if it is an ordinary medium-sized historical slice, the aborigines in it are nothing more than a group of stragglers.

Although the number of northern barbarian cavalry is not very large, they can completely defeat this kind of unarmed infantry with a single charge.

The rest is one-sided massacre.

But what is the situation now?
Not only do these infantry have a matchlock gun in their hands, but they can also form an array and shoot together in such an organized manner?
Moreover, the formation didn't collapse even after being impacted, instead, they took out their melee weapons and began to fight hand-to-hand?
The most outrageous thing is that this wave of cavalry running out of the city seems to be more than their number...


Soon, this wave of northern barbarian cavalry was also wiped out.

The players chatted while cleaning the battlefield.

"Isn't it great to have military exploits delivered to your door? Can you do more good things like this?"

"I said you cavalry players, don't go too far! Every time you hit halfway, you come over and grab the head. It's great to have a horse running fast!"

"It's great to have a horse that runs fast, why don't you take the second test as well."

"Damn it, let's see if you can still be so arrogant after the new support job comes out!"

"Hey, it doesn't work at all. Matchlock guns can't be played in line to shoot, and they don't have the strength to fight against cavalry alone."

"The characteristic of the matchlock gun is that you can't stand in a crowded position, because when you shoot, the matchlocks may ignite the gunpowder packs of the people around you... But it doesn't matter, I'm already trying to improve the flintlock gun, maybe it will be possible soon There's a flintlock!"

After watching the whole battle, Li Hongyun finally admitted that what Cui Huowang said was indeed right, that the arquebus really couldn't be used to line up and shoot.

The loading is too slow and the station is too sparse, which determines that this tactic cannot pose too much threat to the cavalry.

Matchlock guns require a match to ignite the propellant, and a lit match is easy to extinguish, so many gunners will light both ends of the match, so that at least one end can continue to ignite when one end goes out.

But the problem is that when the matchlock gun is fired, the gun body will vibrate violently, causing the long matchlock to fly around, and one accidentally bounces on a teammate to ignite the gunpowder bag and send it away.

Take this battle as an example. Although the players used three rows of matchlock guns to cause some damage to the northern barbarian cavalry, it was not enough to decide the entire battle situation. Once they were dispersed by the cavalry, they would still fall into a hard fight.

Therefore, the flintlock still needs to continue to be developed!

Li Hongyun and Cui Huowang got into the fief again and began to think about developing flintlock guns.



Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, the players either continued to make up lessons in the illusion of the previous trial, or moved bricks in the Fortress of the Orderer and continued to build.

After discussing with construction players such as Li Weiyi, they finally decided to complete the next stage of construction of Linyuan City first, and use the city wall to connect the existing three city walls. As for the fort construction plan on the city wall, it is temporarily shelved.

Save a lot of construction value, and after the trial illusion after customs clearance and the scope of the entire historical slice are further expanded, try to start to transform the terrain and prepare for the new branch city.


10 pm.

Li Hongyun entered the game on time, and then directly started the trial of the new instance.

The dungeon of "Heroic Bravery" failed to win the first pass before Chu Ge's team, which made him quite concerned, and even his status in the dormitory dropped.

So this time, Li Hongyun also tried his best to find his place again.

For this new dungeon, he certainly did a lot of homework during the seven days.

Although so far, all players only know one version name and one copy name, it seems that there is no way to make targeted preparations, but for those players who understand the rules, they can infer a lot of information from this.

For example, the main dungeon of the previous version of "Southeast Bandits" "Feng Hou is not my will", it can be directly seen that the goal of this dungeon is to complete the goal of the bandits, and the main character in the dungeon is of course "Fenghou Fei" I mean" General Deng, the author of this poem.

With such a general direction, you can give the relevant historical materials a surprise tutoring in advance. After entering the game, you will not be too confused, and you can always find a general direction.

This copy is no exception.

However, despite the general direction, there are still many mysteries.

The name of the version "How many things have risen and fallen through the ages" and the name of the copy "I want to talk about it" are both words and sentences of Yu Jiaxuan, a famous poet in the Qi Dynasty.

Therefore, of course, Li Hongyun had a comprehensive understanding of the historical materials related to Yu Jiaxuan and the general historical background at that time, and he did his homework.

But the problem is that these two poems are extremely unclear in direction.

The previous key information such as "Southeast Bandits" and "Fenghou is not my will" can roughly infer the target of the dungeon, but this time there is no way to infer it at all.

The phrase "how many things rise and fall through the ages" itself is a kind of emotion about the rise and fall of dynasties in history.

Even if you add the last two sentences "Yuyou, the Yangtze River flows endlessly", or add other content in the whole article, it is nothing more than using the past to satirize the present, giving rise to a sense of melancholy.

As for "I want to talk about it", it is even broader.

Judging from the content of the whole word, Shangxiayu wrote the life perception of youth and middle age respectively: when he was young, he was "you don't know the feeling of sorrow, and he is forced to express sorrow for writing new words", while in middle age, it is "now Knowing all the sorrow, I want to say it."

This certainly shows the author's emotion for wasted life, but if we use this to infer the goal of the dungeon, what should it be?

Could it be that he simply wasted his life like Yu Jiaxuan, a talented poet?Finally woke up in sleep, shouted "kill the thief" and died?
Then this dungeon... is a bit too baffling.

Of course, Yu Jiaxuan's majestic life also had some bright moments, but Li Hongyun thought about it for a long time, and he never felt that his life was enough to support a large dungeon.

After all, he is different from General Han Fuyue. Although General Han Fuyue failed in the Northern Expedition, after all, he has won many battles and achieved very fruitful results; while Yu Jiaxuan has suffered a lot. Although he is indeed very talented in military affairs, he has never been able to Get special reuse, mainly doing counter-insurgency, military training and other things.

That is to say, he was more inclined to be a firefighter, and he didn't really let go of his arms to do big things. It's no wonder that he finally died shouting "kill the thief" in his dream.

Li Hongyun thought for a long time but couldn't come up with any clues, so he could only read it after entering the copy.


In the sequencer space, Li Hongyun saw the scene that Meng Yuan had seen before.

After going through the dungeon of "Heroism with Recklessness", the Sequencers were able to move on to the upper reaches of the long river of history.After passing through the dark period of "Shenzhou Luchen" ruled by the Northern Man, it finally came to the seat of the Qi Dynasty.

Li Hongyun stepped into the historical slice called "Let's talk and let go".

The images around him began to change and finally freeze.

The initial scene of this dungeon turned out to be at a ferry by the river.

The river in front of me is very wide. Judging from the lush vegetation around it, it is probably a ferry of the Yangtze River.At this time, soldiers in uniforms of the Qi army could be seen busy around, and there were also many warships of the Qi Dynasty on the river.

And different from the previous dungeon, this time Li Hongyun did not directly appear in front of the optional identity card or talent skill card, but a line of prompt information appeared.

[The historical slice is seriously distorted, and there may be a big difference from the historical records, and the key figures completely disappear. Please judge wisely and judge by yourself! 】

[Correspondingly, the player's degree of freedom in the historical slice will also be improved.As long as the final goal is achieved, there is no need to be too demanding on the process and details. 】

Li Hongyun's expression couldn't help being a little serious.

The difficulty of the game has continued to increase!

Of course, the previous dungeons were also distorted, especially many heroes were distorted into cowards, which requires players to identify and judge by themselves.

For example, the previous Yang Xinyan, Wang Zongchang and others were all tampered with by monsters in different ways, which caused great obstacles to the player's clearance.

But this time, there will be a situation where the key person completely disappears?

This is obviously more difficult.

In the past, when players encountered a distorted character, they could directly act as the character, correct it, and then pass the level smoothly.

But now, the key character just disappeared?
What should I do?
Obviously, players will have to use other characters, even an ordinary minion, to plug this gap.

This is obviously more difficult, because the key figures are by no means comparable to ordinary people in terms of physical fitness or reputation among friendly forces.

But on the other hand, players have a higher degree of freedom, and it doesn't matter if many places don't follow the historical records.

From the perspective of the gameplay, increasing the difficulty and increasing the degree of freedom obviously enhances the fun of the game. From the perspective of the plot of the game, as the sequencers enter the upper reaches of history, they will inevitably encounter more and more serious distortions and problems. Tampering, and the fight against demons will also become more diverse, which makes perfect sense.

Li Hongyun got ready and tapped the OK button on the prompt.

In the next second, he found himself at the ferry.

There is no choice of identity, nor of natural skills.

"This is the beginning? I'm not ready yet!"

Li Hongyun looked down, and found that he was also wearing the military uniform of the Qi army, and it seemed that he was just an ordinary soldier.

At this moment, a huge boulder roared past in the sky.


With a loud noise, the boulder hit the shore directly, and rolled a few times. Unfortunately, several soldiers of the Qi army were affected, and their flesh and blood were bloody from being smashed.

In the distance, there are almost a hundred warships coming towards this side.

The flags on these warships are flying, with the word "gold" written in big characters.

Li Hongyun instantly felt that the situation seemed a bit wrong, because it was not completely different from what he had prepared before, it could only be said that it had nothing to do with it.

He hurriedly grabbed a pawn next to him who looked like he was about to flee on the spot with a flustered expression: "Where is this place!"

The pawn gave him the look of an idiot.

The corner of Li Hongyun's mouth twitched, and he slapped the pawn twice: "Say it! Where is this!"

His body is strong and strong, much stronger than this thin pawn. After two slaps, this pawn was a little dazed. He didn't understand why he suddenly had a mental illness.

But under the other party's lustful power, the pawn still said in a daze: "This is... Niu Zhuji..."

Li Hongyun couldn't help frowning, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

He grabbed the pawn again and asked, "Where is Zhao Binfu?"

The pawn was even more at a loss: "Who is that?"

Li Hongyun was stunned for a moment: "Zhao Binfu, don't you know? People from Zhongshushe! Come to Niuzhu to reward the army!"

The pawn's face was almost squeezed into a bitter gourd: "Don't make fun of me! When did the court send someone to reward the army? We escaped all the way, and we didn't even see a support army, let alone Zhongshu Sheren, what Reward the army?"

Obviously, in his opinion, Li Hongyun is a complete psychopath.

Everyone obviously escaped together like a bereaved dog, why are they asking these questions again inexplicably...

Li Hongyun pushed the pawn aside, feeling a little dazed.

His brain was working fast, processing massive amounts of information.

If it is another player, they may still be quite confused at this time, and have no idea what they are going to do.

But when Li Hongyun heard the words "Niuzhuji", he immediately thought of what kind of war this was.

In the middle of the Qi Dynasty, the gold lord Wanyan Hailing took advantage of the fact that the two countries had maintained peace for 20 years and the Qi Dynasty was negligent, and invaded on a large scale. He raised 600,000 soldiers from all over the country to destroy Qi in one fell swoop and unify the world.

At that time, Niuzhuji was the only way for him to cross the river, and there were only Qi troops with less than 20,000 people.

And before the fight started, they had already collapsed and fled, and the soldiers had no heart to fight.

But at this moment, a warrior named Zhao Binfu appeared.

He was originally just an ordinary Zhongshu Sheren, a civil servant with no real power, and was ordered to bring silver, wine and meat to reward the army, but when he arrived, he found that the soldiers were wandering around in groups, not even wearing armor or wearing armor. Holding weapons is completely lack of fighting spirit, just eating and waiting to die.The Jin army is already planning to cross the river.

Therefore, Zhao Binfu reported immediately, saying that he would stay and lead the troops to resist desperately.The imperial court was also in a state of desperation, and when they saw this, they immediately went down the slope and asked him to serve as the front-line commander.

This was originally a battle that was impossible to win, but Zhao Binfu insisted on winning, which is why he was praised as "the one man through the ages".

That's why Li Hongyun immediately asked where Zhao Binfu was after learning that this place was Niu Zhuji.

Because he knew that in real history, Zhao Binfu could lead people to win this battle, and finding Zhao Binfu was like hugging his thigh.

It turned out that there was no such person here!

I don't know if he didn't come at all?Or is it because this slice of history was seriously distorted by the monster, so the whole person no longer exists?
Li Hongyun looked at the Jin Army who had already landed, and realized that the dungeon this time seemed to be a little bit different from what he had imagined...

(End of this chapter)

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