My players are all actors

Chapter 212 The Ayun Case

Chapter 212 The Ayun Case

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Chu Ge entered the game world of "Dark Sand" on time again.

After choosing the identity of Zhang Renxia, ​​continue to try to clear the copy.

At this time, his job was to join the army as a judicial officer in Gwangju, and his main job was to handle various civil and criminal cases.

The cases in the first stage were relatively simple. Chu Ge handled them according to the laws at that time, and basically did not make too many mistakes, and they all passed the customs smoothly.

After the story of meeting Yu Jiaxuan, Zhang Renxia's dungeon challenge also logically entered the second stage.

At this time, there are still 9 years to go before the Battle of Niuzhu.

Chu Ge originally thought that the challenges of the second stage would change, but he didn't expect that his task would still be to deal with various cases.

Although the complexity of these cases seems to be higher than that of the first stage, and some cases contain traps that need to be carefully screened, overall, the nature of the work has not changed.

Chu Ge didn't think too much, just dealt with one case after another step by step.

Just like when Sheng Taizu reviewed the memorial, he searched for the legal provisions and made a judgment in his heart, and then the game system would automatically execute various details, and report the handling of these cases to the counselor who has become a counselor in the court at this time. Political affairs, Wang Wenchuan who gained real power.

Case by case, quickly dealt with.

Chu Ge thought that he had dealt with it without any problems and that he should be able to enter the next stage smoothly, but he didn't expect that after he finished handling the last case, his vision was filled with fog, and he returned to the original state of the second stage.


Chu Ge was very surprised. This was obviously a sign of a failure in customs clearance.

But why did it fail?

"Strange, I have handled all the cases according to the law, and there should be no serious omissions or misjudgments...

"Could it be that among the cases in the second stage, there are some major cases that I haven't discovered?
"It doesn't make sense..."

Chu Ge entered the game again and went through the various cases encountered in the second stage.

Different from the first stage, the repetition rate of the cases this time has increased significantly, and he has seen most of the complicated cases before.

Obviously, the two stages of "judgment" are also different game mechanisms.

The cases in the first stage are very simple, so if players are allowed to try repeatedly, it is easy to pass the level, so there must be a strong randomness.

But the case in the second stage is much more complicated. If the player does not know the correct answer, if he does not use his brain, it is impossible to try out the answer in a stupid way, so many cases will appear repeatedly.

Moreover, Chu Ge speculated based on his previous experience when he played the role of "emperor" Sheng Taizu, there must be something hidden in these cases in the second stage waiting for him to discover.

Just like when playing the role of "emperor", it is necessary to find key cases such as the North and South List case and the empty seal case from the piles of memorials, and it is also necessary to find out the link of killing Sima Yan.

So, Chu Ge went through it again seriously.

Until he saw a name he had seen before: Ayun.

"This there any other way to deal with it?"

Chu Ge went through the case involving this person seriously again.

"There is a woman, Ayun, who was hired by Wei in her mother's clothes. Yun Xu married before, and thought her son-in-law was ugly, and waited for her to sleep in the field. , Suspect what Yun Yun did, insist on questioning it, want to interrogate and plunder, but tell the truth..."

The content of the case itself is actually not complicated.

There is a 13-year-old girl named Ayun in Gwangju. Her father died early and her mother died.

Wei Da was ugly, and Ayun didn't want to marry, so he sneaked into Wei Da's house at night when he was sleeping, and chopped him with a hatchet.

However, Ayun was young after all, only 13 years old at the time, so he failed to kill Wei Da, but cut more than ten wounds and cut off one of his fingers.Wei Da woke up from his sleep and raised his hand to stop him in a panic, so Ayun dropped the hatchet and ran away.

The officials investigating the case found that it was not the bandits, so they arrested Ayun. After some questioning, Ayun revealed the truth and admitted that he had attempted to murder Wei Da.

There was no torture to extract a confession, nor was there any framing. The facts of the case were clear, so there shouldn't be any doubts.

Chu Ge is very clear that the game "Dark Sand" tests the judgment of the players rather than the ability of criminal investigation. Since the players are not allowed to interrogate the criminals in person or go to the scene to investigate, it means that the information is basically no problem, and the players can rest assured. judge on the basis of this.

Therefore, the last time he sentenced Ayun to death according to the law at that time, and then changed the sentence to hang.

The reason for this sentence was that according to the law of the Qi Dynasty at that time, murdering one's husband was a certain death sentence; while the ordinary "killing with injury", that is to say, the attempted murder caused the other party to be injured, and the sentence was to be hanged.

At first, Chu Ge thought it was a case of murdering his own husband, so he could only be sentenced to beheading.

But later he noticed that there was another known condition, "Yu Wei was hired in the mother's server".In other words, Ayun was hired by Wei Da during his mother's mourning period.

According to the law at that time, children were not allowed to marry during the mourning period, so the marriage contract itself should be invalid.

That being the case, it should not be punished as murdering the husband, but as attempted murder.Beheading, of course, was changed to hanging.

When Chu Ge discovered this, he felt lucky.

If the standard answer is hanging and he sentenced to beheading, wouldn't it be very likely to lead to the failure of customs clearance?

But then I thought again, whether it was the death penalty or the hanging, Ayun was always going to die, and there was actually no big difference.

For this case, Chu Ge is of course full of sympathy for the 13 years old girl.

Because judging from the facts of the case, this is obviously an act of "eating out the family".

Ayun's father died early, and his mother also passed away.As a result, when she was in mourning for her mother, her uncle couldn't wait to sell her, exchanged her for a few shi of grain, and forced her to marry someone she didn't like very much.

Of course, Wei Da is actually relatively innocent, because there is no evidence to prove that he is a bad person. He is just poor and ugly, so he was hacked by A Yun more than a dozen times, and even cut off a finger.

If we want to say who caused this tragedy, on the surface it was Ayun’s uncle who had no family, but on a deeper level, it was the social system in which women were not free to marry and control their own destiny.

According to the current point of view, Ayun's marriage contract is not established, he is a minor, and there is mercy, even if it is considered an attempted murder, he should not be sentenced to death.

But at this time, Chu Ge was playing a judicial officer of the Qi Dynasty who joined the army, so naturally he could only be dealt with according to the laws of the Qi Dynasty.

Otherwise, what will happen to the prisoners in other cases after is opened up?
There is a big difference between modern and ancient legal concepts, and they cannot all be judged according to modern laws. In that case, don't expect this dungeon to be able to pass the customs.

Therefore, when the case was adjudicated last time, Chu Ge did not feel that there was anything wrong with his "hanging" sentence at all.

He really sympathized with this girl, but under the social environment at that time, there was really nothing he could do.

But after seeing the name "Ayun" for the second time, Chu Ge felt keenly that this case seemed to be somewhat different from other cases.

"Could it be that Ah Yun can't die?
"It doesn't make sense either.

"Death penalty cases have to be reported to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice for approval, and these two departments will definitely approve, because whether it is beheaded or hanged, the sentence is made according to the law at that time.

"These two departments must maintain the authority of the laws of the Qi Dynasty, and it is impossible to overthrow the provisions of the laws by themselves.

"So, the results after reporting must be approved immediately.

"Then...ask Wang Wenchuan alone, will there be any difference?"

Chu Ge suddenly had such an idea.

At this time, he is playing Zhang Renxia, ​​whose job is to join the army as a judge.It stands to reason that if the case involves the death penalty, it must be reported at all levels, from the magistrate to the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment, before it can be finally confirmed.

But judging from the previous experience, the result of the report must be the approval of the death penalty.

Chu Ge wanted to save this woman named Ayun, at least avoid her death penalty, and fight for a punishment like exile, but judging from the law, there was no support at all.

That's why he suddenly thought that maybe he should ask Wang Wenchuan for instructions alone.

Zhang Renxia was quite appreciated by Wang Wenchuan at this time, and the two were both teachers and friends.

Wang Wenchuan admired Zhang Renxia's character, character and talent, and now he was asked to join the army as a judicial officer in Gwangju, because he actually had the idea of ​​cultivating talents for the new law.As long as Zhang Renxia is willing, Wang Wenchuan will promote him soon.

And when he served as a judicial officer in Gwangju and joined the army, Zhang Renxia could indeed directly report everything that happened here in Gwangju, and Wang Wenchuan would also give his approval.

In history, it was precisely because of these actions of Wang Wenchuan that Zhang Renxia was very moved and became a confidant.

Chu Ge is not sure whether throwing this difficult problem to Wang Wenchuan will definitely make a difference, but at least he can give it a try.If Wang Wenchuan did not respond, it means that the problem did not lie in this case.

Thinking of this, Chu Ge copied the three cases that he had doubts about, including the Ayun case, wrote down his own disposal plan, and reported it to Wang Wenchuan.


The meaningless waiting time was omitted in the game, so Chu Ge quickly received Wang Wenchuan's reply.

And this answer made him both surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Wang Wenchuan agreed with the other two cases, but he asked me to reconsider the case of Ayun!
"That is to say, there is indeed another way to deal with this Ayun case?

"But...Wang Wenchuan didn't say which law to invoke specifically.

"I can only figure it out..."

Although he still had no clue, Chu Ge was still refreshed, because Wang Wenchuan's reply made him determine the direction.

Wang Wenchuan meant that the sentence must be changed.

But at this time Chu Ge needs to answer two questions: first, why should the sentence be changed?

One must know that Wang Wenchuan is a political adviser at this time, and it can be said that he is the prime minister. Why is he so concerned about the attempted murder of an ordinary girl?

It seems a bit unreasonable to use simple and simple sympathy.

Compassion is certainly one aspect, but there are certainly other, more important aspects.

The second is, how to change the sentence?

According to the laws of the Qi Dynasty at that time, if an attempted murder caused the other party to be injured, he would be sentenced to death by hanging, which could not be changed.

Not to mention Zhang Renxia, ​​even Wang Wenchuan or people from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment would not be able to forcefully change the law.

After thinking about it, Chu Ge found that there is only one person who has the ability to keep Ah Yun from dying.

That is the emperor!
In ancient society, the emperor had the supreme authority, and the laws of a country were basically made by the emperor.

If the emperor felt that a law was inappropriate, it was possible to change it.

However, it is still unrealistic for the emperor to change the clause of "sentenced to death by hanging for attempted murder" directly for Ayun.

On the one hand, this law has always existed in the Qi Dynasty, which means that the Qi Dynasty basically recognized this punishment method from the emperor to the ministers.The emperor had no reason to change this law.

On the other hand, even if the emperor had sympathy for Ayun, he would not be able to do such a thing as changing the laws of the Qi Dynasty for the sake of a commoner.That will meet with great resistance.

After some analysis, Chu Ge finally came to a conclusion.

"The only person who can save Ayun is the emperor.

"But it is impossible for the emperor to change this law directly, because there is too much resistance and he does not have enough motivation.

"Then... what if it is the emperor's words and edicts that conflict with this law? Or, does the emperor have enough motives to sentence Ah Yun not to die?
"Judging from Wang Wenchuan's reaction, he, the chief executive, obviously has a strong motive to keep Ayun alive. Then, the emperor who still supports Wang Wenchuan's reform can naturally be passed on this motive.

"Then the question now is, what is Wang Wenchuan's motivation for saving Ah Yun?
"Well... I'm afraid there can only be one reason other than simple sympathy."

After some analysis, Chu Ge finally settled on two words.

New law!

He speculated that the reason why Wang Wenchuan gave him an order to find ways to amend the sentence and save Ayun was because this seemingly inconspicuous case had potential connections with the new law.

If this speculation is true, then everything will be connected.

Chu Ge immediately went through the emperor's imperial edict and handbook, and sure enough, he found some clues.

Prior to this, the emperor had issued a decree: the murder had caused personal injury, but before the officials interrogated the prisoner and tortured the prisoner, if the prisoner truthfully confessed to the crime, he would be treated as a surrender, and the crime of murder would be reduced by two levels.

That is to say, if according to the instruction of this handbook, Ayun is designated as "surrender", then Ayun will not die.

As for why Wang Wenchuan hoped that Ayun would not die?

Because as long as it is confirmed that the emperor's handbook can indeed override the law at that time, then there will be a basis for the reform.

In other words, in Wang Wenchuan's view, this unremarkable case is precisely an excellent breakthrough for the reform.

(End of this chapter)

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