Chapter 216
While Chu Ge was having a headache to solve the dilemma of Wang Wenchuan's reform, Zhao Haiping was earnestly attacking Yu Jiaxuan's story line.

After more than a day of hard work, most players have basically determined the relationship between these two lines.

The copy of "I want to talk about it" seems to have two lines of civil and military. Zhang Renxia and Wang Wenchuan are obviously the literary line, while Yu Jiaxuan is the martial line.

However, unlike the dungeon of "Fenghou is not my will", the dungeon of "I want to talk about it" does not seem to force players to complete both lines perfectly.

Yu Jiaxuan and Wang Wenchuan did not have such a close relationship as General Deng and Governor Lin.

Therefore, many players have speculated that these two lines are likely to be focused.

Players can choose to focus on the direction of Yu Jiaxuan, or choose to focus on the direction of Wang Wenchuan, and the other line can be simply challenged and made the most cost-effective improvement.

As long as the results of the two lines are combined to ensure that the battle of Niuzhu can be won, this dungeon is considered a successful clearance.

Of course, there is no real hammer on this point yet, it is purely the guesswork of some players who are progressing faster.

And Zhao Haiping, of course, chose Yu Jiaxuan's line as the main direction of attack.

At this time, his identity is Jiangxi Tixing, and the goal of the next mission seems to be very simple: smash the bandits!

This can also be regarded as the second stage of the storyline of the character Yu Jiaxuan.

After breaking into the camp of 50 people with 50,000 people and capturing Ma Anbang alive, Yu Jiaxuan's timeline can only be described as "wasted".

The game didn't even give any reason, and jumped directly to the scene where he and Zhang Renxia were drinking, and the time passed quickly for a full two years.

There are only nine years left since the battle of Niuzhu, and from Yu Jiaxuan's point of view, in these two years, he has not only dealt with some trivial matters in the local area, but also built a house for himself with the generous salary of Qi Dynasty officials. Other than that, there really isn't much else to do.

Northern Expedition?Training?new law?

That has nothing to do with him.

Zhao Haiping was also very puzzled before, why did Yu Jiaxuan make such a great contribution, and even made the "sage emperor sigh three times", but in the end it was not reused for two full years?

After briefly looking up the historical materials, he understood.

In fact, this problem is not surprising, and it can even be said to be inevitable.

Because of Yu Jiaxuan's identity, he is a "reformed person".

The so-called reformers are those who returned to the Qi Dynasty from the Kingdom of Jin.

Not only did Yu Jiaxuan grow up in the occupied area of ​​the Jin Kingdom, his grandfather was also an official of the Jin people.Although his grandfather had been instilling in Yu Jiaxuan the idea of ​​"recovering the old mountains and rivers" when he was a child, in the eyes of the Qi court, he was obviously classified as "not my race".

The game does not show the scene after Yu Jiaxuan led the rebel army back to the Qi Dynasty, but Zhao Haiping himself can find out these historical records from historical materials.

After returning to the Qi Dynasty, the imperial court did hold a very decent incorporation ceremony for Yu Jiaxuan.

However, behind the seemingly high-standard ceremony, there is a naked mistrust.

More than ten thousand nominal troops were all broken up and divided into various armies, and Yu Jiaxuan naturally lost any military power in his hands, and instead obtained an official position that signed a judgment.

At that time, Yu Jiaxuan obviously didn't realize the seriousness of this matter.

He only thought it was a routine operation, after all, it was a rebel army attached to him, and it was understandable for the imperial court not to trust it.

In his opinion, even if he can't lead the army for the time being, he can show his ambition by being an official.After all, gold shines wherever it is.

In the future, as long as you can make achievements as an official, you will always be promoted.In an environment like the Qi Dynasty, civil servants who reached high levels could also enter the Privy Council to lead troops.

Civil servants were involved in several previous battles of the Qi Dynasty.

In the next two years, Yu Jiaxuan continued to write "Wan Zi Ping Rong Ce", and everyone who heard it was amazed and scrambled to praise it.

It's just that these things are destined not to be accepted by the court.

One of the lines, "The enemy will perish in 60 years, and the worries of China will be great if the captives die", was supposed to be a life-saving medicine to penetrate the situation and save the Qi Dynasty, but in the end, it turned into a divine prophecy for the final demise of the Qi Dynasty.

Before this, Zhao Haiping actually didn't know Yu Jiaxuan, he only knew that he was a great poet with a long history.

But now, he empathized with Yu Jiaxuan's resentment.

Back then, when the Fifty Riders hijacked the camp and brought back the traitors, how high-spirited they were.

Today is a place where heroes are useless.

Of course, compared to the real Yu Jiaxuan in history, the player's situation is still better.

Because in this slice of history where the timeline has been severely distorted, Wang Wenchuan's new law is also in full swing.

At least players can also comfort themselves with "the new law has not been implemented, so you can't start provocations without authorization".

Players can say that Yu Jiaxuan is useless now because the Qi Dynasty's treasury is empty and the army's combat effectiveness is not strong, so even if they fight, there will be no good results.

When Wang Wenchuan's reform is successful and the army has combat effectiveness, it will not be too late to fight again.

Yu Jiaxuan is still young and can wait.

But in the real history, when Yu Jiaxuan was wasting years, the whole Qi Dynasty did nothing, and it was still a scene of singing and dancing, playing music and dancing.

The real resentment in Yu Jiaxuan's heart can be imagined.

Fortunately, players can skip these meaningless waits and go directly to the next stage of the challenge.

The task this time is, Smash Bandit.

Zhao Haiping looked at the complex terrain in front of the hill, and then at the disheveled and energetic officers and soldiers behind him.

"What are the identities of these thieves?" Zhao Haiping asked the deputy general who was following him.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. After all, Zhao Haiping has quite a lot of experience in leading the army. Although his experience in leading the army is obtained through repeated failures and trials, he still has mastered the most basic content.

If you want to smash the bandits, you should first figure out the enemy's situation.

The deputy general hurriedly bowed and said: "My lord, these thieves are called tea bandits, because their leader is a tea merchant in his sixties. This person is called Lai Wenzheng, who recruits brave men and guards to smuggle Because of the killing of officials, he became a bandit.

"This person moved to many provinces, not only hid in the mountains several times to escape the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army, but even took advantage of the lack of defense of the officers and soldiers, and won several times by chance.

"However, don't worry, my lord, the number of our army entering the mountain this time is absolutely superior. My lord is wise and mighty, and I will definitely be able to capture Lai Wen with my forehand."

Zhao Haiping nodded slightly, thinking in his mind.

A tea merchant... and a tea merchant at such an age...

Going up to the mountains to be a bandit at this age is really old and strong.

However, judging from the fact that these people dared to smuggle and intercept officials, they must also be vicious.He moved to many provinces, hid in the mountainside, and even defeated the unsuspecting officers and troops after fleeing in embarrassment. It seems that although the leader, Lai Wenzheng, is very old, he also knows some tactics and is difficult to deal with.

A group of bandits who smuggled tea were able to defeat the government army, and they fought in several places, but no one could do anything about it. The face of the court was indeed slapped.

No wonder the court finally thought of Yu Jiaxuan.

It is absolutely impossible for the imperial court to regard him as a "returned person" and let him lead an army to fight Jinren.But the imperial court knew his ability, so he was asked to be the captain of the firefighting team to do such dirty work.

Forget it, what else can I do?

Zhao Haiping didn't feel that he had any other choice at this time, he could only serve as a tool for the court of the Qi Dynasty, hoping that after the war against bandits, his status could be improved by virtue of this achievement, and he would be closer to the Battle of Niuzhu .

"The army enters the mountain!"

Zhao Haiping gave an order, and the officers and soldiers behind them set off and marched towards the mountain ahead.

Prior to this, Zhao Haiping certainly made some other arrangements.

He has already arranged guides to investigate several main routes out of the mountain, and arranged for several lieutenants under his command to lead people to block all the main routes out of the mountain in advance.

In this way, he himself will lead the officers and soldiers to personally attack from the front, and he can achieve the goal of catching the turtle in the urn.

The mountain road is rugged, so Zhao Haiping and others did not ride horses, but walked.

Before setting off, Zhao Haiping picked up a long knife that was in his hand as his weapon.

It is true that he is still not used to Yu Jiaxuan's sword. It would be safer to use a long knife.

For this raid, Zhao Haiping is still very confident.

Although these officers and soldiers don't seem to be very effective in combat, they can only be beaten ten times against the Shangjin people, but they are rogue bandits after all.

At this time, their military strength is in an absolute advantage, and the morale of the soldiers can be relatively guaranteed.

Moreover, the addition effect of individual combat power on morale in the era of cold weapons is very obvious.Zhao Haiping, playing Yu Jiaxuan, can maximize his own force value. When the time comes, he will take the lead in the charge and defeat these tea bandits. It should not be a big problem.

"Ahead is the gate of the village." The lieutenant pointed to the simple wooden fence not far away.

Zhao Haiping couldn't help frowning, feeling something was wrong.

Why does it look so quiet?
Could it be that there was an ambush?

It's not like... these are just bandits, and they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of military strength, so what if there is an ambush?

Zhao Haiping suddenly had a bad premonition, and immediately gave an order: "Rush in!"

The officers and soldiers immediately rushed forward and broke open the gate of the village.

It turned out that there was no one in the cottage.

The place where these tea bandits are located is actually not a big cottage, and it is quite simple.According to previous information, there were only a few hundred people.

This cottage can barely accommodate all these tea bandits, but it is absolutely impossible to say that it is impenetrable.

But the question is, what about people?
All the officers and soldiers looked at each other, and the lieutenant looked at Zhao Haiping, waiting for his next order.

Zhao Haiping found the cooking stove in the cottage, and reached out to touch the ashes in the stove.

"There is still some remaining warmth... spread out, chase after!"

Zhao Haiping immediately and decisively ordered several deputy generals to lead the officers and soldiers to chase down several paths down the mountain.

It stands to reason that he has arranged people to guard these important routes in advance, if these tea bandits go down the mountain at this time, they will definitely run into one of them.

At this time, send people to chase them and attack them back and forth. As long as they can hold back these tea bandits and wait for the other troops to converge, wouldn't it be easy to catch them?
With an order, the officers and soldiers cheered up again and began to descend the mountain.

But what Zhao Haiping didn't expect was that the officers and soldiers searched the whole mountain inside and out, and they came to nothing.

The officers and soldiers who were in charge of blocking the way down the mountain did not even see a single tea bandit, and the two groups of officers and soldiers stared at each other in a daze.

Zhao Haiping also scratched his head inexplicably.

what's the situation? ?

(End of this chapter)

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