My players are all actors

Chapter 218 I've Been Blackened!

Chapter 218 I've Been Blackened!

"A person who is useless is a scholar!"

Back to the original starting point, Chu Ge was full of resentment.

He now understands how Li Hongyun felt back then.

Li Hongyun was tortured by the dog emperor Wei Zhaodi in the copy of the scribes, and he changed his job as an assassin in a fit of anger. It may be that there is such resentment in it.

"I found a problem.

"As a civil servant, it's easy to mess up a thing; but it's very difficult to get it right.

"Is this reasonable!"

Two rounds of tours in a row broke Chu Ge's mind a bit.

As the saying goes, do it again and again, don't do it again and again, Chu Ge clearly realized that the matter of reform is definitely not as simple as he thought at first.

It is useless to treat headaches. It is useless to treat headaches and feet. It is still necessary to seriously analyze it in depth to find the only correct solution.

Thinking of this, Chu Ge calmed down and continued to analyze the reasons for this failure.


"This word is absolutely unacceptable to the emperor.

"After all, the unchanging law may perish in 100 years, and the variable law may perish in a few decades.

"In Yongjun's eyes, they may temporarily see the prospect of the reform, but once there are some unexpected problems in the reform, they will easily retreat and return to their comfort zone.

"From Wang Wenchuan's point of view, it is nonsense for others to criticize him for engaging in cliques. Another group of people went down.

"However, as long as those old school officials bite them to death and say that they are playing crony, they will be invincible.

"Because for the emperor, it is impossible for him to fully trust Wang Wenchuan. In other words, it is impossible for him to fully trust anyone.

"Even if someone else is randomly selected to rectify the administration of officials, it will only lead to this ending...

"It's really speechless!"

After some analysis, Chu Ge discovered that rectifying the administration of officials would not work at all.

In his opinion, the two proposals proposed by Chu Ge in order to rectify the administration of officials are the most basic, but in the eyes of other scholar-bureaucrats and officials, they are also the most terrible.

This leads to a paradox.

The redundant officials in the Qi Dynasty were because the emperor gave these scholar-bureaucrats too many benefits, so these civil officials have formed a huge vested interest class.

They are bureaucrats from top to bottom, and they are also high-level forces that secretly connect landlords and wealthy businessmen.In other words, they are the ruling class of the Qi Dynasty itself.

Want to attack this class?

That in itself makes you a minority.

Therefore, if the reform is shallow, it will definitely not hurt or itch, and it will not have much effect; if you think about the effect and enrich the country and strengthen the army, it will definitely seriously touch the interests of these people and be attacked by them.

After some analysis, Chu Ge came to a conclusion.

This is simply an unsolvable problem!

"Has there been any successful reforms in the past dynasties?

"Of course there is. It's just that those who succeed are called Shengshi and Zhongxing, and those who fail are called reforms.

"In the final analysis, matters such as reforms do not depend on officials, but on the emperor. It is no problem to use imperial power to promote reforms, but if you use prime minister power to promote reforms, you will almost inevitably end up in the end of personal death.

"Because the reform is originally a life-and-death collision with the vested interests, and the power of the minister comes from the imperial power, which is too easy to shake..."

Chu Ge went through several well-known reforms in the past and present in his mind, and realized the crux of them more clearly.

In the past, although he had read these historical records, like others, he often attributed the failure of the reform to the individual ability of the reformers.

For example, there are omissions in the formulation of policies, or reforms are eager for success, or there is no step-by-step improvement from the rectification of officials...

Under this kind of thinking, Wang Wenchuan is obviously a typical example of "great ambition and talent".

You are the prime minister, and you want to reform, but you fail in the end. Of course, you didn't think carefully.

If you think of all the problems in advance, you can't fail, right?

But after Chu Ge tried it himself, he realized that this problem was not as simple as he thought.

Manpower is infinite after all.

Is there any reform in history that was promoted by Xiangquan?Strictly speaking, not once.

It is true that some reforms were driven by aspects, but those reforms, without exception, received the absolute support of the emperor who was almost completely let go and trusted.

In some cases, the emperor and the prime minister trust each other like green mountains and pines and cypresses. .

All the prime ministers tried their best to push forward, but the emperor looked forward and backward, and almost all of them ended in tragic failure.

To talk about the necessary conditions for the success of the reform, there are undoubtedly at least three points.

First, it is the absolute support of the imperial power, which can suppress all opposition forces.

The second is a long period of time, such as ten or twenty years, or even the life of an emperor in his prime.

The third is based on the premise of the first two points.That is to say, a powerful interest class created by the political reform.

Only when this interest class exists, can the reform gain continuous and strong support and not be overthrown in the future.

However, Wang Wenchuan's reform actually does not have these three points.

The support of the imperial power is actually very limited support. The emperor only wants to see the benefits immediately from the reform, such as the filling of the treasury and the smooth flow of government orders, but he cannot accept the problems that arise during the reform process, such as the temporary emptiness of the treasury, or Mutual attacks and chaos in court.

Once a problem arises, the emperor will have doubts about the reform, and even suspect Wang Wenchuan.

And the long time, Wang Wenchuan also does not have.

Leaving aside the question of the emperor, the Qi Dynasty at that time was in a period of serious internal and external troubles, and the north was watching covetously, and it was possible to go south to destroy the Qi Dynasty at any time.In fact, Wang Wenchuan does not have a particularly stable window period, so many measures can only be quick success.

Because he was also very worried, and he took pictures slowly, and there was no time at all.

As for the third point, it is even less available.

Assuming that during the reform process, Wang Wenchuan can get the active support of the majority of farmers, or some farmers and some wealthy businessmen, then this reform may last for a longer period of time, and the possibility of success will be greater.

But in fact, Wang Wenchuan's reform has offended almost all classes, whether it is landlords, farmers, bureaucrats or wealthy businessmen, they all hold an absolute opposition to his reform.

In this way, his failure is doomed.

But if you think about it carefully, even if Wang Wenchuan understands this, which class can he win?

If he could gain the absolute support of the imperial power, continue the reform for decades, rectify the administration of officials, and let the benefits of the young crop law be reflected, then he could indeed gain the support of the peasants, but obviously, he has no such opportunity at all.

"So... this is an impossible task at all?"

Chu Ge analyzed and analyzed, and the ideas in his mind became clearer and clearer, but the hope of success in the reform became more and more slim.

After thinking about it, there is actually only one way to succeed in the reform.

That is to promote reform with unwavering imperial power.

Either Wang Wenchuan thought of a way to make the emperor empty, and became the uncrowned king himself;

Only after these are achieved, are we qualified to discuss the details of the reform.

But this is obviously impossible for Wang Wenchuan.

"Stop playing!

"Why do I have to work so hard to be Wang Wenchuan, this is just a game!

"Since being a good official can't save Qi Dynasty, then I might as well be a bad official!"

This time Chu Ge was really a little angry.

As the top scribe player, he has always relied on his profound historical knowledge and flexible mind to solve dungeons one after another, and he feels very good about himself.

From Governor Lin to Taizu Sheng, Chu Ge has always been able to find an optimal solution in a chaotic and complicated situation.

But for Wang Wenchuan, he was completely stuck.

When playing the role of Governor Lin, although he gave up his own future, he got military funds from the emperor anyway and helped General Deng put down the bandits;
When playing the role of Sheng Taizu, although he was tortured by piles of documents and memorials throughout his later years, at least he continued Guozuo for the Dasheng Dynasty.

But what about Wang Wenchuan?
I racked my brains, but found that every road didn't work.

In the end, not only was he exhausted physically and mentally, but he was also blamed by the emperor and other ministers for hundreds of years.

If it is in reality, Chu Ge really has no good way.

Or know what to do and do it, follow the old path of Wang Wenchuan;

In fact, Wang Wenchuan's method at that time was indeed the least bad method.

Although the forced introduction of the new law led to the bankruptcy and displacement of many farmers, it did allow the Qi Dynasty's treasury to be sufficient, and many water conservancy projects were built across the country, and some military victories were also achieved in the northwest.

Although Wang Wenchuan finally died in depression and the new law was abolished, in general, he still has a clear conscience.

But Chu Ge is not Wang Wenchuan. He has no Confucian education. It can be said that he is a man without father and king.

Wang Wenchuan finally had a clear conscience, but Chu Ge couldn't accept such an ending.

Maybe if he follows Wang Wenchuan's old path, he can at least get enough military resources, and he can also cooperate with Yu Jiaxuan to train a new army and win the battle of Niuzhu.

But what's the point?

So frustrating!

Since it's a game, since it's just a simulated trial, it's better to play something more exciting.It doesn't matter whether you pass the level or not, the key is that you have to have fun.

Thinking of this, Chu Ge suddenly had a bold idea.

Don't you all call me a traitor?

Don't they all say that I am a friend?

Alright, then I will really be a traitor!I really want to have a friend party!
After all, in the previous dungeon, it's not that I haven't seen a treacherous official like Yan Maoqing, can't I just follow the gourd?
The reform may not be successful, but you old party ministers, and this dog emperor, die for me!
(End of this chapter)

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