My players are all actors

Chapter 222 5 years

Chapter 222 Five Years
Wen Junshi looked at Wang Wenchuan, his eyes slightly squinted, obviously full of suspicion.

"President Wang, the plan of the new law seems to have changed a lot compared with the previous one."

Wang Wenchuan, played by Chu Ge, nodded sincerely: "That's right, Wen Jianyi. During this period of time, I thought about it, and finally revised the plan of the new law."

Wen Junshi: "Why?"

He can be said to be Wang Wenchuan's confidant, and even the other party is as stubborn as himself, and it is almost impossible to be persuaded.

Before, Wen Junshi could indeed write several letters to Wang Wenchuan, hoping that he would give up the "disaster for the country and the people" reform, and be able to return from the wrong path.

However, Wang Wenchuan also wrote a "Reply and Remonstrance Letter", comprehensively refuting his views, and firmly stated that he must push forward the new law at all costs.

Who ever thought it would happen so fast.

So Wen Junshi's first reaction was not joy, but doubts, and then he wondered if there was any misunderstanding.

Chu Ge sighed softly, and put on an expression of worrying about the country and the people: "Wen Jianyi, after thinking about it for a long time, I think what you said is indeed very reasonable. The reform is related to my Daqi national destiny, and it really should be Think carefully and don't act rashly.

"So, I have decided to put some controversial laws on hold for now."

Wen Junshi carefully looked at the somewhat unfamiliar Wang Wenchuan, and Chu Ge also gave him very positive feedback with his superb acting skills at the actor level.

The degree of this is indeed difficult to grasp.

Because Chu Ge can't act too fake directly, if he immediately becomes a mediocre person who has no opinion and drifts with the crowd, then it will not match Wang Wenchuan's original image at all.

Therefore, at this time, Wang Wenchuan still maintained his previous stubborn personality, and when he talked about the plan to change the new law, his tone was still very regretful.

But on the other hand, it also shows a kind of compulsion to compromise, as if this is a concession that was finally made after a difficult battle between heaven and man.

Finally, Wen Junshi showed some approval on his face, and nodded slightly: "You can figure this out, Wang Xiang, and you have indeed made progress.

"But I still want to say that the reform will harm the country and the people. I still hope that you can think more through it and give up all the plans.

"If it is temporarily put on hold, it will never be implemented again in the future; if it is planned to be implemented this time, please give up decisively."

The corners of Chu Ge's mouth twitched involuntarily, thinking to himself, good guy, how can you make an inch of it?

My current plan has already made a lot of concessions. For the original Wang Wenchuan, it was simply impossible.

Any more concessions, no matter how good the acting skills can be saved, Wang Wenchuan's role will collapse in an instant.

As a result, Wen Junshi was actually not satisfied.

Well, that's to be expected.

If Wen Junshi could compromise, then he would not be Wen Junshi.Chu Ge had to wonder if some demon had possessed him.

Thinking of this, Chu Ge immediately put on a serious face: "Wen Jianyi, I have said many times that the reform is imperative!

"You must not regard this plan as a kind of concession and compromise. No matter how you look at it, the reform must continue!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to start arguing again in the court hall, the emperor said in a deep voice, "Okay! Wang Xiang, Wen Jianyi, you two stop for a while. As I said, the discussion at this court meeting is not about whether to implement or not. The question of the new law is the question of how specific the plan of the new law is!

"Everyone, let's express our opinions."

After suppressing Wang Wenchuan and Wen Junshi, the emperor turned his attention to other officials.

Soon, officials from the old party and the new party began to clarify their views.

If it was before, the two sides must have been clearly separated and in the same situation.

The new party must be in full support of the new law, while the old party is in full opposition.

But this time, the situation has changed.

Most of the new party followed Wang Wenchuan's lead. Although they found that many key measures such as the Young Crops Law were missing, it was impossible for them to question their own people, and they still fully agreed.

The situation in the old party is different.

There are actually some officials of the old party who no longer completely oppose it, but have loosened their tone.

"Officials and ministers think that although the new law is still harmful to the people, it has greatly improved compared to before."

"The new exemption law has a heart of love for the people, which shows that the king knows that mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it. Of course, no matter what, the minister still does not agree with the new law."

Although these old party ministers are still relatively stubborn, some of them have loosened their attitudes.

This is because the composition of the old and new parties is completely different.

In the new party, apart from a few people who, like Wang Wenchuan, are reformists who hope to make the country prosperous and strong through reforms, there are still a large number of people who are outright opportunists.

These opportunists hope that through the new law, their official career will be prosperous and they will be promoted faster.

They have planted huge hidden dangers for the new law. In real history, some of them cheated Wang Wenchuan very badly.

But the advantage of these opportunists is that, at least on the surface, they are of one mind with Wang Wenchuan.

At most, they sang crooked scriptures after they arrived at the local government, or they were obedient and obedient, but in the court hall, they would never say "no" to Wang Wenchuan's plan.

But the composition of the old party is much more complicated.

Among them are Wen Junshi, who is absolutely conservative in thinking, and bureaucrats whose interests are highly tied to landlords, but there are also some officials who do not oppose reform, but oppose Wang Wenchuan's plan.

And these officials who do not oppose reform and oppose Wang Wenchuan's plan are a powerful force that cannot be ignored in the old party.

For example, some people have suggested before that the exemption law should be implemented, but money should be collected from the rich, not from the poor.

Chu Ge made some adjustments to the content of Wang Wenchuan's reform, which objectively had the effect of winning the support of this group of people.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the hall at this time has obviously changed compared with before.

The old party officials looked at each other. Obviously, many people were worried about this.

The change in wind direction made them worried.

However, Wang Wenchuan temporarily decided not to implement the Young Crops Law and the Market Change Law. After the two most criticized and most easily targeted laws were removed, the direction of the old party's attacks on the new law was undoubtedly severely restricted.

But soon, they found a new direction.

An old party official said as if he had discovered a new world: "Officials, this official system is definitely not feasible!"

A long speech, stating the pros and cons.

In fact, these officials opposed the official system law for nothing more than two reasons. One is that the official system law can play a role in eliminating redundant officials, which is a kind of damage to the interests of these officials. Some important ministers were dissatisfied.

These diehard members of the old party obviously hope to use the official system law as an entry point to continue their fierce attack on the new law.

However, before the official finished speaking, he saw the emperor's face darken.

"The official system law is a plan after careful consideration between me and Wang Qing. It is imperative and there is no need to discuss it!"

The official froze.

He originally wanted to find a breakthrough, but he didn't expect that he kicked on the iron plate inexplicably?

The emperor's attitude was so resolute, which greatly exceeded the expectations of many people.

But this didn't stop the topic, on the contrary, more old party officials noticed this article.

The original official system law was mixed with other new law proposals, and many officials subconsciously ignored it, or did not realize its true meaning even after reading it.

The emperor's reaction at this time served as a reminder instead.

Soon, opposition voices came one after another!
Even Wen Junshi expressed his dissent.

"Officials, there is no need for the official system of law. The sage said that the Holy Son of Heaven will rule from the bow, and some small things will be done by the governor himself. Why do the officials do it by themselves?"

Unknowingly, the focus of the debate between the court and court has shifted from new laws such as the exemption law to the official system law.

And the emperor's face became more and more ugly.

During the whole process, almost all the old party officials spoke, and the new party officials all remained silent.

Of course, Wang Wenchuan, played by Chu Ge, can't speak, and the situation at this time is exactly the effect he wants.

Among the other officials of the New Party, although there are many who are dissatisfied with the official system law, but still the same sentence, whether it is a reformer or an opportunist in the New Party, they basically follow Wang Wenchuan's lead and will not blatantly demolish them on such occasions.

Chu Ge secretly observed the emperor's reaction, knowing that this time the matter was more than half successful.

The emperor's hatred for these old party officials is obviously increasing!

All I had to do was take a small notebook and write down all the old party officials who spoke.

This is obviously the effect of Chu Ge's previous flicker.

The emperor is determined to take back the imperial power, but at this time, even Wang Wenchuan, who is the prime minister, has voluntarily handed over the power, but these old party officials are still stubborn?
Especially Wen Junshi, what did you say that "the Holy Son of Heaven will rule with his bow"?What do you mean "some trivial things are done for you"?
Is this something trivial?
The emperor has long been very unhappy with this situation. He has always had ambitions in his heart, but every time he wants to start a career, there is always a boss in front of him blocking him.

It's like a fledgling young man, every time he wants to start a vigorous business, there will always be an elder who will come out and tell him what to do.

Maybe this elder is doing it for his own good, but in his own opinion, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, he will definitely continue to accumulate hatred for this elder, and even become bitter.

The emperor's face was ashen. Facing the old party officials headed by Wen Junshi who rose up and attacked, he did not lose his temper, nor did he refute in a hurry. Instead, he silently wrote down the names of these people and wrote them down. Wang Wenchuan's statement was further confirmed in my heart.

If it was before, he could only be incompetent and furious.Facing the monolithic civil servant group, there is no good way at all.

But now, he has an idea in his mind.

As long as they rely on Wang Wenchuan, these people are nothing to worry about!

Sure enough, only Wang Qing is the one who understands me best. These old parties all talk about the law of their ancestors, but in fact they still want me to be an emperor who "governs and rules" and doesn't care about anything. Let them In the future, he will be the ruler, and act recklessly...

"Let's go here first for today's discussion. Dismiss the court!"

After some disputes, the emperor walked away.

Wen Junshi looked at the emperor, frowning slightly.

As the leader of the old party, his political sense is not bad, and he has been keenly aware of the wrong direction of the wind from the emperor's reaction.

But at this time, like Wang Wenchuan, he is only in his early 40s, and he has not yet reached the state of "being old and not dying is a thief".

What's more, Chu Ge's gameplay actually uses theoretical support hundreds of years later, and it is impossible for Wen Junshi to recall it in a short time.


The fog in front of him gradually gathered and then gradually dispersed.

Wang Wenchuan, played by Chu Ge, returned to the Political Affairs Hall again.

But what is different from before is that in front of him is no longer a mountain of memorials to impeach him by the officials, but a lot of good news that makes the corners of his mouth slightly rise.

Under the strong push of the emperor, the new law was implemented vigorously and vigorously.

Many people from the old party in the DPRK were impeached. This included real black material, but also speculative attacks, and there were even verbal indictments where there was no excuse for imposing crimes.

In history, some old party officials were impeached by the censor because of a few poems.In the Qi Dynasty, although the literary inquisition was not as terrifying as it was later, there were not many civil officials who were convicted for their words.

In real history, although Wang Wenchuan disagreed with these old party officials, he also said a key sentence at a critical moment: "When there is a prosperous age, kill talented people?"

This sentence obviously played a big role. Many old party officials who were impeached were only demoted in the end, and did not suffer particularly severe retaliation.

This shows that Wang Wenchuan himself is a person who sticks to principles and does not use such despicable means to attack political opponents, and even speaks for political opponents in reverse.Even if these people are opponents of the reform.

But since Chu Ge is determined to be a treacherous minister, of course he will not do such a manly thing.

With a swipe of the pen, all these old party officials will be dealt with strictly and severely!
Those who can be beheaded will never be exiled; those who can be exiled will never be demoted to Lingnan; those who can be demoted to Lingnan will never be demoted to economically developed areas.

A tragic party struggle, under the firm promotion of Chu Ge, soon swept through the court of Qi Dynasty.

Party struggle is obviously extremely harmful to a country.

Because this means that from now on, the two sides will continue to attack each other, and it is an attack on people and things.

But Chu Ge didn't care about it at all.

On the one hand, it is because he knows that in history, although Wang Wenchuan has always been very tolerant to the old party officials and has been avoiding party disputes, after his death, party disputes spread quickly, and it would not happen because of his kindness. change; on the other hand, it is because hesitant party struggles are more harmful.

Because the officials of the old party will not appreciate it, they will not think that Wang Wenchuan is magnanimous and lenient to them, they will only remember Wang Wenchuan's suppression of them.

As a result, the hatred between the two parties continued to escalate, but neither party could completely eliminate the other party.The party struggle will continue endlessly until the demise of the Qi Dynasty.

But what if one of the parties is directly withdrawn from the stage of history through extremely cruel party struggles?

Then there will be no party disputes, because it will directly become a monopoly.

Although this may cause the entire country to slide into the abyss at a faster speed, it does avoid the harm of internal friction caused by party struggle.

In short, if you bet right, you will live longer; if you bet wrong, you will die suddenly on the spot.

The severe attack on the old party naturally triggered a strong counterattack from the old party.

But these counterattacks were quickly suppressed.

Because Chu Ge was fully prepared.

First of all, he won the absolute support of the emperor, especially adding the official system to the content of the reform, and by actively handing over part of the power, the emperor trusted him more and hated the old parties such as Wen Junshi even more;

Secondly, through the proposal of the new law, the old party also split inside, and some neutral factions appeared, but they failed to unite to deal with the crisis in the first place;

Again, Wang Wenchuan, played by Chu Ge, showed some tolerance, compromise and concessions on the premise of not breaking the character. This made many old party members think that Wang Wenchuan had the possibility of compromise, making them paralyzed, let alone Thinking that Wang Wenchuan, who is so strong and strong, would be so unscrupulous;
In the end, Chu Ge firmly grasped the two institutions, namely Wu Desi and Yushitai.

Wu Desi continuously provided him with black information about officials, and Yushitai took advantage of the opportunity to impeach these officials. In the end, the emperor was furious and dealt with these officials severely.

Among them, there are also some new party officials who are particularly corrupt and perverted the law.

During the whole process, Wang Wenchuan did not need to do it himself.

In history, Wang Wenchuan also carried out a drastic purge in order to better implement the reform.For example, driving the veterans of the old party to the place, promoting officials who support themselves in Yushitai, and so on.

But these methods are too obvious and not concealed enough.People can tell at a glance that this is what Wang Wenchuan did.

Of course, this may also be because of Wang Wenchuan's character, adhering to the principle that one person does something and one person is responsible, and he doesn't even bother to engage in any conspiracy.

But what Chu Ge did at this time was to completely hide himself.

On the surface, it is the Wu Desi who digs out the black materials of the officials, the Yushitai who impeaches the officials, and the emperor who finally decides to deal with it strictly.

In this process, many new party members were also affected.

On the one hand, it is because Chu Ge wants to make a gesture to make people think that he is not the mastermind behind the scenes. On the other hand, it is also to eliminate those speculators who are particularly cheating in the new party that he knows, leaving behind relatively obedient and relatively effective people. capable.

For Wen Junshi, a scheming member of the old party, of course, this level of cover-up will not have much effect, but for some centrists, or officials with less profound political wisdom, it is very confusing. .

In this way, even if some senior officials in the old party realized the danger and wanted to fight back, there was no room for them to fight back.

However, Chu Ge was not complacent about it, because he knew very well that he still had a long way to go before becoming a qualified treacherous minister.


[Battle from Niuzhu: 5 years]

The fog in front of him dissipated again, and in the blink of an eye, five years had passed.

So far, the first phase of Chu Ge's plan can be said to be progressing smoothly.

After sparing no effort and unscrupulously suppressing dissidents, the old party in the DPRK has been dealt with in various ways.

"Sure enough, it's still difficult to completely turn the court into one of our own and kill all the old parties within five years."

Chu Ge still felt a little regretful.

The environment of the Qi Dynasty was still lenient to scholars. Although Chu Ge has been using all means to eliminate political enemies, it is still difficult to eliminate them thoroughly.

Of course, those little people in the old party can be easily dealt with, but there is no good way for an important minister like Wen Junshi.

On the one hand, these people are very vigilant and will not be caught with obvious handles, and on the other hand, it is because they also have weight in the emperor's mind.

The emperor didn't want to kill them, and he didn't want to demote them to a barren place like Lingnan, so Chu Ge was naturally helpless.

At most, Wen Junshi was expelled from the court to revise books, but these veterans and important ministers in the old party can still write letters to the emperor, and still have a certain influence on the emperor.

It is impossible to completely kill them all, and Chu Ge is about to start preparing for the next stage of challenges.

 I am back from the confinement center, and will increase the amount of updates starting tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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