Chapter 242
While Chu Ge was busy fighting wits with the emperor in the capital, Zhao Haiping had just finished a day of training.

Before, relying on his skillful riding skills and excellent horsemanship, Zhao Haiping undoubtedly obtained the qualification for special stabbing and was assigned to the Pingding Army.

The Pingding Army was stationed in Pingding County, in front of a pass in Taihang Mountain. It was the place where the Taizu of the Qi Dynasty attacked Taiyuan City temporarily. It can also be regarded as the only way to go from the capital of the Qi Dynasty to Taiyuan City.

Zhao Haiping originally thought that as a military soldier, he would soon have a hearty battle with Jin Bing, but it turned out that he guessed wrong.

After coming to the barracks, he first experienced a period of boring training life.

Soldiers training at this time, there is no special scientific theory to guide, it is nothing more than practicing some specific postures in a uniform manner on the school field, or there are other training programs according to different abilities.

For example, in the case of cavalry, horsepower and riding and shooting are naturally indispensable.

It's just that the quality of the soldiers at this time is really worrying, so this kind of training can't be too complicated.For most ordinary soldiers, being able to hold a long gun and barely make a few stabbing and dialing movements after holding it up is already very good.

This is not an exaggeration, because the spears in the ancient military formations were really long, two or three meters long.Such a spear, even if the body of the spear is made of wood, it is quite a fat thing to lift it up by holding the end alone.

After all, the usage of the spear is based on the principle of leverage. With the left hand as the fulcrum, the right hand only needs to move a small distance, and the tip of the spear can cover the enemy's head, chest, and whole body. However, the problem caused by this is that the strength in the hand must be sufficient powerful.

So this kind of training is quite difficult for ordinary soldiers.

After all, Zhao Haiping has already practiced martial arts in other historical slices, and the body he obtained is also tall and strong, and his quality is quite good, so this kind of training is useless to him. As a grassroots officer with a relatively high status, He will soon be able to lead and guide some soldier training, or have a separate field with other officers to conduct some self-selected training programs.

What makes Zhao Haiping more difficult to accept is the conditions in the military camp.

Before, Zhao Haiping also played the role of soldiers at the grassroots level. For example, in the copy of "Feng Hou Is Not My Choice", he played the role of soldiers under General Deng.

At that time, he thought that the treatment of the soldiers in the middle and late periods of the Dasheng Dynasty was quite bad, but only now did he realize that the treatment of the soldiers under General Deng was pretty good.

The living conditions are good, and the food and pay are sufficient. This should be one of the important reasons why the soldiers led by General Deng can win every battle.

Although the Qi Dynasty was still in the early stage of the dynasty at this time, the evil consequences of redundant troops had been fully exposed.

From the beginning of the founding of the Qi Dynasty, the imperial court adopted the method of recruiting soldiers.

The recruiting system is of course an improvement compared to the collapsed Fubing system, but the problem is that the advantage of recruiting is that it can conditionally select soldiers suitable for fighting, and give them enough combat motivation by paying enough food and salaries. Professional training allows them to gain combat effectiveness far beyond conscription.

But the problem is that the recruitment system of the Qi Dynasty is not the same thing as the formal recruitment system.

The recruitment system of the Qi Dynasty basically did not screen the recruited troops too much, but regarded it as a means of maintaining stability.

Emperor Taizu of the Qi Dynasty once said a famous saying: Those who can benefit a hundred generations can only raise soldiers.When Fang is hungry and hungry, there are rebels but no rebels; if he is unlucky and happy and reborn, there are rebels but no rebels.

In other words, as long as there is a disaster, the imperial court will recruit soldiers to prevent the emergence of rioters.

The soldiers recruited in this way may not necessarily have a strong will to fight, because they themselves cannot survive due to a catastrophe, and being a soldier is only a temporary means of survival; secondly, they may not necessarily have sufficient physical fitness and combat skills. They are all poor people who have been farming for generations, and they are not up to standard in all aspects.

Moreover, a large number of recruits will lead to a reduction in the food and pay allocated to each soldier, especially for those soldiers who are actually not able to fight, they will only be given a small amount of money, which is not enough for them to live. .

If you take into account the layers of exploitation by officers at all levels, it is not surprising that these soldiers fled on a large scale.

That's why there is such a coquettish operation of tattooing on the face to prevent escape.

Before that, Zhao Haiping also learned about the treatment of soldiers in the Qi Dynasty, and read some misleading statements.

For example, it is said that after the Qi Dynasty recruits soldiers, it will give a settling fee, and the whole family will move into the barracks.Soldiers can go home to eat every day, and their colleagues live next to them.

In this way, husband and wife and children do not have to suffer from the separation of the two places, which is a very humane approach.

But after living in the Pingding military camp, Zhao Haiping realized that it was all a lie!

When Zhao Haiping first saw the housing in the military camp, he was shocked.

Can this also be called a house?
It’s just a dilapidated house built with thatch and bamboo boards. When the wind blows, the wind leaks everywhere, and when it rains, the roof leaks. It is neither cold nor insulated. In short, this thing is slightly better than sleeping on the wild ground. So a little bit.

For this point, in fact, there are records in the historical materials.

The simple houses made of thatch and bamboo boards in the Qi Dynasty are already quite simple among all the houses that civilians live in, and the cost is only ten guan per room; while the construction standard of military camps is no more than four guan per room.

One can imagine what kind of living quality this will be...

Moreover, the whole family is in the army. At first glance, this is indeed some kind of welfare treatment, but after digging deeper, you will find that there is a big hole in it.

On the one hand, Qi Chao's approach was actually to prevent deserters.

After all, if there is only one soldier, he can run away if he wants to, and go straight home to find his wife and children. Under the conditions of ancient times, it would be very difficult to catch them back; but what if the wife and children are all in the barracks?Then if soldiers want to run away again, they have to drag their families with them, which is easier to be discovered.

Moreover, if the soldiers ran away by themselves, leaving behind their wives and children, the officers would logically sell their families into slaves and pay compensation to the court.

On the other hand, with a broken thatched hut of less than four walls, some cheap labor was earned in vain.

Due to the redundancy of soldiers and the fact that it is very common for officers to deduct food and pay, the military pay of soldiers is greatly reduced.Moreover, the soldiers of the Qi Dynasty had to bear various expenses such as repairing equipment and buying pimp bowstrings.

The military salary of a soldier is simply not enough to support a family.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers had to find another way to make a living, doing small businesses in the market to make money.

This further caused the collapse of the entire morale. When the soldiers are all thinking about how to make money, how can they concentrate on training?

Among them, those who have made money are okay to say that they can use the money to hire someone to serve for them, while they continue to do business happily, and if they do not make money, it will further aggravate this embarrassing family situation.

As a result, the wives and children of the soldiers had to join in, such as helping the soldiers to wash their armor, picking up firewood nearby, and so on.

Since the barracks are all thatched huts, open fires cannot be used at night, and the family can only make do with some cold food, and then continue to work until late at night.

In other words, the wives and children of these soldiers came to the barracks, not only did they not come to enjoy the happiness, but they became similar to the role of auxiliary soldiers, taking on a lot of chores in the barracks.

If they were in the fields in their hometown, they might be able to find some farming or weaving for a living, and they could save some money, but in the military camp, there was no such opportunity at all.

In short, during this time in the barracks, Zhao Haiping also looked quite aggrieved and angry.

So uncomfortable!

Is this the treatment that soldiers should enjoy?
Such an army, what kind of combat power is it talking about, and why should it fight the golden man like a wolf like a tiger?

But at this time, after all, he was just a recruit who had just joined the army, and he was powerless to change all of this, so he could only count on it day by day.

After all, judging from the panic atmosphere in the barracks recently, the golden soldiers may be coming soon.


"Brother Zhao, come, eat another piece."

Zhao Haiping took a small piece of hard biscuit from the opponent's hand and soaked it in the millet soup. After it was soaked, he dipped it in a little sauce and put it in his mouth.

Both pancakes and millet soup were cold, since open flames were not allowed at night.

After all, there are cheap thatched huts everywhere in the barracks. Once there is a fire, the consequences will be very serious, and no one can afford such consequences.

As for these soldiers, they are used to it.

Let's eat cold food, as long as you don't starve to death.

These low-level people in ancient times were more tolerant of survival problems than modern people imagined.

In the barracks, Zhao Haiping's name is Zhao Hai.And the pawn in front of him, who looked equally tall and strong, had the same special stab effect as Zhao Haiping, named Wang Fang.

Zhao Haiping is a loner and joins the army by himself, but Wang Fang is different, he has a wife and son.

His child is just seven years old this year.

According to Wang Fang, in fact, as early as ten days ago, his wife and children were still in the Pingding Army and lived with him.

But with more and more news of the Jin soldiers' invasion of the south, Wang Fang began to worry that Pingding county would soon become a battlefield.Just at this time, the official website opened a side, allowing the wives and children of some people to leave the military camp and return home, so Wang Fang took advantage of the opportunity to let his wives and children go back.

Compared with those low-level soldiers, Zhao Haiping and Wang Fang are among the elite soldiers with "special stab effect". The situation that the salary or other miscellaneous money is deducted is less than that of other ordinary soldiers.

Moreover, the Pingding Army was originally in a remote place. Although the living conditions were very poor, it was easy to face the war here after all, and the deduction of military pay would be more restrained.

So on the whole, the lives of the two of them in the barracks were barely passable.

As for the daily food, on the whole it is similar to that during the march.

The Qi Dynasty was an era of great food culture development. People like Li Hongyun who were in the city could go to restaurants to have a good meal and eat some stir-fried vegetables.But in the barracks, there are basically all kinds of hard cakes and a very small amount of vegetables.

Since the Qi Dynasty, hard cakes, salt cubes, and sauces have become the three-piece set necessary for marching. Compared with the situation in the Chu Dynasty and earlier periods where soldiers could only eat millet every day, it is already a lot of progress. A big improvement, but still not tasty.

After barely filling [-]% of their fill, the two began to chat about state affairs in the dark.

Although the Pingding Army is an inconspicuous army, it is located at a critical point after all. On weekdays, the soldiers can more or less get a lot of news from the outside world from the superior officers.

Wang Fang sighed softly: "Brother Zhao, I have regretted sending my wife and children back recently."

Zhao Haiping thought for a while: "Why? The Jin soldiers have already gone south. Although the West Route Army is blocked by the strong city of Taiyuan at this time, many troops will bypass Taiyuan City if they are not in order. At that time, our Pingding Army will inevitably be involved. war.

"Your decision to send your wife and children back was right."

Wang Fang smiled wryly and shook his head: "Brother Zhao, you don't know something. Today's latest military information has come. The Jinren's West Route Army was blocked in the strong city of Taiyuan, and it could not be conquered in a short time, so even if we put down the army, we will encounter the enemy." , but as long as Taiyuan is not lost, we will probably not encounter a large number of Jinren.

"However, my hometown is Xiangzhou, which is the place where the Jinren's East Route Army must pass through from Yanjing to Daliang south...

"The Eastern Route Army is in full swing. It is said that the prefectures and counties along the way and the various armies have not been able to establish any resistance. It is estimated that in three or two days, the Jin soldiers will step through the Cenqiao Post and reach the capital city..."

Only then did Zhao Haiping realize why Wang Fang regretted it, and he didn't know what to say to comfort him for a while.

Everyone originally thought that Jin Bing would definitely take Taiyuan as the main direction of attack, so Pingding County became a very dangerous place.

Many soldiers like Wang Fang finally made the decision to send their wives and children back to their hometowns.

It stands to reason that places like Xiangzhou would be safer if Yanjing could hold out for a little longer, or if Jin Bing did not focus his attack on the east road, or if Jin Bing did not plan to attack the capital directly.

However, the Jinren's East Route Army was even smoother than the West Route Army. They did not encounter too much resistance along the way, and they had already reached the capital city.

So what kind of purgatory scene should this road be like?
For this point, Zhao Haiping is more clear than the aborigines like Wang Fang.

For Wang Fang and others, they have not really dealt with the Jin people.

Since the founding of the country by the Jin people, they have always shown a friendly and cooperative relationship with the Qi Dynasty. On the surface, the two sides seem to be relatively harmonious.And this large-scale southward invasion was the first time that the Jin people and the Qi Dynasty faced each other.

Therefore, Wang Fang and others have not seen the brutality of the Jin people.

However, Zhao Haiping knew that in the historical period before and after the Qi Dynasty, the Jin people were almost the most brutal, which even surpassed many Hu people in the past, and even surpassed the Beiman people after that.

Take the extremely brutal nomads like the Northern Man as an example. They massacre cities and kill wild people at every turn.Every time a land is conquered, all but the artisans are often slaughtered.

However, in the process of the northern barbarians swallowing the Qi Dynasty, they showed some sincerity to some old officials of the Qi Dynasty. Many important officials were killed after many failed attempts to persuade them to surrender.

Of course, even so, it can't change the nature of the heavy massacre of the Northern Man. The Shenzhou Luchen era when the Northern Man ruled the Central Plains was tantamount to purgatory for the people of the Central Plains.

But the cruelty of the golden man is far more than that.

The massacre of the Jin people was worse than that of the Northern Man, and they had no respect for the royal family, ministers, clansmen, etc. of the Qi Dynasty, wantonly abused and humiliated for fun.Wherever Jinbing went, it can basically be said that there was no grass growing, and there were ruins everywhere.

Therefore, even if the Jin people controlled the entire north of the Yangtze River through powerful military forces in the future, they never established a stable rule. Rebels like Yu Jiaxuan swarmed up, and they could only barely achieve indirect rule by supporting various traitors.

The soldiers of the Jin people even turned the massacre into a passive skill, so that during the battle of Niuzhu, Wanyan Hailing strictly ordered his soldiers not to kill innocent people out of the idea of ​​maintaining stability, which actually caused the morale of the army to be extremely low , and even eventually contributed to the mutiny and killed Wanyan Hailing.

From this, we can also see from the side how serious the consequences would be if these golden soldiers were not allowed to massacre.

The Jin people at this time can be regarded as a nation with full military skills but negative political skills. Everything they do seems to deliberately arouse greater resistance from the people of the Qi Dynasty.

If the Jinren's army really happened to pass by the small county where Wang Fang's wife and children lived, the consequences... would be unimaginable.

Zhao Haiping thought for a while, and then comforted him: "The Jinren's Eastern Route Army is in a state of turmoil all the way. The commander of the Eastern Route Army, Wan Yansheng, strictly ordered the Jin soldiers to drive straight in and reach the capital. It seems that there will not be much time to burn, kill and loot on the road. As long as The people along the way received the news in time and fled into the mountains, most likely there will be no serious problems."

Wang Fang sighed: "Oh, I can only comfort myself like this.

"Brother Zhao, what do you think will happen when the Jinren go south this time?"

Zhao Haiping was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head: "I don't know."

Although he knew the next script, the script was too heavy for a low-level pawn like Wang Fang.

Zhao Haiping knew that since the Pingding Army had become an important location for this dungeon, it would inevitably be involved in the flames of war and experience a big battle in the future.As for whether he and Wang Fang can survive this battle, it is really hard to say.

Therefore, it is better not to add trouble to the other party.

In the darkness, Wang Fang let out a long breath, and sighed: "In the past few years, the princes in the court have frequently made stupid moves, I really don't know what to think.

"First, I thought about buying Yanyun, and spent a lot of money to buy back an empty city, and then mobilized all kinds of manpower and resources to enrich it. The final result is that with the Jinren's invasion of the south, all these are cheaper for the Jinren.

"I even heard that the imperial court intends to accept Emperor Tianzuo who is in exile to show his 'lenient' to the former allies, and also wants to have an extra bargaining chip with the Jin people; he even accepted the rebels who killed the Jin people first Leader Zhang Jue...

"It's showing cowardice and trying to die, like an ignorant child who insists on playing with fire without realizing it, it's only a matter of time before he gets burned.

"Sure enough, the Jinren just found an excuse and sent their troops south, but none of the princes of the Manchu Dynasty had a good strategy to deal with the enemy. Tong Daofu, the No. I ran away, returned to the capital, and fled south with the official family, hey!"

Zhao Haiping chuckled: "The No.1 general who won the seal by suppressing the uprising and buying Yanjing..."

Wang Fang said with emotion: "Yes.

"However, there are still many people in the army who say that since Tong Daofu can be crowned king as an eunuch, and also experience meritorious service in the Northwest War, he must be extremely talented.

"As for why I escaped from Taiyuan this time, I must have seen many things that we can't see..."

Zhao Haiping couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said: "That's not the case. Sometimes, people at the bottom don't need to look too high at the princes in the court. Many of them stood there because of luck or other reasons. In terms of positions, with the interests of all parties involved, many times making stupid decisions does not necessarily mean that they have other plans, or it is simply because they have such a choice.

"Take Tong Daofu's abandonment of Taiyuan as an example, maybe it's just because Tong Daofu is not restrained, and he doesn't want to live with Taiyuan at all, and he knows that even if he escapes back to the capital, he has enough high-sounding reasons. Officials or other political enemies can't move him.

"If that's the case, why risk your life? Most of the time, it's such a simple truth. It's just greed for life and fear of death."

Wang Fang nodded: "Brother Zhao is right. Then what does Brother Zhao think, where will the Pingding Army go in the end?"

Zhao Haiping was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Striving hard to live, that's all."

After this period of life, Zhao Haiping has roughly guessed the goal of this mission.

Judging from the current battle situation, if there are no particularly big accidents, the Pingding Army will almost certainly be involved in the flames of war in the future, and it is only a matter of time before the entire army is wiped out.

Then, as a player, Zhao Haiping, the mission goal is probably to find a way to survive, or to kill a key person before dying in battle.

After all, this is only the challenge of the first stage, it will not be too difficult, but the degree of freedom will not be very high.

It's just that Zhao Haiping is a little puzzled. Didn't the previous announcement say that heroes who have already cooperated can be summoned at will in the past history slices?
But so far, Zhao Haiping has not seen this option.

Does it mean that you have to wait for the progress of the entire Trial Illusion to advance to a certain level before you can unlock this function?

Zhao Haiping was also a little confused, but at this moment he could only take one step at a time.


At the same time, Cenqiao Station.

After careful selection, Li Hongyun bought himself a crossbow and dozens of arrows.

If possible, he is of course willing to find a way to get a god arm bow or other more advanced weapons, but it is basically impossible in this kind of place.

In a short period of time, the situation at Cenqiao Station also changed.

The gates of the small city were all closed, and those who failed to make up their minds to escape could only choose to stay in the city and live and die with this small city.

In the north, more and more refugees began to appear. They were dressed in tatters and looked frightened, and they seemed to have come from distant counties.

After seeing the gate of Cenqiao Station closed, some of them made do and lived outside the city of Cenqiao Station, either because they were unwilling to give up or because they couldn’t move anymore, hoping to find a way to enter the city. ; There are also some refugees who went straight across Cenqiao Station and headed for the direction of the capital.

It's just that the possibility of them wanting to enter the capital is very slim.

In addition, Li Hongyun also heard about one thing.

That is, many people from the green forest in Cenqiao Station have united, and it is said that... they are going to assassinate the supreme commander of the Jinbing of the Eastern Route Army at this time, Wan Yansheng!
(End of this chapter)

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