My players are all actors

Chapter 250 The Battle of Tong'an City

Chapter 250 The Battle of Tong'an City

Hearing these words from His Royal Highness King Yun, Liu Fa's eyes lit up, as if some kind of vitality appeared.But Tong Daofu's face darkened, obviously very unhappy.

At this time, Tong Daofu is already considered powerful, and in the northwest, he can be regarded as the same.

The emperor's edict can be ignored, let alone the thoughts of other ordinary generals?

After the war, it was obvious that he forced Liu Fa to march into Tong'an city rashly, and used this as a basis to attack Shuofang, but in the end he opened his eyes and told nonsense, and pushed all the blame on Liu Fa.

The other generals actually knew some inside information more or less many times, but under the power of Tong Daofu, none of them dared to impeach the emperor.

Tong Daofu's status at this time can be seen.

According to common sense, Tong Daofu should be saying the same thing at this time, no matter whether he intends to deliberately plot against Liu Fa, or whether he is greedy for merit and is unlucky to catch up with Liu Fa, the outcome of this matter should be doomed.

But His Royal Highness King Yun's words brought suspense to the situation.

Tong Daofu said coldly: "His Royal Highness, what do you mean by this? The military situation is urgent at this time. If the military situation is delayed, His Majesty will blame it. Everyone here, who can take this responsibility?"

Fan Cun had long been displeased with this dead eunuch, and after confirming the fate of General Liu Fa, he naturally did not retreat an inch.

"Then I would like to ask Taiwei Tong, if the whole army was annihilated because of greed for meritorious service, if His Majesty blamed it, would you be able to bear it?"

His Royal Highness King Yun was so tough that all the generals here were stunned.

The meaning of Fan Cun's words is very clear, you are also worthy of using the emperor to suppress me?
who are you?
Although the emperor Qi Huizong at this time was a faint emperor with a long history, his identity was, after all, the biological father of His Royal Highness King Yun.And he is the father who loves this son the most.

If Liu Fa is really defeated, the other generals really dare not say anything, and these things will be covered up by Tong Daofu.

However, does Tong Daofu dare to cover His Royal Highness King Yun's mouth?

You use the emperor to suppress me, do you want to fight with me as a father?
Tong Daofu narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously weighing the pros and cons.

At this time, although the status of His Royal Highness King Yun is high, Tong Daofu is the uncompromising commander at this time.If you forcibly use power to suppress people and carry out all these things regardless, it's not impossible.

But the question is, will there be any problems in Liu Fa's battle?

In fact, Tong Daofu also knew in his heart that the risk of this battle was great.

The reason why Liu Fa was forced was because it was a worthless business for Tong Daofu.If he wins the battle aggressively, then Taiwei Tong has meritorious command; if he loses the battle, as long as he pushes the blame on Liu Fa, everything will be fine.

What's more, Liu Fa is well-known in the northwest, and there is a saying that "the famous generals of the time must be led by the law", and he was called a "natural general" by the supreme commander of Xixia at that time, King Chage, and he was regarded as an old enemy.

However, he only knows how to fight and has a relatively low EQ, so his official career has not been smooth, so Tong Daofu rides on his head to shit.

All in all, Liu Fa is a threat to Tong Daofu's position in the northwest.

Tong Daofu forced him to venture into Tong'an City and attack Shuofang, so maybe he didn't have the idea of ​​killing people with a knife.

But at this time, His Royal Highness King Yun made such a statement, if Liu Fa really lost, it would be difficult for Tong Daofu to cover up.

Tong Daofu thought about it, and suddenly discovered a very painful fact.

That is, His Royal Highness King Yun may not be able to take the initiative to do anything in the army, after all, he has no foundation.But if King Yun wanted him to fail, it would be very simple.

No matter what Tong Daofu did, as long as His Highness King Yun persisted in his firm opposition, Tong Daofu must suffer in the end.

In the defeat, Tong Daofu just didn't listen to people's words, and lost his master and humiliated the country, especially highlighting King Yun's brilliance, martial arts and talent;
Even if he won the battle, even if Tong Daofu went back to participate in the impeachment, King Yun would at most be scolded.

Who made him the most beloved son of the current emperor...

Tong Daofu was very confident, knowing that no matter how powerful he was as a eunuch, he would still be inferior to this ultimate emperor's second generation.

The two sides were so deadlocked.

Tong Daofu poked his neck and said, "Then according to His Royal Highness King Yun's wishes, how should we fight this battle?"

Fan Cun chuckled: "Why don't you personally lead the troops to unify Ancheng and attack Shuofang? General Liu Fa and I will raid the battle for you later."

Tong Daofu's face darkened instantly.

You are here to make trouble!confirmed!
Although Tong Daofu is not good at fighting, he is not stupid, especially he knows what battles can be fought and what battles cannot be fought, and when he really cannot fight, he can run faster than anyone else.

So, how could he go to such a dangerous place as Tong'an City by himself?
Fan Cun sighed softly: "Tong Daofu, as a general, you should take the lead, if you want to convince your subordinates, you must take the lead in doing what you want them to do!

"You don't dare to go to Tong'an City yourself, but you let General Liu Fa go there in a weird way, can you explain to me a little bit, and there is a way of harmony in this?
"Is it the Boy's Art of War of 'in case of danger, let your subordinates take the blame'?"

If the previous tone was relatively restrained, then this time it was really mocking.

Not only did he no longer call him Taiwei Tong, but called him by his first name, he also used the "children's art of war" to ridicule him, implying that he was very childish in fighting.

Tong Daofu couldn't hold back anymore.

"Good, good, good!

"Since His Highness King Yun is well versed in military affairs, it is better to leave this battle to His Highness King Yun!"

Tong Daofu said three "good" words in a row, obviously also fainted by anger.

Of course, it is impossible for him to hand over the command to King Yun. The reason why he said this is nothing more than retreating.

King Yun is just a prince who has never been out of the capital, what does he know about fighting?Even if Tong Daofu said that he would hand over the command of this battle, would he dare to accept it?
People, there must be some basic comprehension in mind, right?
Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness King Yun immediately beamed with joy, and said confidently at that time: "Okay, it's a deal!

"Tong Daofu, there is no joke in the army! All the generals heard it. He said it himself. He wants to give me the command of this battle."

After finishing speaking, he looked at General Liu Fa: "General Liu, I wonder if you would like to go out with me?"

A look of hesitation appeared on Liu Fa's face.

Obviously, now he is facing a dilemma, he has to choose a side between His Royal Highness King Yun and Tong Daofu.

From a rational point of view, he should of course stand by Tong Daofu's side.

After all, His Royal Highness King Yun just came to the Northwest for gilding, so he has no prestige and right to speak, and Tong Daofu is the real one here.When His Royal Highness King Yun patted his butt and left, wouldn't he still be put on shoes by Tong Daofu?
But considering that the march into Tong'an City at this time is more dangerous than good, and he has always been at odds with Tong Daofu, and it can even be said that he hates it deeply, so these trade-offs are naturally insignificant.

Liu Fa shook his heart: "The final general is willing!"

Fan Cun looked at the other generals of the Western Army, especially Zhong Pingyuan, a famous general of the Western Army who became famous all over the world but was not as famous as Liu Fa at this time.

"Generals, this king is not a person who does not know the importance, but the soldiers are fierce and dangerous. This battle is the fate of my Daqi country, and there is no room for loss.

"This king only asks for one thing. Together with this king, you will lead an army to fight for General Liu Fa. If General Liu Fa is ambushed on the way to Tong'an City, this king will lead all the generals to rescue him.

"If General Liu Fa arrives in Tong'an City safely, this king will leave the Western Army and go to his father to ask for punishment, and at the same time apologize to Taiwei Tong.

"What do you generals think?"

These generals looked at each other, and they didn't expect that things would come to this point.

Is this request from His Highness King Yun too much?

It must be too much to say too much, after all, everyone knows that he is only here to plate gold, but now he is blatantly robbing Tong Daofu of military power?Even if this kind of thing is brought to His Majesty, it is unreasonable.

But if it is not too much, it is actually acceptable.

King Yun didn't say that he would directly take over all the military power, he just asked that other generals lead troops to follow General Liu Fa to Tong'an City for this battle.If they were really ambushed, they would be rescued, and everyone would be happy; if they were not ambushed, the army would only be in vain and waste some rations.

As His Majesty's most beloved prince today, it seems... acceptable to be so willful.

General Chong Pingyuan was the first to stand up: "The last general is willing."

These generals of the Western Army are obviously more inclined to General Liu Fa in their hearts.

After all, everyone has gone through decades of fighting together, and they are all hypocrisy killed on the battlefield.Tong Daofu, an eunuch, is domineering over everyone, and often orders blindly, who can obey him?

It's just that no one dared to do it.

At this time, Zhong Pingyuan and other famous generals naturally saw that it was very dangerous to attack Tong'an City. Since His Royal Highness King Yun insisted on standing up for General Liu Fa, they naturally followed suit.

As for whether he will be retaliated by Tong Daofu in the future...but he can't care so much at this time.

General Pingyuan took the lead, and several other generals also expressed their support.

Of course, there were also some generals who did not speak. They were obviously more rational and thought that there was no great benefit in supporting His Royal Highness King Yun, and there was no reason to offend Tong Daofu because of this.

However, more than half of the support is enough.

Tong Daofu's face turned blue with anger, but he was helpless.

If he suppressed it at this time, or let General Liu Fa go alone to attack Tong'an City, what kind of result would there be?
Once the army is defeated, His Royal Highness King Yun will unite with these generals to make a fuss over the emperor.

Thinking of this, Tong Daofu almost gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, since His Royal Highness Yun is so confident, I will accompany you to make a fuss this time! Mr. Zhong, you can accompany His Highness Yun to fight as much as you want, but if you return in vain, You will waste your money and waste your money, and you will miss the opportunity to fight, you should also weigh the consequences clearly!"

Fan Cun smiled contemptuously. This kind of threat may be severe to Zhong Pingyuan, but it is meaningless to him.

Because Tong Daofu will soon appreciate the...dimension reduction attack of His Royal Highness King Yun.


General Liu Fa was riding a war horse, looking at the city wall in the distance.

Tong'an City has already vaguely appeared in the distance.

This city goes deep into the hinterland of Xixia and is a natural bridgehead.As long as it can be used as a base to manage well, it may not be impossible to destroy the country of Xixia.

And if Xixia is destroyed, it means that the Northwest has been completely pacified, which is an unrivaled achievement.

Obviously, Tong Daofu really wanted this unworldly achievement, but he pushed all the risks on Liu Fa's head.

At this time, Liu Fa still didn't know that the battle of Tong'an City was the first battle between Qi Huizong and Xixia, but it was also the last battle between Qi Dynasty and Xixia.

After this battle, the grievances and enmities between Xixia and Qi Dynasty were all over.

Because Liu Fa was defeated and died after more than three hours of bloody battle, the Qi army was on the verge of defeat and lost the last chance to destroy Xixia.After that, the Xixia army burned, killed and looted all the way, and the number of soldiers and civilians killed in the Qi Dynasty reached 100,000 people.

Afterwards, the two sides negotiate a peace.

After the Jingping Incident, the Western Army was dragged away to King Qin, and a large area of ​​the Qi Dynasty’s northern border fell, and the Qi Dynasty and Xixia no longer bordered each other.

Xixia has been able to pinch each other with the Qi Dynasty for so long, and still enjoy the country for 189 years, which can be said to fully demonstrate the excellent matching mechanism of the Qi Dynasty.

No matter the opponents with many dishes, Qi Chao can always fight them back and forth.

At this time, General Liu Fa naturally didn't know what was going to happen in the future. He only had one idea, which was to rush to Tong'an City as soon as possible.

Because it is basically safe only after entering Tong'an City.

However, compared to the urgency in real history, General Liu Fa at this time was more calm and calm, and his march was no longer so hasty.

Because after a tit-for-tat dispute between His Royal Highness King Yun and Tong Daofu, he insisted on bringing an army of [-], including Zhong Pingyuan and several other generals, to follow behind him.

General Liu Fa commanded an army of [-]. He was in a hurry, and his combat power had already declined.But at this time, with reinforcements following behind, they can walk more calmly.

Seeing that the outline of the city wall of Tong'an City had appeared in the field of vision, General Liu Fa couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Could it be... Am I really worrying too much?
Just at the moment when he had this idea, several cavalrymen suddenly appeared on the hillside ahead.

After poking around for a while, the cavalry ran down the hill again and returned quickly.

Liu Fa's nerves tensed instantly, and he immediately ordered: "Array! Prepare to fight!"

He has already seen that this is by no means an ordinary ranger, but a scout of the Xixia Army!

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Liu Fa saw densely packed Xixia soldiers and horses.

Seeing the battle of the Xixia army at this time, Liu Fa's heart was cold for a while, but then, he suddenly felt lucky.

He has been fighting in the northwest, so he naturally knows the situation of the Xixia Army very well.

He recognized the person in command at this time: it was his old enemy, the younger brother of the Lord of Xixia, King Chage of Jin!

At the same time, this also means that what he encountered was the absolute main force of the Xixia Army.

Originally, under such a huge disparity in military strength, no matter how much Liu Fa could fight, he would be powerless to recover.

But now, Liu Fa is not without the power to fight.

Because he knew that there were reinforcements behind him!


At the same time, Fan Cunzheng and Zhong Pingyuan led the troops to follow behind General Liu Fa not far or near.

"His Highness King Yun is willing to stand up for me and other warriors, and the Western Army is extremely grateful.

"It's just that, has His Highness Prince Yun ever thought about how to deal with it in front of His Majesty if the trip really ends in vain?
"Your Majesty does have the desire to train His Majesty, but this matter..."

Although Zhong Pingyuan didn't make it very clear, but the general meaning has been expressed clearly enough.

If it was really a waste of time this time, then after King Yun returned, it would not be as simple as being scolded.Perhaps after that, Qi Huizong would never let him participate in military affairs again.

For King Yun, this was obviously an unnecessary adventure.

Since the Qi Dynasty established itself, it has been emphasizing civility over martial arts, and King Yun is a prince, so why bother to stand up for these warriors?
What's more, Zhong Pingyuan wondered why King Yun was so sure?
Fan Cun chuckled: "Mr. Zhong, why don't you think about the good?
"If we encounter the main force of the Xixia Army in this battle and defeat it, what will happen?"

Of course, Fan Cun has no psychological burden, because he is a player, has the guidance of Sheng Taizu, and knows what is about to happen.

Even if the situation of this dungeon is different from the real situation in history, and he missed it, then he can do it all over again, just repeat the challenge.

But if the bet wins...

Tsk tsk, that picture is so beautiful.

The army continued to move forward until a fast horse galloped ahead.


"General Liu Fa encountered the main force led by King Chage of Xixia Jin, and the two sides have already engaged in battle!
"The Western Xia Army divided the army into three formations, blocking the way of General Liu Fa!"

Zhong Pingyuan's eyes opened slightly.

It actually happened!
In fact, he was already prepared to miss out. After all, how could things in this world be so coincidental that General Liu Fa happened to be on his way to Tong'an City, and plunged into the encirclement circle of the main force of the Xixia Army?
Although there are certain risks in this battle, and they may be ambushed, Chong Pingyuan was inexplicably surprised to actually meet the main force of the Xixia Army.

And the way he looked at King Yun also showed some reverence.

If King Yun hadn't insisted on asking Zhong Pingyuan and others to follow and stay with General Liu Fa, then at this time, General Liu Fa might only have to be defeated and die.

After all, according to the original formation of troops, when the generals received the news that General Liu Fa had encountered the main force of the Xixia Army, they would gather their forces and rush over. The day lily was cold.

But at this time, it is tantamount to letting the decisive battle between the two sides start under a situation that is more beneficial to the Qi army!
The Xixia army used Tong'an City to fish and surround them to fight for aid.But how could it have occurred to the praying mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole to follow?
They thought they had caught the big fish of General Liu Fa, but General Liu Fa was also the bait!


Liu Fa's rear general, Jiao Anjie, is fighting bloody battle.

It has been more than an hour since the two sides fought.

And the rear army led by Jiao Anjie is almost reaching its limit at this time.

Because the enemy he encountered was Xixia's elite cavalry, and there were two thousand iron kites among them!

At this time, Brother Cha, the commander-in-chief of the Xixia Army, obviously made up his mind to completely eat Liu Fa's entire army.In the front, his generals lined up in three formations, firmly blocking Liu Fa's front army, so that they could not break through to Tong'an City; The rear army is attacking!
The iron kite is Xixia's heavy cavalry unit, and it can also be regarded as the Xixia version of the Iron Buddha.

The heavy armor is connected by hooks and locks, even if it is dead, it will not fall immediately.

Under Jiao Anjie's command, the soldiers fought hard with their flesh and blood for more than an hour.

However, under the disparity in the strength of the two sides, the collapse of the rear army is only a matter of time.

And once the rear army collapses, the formation of Liu Fa's army will be completely disrupted, and these iron kites can drive straight in and pierce through in waves, completely killing the 20,000 people led by General Liu Fa.

However, just when Jiao Anjie was ready to die for the country, he suddenly discovered that these mighty iron kites had caused a commotion.

"what happened?"

Jiao Anjie looked into the distance, and saw that under the gradually darkening sky, the figure of Qi Jun seemed to appear in the distance...

That is a rare elite cavalry in the Qi army!

And the young general at the front, with a gun and a leaping horse, followed a group of elite cavalry into the rebellious army, taking advantage of the chaos to pick off several Xixia light cavalry!
Although the cavalry of the Xixia people were in chaos and their formation collapsed due to the attack from the rear, this kind of bravery is still rare.

And most importantly, Jiao Anjie discovered that he had never seen this person before.

After all, in his capacity, he is not enough to discuss matters with His Royal Highness King Yun, Tong Daofu and others.

Bingfeng, sweeping past!

Fan Cun rode on a horse, raised his spear with all his strength, and stabbed it into the gap in the armor of the iron kite cavalry who fell to the ground.

Then, he panted and complained.

"The physical fitness of His Royal Highness King Yun is really not good...

"Also, I hate fighting heavy cavalry!"

(End of this chapter)

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