My players are all actors

Chapter 254 Solving the Siege of Taiyuan

Chapter 254 Solving the Siege of Taiyuan

For Chong Pingyuan, this visit to Jingqin Wang can only be said to be a piece of cake.

First, Qi Yingzong did not listen to his and Li Boxi's suggestions, and forced the Western Army to attack the camp, which made the city full of storms and everyone knew about it.As a result, the attacking troops of more than [-] people were ambushed by the Jin people and collapsed immediately.

Afterwards, Qi Yingzong shifted all the responsibility for the defeat to Li Boxi, the main combat faction, and then asked the envoy to take the edict of ceding Taiyuan and other three towns to Jinying to apologize.

Fortunately, the people were so excited that Li Boxi was reinstated.

But the Jinren had already obtained the edict to cede the three towns, and seeing that the capital could not be attacked for a long time, they also planned to withdraw their troops.

It is unbelievable that the current emperor wanted to swallow back the edict to cede Taiyuan and other three towns immediately after.

To change the order day and night to such an extent can be regarded as challenging the bottom line of a normal person.

From the point of view of Zhong Pingyuan and any normal-minded person, the edict to cede the three towns was unnecessary to the Jinren.After all, the Jin people couldn't enter the city at all. It's just that more than [-] people from the Western Army failed to attack the camp. What does it matter?
However, the emperor, who had a serious fear of gold, took the initiative to give an edict to cede the three towns because he was afraid of the Jin people's instigating the teacher, hoping that the Jin people would withdraw their troops.

The Jin people did retreat, but in fact it had little to do with the edict.In other words, it was a surprise for the Jin people to get the edict from the emperor of the Qi Dynasty to cede the three towns legally.

So why did Qi Yingzong regret it immediately?
On the one hand, it was because the Jinren withdrew his troops so quickly, which made him feel a little cheated afterward; and the more important reason was that the Supreme Emperor Qi Huizong began to feel a sense of presence.

In fact, from the beginning of Qi Huizong's Zen throne to the south, he still tried his best to stay in King Qin's army and retain his influence. It can be seen that Qi Huizong's move obviously did not want to bear the responsibility of being emperor, but wanted to continue to enjoy the power of being emperor.

After the Jinren retreated, Qi Huizong became more active, and even planned to return to the capital.

Although no one knows what the Supreme Emperor is thinking, it may be a possibility to continue to be active in the center of power, and it is also possible to see his son so unsatisfactory and want to do something himself.

In short, Qi Yingzong panicked after the Supreme Emperor's behavior.

Because there have been rumors that the Supreme Emperor wants to restore Zhenjiang.

Qi Yingzong has realized that his edict to cede the three towns will seriously damage the legitimacy of his rule, so he regrets it even more.

And this also made the political struggle between the two emperors intensify.


For Zhong Pingyuan, he organized the city defense with Li Boxi in the capital, and he also went through several ups and downs.

Appointed, dismissed, reappointed...

Jin people came and went, and Zhong Pingyuan, the highest commander of the Western Army in the capital at this time, was also jumping around in various positions.

But in the end, with Jin Bing's retreat, Zhong Pingyuan's next mission gradually became clear.

He is going to solve the siege of Taiyuan.

After the Jin soldiers on the East Road retreated, they joined forces with the West Road Army and prepared to conquer the strong city of Taiyuan together.And Taiyuan City has been holding on for several months at this time, and if there is no rescue, it may be breached at any time.

Before leaving, Zhong Pingyuan made suggestions to the imperial court, hoping to rectify the Yellow River defense line and prevent the Jin soldiers from coming again.

However, this proposal was rejected.

The reply from the court is: the enemy has just retreated, so it is not appropriate to show weakness by working hard.

Even though Zhong Pingyuan has commanded the army for many years, it is really impossible to imagine what kind of brain circuit this is.

It's just that he has nothing to do.Not to mention him, even if King Yun came personally at this time, it would be difficult to intervene in the affairs of the court.

After all, this is the time when the two emperors, Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong, are fighting fiercely. The power center of the entire Qi Dynasty is like a huge political vortex. Any correct suggestion entering this vortex will only be coerced distorted in incomprehensible directions.

Therefore, Zhong Pingyuan could only be forced to rush to attack with the busy Western Army.

This decision, in hindsight, is equally irrational.

As early as when the Jin soldiers had just retreated, Li Boxi suggested that they should take advantage of the victory while the Jin soldiers were crossing the Yellow River, but it was rejected.

But at this time, the Jinren's East and West Route Army had joined forces and stationed troops under Taiyuan.

The Western Army marched rashly, and might be ambushed by the Jin people at any time along the way.

The odds of the Western Army's victory were not high, and at this time, with the enemy waiting for work, the odds of winning were even slimmer.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the Western Army marches slowly.

Because the weather at this time has gradually started to be hot, the Jin soldiers have been attacking Taiyuan for a long time, and the morale is no longer high, and even the coach has begun to escape the summer heat.The city of Taiyuan has been besieged for several months, and if it takes more than ten days to be besieged, the city may not be destroyed.

If the Western Army led by Zhong Pingyuan walked a little slower, came to the foot of Taiyuan City and confronted the Jin people every step of the way, or gained an advantage in some small-scale battles, perhaps the Jin people would naturally retreat in spite of the difficulties, and the siege of Taiyuan would be resolved by itself. .

However, whether it is the emperor in the court or the officials of the war faction, they are all in a hurry.

The emperor's urging is understandable, after all, he wants to swallow back the edict ceding the three towns and keep Taiyuan.Taiyuan is not important to him, what is important is the political foundation of his rule.

But don't the main fighters know about military affairs?
Of course they knew it, but they didn't have any good choices at this time.Because the court at this time has almost no room for the main combat faction.

The two armies of the Jin people were invincible, the army of the Qi Dynasty was defeated repeatedly, and even the Western Army failed to attack the camp.

And these failures made the emperor pin all the blame on the main combat faction, and began to continuously suppress and exclude.Even capable ministers like Li Boxi have been suppressed repeatedly, relying on the strong public opinion of the capital to keep their official positions, let alone other main fighters?
Therefore, if the main combat faction wants to survive in this court that has become a huge whirlpool, it must have a huge victory.

They hope to regain Taiyuan as soon as possible and prove themselves with a big victory.

Under the coercion of many wills, Zhong Pingyuan finally put all his eggs in one basket with a desperate attitude.He passed by Pingding County, taking the line of Yuci and Shouchun, and this is the military town where Fan Cun, Zhao Haiping and other players were stationed when they played the role of soldiers.

In the end, due to Pingyuan's aggressive advance, the luggage did not keep up. The Western Army he led actually did not experience a vigorous battle, and it ended in a regrettable way.

There is not only food and grass in the luggage, but also reward money and various properties for the three armies.

These elite soldiers of the Western Army endured hunger and hunger, and the property that was supposed to be rewarded to them disappeared. Therefore, "the reward was not enough, and all the resentment dissipated."However, the originally agreed reinforcements failed to enter the planned attack position because they were afraid of the enemy like a tiger. As a result, Zhong Pingyuan was defeated by the Jin people and died in a fierce battle.

Since then, Taiyuan City has finally fallen.

Therefore, after some cerebral hemorrhage operations, the Qi Dynasty got the worst result: the emperor signed an edict specifying the cession of the three towns of Taiyuan, but then he broke his promise and sent troops to give the Jin people an excuse to raise their troops again. In the end, not only did Taiyuan not protect After coming down, Zhong Pingyuan and this elite western army were wiped out.

It can be said that as long as you can make a wrong choice, you won't make trouble like this.


At this time, Zhong Pingyuan was on his way to Taiyuan City.

At this time, he may not have a very clear understanding of his future destiny, but he has already felt that this trip is likely to be a disaster.

But so what?

In this imperial court, there are many things beyond one's control.

Shouyang and Yuci.

In the previous dungeon of the first stage, the general played by Fan Cun repeatedly investigated this line and made great achievements.

And now, the Western Army led by Zhong Pingyuan has finally come here.

This place is only a hundred miles away from Taiyuan City, but the distance of this hundred miles is already so far away.

The Jin soldiers have started to launch surprise attacks continuously, and the result of the Western Army in this process is five battles and three victories.

This certainly shows that the combat effectiveness of the Western Army is indeed impressive, far from being comparable to those of the Xiang Army, which is about to collapse at a touch, but after such a record, there are huge hidden dangers.

Although the Jinren lost three times, they all took the initiative to retreat without hurting the root cause.On the other hand, the Western Army is not only short of people and horses, but also lacks food, grass and supplies, and cannot even reward the soldiers who fought the enemy bravely. Among these soldiers, there are already complaints.

Zhong Pingyuan knew very well that he had not yet completed the task of rescuing Taiyuan City, and if he stopped at this time, everything would be over.

He still has to hold on and continue to move forward, to the city of Taiyuan...

But how long can such strong support last?
Finally, the golden soldiers struck again.

But this time, it was not a small group of tentative troops, but a main force of the Jinren.They were led by a supernova among the generals of the Jin Kingdom who would later be named the Duke of the Kingdom for his military exploits, and his first sacrifice to gain fame in the Qi Dynasty was Zhong Pingyuan.

Just like in real history, the famous general Liu Fa died at the hands of Cha Ge, and the fate of Zhong Pingyuan should have been like Liu Fa, not losing to the skills of military command, but losing in various other aspects.

However, just as the army's mutiny was imminent, someone suddenly shouted excitedly: "Reinforcements have arrived!"

Zhong Pingyuan was surprised and couldn't believe it. He looked at the Jinren army formation in the distance and found that a commotion broke out.

Immediately afterwards, the elite golden men who had been planning to launch a general attack on Zhong Pingyuan retreated hastily after a big battle.

Zhong Pingyuan was a little surprised. Could it be that the agreed reinforcements arrived in time?

But if you think about it carefully, it is unlikely.

Because he was well aware of the virtues of the Qi army, and the Yao Gu army who was in charge of supporting him had mediocre combat effectiveness. It was a fantasy to arrive at the designated place as scheduled and even take the initiative to attack the Jin soldiers.

Pingyuan's guess was correct, the reinforcements that came were not the reinforcements originally sent by the Qi Dynasty.

In the original history, Yao Gujun, who was in charge of supporting him, did not arrive at the designated location in time.After Jinbing defeated Zhong Pingyuan's troops, they took advantage of the victory to pursue Yao Gu and defeated them in the first battle.

In this slice of history, Yao Gujun also did not arrive.It was the elite Western Army led by His Royal Highness King Yun who came!
During the past few years stationed in Xingqing Mansion, Fan Cun didn't have much to do, the only task was to let Liu Fa organize the Western Army for him.

Perhaps this western army is currently the most capable army in the Qi Dynasty, but in the eyes of Taizu Sheng, it is still far behind.

How can such an army compete with the golden men like tigers and wolves?
Therefore, under the off-site guidance of Sheng Taizu, through Liu Fa, Fan Cun organized the Western Army in his hands, and used the various money, food and jewels obtained from the attack on Xixia to integrate the elite and firmly Take control in your own hands.

At this time, the training of the soldiers was almost done, and a lot of energy saved for Sheng Taizu's off-field assistance was also used up.

It's time for Fan Cun to think about getting some new energy to renew Taizu Sheng.

Seeing His Royal Highness King Yun and Liu Fa rushing here in a hurry, Zhong Pingyuan almost burst into tears.

He could understand Liu Fa's mood back then.

If His Royal Highness King Yun came one step later, his army had already mutinied, and the elite Western Army would have been wiped out long ago.And he himself would most likely die in the chaos.

It is not terrible to die for the country, what is terrible is that death is meaningless and worthless.

But now, His Highness King Yun avoided this step.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, people are exhausted.The Western Army led by Zhong Pingyuan didn't have much thought about attacking Taiyuan after they escaped.

Because they all understood that this time, it was because His Royal Highness King Yun's reinforcements arrived in time that they escaped by luck.But if the fight continues, wouldn't it be a dead end?
Fighting, not to mention the odds of winning, even if you don't even have the most basic food, supplies and rewards, what's the point of winning?
What does it have to do with the big men at the bottom who have made military achievements and made great achievements?
This battle also woke Zhong Pingyuan up, letting him know that it might be impossible to rescue Taiyuan.

However, His Royal Highness King Yun shook his head and said to him: "Gather all the generals in the army, and I want to speak my heart to these soldiers."


The chilling battlefield is still filled with the bloody smell that has not dissipated.

The two western armies joined forces again, and many low-level generals who had known each other gathered together, waiting for His Royal Highness King Yun's words.

For those Western Army who stayed in the old place of Xixia, of course, they did not have much thought about this battle. A small number of them may still have the intention of making contributions, but more people are only motivated by this. The trust of His Royal Highness King Wei Yun and General Liu Fa.

But the morale of the western troops led by Zhong Pingyuan at this time has plummeted.

Because in the past few months, they traveled from Xingqing Mansion to the capital city, and saw all kinds of strange phenomena in the defense battle of the capital. At this time, they were forced to rush to Datong. After a scuffle, their dissatisfaction with the court had already reached Extremely, even the veteran Zhong Pingyuan couldn't suppress it at all.

Hearing that King Yun was going to lecture, most of the generals could only be there, but they didn't have much hope for the content of the lecture.

King Yun is not a god, so can he change everything?

But not long after, His Royal Highness King Yun came to the high slope in front of everyone on his horse.

Compared with the expedition to Xixia a few years ago, this king of Yun has become more like a warrior.

His figure has become strong and strong, and his complexion has also been tanned. It has changed a lot from the original image, which is more like a refined scholar.

This is because Fan Cun has been trying to improve the quality of this body when he has nothing to do. In the past few years, he has gained something.


"As a general, you don't know the rewards and punishments, and the soldiers fought bloody battles, but you failed to deliver the military supplies rewarded to them to the battlefield on time.

"Take your own twenty army sticks!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhong Pingyuan received the punishment without saying a word, took off his armor and was beaten with twenty army sticks.

Of course the soldiers who attacked stopped, but seeing that the general was also beaten, many soldiers who were originally full of resentment towards Zhong Pingyuan gradually dissipated the resentment in their hearts.

He even began to understand Zhong Pingyuan's last resort.

"Hey, Mr. Zhong can't help it. If it wasn't for the court's repeated urging, how could he have violated the taboo of military strategists and marched rashly."

"Yeah, the matter of food and supplies... I believe Mr. Zhong is not those generals who are greedy and greedy."

Immediately afterwards, King Yun looked to the left and right.

The people around him immediately understood, and brought over several heavy boxes accompanying the army.

The box was opened, and it was filled with all kinds of gold and silver jewels.

"Zong Pingyuan! Rewards for meritorious deeds, and double the rewards that should have been given in the previous battles to the soldiers!"

Zhong Pingyuan's generals began to distribute the money and jewels to the soldiers who had been fighting for days.

And the faces of these soldiers once again had moved expressions.

Soon, several large boxes were all distributed.

After receiving more rewards than usual, the mentality of these soldiers finally stabilized, and they wanted to see what His Royal Highness King Yun had to say next.

I saw His Royal Highness King Yun prancing his horse, his voice gradually rising.


"I have been suppressed by the warriors for more than a hundred years!
"I was originally a good man who killed the enemy on the battlefield and defended the country. If I was born in the former dynasties of Yan, Chu, and Liang, I should have been an iron-blooded soldier who conquered cities, made great achievements, and everyone envied!

"However, in this dynasty, mediocre ministers wronged the country, but they called me and other warriors 'thieves with the army', tattooed on my face, humiliated in every possible way, and made me wait to face the golden man's iron cavalry!
"This king knows that you have resentment in your heart!
"This king knows that you should not bear the eternal infamy because of the repeated defeats of the Qi Dynasty!
"This king also knows that you are actually quite capable of defeating the Jinren, but it is only because of obstacles from all sides, and because of the discord of a bunch of cowardly and mediocre officials, that you always suffer fatal defeats outside the battlefield!

"This king also knows that you are not willing to go to Taiyuan at this time, because the battle along the way has completely worn away your patience, making you feel that this battle cannot be won, and even if you win, the credit will be yours. irrelevant.

"Everyone, please think about it carefully, those who are in Taiyuan City at this time are all our siblings, beloved relatives and friends, and all our compatriots of Daqi!

"This king promises you that after saving Taiyuan, all soldiers will be rewarded, and those who died in battle will receive three times the pension!

"This king also promises to you that from today onwards, the warriors of our court will no longer be soft persimmons to be manipulated by others, you are all the sharp blades of my dynasty, not only to defend the home and country, but also to expand the territory!
"From today onwards, no mediocre official will be able to ride on the heads of our soldiers!

"If any mediocre official dares to say no...

"Then the king will kill his whole family and sacrifice the flag for our soldiers!"

His Royal Highness King Yun's impassioned speech did not have too many gorgeous rhetoric, which did not seem to match his status as the number one scholar.

But these straightforward and even vulgar words can arouse the resonance of the soldiers of the three armed forces.

Soon, cheers like a tsunami erupted on the battlefield!
Although His Royal Highness Prince Yun is not an emperor, but just a prince, his mere words are enough to attract people's hearts.

What's more, he has already won the respect of everyone in the Western Army by rescuing Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan, two famous generals.

At this time, the honorable status of the third prince, the position of Marshal of the Northwest Army and Horses, and the legendary experience of being the number one scholar in the examination gave this King Yun a sense of his destiny.

In this regard, the strongest Western Army of the Qi Dynasty was once again integrated into one under the charisma of King Yun.


Under the city of Taiyuan, the imagined battle did not break out.

Under the leadership of King Yun, Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan, the two famous generals of the Western Army, began to fight steadily, advancing towards the camp step by step.

Seeing that the weather was getting hotter and the weather was getting hotter, and after several trials, he failed to get a good result, so the Jinren finally retreated despite the difficulty.

The siege of Taiyuan was resolved, but a large-scale battle did not break out, nor did many golden heads be captured.

But this is exactly what Fan Cun wanted.

Because Sheng Taizu told him that it is not a very wise choice to fight the Jinren at this time.

There are other uses for keeping these golden soldiers.

Therefore, after the Jin people withdrew, Fan Cun only took the Western Army to pursue it symbolically, and achieved certain results, which was reported as a great victory.

Then he entered Taiyuan City and was welcomed by the soldiers and civilians of Taiyuan.

But then, His Highness King Yun did something that shocked everyone.

He and Wang Zhi, the guard of Taiyuan City, almost directly extorted rich households in Taiyuan City, such as landlords, gentry, wealthy businessmen, etc., to hand over almost one-third of their family property as military funds.

This move naturally aroused fierce resistance from this group of people, but in the face of the murderous butcher knives of the Western Army, they finally compromised.

Most of this money was used as rewards for soldiers.

There are a few really stubborn landlords and gentry who rely on their families to have some power in the court and want to disobey orders.

However, under Taizu Sheng's suggestion, Fan Cun had only one answer to these people.


There is no room for bargaining.

Of course, killing should also pay attention to a justifiable name.It is not too simple to collect illegal evidence of these landlords and evil gentry, whether it is through the influence of Taiyuan officials such as Wang Teng, or the common people in the city report, plus the strict sentence of severe punishment in troubled times, killing these people is nothing big problem.

Instead, the people in the city clapped their hands and cheered.

Although this move also aroused some voices of opposition, in Taiyuan City, voices of support still prevailed.Even many people in Taiyuan City spontaneously used some of their family wealth to reward the army, but Fan Cun refused.

Obviously, there are still sensible people in the city.

Taiyuan City had been besieged for a long time. If King Yun had not led the Western Army to rescue them, and the imperial court would send reinforcements, Taiyuan City would have been breached sooner or later.

And once the city is broken, the Jin people will massacre the city, let alone family wealth, and even their lives will not be saved.

Therefore, these Western troops did not expect to be rewarded by the imperial court. It is much better to hand over some property in the city to reward the army than to be robbed by the Jin people.

For those who don't get the point...

Fan Cun didn't bother to reason with them, after all, his off-court assistance guest was Sheng Taizu.


The news that the siege of Taiyuan had been lifted soon spread back to the capital.

Hearing that King Yun had made such a great achievement again, the people in the capital naturally rushed to tell the story.

But this news is nothing more than fuel to the fire for the two emperors who are fighting for power.

Qi Huizong had already returned to court, but soon, he found that things after returning to court were completely different from what he had originally thought.

Qi Yingzong almost put his father, the Supreme Emperor, under house arrest, and arranged for his cronies to exchange blood with Qi Huizong's servants, and monitored them in real time. report.

Although King Yun's achievement of recovering Taiyuan made Qi Yingzong very unhappy, it dilutes the adverse effects of his ceding the three towns and strengthens the legitimacy of his rule, so there are still rewards and rewards on the surface.

In this consciously safer environment, the struggle between Qi Yingzong and Qi Huizong was more intense than in the original history, and the original Yellow River defense line built by Li Boxi, Zhong Pingyuan and others naturally did not waste money and people. up.

Of course, all of this is based on some kind of wishful thinking: since the siege of Taiyuan has ended and the Jin people have retreated, they probably won't come back in the short term, right?

It is a very stupid behavior to entrust the general affairs of the country to some kind of luck, but Qi Yingzong himself is an extremely stupid emperor.

Since Fan Cun already knew the real history, he was naturally mentally prepared for his stupidity.

So next, Fan Cun has to wait patiently for that perfect opportunity.


Sure enough, a few months later, the Jin soldiers went south again, still marching from east to west.

In the original history, after the fall of Taiyuan City, two groups of Jin soldiers besieged Bianliang. By the way, using Taiyuan as a fulcrum, they cut off the path for the Western Army to rescue the capital, leaving the capital with few invincible soldiers, which also contributed to the Jingping change. One big reason.

In this historical slice, King Yun played by Fan Cun saved Taiyuan City, so that this situation did not happen.

But the Jin people were not afraid because Taiyuan City was still in the hands of the Qi Dynasty. After all, when they retreated from Taiyuan before, they did not suffer any major blows, and they still did not think that the army of the Qi Dynasty could fight against them war.

As a result, the Eastern Route Army was still as strong as a broken bamboo, and went straight to the capital city.

At this time, Qi Yingzong issued gold medals in succession, asking King Yun to lead the Western Army to serve the king.

However, these edicts and gold medals were basically withheld by Fan Cun, so it was assumed that nothing had happened.

The reason why he dared to do this was naturally a good thing.

After the Ninth Prince became the Generalissimo of the Hebei Army and Horses, the court urged him several times to send troops to serve the King, but he was also indifferent.What did the imperial court do to him in the end?It's not helpless.

Although Fan Cun's motivation for not sending troops is fundamentally different from the Ninth Prince's motivation for not sending troops, but in terms of the results, there is not much difference.

What's more, Fan Cun knew that soon he would receive an edict from Qi Yingzong to dismiss Qin Wangjun and prevent them from going to the capital again, because Qi Yingzong naively believed that the peace talks had been completed and there was no need for the army to increase the burden.

Finally, under Fan Cun's patient waiting, the Jingping Change happened as before.

On November 25th of the first year of Jingping, the soldiers of Liujia went out of the city. The Jin soldiers successfully ascended the city and burned down the city gate, but they dared not go down the city.

On the 28th, Qi Yingzong asked the people in the capital to donate property to reward the gold soldiers in order to strike.

On the [-]th, Qi Yingzong went to the Jinying to negotiate a peace, and the Jin people treated him courteously, and returned in the second day of the junior high school.

From the 23th to the [-]rd of December, the Jin soldiers successively extorted war horses, military weapons, gold and silk, fine wine, books and classics, etc. Qi Yingzong issued an edict asking the city to donate property.

On the tenth day of the first month of the second year of Jingping, Qi Yingzong went out to the city again to negotiate a peace, and did not return for several days, but kept passing on news, requesting that the city prepare gold, silver, and silk as soon as possible.

At this time, most people can't guess that this time Qi Yingzong will never be able to return to the capital.

But Qi Huizong in the city was also an idiot. In this case, he failed to regain power. Instead, Qi Yingzong was allowed to command and search the city's money by remote control in the Golden Camp. Even on the seventh day of February, Qi Huizong also went to the Golden Camp.

From then on, these two wonderful emperors began to help Jin Bing suppress the riots in the city, and used the state machine of Qi Dynasty to continuously transfer the wealth in the city to Jin Bing.

Originally, this was like a noose that was constantly tightened. The innocent people in the capital could only be squeezed by the brutal Jin Man and the two incompetent emperors.

But now, the time Fan Cun has been waiting for has arrived.

On the ninth day of the first month of the second year of Jingping, the day before Qi Yingzong went out of the city to negotiate a peace agreement and entered Jinying and was detained.

The defenders who besieged Taiyuan City had gradually relaxed, thinking that this western army would also be a turtle for the rest of its life like before.

His Royal Highness King Yun, Liu Fa, and Zhong Pingyuan led the elite Western Army out of the city to rob the camp.

In the first battle, the Jin soldiers who besieged Taiyuan again collapsed on the spot and fled dozens of miles away.

After that, the Western Army took advantage of the victory to pursue and completely broke the siege of Taiyuan.

Immediately afterwards, King Yun, played by Fan Cun, returned from Taiyuan to aid the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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