Chapter 256
His Royal Highness King Yun has entered the city.

The people in the capital all wept with joy and lined the road to welcome them.

The reason why King Yun is so popular with the people is naturally because of his indomitable achievements in destroying the country of Xixia.

In the eyes of the common people, this Royal Highness Yun can be the number one scholar in high school, capable of destroying the country and Anbang with martial arts, especially the Western Army he led has won many battles, and they have completely regarded him as the pillar of the country that the entire Qi Dynasty relies on.

To put it bluntly, I don't know how much better it is than His Majesty the emperor who only knows how to plunder people's wealth.

Since the last time Xixia was destroyed, King Yun has not returned to the capital.And this time, returning to King Qin, it can be said that the people of the whole city have high hopes and treat him like a savior.

It's just that the Forbidden Army who was in charge of guarding the city gate smelled something wrong.

Because when His Royal Highness King Yun entered the city, he brought...too many soldiers!
At this time, the entire Western Army had camped outside the capital, confronting the Jin soldiers who had retreated to Moutuogang, and no one launched an attack rashly.

After all, neither side is aware of the reality of the other.

It stands to reason that King Yun only needs to bring dozens of his own soldiers into the city, but when the gates of the city were opened, King Yun brought thousands of people with him.

The long queue stretches on and on.

These soldiers were neat and tidy, and their faces were full of killing intent. At first glance, they were the elite of the Western Army who had been killed from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

Naturally, some ministers in the DPRK expressed concern about this, and His Royal Highness King Yun's answer to this was: Bring troops into the city to reassure the people!
Well, it makes sense.

What King Yun meant was that the capital was in danger at this time, and the city gate had just been captured by Jin soldiers, and it seemed that it was in danger.Although the Jin people withdrew their troops due to the arrival of the Western Army, the city walls burned by the Jin people could not be repaired in a short period of time.

In other words, the Jin people may launch an attack at any time, and the capital is still in danger of breaking the city.

At this time, people were in a state of panic, and the soldiers and civilians in the city had reached their limits, both physically and mentally.

What's more, during this period of time, the emperor who was already in the golden camp was still searching for the property and female relatives in the city continuously according to the requirements of the golden man, which even shook the hearts of the people in the city.

Morale has dropped to an unimaginable level.

At this time, if King Yun can bring the elite of the Western Army into the city, it will be equivalent to showing the mighty spirit of these elite troops in front of all the people in the city, which is obviously very meaningful for stimulating the morale of the soldiers and civilians in the city and stabilizing the situation. of.

Therefore, the Supreme Emperor Qi Huizong, who was still in the city and had not yet gone to Jinying, allowed King Yun to lead troops into the city.

As for Qi Yingzong's confidant ministers, although they felt that the matter was strange, firstly, what King Yun said was reasonable, and secondly, the Supreme Emperor had already nodded, so they had no reason to refuse, so they had no choice but to agree.

At the same time, he was somewhat comforting himself that there were at least tens of thousands of forbidden troops in the city who could fight, and most of these thousands of people of King Yun could not afford to cause any big disturbances.


Outside the imperial city, Fan Cun looked at Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan.

"The things here are left to you."

Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan looked at each other and nodded.

The elite of the Western Army brought by King Yun stood neatly outside the imperial city, looking at each other with the Imperial Forest Army inside the imperial city.

These Imperial Forest Army couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure.

They were very sure that if there was a real fight, they would not be the opponents of the elite Western Army who had been killed from the dead.

But... they are all their own people, so they shouldn't fight, right?

They watched King Yun enter the palace.


At the Golden Luan Hall, all the courtiers from the Jingping Dynasty had arrived.

Even that Qi Huizong had arrived, but he could only sit at the side and rear, and the throne in the center was vacant.

Because after Qi Yingzong entered the golden camp, he has not returned yet, but he just kept sending orders from the golden camp, asking for all kinds of property.

The hall is solemn and spacious, with many ministers lined up on both sides, and the one standing in the front is Tang Qin, the Prime Minister of the Left at this time.

Since Li Boxi was squeezed out, Tang Qin, the peacemaker, could almost be said to have won the Holy Family alone, and became Qi Yingzong's most important minister, and he was an uncompromising figure in the court.

Whenever Qi Yingzong's decree came from Jinying, he would constantly urge the various ministries to carry it out, whether it was to search for property or rob women's family members, in short, basically everything in the imperial decree was satisfied.

And this court meeting seems to be centered on this Tang Qin.

After all, the emperor is no longer there, and the various powers of the Supreme Emperor Qi Yingzong have been firmly restricted by the emperor, so Tang Qin naturally has the final say in the court at this time.

This is also an important reason why after Qi Yingzong went to Jinying, the entire court was still under his remote command.

"His Royal Highness King Yun."

Tang Qin's expression seemed sullen: "Didn't you receive the government's order? The peace talks between our court and the Jin people have been completed, and there is no need for King Qin's army to come! Why did you come here with the Western army?"

He paused for a while, and then said: "At this time, the official family is in the camp of the Jin people. The Jin people have withdrawn to Moutuogang, and they have not yet released the official house! If you bring the Western Army, if you harm the official family There was a mistake, what should I do?"

His Royal Highness King Yun smiled disapprovingly: "What does it have to do with me whether the Jin people let people go or not?
"Don't you think that if I don't come, the golden man will let my brother back?"

Tang Qin said angrily: "Presumptuous! How can you call Your Majesty like that!

"The official had already been to the camp of the Jin people half a month ago, and they returned within two days after being treated politely. This time, they have not returned for three days. If the Jin people were forced to move the camp because of the sudden arrival of the Western Army, how can they explain it?"

Fan Cun looked at him: "The Jin man released him last time, does that mean he will release him this time?
"Once you enter the gold camp, you are like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Whether a tiger eats a sheep or not depends on your own mood. How can it be changed because of the etiquette of the sheep?

"Tang Xiang, I'm afraid you've lost your head like my imperial brother!"

Tang Qin's complexion changed again. It was already very disrespectful for the king of Yun not to call you His Majesty five times.

But at this time, the Supreme Emperor said: "Hey, what King Yun said makes sense. When the official was leaving, I had repeatedly persuaded him not to go, but the official didn't listen..."

Originally, the Supreme Emperor had been turned into a tool man by the emperor.

Most pilgrimages cannot be attended.

But this time, because the emperor was away and King Yun came back, he was able to go to the palace.

At this time, Tang Qin vaguely felt that things seemed to have changed.

This Supreme Emperor... seems to have other thoughts.

Fan Cun couldn't help but understand.

At this time, the situation in the court was as expected by Sheng Taizu!
If so, then it's easy to do.

He took a step forward and said loudly: "Father!
"Brother Huang went deep into the golden camp and was in danger. If something unexpected happened, how could it be like the ancestral temple? Please father and emperor think about the country as the most important thing, and make a big plan early, so as to secure the country and comfort the people, the world will be very lucky!"

At this time, Qi Yingzong hadn't fully reacted yet: "Have you made a big plan early?"

Fan Cun said again: "How can a country be empty of the throne for a long time?"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Qin was already furious: "Presumptuous!
"His Royal Highness, although His Majesty is in the Jinren camp, he is still safe and sound. How dare you speak absurdly about abolishing the establishment... You, are you planning to rebel!"

At this time, everyone in the court finally understood the purpose of King Yun's visit at this time.

King Yun came all the way in the name of King Qin, but the first thing he did after he arrived was not to attack the Jin people and rescue the emperor, but to come to the court first and meet the Supreme Emperor and all the civil and military officials.

This is enough to show that he wanted to abolish the establishment from the very beginning!
Moreover, the reason for looking for it is very good.

At this time, the emperor went deep into the golden camp and was in danger. If there was a mistake, wouldn't the dragons have no leader?The entire court, the entire capital, is bound to be in chaos.

So under such circumstances, there is nothing wrong with setting up a new monarch and temporarily taking over the government, right?
Wait until the emperor is rescued before returning the throne.

This expedient measure is very necessary at this time.

Tang Qin wanted to say something else, but Fan Cun ignored him at all, but continued to look at the Supreme Emperor Qi Huizong: "Father, please build a big plan early, and comfort the people early!"

There seemed to be a gleam of light in Qi Huizong's cloudy eyes, and he said, "King Yun is right!
"A country cannot be without a king for a day. The crown prince is young, so he can't deal with everything in a hurry. King Yun is old, and he is my own son. He should be the heir to the great unification, so as to secure the country!"

Tang Qin stomped his feet angrily: "How can this be so!"

A group of ministers in the court also quarreled fiercely in an instant, and even wanted to rush forward to beat up the rebels and thieves.

Fan Cun was indifferent.

He watched the performance of the crowd with cold eyes, as if he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The situation in the court at this time was exactly as Sheng Taizu had analyzed before.

The conflict between Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong has reached the point of irreconcilability.

Qi Huizong planned to be the shopkeeper before, throwing all the responsibilities to Qi Yingzong, and slipped away by himself.But soon he felt lost because of the loss of power, and he had the idea of ​​establishing another central government.

The reason why he returned to the capital after the first Jinren retreated was naturally with such thoughts in mind.

If Qi Huizong really wanted to let go and just focus on cultivating the Tao and having fun, how could he return to such a dangerous place as the capital?
Qi Yingzong was obviously aware of this, so he not only put Qi Huizong under house arrest, kicked away Qi Huizong's former ministers in the court, and even the fact that he himself entered the Jinying camp had something to do with it.

In fact, the Jin people originally wanted the Supreme Emperor to "negotiate peace" in the past.

But Qi Yingzong's great wisdom immediately said, you want to bypass me and establish another central government?You really underestimated my IQ!If you want to go, then I will go in person!

In this way, this great cleverness went to Jinying for Qi Huizong.

All in all, Qi Huizong actually regretted it at this time.No matter whether it is the Zen seat or returning to the capital, the conflict between him and Qi Yingzong has reached the point where it is almost impossible to reconcile.

At this time, King Yun gave him an excellent step.

That is to establish a new king!
From a legal point of view, Qi Huizong has this power.

The emperor is not in the palace, and he does not know when he will be back, so the royal family and ministers can seek to establish a new emperor.

Among the royal family, the Supreme Emperor is naturally the highest.As long as the Supreme Emperor raises this matter, and all the ministers basically agree, then it can be done at this time.

However, the Supreme Emperor did agree, but these ministers were not so easy to talk about.

The ministers headed by Tang Qin almost wanted to lift the roof of the Golden Luan Hall on the spot, and they firmly disagreed.

The reason is simple, they were all promoted by Qi Yingzong!
Just like Tang Qin, he himself is a peacemaker, and he is highly valued by Qi Yingzong.

If the crown prince ascended the throne, then a child who doesn't understand anything will naturally still be in power and will have no influence.

But what if King Yun came to the throne?Then he, the prime minister of the previous dynasty, will almost certainly be cleaned up.

The same is true of other ministers, their interests have long been highly bound to Qi Yingzong, how could they allow King Yun to abolish the emperor at this time?

Tang Qin stiffened his neck, ready to argue hard.

Although he didn't have such skills when negotiating peace with the Jin people, he still dared to scold such rebellious people by citing scriptures in his own court.

It's just that His Royal Highness King Yun glanced at him with disdain, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

Tang Qin was a little puzzled.

He is the head of the court, as long as he does not nod, the matter of abolishing the establishment will almost certainly not be passed.

But... Judging by the expression of this King Yun, it seems that he has never cared about his thoughts?


At this time, outside the palace.

The imperial guards guarding the palace realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere.

The way these Western elites look at them...something is wrong.

Liu Fa roughly estimated the time in his mind, and then looked at Zhong Pingyuan.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

With a sound of "Keng", Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan drew their sabers out of their sheaths together.

"Follow the emperor's will! Follow His Royal Highness King Yun's side! This trip will only kill Tang Qin and other traitors, and the rest will not be prosecuted! If you dare to stop, you will be killed without mercy!"

Just as the little leader of the Imperial Forest Army was about to say something, Liu Fa stepped forward and chopped him down with a long knife in his hand.

And Liu Fa and the elite of the Western Army behind Zhong Pingyuan also pulled out their sabers in unison, and rushed straight towards the palace!

"Rebel! Rebel! The Western Army is rebellious..."

In the palace, such shouts came from time to time.

But then, such cries were replaced by screams.

Thousands of elite troops from the Western Army cut into the palace like a sharp knife.

Although the imperial palace was guarded by the Imperial Forest Army, but the capital was besieged and the emperor did not return, the hearts of the people in the city were already floating, and these Imperial Forest Army were naturally not as tense as before.

What's more, although these imperial guards are the elite of the Forbidden Army, they have been in the imperial city, neglected training, and rarely encountered life-and-death fights in the army formation. It is hard to say how much combat power they have left.

As soon as he touched the elite of the Western Army, he collapsed instantly.

More importantly, the slogan shouted by the Western Army.

Following the orders of the Supreme Emperor, together with the King of Yun, clear the emperor's side!

Although these imperial forest troops were guarding the imperial city and seemed to have a close relationship with the emperor, they were still warriors in the final analysis.

They were also often instigated to participate in the matter that the emperor searched the city for property and gave it to the Jin people.

Which of these soldiers in the city has no complaints against traitors like Tang Qin?
It's just that the power center of the entire Qi Dynasty can still operate normally, so even if these Yulin soldiers are dissatisfied, they can't do anything, they can only continue to hold their breath to carry out the tasks of the emperor and Zaizhi.

At this time, the Western Army shouted the slogan on the side of the Qing Emperor, and these Yulin Army naturally couldn't afford to risk their lives for a traitor like Tang Qin.

As a result, either their actions were slow, or they were about to collapse at the touch of a button. These Imperial Forest Army hardly played any role in blocking the Western Army.

Not long after, the elite of the Western Army surrounded the entire palace.

And Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan led their recruits directly outside the main hall.

The two walked into the hall wearing armor and holding sabers, their bodies still smelling bloody.

The officials in the court were in a mess: "You! You are trying to plot rebellion!"

The two came to the main hall and knelt down on the ground with their knives: "Greetings to the Supreme Emperor! Greetings to His Royal Highness King Yun!
"His Royal Highness King Yun led the Western Army to serve the Emperor Qing's secret decree, and is waiting outside the palace!"

Qi Huizong's expression at this time was confused.

Secret decree?

When did I give them the secret decree...

But seeing the murderous Xi Jun outside the hall, he didn't dare to say a word.

As for Tang Qin and other ministers, the expressions on their faces have gradually changed from anger to fear.

They pointed at King Yun: "You...what are you trying to do!"

Fan Cun ignored the group of people, and while walking up the steps to the throne, he said coldly: "Tang Qin and other thieves betrayed the country for glory, obstructed the war, and caused countless soldiers to sacrifice their lives for the country. Countless people's homes were ruined!
"Since I have inherited the great rule, I should eradicate the traitors and eliminate harm for the people!

"Come here, drag these traitors down and behead them!
"The head is hung at the gate of the imperial city, as a warning to others!"

Before Tang Qin and the others could react, the murderous Western Army had already swarmed up, dragged them out, and immediately beheaded them.

Those who reacted slowly were also beheaded along with Tang Qin.

There are also some people who are aware of current affairs, and immediately realized that if they refuse to accept softness at this time, their lives will be in danger. They hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted: "It is the blessing of the country to have a wise monarch! Your Majesty should ascend to the Great Treasure as soon as possible to appease the people!"

The other officials also reacted one after another, kneeling on the ground: "Your Majesty should ascend the great treasure early to appease the people!"

According to the normal procedure, King Yun should resign at this time.

After resigning three times, he could reluctantly ascend the throne.

But Fan Cun was too lazy to pay attention to those red tapes, and sat on the throne directly.

"Everyone is flat!"

In the blink of an eye, the important minister who was still berating Fang Qiu in the hall just now had already embarked on two different paths.

Either kneel on the ground and shout long live, or turn into a bloody head.

More than a dozen officials headed by Tang Qin were killed in the blink of an eye.

The other officials also knelt on the ground in panic.

Apparently, many of them were former ministers of Qi Yingzong, who originally intended to oppose King Yun's ascension to the throne.However, facing the bloody butcher's knife at this time, he could only follow his heart.

Fan Cun watched coldly.

It's just that although his face is calm, his heart is a little beating.

"Your Majesty, did you kill too much..."

Sheng Taizu's phantom was beside him, and he snorted coldly: "I have only killed so many, there will be more to be killed in the future!
"So what if all these mediocre officials are killed? It's a big deal that you can handle the political affairs of the court and China alone."

The Qi Dynasty did not kill scholar-bureaucrats.

Although there have been some exceptions before, in general, the officials of the Qi Dynasty are treated preferentially. There has never been such a thing as killing more than a dozen ministers in the court.

Therefore, apart from being terrified, these ministers were also somewhat surprised and angry.

It was hard for them to imagine where His Royal Highness King Yun, no, it should be said that he was a newly enthroned official, would take them.

(End of this chapter)

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