My players are all actors

Chapter 258 Year Plan

Chapter 258 Ten Year Plan
The first thing Chu Ge thought of was naturally the possibility of killing the emperor.

After all, he had successfully planned to assassinate Qi Yingzong in the first stage before, and he directly passed the level by flipping the table with one hand.

In any case, the Emperor Gaozong's ability to kill is definitely no less than that of his elder brother.

If Qi Gaozong could be killed, even if the dungeon failed because of this, Chu Ge would admit it.

At least for General Han Fuyue, he let out a bad breath.

After careful deliberation, Chu Ge found that the success rate of this matter was too low.

Li Hao and Qi Gaozong have two aspects to this matter.

From Li Hao's point of view, he has not yet reached the point where he has power over the government and the public.

Although judging from later generations, Qin Hui's power was in the hands of the court and the public, and he killed Han Fuyue unjustly if he wanted to, and even asked Qi Gaozong to keep a dagger in the palace to guard against him, destroying the entire political system of the Qi Dynasty... …

But at this time, Chu Ge didn't have that kind of energy.

In real history, Qin Huizhi did not achieve it overnight, but went through several stages.

He recovered because he was able to connect with Wan Yanchang and establish a peace agreement.

As for the killing of General Han Fuyue, although there are opinions that he conspired to kill Han Fuyue first, but in the final analysis, Gaozong had already had the idea of ​​killing Han Fuyue, so Qin Huizhi did it for his own self-interest, and it was also catered to. Qi Gaozong's thoughts, so under Qi Gaozong's protection, he was safe and sound.

Then it was to negotiate a peace with the Jin people. There was a sentence in the contract, "It is not allowed to go to the prime minister with innocence."

The actual effect of this sentence is that Qi Gaozong hardly dared to deprive Qin Huizhi of his phase for any reason, no matter whether he was guilty or innocent.Even if Qin Huizhi was really guilty, Qi Gaozong would not dare to judge the crime.

Therefore, Qin Huizhi was able to be alone for more than ten years, and the power was poured into the government and the public. In the final analysis, it was because he was backed by the Jin people, and he had to rely on him to disrupt the Qi Dynasty's government.

But at this time, Li Hao, played by Chu Ge, had just recovered and became Zai Zhi not long ago.

First, he didn't intend to kill General Han Fuyue, so what he did was actually not of the same heart as the emperor.

Second, he has not yet obtained the terms of the peace agreement that "the Jinren are not allowed to go to the prime minister with innocence", that is to say, the Jinren will not support him at this time.

The emperor at this time had already made up his mind to kill General Han Fuyue and negotiate peace with the Jin people.

And Li Hao, played by Chu Ge, as the prime minister, may be able to obey the law and obey the law, and may find a way to keep the emperor's decree from leaving the palace.But the final result must be taken down by the emperor.

Because at this time, as Zai Zhi, his foundation is not deep enough.And Qi Gaozong was the undisputed most orthodox heir to the throne at this time.

The political strength of the two is not at the same level at all.

So, what about assassination?
The probability of success is also extremely low.

Before Chu Ge and Li Hongyun were able to assassinate successfully, it was because Qi Yingzong's brains were pumped and he wanted to escape from the palace, and the protection force was lax on the way, so that Li Hong used a musket to take advantage of the loophole.

But at this time, Qi Gaozong had already experienced a mutiny, and he attached great importance to his own safety.Has been hiding in the deep palace, heavily guarded.

Although Li Hao, played by Chu Ge, is the prime minister, he has to be searched repeatedly before entering the palace.In addition, without the cooperation of other players, he could hardly think of any possibility of a successful assassination.

Therefore, this matter has fallen into an endless loop.

Assassination is not acceptable, only political struggle.

But to engage in political struggle, the strength is not enough.

If you want to have enough strength, you must first get the support of the golden man "not allowed to go to the prime minister with innocence", and if you want to get this support, you must first betray the country and kill General Han Fuyue.

Didn't this go around in a big circle and go back again?

If Chu Ge really killed General Han Fuyue unjustly, no matter what he did afterwards, he would have no way to clear himself up.

Because General Han Fuyue in this era is the only divine general who can bring peace to the world and is irreplaceable.

Seeing that the current situation has almost fallen into an endless loop with no solution, Chu Ge did not give up because of this.

He didn't even think about the function of using Heroic Spirits to ask for help.

Because he knew that it might not be easy to ask those historical heroic spirits this question.Many things are better solved by using your own brain.

After some thinking, Chu Ge finally made up his mind.

Drafted the imperial edict for recalling the twelve gold medals to General Han Fuyue.


In April, General Han Fuyue and other generals were transferred from the army and returned to serve in the Privy Council of the capital.

In May, the main peace faction in the middle of the DPRK slandered General Han Fuyue for "staying and not advancing", and demanded that Han Fuyue be removed from the post of Deputy Privy Envoy.

In August, Han Fuyue was dismissed and returned to his old residence to find work.

In October, the Zhuhe faction framed General Han Fuyue for treason and threw him into the prison of Dali Temple.

In November, Qi and Jin reached a peace agreement: Qi professed to Jin, assigned all the north of the Huaihe River to Jin, and paid 25 taels of silver and 25 pieces of silk every year.

In December, Li Hao ordered to kill General Han Fuyue, and Emperor Gaozong later decreed to ratify it.

Whether it was Qin Huizhi's coercive order to kill General Han Fuyue, or whether Qin Huizhi really got Gaozong's secret decree to kill General Han Fuyue, it is difficult to verify this matter.But in either case, it does not change the nature of the matter.

Qi Gaozong and Qin Hui hit it off, no matter who comes first, whether it is Qin Huizhi's decree from the emperor, or Qi Gaozong's deduction from Qin Hui's coercive edict, they are nothing more than trying their best to put shit on the other party's head. And it's just a little less blame for myself.

After all, both of them also know that this is too stinky, and they will be infamous through the ages.

In this way, everything seemed to go according to the original route.


December twenty-ninth.

Dali Temple Storm Pavilion, in prison.

Kui Shun's life in recent days has undergone great changes.

He was originally a prison guard here, and he worked diligently and was loyal.

Hearing that General Han Fuyue made great achievements in the Northern Expedition and continued to regain lost ground, Kai Shun was also very excited.Even when I get home every day, I happily drink with a few friends.

But immediately after, what happened in Chaozhong made his mood take a turn for the worse, and he became more and more incomprehensible.

General Han Fuyue, who had been making great victories ahead, was recalled to the court and imprisoned within a few months.

According to the news from the prison, General Han Fuyue has been accused of crimes. Although he has not been severely tortured, the traitorous party headed by Li Hao in the court wants to put General Han Fuyue to death. It is obvious.

Kai Shun felt a tightness in his chest and had nowhere to vent it.


Why does His Majesty turn a blind eye to these traitors?Why is General Han Fuyue the pillar of the country, but His Majesty has no reason to doubt him?Is it so important that the little bit of self-interest of the princes and princes in the court is so important in the face of the national hatred and family hatred with the Jin people?

However, he is just a pawn after all.

Even if he had already scolded the traitorous party headed by Li Hao ten thousand times in his heart, even if he knew that General Han Fuyue was imprisoned in the Storm Pavilion, what could he do as a small jailer?

If it develops according to the real history.

After General Han Fuyue was killed, the jailer, Kai Shun, risked being killed, secretly dug up General Han Fuyue's body, stole it out of the city, and buried it safely.

On the day when General Han Fuyue was rehabilitated and Zhaoxue was rehabilitated, Kai Shun had already passed away, but he still told his son about it before he died, so General Han Fuyue's remains were actually moved to the West Lake for burial.

If it wasn't for Kaishun, perhaps General Han Fuyue would really have no bones left and could not be buried in the tomb for future generations to worship.

As a small pawn, Kai Shun risked his life to do such a thing, which can be called loyalty and unparalleled.

But what Kaishun didn't expect was that none of this happened.

Because a few days ago, he had just been inexplicably promoted to be a prison officer.

It is said that this appointment was personally ordered by Li Hao, the head of the court, whom he scolded countless times.

This move caused some changes in the way his colleagues looked at him.

There is flattery, and there is contempt.

Almost all his colleagues in the prison thought that he had colluded with Li Hao and wanted to be an accomplice in killing General Han Fuyue.

Kai Shun was puzzled by this, because he and Li Hao, the prime minister of the court, were completely strangers, and he even scolded Li Hao for traitorously in private.

And today, as a prison officer, Kai Shun received an order to kill General Han Fuyue.

Li Hao, the prime minister at the time, was a full-fledged conspirator, dismissed everyone directly, and waited outside the prison himself to confirm that General Han Fuyue was dead before leaving.

No third person knew what happened that day.

It's just that I heard afterwards that the blood book written by General Han Fuyue "The sun is shining, the sky is shining!" written by General Han Fuyue was still kept in prison. Li Hao left proudly after confirming the death of General Han Fuyue.

In this regard, the real witness, Kaishun, kept it secret, and resigned from office shortly thereafter, and lived in seclusion in the countryside.

Li Hao reported the matter to Qi Gaozong, and Qi Gaozong let out a sigh of relief.

When the news of General Han Fuyue's death came out, the common people wept for it; as for the Kingdom of Jin, the ministers drank wine and congratulated each other with crowns.

Everything seems to be going according to the original historical line.

It's just that no one noticed that some small details have deviated.


An unremarkable manor on the outskirts of the capital.

Li Hao, played by Chu Ge, came to the gate of the manor with only one of the most trusted and indifferent servants, and lightly knocked the door knocker three times with a certain frequency.

A moment later, the door opened a crack.

Kai Shun looked around to confirm that there was no one else, and then welcomed Li Hao, played by Chu Ge, in.

"Master Li, please come in."

The servant brought by Li Hao was loyally waiting outside the manor.

When he came to the manor, Chu Ge finally met the greatest historical figure in this slice of history, General Han Fuyue.

Players have already noticed it when they watched the scene animation in the game before.

Unlike the largest historical slice of the Great Sheng Dynasty that belonged to Sheng Taizu, the largest historical slice of the Qi Dynasty belonged to General Han Fuyue.

Born in a farming family, he was able to lead the repeatedly defeated Qi army to regain the Central Plains in just 20 years. Needless to say, the greatness of General Han Fuyue's military at the pinnacle of weapons.

At this time, General Han Fuyue was sitting in the courtyard, flipping through the books in his hand.

This situation made Chu Ge think of the general Qin Kaiyun many years ago.

Perhaps, there are many similarities between the two at this time?

Seeing Li Hao played by Chu Ge, General Han Fuyue got up and said, "Li Xiang."

If General Han Fuyue met Li Hao played by Chu Ge before, he might have only two attitudes.

The first type is to barely maintain the most basic courtesy and politeness according to the etiquette between courtiers; the second type is to be filled with righteous indignation with sincerity for the country and the people after knowing that the other party has decided to kill himself denounced.

But now, General Han Fuyue's attitude does not belong to any of them.

His mood was still very contradictory, but his views on Li Hao had changed somewhat.

Because, it was Li Hao's operations that replaced him with a death row prisoner who looked similar to General Han Fuyue, and secretly rescued the real General Han Fuyue and placed him in this manor.

Perhaps before, General Han Fuyue also regarded Li Hao as a treacherous traitor, but after that, General Han Fuyue's view of him still had some changes.

At least knowing Li Hao, maybe he has other plans, not what he originally thought, which is absolutely unbearable.

"General Han, please sit down."

While talking, Chu Ge sat down on another grand master's chair.

This was the first meeting between the two after rescuing General Han Fuyue from prison.

"Li Xiang, there is something unclear at the end, can I ask for advice in person?"

Chu Ge nodded: "General Han, but it's okay to ask, the truth must be known."

General Han Fuyue's expression was a bit sad, obviously this matter has troubled him for a long time: "Li Xiangxian called my squadron back to the court with twelve gold medals, and then charged me with crimes and sent me to prison. But at the last moment, he spent a lot of time Rescued me after all setbacks.


Chu Ge was silent for a moment, then sighed softly: "General Han, you don't really think that making peace with the Jinren is just the truth's idea, do you?
"Without the official's permission, I'm just a rootless butcher. If I want to gain power and do whatever I want... I'm afraid, it's still a few years too early."

General Han Fuyue was silent.

Chu Ge's words directly pointed out a situation that he least wanted to see in his heart.

That is, the person who wants to kill him is really the current emperor.

In fact, for General Han Fuyue, although the current emperor has many faults, he did give him some support during the Northern Expedition.

Moreover, under the thought of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, General Han Fuyue still had some fantasies about this Qi Gaozong.

The original General Han Fuyue probably thought that whether it was a gold medal or being imprisoned, it was due to the activities of Li Hao, a treacherous minister.It was the emperor who didn't know people and was bewitched.

But now it seems that this Li Hao is quite sober, mainly because... he took the blame for the emperor.

Otherwise, why did Li Hao go to such lengths to save himself?
If this Li Hao is really a capitulator who betrays the country and seeks glory, then whether it is for the reason of peace talks, or because he is worried that his appearance will affect his status, he should kill himself.

However, this Li Hao didn't kill him, and even took a huge risk to save him.

If it is not Li Xiang who is determined to kill him, but the current emperor...

Then Li Hao's actions are tantamount to the crime of deceiving the emperor. Once discovered, not only the emperor, but also the Jin people cannot explain it.It almost meant that his position as prime minister would be lost in an instant, and there were even other huge risks associated with it.

In short, the fact that he secretly rescued General Han Fuyue was enough to prove Li Hao's thoughts.

But as a result, new doubts arise.

General Han Fuyue was puzzled, "Then why did Prime Minister Li go through so much trouble?"

Chu Ge sighed softly: "General Han, the truth is in the court, and it is not like covering the sky with one hand.

"I want to kill you, this is the intention of the officials and the Jin people. I may be able to resist the order, but I will be dismissed after a while, and then a person who is better at figuring out what he wants will come to power. At that time, he Still will kill you unjustly.

"So, at this time, I can't change all this on the bright side.

"Secretly saving you and your son is already the limit of what I can do at this time.

"As for your lieutenant... I really can't do anything."

The process of rescuing General Han Fuyue was even smoother than Chu Ge planned.

It is precisely because Li Hao, played by Chu Ge, set himself up as a traitor before, so for Qi Gaozong or other officials of the Peaceful faction, or the Surrender faction, it is possible for anyone to save General Han Fuyue, but only Li Hao alone is absolutely impossible.

It is also in this dark situation under the lights that Chu Ge can operate better.

He only changed the jailer who was executing the sentence that day, and persuaded the other officials by pretending to supervise the beheading himself, and successfully rescued General Han Fuyue.

After all, Li Hao said that General Han Fuyue was dead, so who would doubt it?
Moreover, his seemingly shady behavior is more in line with his personality.Everyone would think that General Han Fuyue had indeed died unjustly in prison, and the more Li Hao covered it up, the more they believed it.

General Han Fuyue slightly closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "No matter what, I'd like to thank Li Xiang for saving his life.

"It's just... I'm afraid that the last general will have to live in seclusion in the countryside for the rest of his life, and he will never be able to regain the rivers and mountains."

This is simply obvious.

If the emperor was just confused for a while and was deceived by Li Hao, then even if he retreated at this time, maybe one day the emperor would wake up and have a chance to fight again.

But if this matter was facilitated by the emperor...

Then I am afraid that before the death of Qi Gaozong, the situation will only get worse.

What's even more sad is that Qi Gaozong was still very young at this time, and his body was still very strong.In the next three to forty years, I am afraid that there is no possibility of his passing away.

General Han Fuyue was already 39 years old at this time.

In terms of lifespan, neither Li Hao nor Han Fuyue could survive the emperor.

Although it is considered a good end to spend his life in incognito, but for General Han Fuyue, who is wholeheartedly eager to regain the old land and avenge his revenge, this kind of wasted life may not have much essential value compared to an unjust death in prison the difference.

However, to his surprise, Li Hao showed a smile and shook his head.

"If General Han thinks this way, he is wrong.

"Within ten years, the general will still have a chance to rise again."

This time, General Han Fuyue was really shocked.

Is there a chance of a comeback within ten years?

How can this be?

In fact, as early as when he retreated, General Han Fuyue knew that he had missed a good opportunity this time, and it would be very difficult for him to attack gold in the future.

After all, times have changed, and after many years, the source of troops, food and salaries, fighter jets, etc. will all change. It is hard for anyone to say what happened at that time.

That's why he yelled such heartbreaking words as "Ten years of achievements will be wasted once. All the states and counties gained will be rested for one day. It is difficult for the country to revive. The world of heaven and earth will never be restored."

But if ten years later, he can really revive the fight against gold, it will be much better than having no chance again, right?

If there is no source of soldiers, he can train soldiers; if there is no food and salary, he can find a way to raise money; if there is no fighter opportunity, he can find and manufacture fighter opportunities by himself.

After all, the meaning of a generation of gods is that they can do everything by themselves.

As long as he has the opportunity of the Northern Expedition, with his great reputation as General Han Fuyue and his huge reputation in the north and south, all of this will not be a problem.

The real question is, where did the opportunity for the Northern Expedition come from?

The peace agreement has been completed, and the emperor will not support the Northern Expedition for the next 30 to [-] years.What's more, General Han Fuyue is already a dead man in name at this time, so why should he come back and become a former general?

Chu Ge smiled confidently.

On this point, he can say with great pride that he indeed sees things more clearly than General Han Fuyue.

After all, he knows the history from now on, and he can see more clearly about these historical figures who have been concluded.

"The current official is indeed in good health, and it is not a problem to live to 80 years old.

"Besides, he really doesn't want to have another war with the Jinren.

"From this point of view, General Han, your chances of recovering are indeed very low.


"The Jinren don't think so."

General Han Fuyue's eyes lit up, quietly waiting for the next article.

Chu Ge continued: "The peace talks between the Qi Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty are relatively peaceful for the Qi Dynasty, but it is a truce for the Jin people.

"What will happen in the next 20 years is actually not difficult to guess.

"The Qi Dynasty will lose its armed forces with the fall of a generation of famous generals. General Han, the elite soldiers you have trained will be wasted day by day, and will be disarmed and returned to the field. However, the Jin people will prepare their troops hard and plan day and night.

"And when the time comes, their goal will no longer be to fight Caogu, but to destroy the Qi Dynasty!
"At that time, the official family was more than 50 years old.

"The official family has no fertility, so he will not choose from Taizong's line, but will choose a prince from Taizu's line to inherit the throne.

"When the time comes when the Jin people will come to attack the country, this official will probably leave after he can sit in meditation.

"As for the candidate for the new monarch, I have actually roughly determined the candidate. He has been raised in the palace since he was five years old, and he is loyal, filial, benevolent and righteous. He is already 15 years old at this time. And he admires and respects you, General Han, very much. Rely on.

"When the new king comes to the throne, how can General Han worry about not getting up again?"

Of course, what Chu Ge said was not his imagination.

The real history is like this.

Twenty years after the peace agreement, Wanyan Hailing tore up the peace agreement and attacked the Qi Dynasty. The Qi Dynasty defenders collapsed at the touch of a touch, and the Jin people directly hit the edge of the Yangtze River.

If it wasn't for the fact that Zhao Binfu, the stalwart man from heaven, defeated the Jinren in the Battle of Niuzhu, so that Wanyan Hailing's army mutinied, I am afraid that the history of the Qi Dynasty would come to an end in that year.

At this time, Qi Gaozong, who was more than 50 years old, was disheartened. Maybe he finally understood that this kind of peace treaty was unreliable, or maybe he was tired of the government, so he threw away his hands and became the Supreme Emperor.

And the successor he chose was Emperor Xiaozong, the Ming emperor who ranked first in the entire Qi Dynasty.

Emperor Xiaozong reused Zhao Binfu and also tried the Northern Expedition.But Zhao Binfu is a man of heaven, no matter how strong he is, he is still a civil servant, not a general.So this Northern Expedition was handed over to another general to lead the army. Due to various factors, it failed in the end.

Thus, history made a huge joke: Qi Gaozong had a famous general, but he was a waste; Qi Xiaozong was a wise king, but when he wanted to restore the rivers and mountains, he had no famous generals in hand.

If General Han Fuyue had not died back then, General Han Fuyue was only 60 years old by the time of Emperor Xiaozong of Qi.

Still able to fight.

In this possibility, maybe everything will be different.

And now, Chu Ge is trying to make this possibility come true.

General Han Fuyue's eyes really began to light up.

But immediately, he realized the possibility that Li Hao mentioned, in fact, there are many details that cannot withstand scrutiny.

"Li Xiang, this plan is a bit...too idealistic.

"At the end there will be two questions.

"First, even if the current official family became the Supreme Emperor at that time, according to what you said, the new emperor is very particular about filial piety. Then when the time comes, can he eliminate the influence of the current official family and use me before launching the Northern Expedition?
"Secondly, 20 years... is too long. Although I will be 60 years old by then, it's hard to say whether I can play again.

"What's more, Li Xiang, can you persist for another 20 years..."

Li Hao's character setting is the same as Qin Huizhi, 13 years older than General Han Fuyue.Moreover, his physical fitness is bound to be far inferior to that of General Han Fuyue.

In fact, it was true. Qin Huizhi died more than ten years later, and he couldn't last until the battle of Niuzhu.

But if Han Fuyue wants to recover, there is no one in the court.

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "Of course I have thought about General Han's worries.

"I really don't live past 20 years.

"General Han will be revived at that time, in addition to the support of the emperor, the support of the court is also indispensable.

"Besides, the Jinren must come to fight as soon as possible, otherwise General Han may have problems with your health. After all, if this plan is purely based on the hope that General Han will live to 60 years old and still be healthy, it would be too unreliable.

"This battle should preferably come within ten years.

"So, in the past ten years, I will continue to make arrangements."

General Han Fuyue was startled: "How to arrange?"

Chu Ge got up and took two steps in the courtyard.

"First, I will follow the statement in the peace talks that 'you can't go to the prime minister without guilt', monopolize the power, and continue to cultivate my own power in the DPRK. Within ten years, I will reach a resolution on major issues between the DPRK and China.

"Secondly, I will pretend to be in collusion with the Jin people, and continue to pass on information to the Jin people. At the same time, I will pretend to be disarmed on the front line, so as to induce them to send troops faster. It is best to make up my mind to raise troops and destroy Qi within ten years.

"Thirdly, the Supreme Emperor may indeed interfere with this. But I have a way to prevent him from interfering again."

General Han Fuyue's eyes widened, full of shock.

Obviously, even a generation of heroes like him felt sincerely surprised and shocked when they heard Chu Ge's rebellious words.

Hearing this, it seems like he wants to kill the king?

But...the palace is heavily guarded, how can this be so easy?
Chu Ge smiled lightly: "General Han, don't bother you, I have my own way.

"Your task now is to wait here patiently. Read the books on war strategy, and write down your own experience in the art of war.

"Ten years later, I guarantee that you will still have the chance to repay your ambition!"

(End of this chapter)

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