My players are all actors

Chapter 264 Invigorating the Great Prison!

Chapter 264 Invigorating the Great Prison!
"Zhi said: Since I came to the throne, I have governed the world with benevolence and righteousness, public rewards and punishments have been used to determine conflicts, and I have never been lazy in seeking talents. I love the people as much as I am afraid.

"I remember the Duke of Wuchang and the Xuanfu envoy of Jinghu, Han Fu Yueke, who returned to the Central Plains. He has worked hard and made great achievements. He is indeed the pillar of our dynasty and is what I rely on.

"Chen Yuanshan, the Taiwei in front of the special commissioner's hall, came to the army in person to comfort him with the imperial edict. The Zhaoyi army refused to accept the order. The past is not to blame, and everything is forgiven. Give gold, silver, money, silk and other things to comfort the soldiers.

"May you not disappoint my heart, and remember the idea of ​​being loyal to the emperor and serving the country, and you will encourage it.

"Year, month, and day, the emperor bestowed a letter on Han Fuyue."

Taiwei Chen Yuanshan read the edict and said to Zhao Haiping: "General Han, accept the edict?"

Zhao Haiping stood there indifferently, reaching out to take the imperial edict: "I accept the edict."

Chen Yuanshan was a little angry for a while.

Because of General Han Fuyue's behavior at this time, not kneeling or worshiping the imperial decree was actually disrespectful.But considering that General Han has already done even more disrespectful things, there is really no way to delve into this little detail at this time.

However, the task of this trip still needs to be tried.

Chen Yuanshan hesitated for a moment and then said: "General Han, the officials miss you very much. This time I came here because I was entrusted by the officials. I want you to wait for the affairs in the north, so I will find time to report back to the Privy Council .

"The government will also reward meritorious ministers, and clean up the dust for you, General."

Zhao Haiping couldn't help but want to laugh, Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi are really interesting, it's this time, and they still expect me to go back?

What are you doing back home?Waiting to be caught and killed unjustly by you guys?This time, I don't have to worry about making excuses.

However, Zhao Haiping also knew that Chen Yuanshan was just a messenger, so he smiled lightly: "Don't worry, Taiwei Chen, the official's intentions will already be understood, but the affairs of the Northland are complicated and cannot be withdrawn.

"When things in the Northland are almost settled, I will naturally rush to the capital to plead guilty in person."

Chen Yuanshan looked at Zhao Haiping suspiciously. Obviously, he didn't quite believe it, but he seemed to have some luck in his heart, thinking that General Han Fuyue might still be loyal to the emperor.

Having reached this point, Taiwei Chen has nothing else to say: "In that case, I will retire first."

After Chen Yuanshan finished speaking, he withdrew from the barracks.

Zhao Haiping didn't show any politeness to him, he just arranged for one of his lieutenants to take care of him, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

At this time, the official position of the Qi Dynasty, during the period of Qi Huizong, the actual status of Taiwei had plummeted.In the period of Qi Gaozong, Taiwei was no longer a particularly important official position.

There are as many three princes as dogs, and the Taiwei walks all over the place. Although this is an exaggeration, it can also show that these official positions have been seriously devalued in the Qi Dynasty.

And this lieutenant, Chen Yuanshan, was also severely excluded in the court, and he had to act according to Qin Huizhi's face. This trip this time was just a hard job arranged for him by Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi.

So Zhao Haiping didn't need to pay attention to it, nor did he need to be hostile. It's fine if the edict is accepted.

Back in the big tent of the Chinese army, Zhao Haiping unfolded the edict again and read it from beginning to end.

It has to be said that Qi Gaozong's attainments in calligraphy are indeed good.

It is written in Xingkai, and the handwriting is like flowing clouds and flowing water. It is natural and casual, but the artistic conception is extremely sublime, the rules are smooth, and there is no problem.The font is well-proportioned, the ink color is uniform, and the strokes between the flying pen and the pen are full of roundness.

In short, the authentic works of Emperor Qi Gaozong of later generations can often fetch sky-high prices, which is enough to show that his attainments in calligraphy are indeed unique.

It's a pity that no matter how good you can write, it doesn't mean you can be a good emperor.

Qi Huizong's calligraphy is also unique, and he can even create a new font, but so what?The Jingping Incident happened, causing the people of the Qi Dynasty to live in dire straits, and the entire northern land was still mourning under the soldiers of the Jin people.

And what about Qi Gaozong?
His calligraphy fetched a sky-high price. I am afraid that apart from a small part because his calligraphy is really good, there is a more important reason, which is the popularity of General Han Fuyue.

The phantom of General Deng Yuanjing stood beside Zhao Haiping, and naturally witnessed the whole process.

Of course, during the war, Zhao Haiping also asked General Deng Yuanjing for his guidance.The second victory in Zhuxian Town should actually be said to have been won by Zhao Haiping and General Deng Yuanjing together.

"I didn't expect that the imperial court actually acquiesced in your actions." General Deng Yuanjing also felt a little incredible when he saw the content of the edict.

This edict has been subdued, not only pardoning the previous crime of disobedience, but also showing good intentions.

Of course, Qi Gaozong didn't actually reward too much gold and silver at all, he just thought about it a little bit, after all, he didn't want to "benefit the enemy".

But what Zhao Haiping needs at this time is not the money and food.

The meaning hidden in the imperial edict is very clear: General Han Fuyue, you are awesome, and now the public opinion is raging, I can't move you.But don't go too far, in name you are still a subject of my Qi Dynasty, so don't really start a rebellion and fight here to save me.As long as you stay calm, then I will acquiesce in your current state, and if you want to be a gold medalist, go for it yourself.

Zhao Haiping smiled: "All trash has a characteristic, that is, they are strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

"Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi, the reason why General Han Fuyue and other generals can be manipulated at will is because these people have to abide by the rules. And they are the makers of the rules, why can't they be manipulated?

"But to Jin people, they are obedient.

"The Jin envoy dared to scold the emperor and all the officials in the hall, Qi Gaozong was obedient and dared not answer, and the famous anti-gold general was originally resting in the inn, but was asked by the people in the palace to make room for the envoy of the Jin Kingdom. At the place where he was resettled, he found that the yard of his residence was full of animal feces and garbage, and he was so angry that he vomited blood and died suddenly.

"Why is there such a difference? It's nothing more than bullying.

"For military generals who can be manipulated at will, they will make progress, but for golden men who dare not provoke them, they will be sincere and fearful.

"And now, I have changed from someone they can handle at will to someone they can't afford!"

Apparently, Zhao Haiping used this big victory to change the court's attitude towards him.

In the past, he was a treasonist, and his crime was unforgivable. If the Jinren won, he would definitely be imprisoned by the Qi Dynasty in the name of treason, and he would be beaten as a traitor, and he would never stand up again.

But now, the Jin people's army has been defeated, and the Qi Dynasty's attacking army has directly mutinied.

However, while Zhao Haiping was tough, he also showed an attitude that was still negotiable and there was still room for redemption.

This instantly softened the terrified Qi Dynasty court.

General Deng Yuanjing asked: "Then what are you going to do next?"

Zhao Haiping threw the edict aside: "It's very simple, they are busy with their work, and I am busy with mine!
"After this great war, the Qi Dynasty and the Jin people still want to negotiate a peace.

"But if they negotiate a peace, it has nothing to do with me.

"I want to continue to recover the Northland. This process may not be particularly smooth and will encounter many difficulties, but it is imperative.

"I want to find a living space for the suffering people in the north in the gap between Qi and Jin!"


"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty!

"The peace agreement is completed!"

Qin Hui held the peace agreement in his hand and handed it to Qi Gaozong.

Qi Gaozong's face showed joy, and he reached out to accept the peace agreement.

Before, Emperor Gaozong of Qi had dispatched scholars from the Duanming Palace and others to present an oath to the Jinren. The contents of the oath were:

"My minister said, now to draw borders, the boundary of the Huai River is combined, and the Tang and Dengzhous in the west belong to the Shang Kingdom. Since it was created by grace, Xu Beifang, generations of descendants, keep the minister's day. Every year the emperor's birthday is on the same day. Send envoys to say congratulations endlessly. The annual tribute of silver and silk is 25 liang and horses. Since the year of Renxu, people have been sent to Sizhou every spring to pay. There is an alliance between Chongqing and Mingshen. Now that the minister has entered the oath table, I am looking forward to the oath to be issued by the superior country, so that the envoys will never be able to rely on it."

And the golden man's reply has arrived at this time.

"If the emperor said: "Heaven will be lost in Erbang, and he will blaspheme the Qi League and overthrow himself. Bieryue will be in Jiangbiao. I will use my division and brigade to cover ten or eight years here. I will use the shock to mourn, and the people will be happy." What crime. Today, he repents for his misfortune, and is tempted by his birth. He has given you a seal of honor, and wishes to be listed among the assistants. Today, he sent Dr. Guanglu, Zuo Xuanhui, etc. to hold the festival book and order you to be emperor, with the same country name and world service. The position of a minister will always be Ping Han. Woohoo Qinzai, he respectfully obeys my orders!"

The contents of both parties are not difficult to understand.

Qi Gaozong put on a servile attitude, claiming to be a vassal, and at the same time agreed to use the Huai River as the boundary, and cede Tangzhou and Dengzhou to the Jinren.He also promised that "children and grandchildren of all ages will observe the minister's festival", and is willing to send envoys to worship and congratulate the emperor of Jin every year on his birthday, and pay 25 taels of silver and silk every year.

And swear and swear, saying the consequences if you break the alliance.

On the other hand, the Jinren reprimanded Qi Chao with a superior attitude.First of all, it is said that the Qi Dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven and violated the previous covenant with the Kingdom of Jin, which led to the war between the two countries.Now Jin Ren sees that you know that you are wrong, forgive you, and allow you to submit as a courtier for generations, and be obedient!
The words above did not save Qi Gaozong any face.

But Qi Gaozong watched it over and over again with great joy.

In any case, it is also a peace agreement!

There is no need to fight, and you don't have to worry about your status being unstable. From today on, you can sleep peacefully, and you don't have to be frightened by searching mountains and seas anymore!
After watching it twice, Qi Gaozong's joyful expression gradually faded away.

Qin Huizhi asked, "Why don't the officials like it?"

Qi Gaozong seemed to have a bit of recollection: "Earlier, Wan Yansheng firmly insisted that General Han Fuyue must be killed before peace talks can be made. But at this time, isn't the Jin man still negotiating peace with us?
"If I really killed General Han Fuyue... wouldn't I have given the Jinren a big gift for no reason!"

No matter how stupid a person is, he should understand by now.

The condition of the golden man is just asking for a sky-high price!
Now that General Han Fuyue can't be killed, and Wan Yansheng has also returned home in a big defeat. When it comes to peace talks, the Jin people no longer mention the condition of killing General Han Fuyue, because General Han Fuyue is no longer able to do so. killed!
At this time, the Jin people were in chaos, and Wan Yansheng had to gather the remnants of the defeated generals and go back to put down the rebellion, so after a while of peace talks between the two sides, it was basically settled according to the previous peace agreement.

At this time, Qi Gaozong had a little recollection, it seemed that General Han Fuyue could not die.

Qin Huizhi's face turned cold and his eyes rolled.

Obviously, he had to say something.

Although Jin Ren brought up the killing of General Han Fuyue, he has been instigated and promoted with all his strength.

At this time, Qi Gaozong came back to think about it, and felt that there could be peace talks without killing Han Fuyue, so wouldn't the pot be pinned firmly on him, Qin Huizhi?
Thinking of this, Qin Huizhi said coldly: "How can the officials think so?

"It would be a big mistake not to kill Han Fuyue!

"At this time, Han Fuyue is already tantamount to treason, and will soon become the official's confidant!
"Although the Jin people have attacked our dynasty many times, they are nothing more than barbarians. How can they shake the throne of the officials? On the contrary, Han Fuyue is so popular among the people. If he is given a yellow robe, the officials will be in danger!
"If Han Fuyue had been killed first, how would there be the current chaos? Once the agreement is reached, the officials can sit back and relax.

"But now, if Han Fuyue doesn't die, the official family will have no peace!"

Qi Gaozong's previous regrets were swept away in an instant, and he suddenly said: "What Qin Xiang said is true! I really should have killed Han Fuyue early!

"But at this time, his wings are already formed, and even the golden man is helpless, so what can I do?"

When Qin Huizhi saw Qi Gaozong, he immediately reversed his thoughts, and then said: "Don't worry, officials, this person can still draw it slowly...

"Since the peace agreement between our court and the Jin people has been completed, and the north of the Huaihe River has become the old land of the Jin people, then let the south return to the south, and the north return to the north, and let them handle the affairs of the north by themselves.

"Han Fuyue's army is in full swing at this time, so you can't face it directly. It's better to use the strategy of driving tigers and devouring wolves, and let Han Fuyue continue to fight with the Jin people in the north. He has neither food nor reinforcements. Sooner or later, he will die." Defeated, at that time, it will not be considered that I killed him unjustly, it is his own fault!
"If this plan works, Han Fuyue will lose both in the fight with the Jin people, and our dynasty will benefit from the backside. At that time, the peace negotiation between our dynasty and the Jin people will be more stable."

Qi Gaozong couldn't help being overjoyed: "Okay! Just as Qin Xiang said!"


The peace agreement between Qi and Jin has been completed, and it is agreed that the Huaihe River will be used as the line, and the north belongs to Jin and the south belongs to Qi.

This is actually an unacceptable clause for the people of the Qi Dynasty.

After all, General Han Fuyue has already reached the south bank of the Yellow River. After the victory in Zhuxian Town, the old capital can be regained immediately, and then the Hebei and Hedong counties can be recovered by crossing the Yellow River.

However, the emperor decided not to fight?

However, Shengdou Xiaomin does not have any decision-making power for such important military affairs.

According to the original historical development, after the death of General Han Fuyue and the agreement between Qi and Jin, the two dynasties maintained peace for about 20 years.

In these 20 years, Qin Huizhi of the Qi Dynasty gradually became more and more powerful. He not only persecuted military officials, but also persecuted scholar-bureaucrats, which not only made the court a mess, but also made the military equipment slack.

But the Jin people are preparing to attack the Qi Dynasty again every day.First, the rebellion in the rear was suppressed, and the rebels in Hebei, Hedong and other places were wiped out one after another, and then military camps were deployed in these places to strengthen the rule.

After 20 years of this, Wanyan Hailing invaded the south again.

There may not be too many records about this in history, but one can actually imagine how painful and desperate the people in the Northland will be after the signing of the peace agreement.

Under the rule of the Jin people, they lived a life like slaves. Seeing the victory of General Han Fuyue's Northern Expedition, various rebels responded one after another.

They also knew that if the rebel army fails, it will inevitably be bloody massacred by the Jin people;

They also know that the Qi Dynasty is also in chaos, the court is not necessarily clear, and the taxation is not necessarily light.

But they still resisted without hesitation.

Of course, it was because they were all from the Qi Dynasty, and they still had illusions about the Qi Dynasty. More importantly, the rule of the Jin people was too cruel, and they couldn't survive!
Therefore, they formed a rebel army, and even sent military rations to General Han Fuyue, looking forward to it day and night.

In the end, all I got was Qin Huizhi's sentence "south to south, north to north".

Meaning, you northerners fend for yourself.

Even Qin Huizhi would send the rebels who went to the Qi Dynasty back to the north, let alone these suffering people in the north?
The princes of the Qi Dynasty have long abandoned them like grass.

But in this illusion of trials, all of this has changed.

In this vast area north of the Huaihe River and south of Yanyun, there is an additional force.

Originally, the Jin people's rule over this area was not stable, and they could only achieve indirect rule by establishing a puppet regime.

And now, Zhao Haiping will use the Zhaoyi Army he established to carry out a vigorous career in this vast area!



At this time, Fan Cun was in the trial illusion.

Having ascended the throne and become emperor, he devotes himself to political affairs every day.

Of course, he didn't quite understand the memorials of the officials, and he wasn't particularly good at how to deal with these political affairs.

But he has the official trick of Sheng Taizu.

At this time, Sheng Taizu was looking at one of the memorials with a stern expression.

"It's all words to flatter the superior and bully the inferior."

Fan Cun looked at the contents of the memorial with some curiosity. In his opinion, these were all empty words and clichés, which seemed to praise his own achievements in addition to praising the king of Yun who had just ascended the throne.

With his not solid knowledge of ancient prose, after reading this memorial, he lost a brain cell.

How did Sheng Taizu see that this was a word of flattery and bullying?
Sheng Taizu snorted coldly: "I've seen this kind of memorial a lot! This person is showing merit for himself, but he doesn't even know the land property and taxes of the prefectures and counties under his jurisdiction! Although I don't know the local situation, but from the few memorials he gave It can be easily seen from this figure that this is a lot of false reports.

"As long as we send someone to investigate, we will be able to find evidence that this person is corrupt and broke the law!"

After all, Sheng Taizu seemed a bit unsatisfied: "There are so many corrupt people like this in the court!

"It's no wonder that the Qi Dynasty's accumulated evils became more and more serious back then, making it vulnerable to a single blow!
"Civilian officials love money, and military officials cherish death. It is a strange thing to be good!"

From Fan Cun's point of view, these memorials seemed to be praises, full of clichés and empty words, but from Sheng Taizu's point of view, his eyes were as bright as a torch, and he instantly saw that the entire Qi Dynasty had been rotten into a sieve.

After all, Taizu Sheng started from grassroots and worked step by step from the grassroots. What kind of tricks have you never seen?

These civil servants want to make fuss about numbers, and it is very simple to fool Qi Huizong, an emperor who only knows how to write calligraphy and play football, but if they want to fool Sheng Taizu, they are really looking for death by lighting lanterns in the toilet.

Fan Cun was a little curious: "Hey, didn't I hear that the Qi Dynasty was a dynasty with high salaries and honesty? The salaries of officials in the Qi Dynasty were the highest in history, and the change of Jingping was just a sudden death for the Qi Dynasty. At this time, the government has shown a tendency to collapse?"

Sheng Taizu sneered: "A high salary supports honesty? That's an interesting way of saying it.

"A high salary can support honesty? I never believed it!
"Young students, think about it yourself. If you are an ordinary person and you want to find a subordinate official to do things, if the monthly salary of the subordinate official is only two taels of silver, how much money can you spend to get the job? Conversely, if a subordinate official's monthly salary The salary is only ten taels of silver, how much silver do you need to spend to get things done?

"If the so-called high salary is used to support honesty, and a sum of money is specially allocated to support honesty, then these low-level officials and subordinates can hire people to work when they have money! In the past, even exploitation was done secretly, but now they can hire people to apportion. Layer by layer, there are many more procedures, and the lowest level of people are even more exploited!"

Fan Cun was stunned: "In this way, it is better to maintain a low salary?"

Sheng Taizu shook his head: "Naturally not. A high salary cannot support honesty, and a low salary must not support honesty! In the end, whether an official is honest or not has nothing to do with the amount of salary.

"Officials are the ruling class of the country, and they have privileges in their hands! If you want to fill their appetites with money, how much money can they fill up?

"If you give ten taels, they dare to think 30 taels; if you give 30 taels, they dare to think 300 taels!
"No matter how much money you give to support honesty, they will be used to it, and then their selfish desires will expand, and they will always have to multiply this number several times."

Fan Cun nodded: "That's true. Then how can we raise Lian?"

Sheng Taizu said seriously: "It's very simple, a butcher's knife can raise integrity! All officials and subordinates who committed crimes, corrupted the law, and corrupted the law will all be pulled out and sentenced to death!"
“Although this move cannot cure the root cause, it can treat the symptoms.

"If it is rectified from generation to generation, it will be clear from generation to generation; if it is abandoned once and accumulated for a long time, it will be an irreversible situation."

Fan Cun nodded, gaining a new understanding of the current situation.

Of course, what Sheng Taizu said cannot be said to be all right. If the salaries of officials are really low enough to support their daily lives, and even buying vegetables and meat is a problem, then they will take risks to embezzle and corrupt.

Therefore, high salaries and honesty are actually one of the various measures. First, there must be strict punishments and laws and decentralization of supervision to make corruption easier to be discovered and dealt with more severely. Life.

Only when these three aspects are all achieved, will there be certain results in maintaining integrity with high salaries.

This may have hope in modern society, but in ancient society, the hope is very slim.

Sheng Taizu was an emperor who was born at the bottom, and he had a deep-rooted hatred for these subordinate officials, so there was some suspicion of overkill in this regard.

But in any case, the administration of officials in Sheng Taizu's dynasty was the clearest.

Many people use Sheng Taizu to kill corrupt officials and there are still corrupt officials to prove that killing corrupt officials is useless, which is obviously wrong.In fact, it is true that corrupt officials cannot be killed, but killing is better than not killing.

Later, there were also attempts similar to "raising honest silver". The final result was that the officials stopped working, hired people at all levels to increase the showdown, and became pure exploiters themselves.The more people are kept honest, the more people are hired by the officials. Even in a small county, the number of subordinates can reach 2000 people. Because of their high salaries, their living standards have improved, and their exploitation of the subordinates has also increased significantly.

No matter how well-designed the system was at the beginning, it has completely changed in the later stage.

The situation in the Qi Dynasty at this time is actually more serious.

Because the Qi Dynasty has a magical system called "Enyin", the children of officials can directly enter the officialdom without going through layers of selection or taking part in the imperial examination.This is indeed a good way to win over the scholar-bureaucrat class, so that all the officials in the court and the central government will sing praises to the emperor.

Wang Wenchuan wanted to solve this problem when he reformed, but in the end he couldn't solve it at all.

After all, if you want to change this point, you are going against all the civil official groups in the court, and it is easy to be stunned by Wen Junshi's "to share the world with the scholar-bureaucrats".

Fan Cun fell into deep thought: "The situation of official corruption is very serious, and the problem of redundant officials and overstaffing is already very urgent.

"Even... so many officials, it's a bit of a headache to check each one. There are too many!

"What about this?"

Sheng Taizu smiled coldly: "Isn't this simple? Create a big prison!

"Find a bigger excuse and involve all the officials in the court! Then investigate thoroughly!
"If someone is found to be superfluous, he will find a reason to implicate him and remove the official from his post; if he is found to be corrupt, he will be beheaded; if the position is critical and cannot be moved temporarily, he will be rewarded with kindness and coercion, and let him continue working for a period of time!
"Start a few big prisons, kill people's heads!
"When the killing is almost complete, reform the official system and abolish all redundant positions. Then promote the imperial examination, select officials from the common people in large numbers, fill these vacancies, and use them to check and balance these old party officials!"

Fan Cun thought for a while: "I'm afraid there is no rush for this matter. After all, the Jin people are still watching outside the city. If too many officials are killed, causing turmoil in the court, will it be dangerous?"

Sheng Taizu sneered: "What's the danger! It's just a bunch of rotten Confucians. If they can really do things well, how can there be a change in Jingping?
"Those who are talented, of course, should be reused, and set things right. But those who dance happily must be the most vicious and stern!

"At that time, while you let the Western Army go to fight the Jinren, you will logically control the entire capital in a wartime state, use Wu Desi to spy on the intelligence in the city, and by the way, you can also find out about the corruption of these officials.

"Anyone who refuses to accept it will be killed without mercy!

"When people are killed in the capital, the common people will clap their hands and applaud, calling my emperor Shengming.

"To put it bluntly, as long as you have a knife in your hand, you can cut through the mess quickly without any restrictions!"

(End of this chapter)

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