Chapter 267

Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan stepped into the Hall of Wende, but immediately after, they hesitated whether to exit or not.

Because the Wende Hall at this time is a bit too lively!

Originally, the Hall of Wende was only a place where the emperor rested when he went to court, so it was relatively empty, and the general officials had no chance to enter.

But at this time, the Wende Hall was very lively. There were many couches in the main hall, and several imperial students were reading the memorials here, and then they would give these memorials to the emperor orally, explaining the memorials concisely. The things mentioned in the book will be covered with red according to the emperor's reply.

Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan were called into the palace to discuss matters.

Although the two of them are already important ministers in the court and the two supreme commanders in the Western Army other than His Majesty the Emperor, they dare not have any relationship with the affairs of the court that are not under their control.

So when they saw the scene in the Palace of Wende, they instinctively wanted to avoid it.

However, the emperor in Wende Hall waved to them and signaled them to come in.

"Both of you are important ministers of the country, so you don't need to care about so many red tapes.

"My court has always used literature to suppress martial arts, and it has not been a day or two since the status of warriors has been suppressed. This is simply not correct.

"The literati can rule the country in peace, but they cannot pacify the world.

"Although warriors may pose a threat to the government if they lead their troops outside, as long as they know how to handle them well, they can keep the edge of this weapon outside without hurting themselves.

"Yongjun only plays the trick of suppressing martial arts with literature, I don't use it.

"What's more, sooner or later in the future, it is possible for you to appear in the future."

Fan Cun is actually not very good at talking about these scenes, but after all, he has the official cheat of Sheng Taizu, and after working together for a long time, his views on many issues naturally approach Sheng Taizu's side.

In fact, there is nothing in Wende Palace. Although the memorials received by the emperor should be kept secret in principle, when Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan came to discuss the matter, the Tai students had stopped reporting the memorials, and it was impossible for these two generals to See the content of the memorial.

At this time, Fan Cun was more of an attitude.

Sure enough, both Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan showed gratitude on their faces.

How exciting these words sounded to these warriors!

At the beginning of the Qi Dynasty, it used literature to suppress martial arts. It can also be said that for more than a hundred years, the warriors of the Qi Dynasty have been suppressed, and even many talented warriors have been suppressed to death. .

How could Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan not know about it?

And this new official, no matter what he said or did, obviously made these warriors very grateful.

Especially the sentence that the official said, "Sooner or later, you may be in the future." It inadvertently drew a big cake for them.And strictly speaking, this is not a picture, but it is very likely to become a fact!
Just by displaying this kind of gentlemanly demeanor, he has already surpassed the previous emperor by a lot.

What's more, Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan also clearly saw the difference between him and the former emperor from the many actions of the new official, not just in words.

During this period of time, the officials did not appoint Zai Zhi, but handled all the government affairs by themselves.

In addition to integrating the forces of the DPRK and China, cutting off dissidents, punishing officials who are corrupt and breaking the law, and getting rid of grace, this official has also done several things.

The first is to continue to let the world's troops enter the capital to serve King Qin, and to clarify the rewards and punishments for King Qin.

The second is to replenish the military rations and various supplies for the Western Army, make a heavy promise to the soldiers, and prepare the property needed for rewards.

The third is to give full trust to Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan, let them lead the defense of the capital, and formulate a battle plan against the Jinren outside the city.

On the surface, these seem like simple moves that couldn't be simpler.

But anyone with a brain should do it.

However, Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan realized how difficult it is to implement these three measures after experiencing the two previous emperors.

How did Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong do it?

The matter of entering Jingqin King has been procrastinating, and the Jin soldiers did not give the order until they were almost fighting; and after the Qin King's army arrived, let alone a reward, there was not even a word of encouragement, and there was no unified order; In the middle of it, I suddenly felt that it seemed that a peace agreement could be signed, and I thought that Qin Wangjun had too much to eat, so he turned around and dismissed him.

But this time, Qi Yingzong didn't even let King Qin's army come again, he insisted that the peace talks would be completed, so he didn't need to come.

As for the sergeants, whether they were soldiers in the defense of the capital or the King Qin's army from all walks of life, Qi Yingzong's stinginess was already outrageous.I would rather loot so much property from the city and hand it over to the Jin people than use it to reward soldiers.

As for letting the generals open their hands to lead the defense of the capital and formulate a battle plan against the Jinren outside the city... that is even more impossible.

In fact, during the entire Jingping Incident, Zhong Pingyuan's strategy was completely correct.

Whether it was Qin Wang at the beginning, or later suggesting to wait for Qin Wang's army to confirm the absolute superiority of troops before attacking, or to bite and rebuild the Yellow River defense line when the Jin soldiers retreated for the first time, etc., although not necessarily under the circumstances at that time The optimal solution, but at least it is the most secure and correct decision.

But what did the court do?
It is necessary to make the surprise attack known to everyone, and send away an elite Western army; it is not allowed to pursue the Jin people, and the Yellow River defense line has not been repaired at all; Under such circumstances, Zhong Pingyuan was killed in battle as a result.

Of course, in this plane, King Yun, played by Fan Cun, rushed to save Zhong Pingyuan and break the siege of Taiyuan at a critical moment, but Zhong Pingyuan stepped on all the pits ahead.

So at this time, the official can trust them freely, how can they not be moved.

What's more, Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan have known very well after working together in the Western Army for such a long time that the official's military level is actually very high, and it can even be described as unfathomable.

Perhaps, this is the person who was born knowing it?

As the boss of "I'm good at what I do", he gave them full respect at this time, which made them feel trusted.

Of course, perhaps it is precisely because the officials understand military affairs that they are given full respect.And the more rookie like Qi Yingzong who knows nothing about the art of war, the more he will command blindly.

When they came to the emperor, Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan began to report.

"Officials, after the Jin people were stationed at Moutuogang, they also had some conflicts with our Western Army, and they were both tempting, with victories and defeats.

"The Jinren planned several attacks, but they were all repelled by our army.

"At this time, several King Qin troops have arrived, and with the response of several rebel troops from the rear, the time has come for us to have a decisive battle with the Jinren."

Fan Cun nodded.

All of this was naturally within his expectations, oh no, Taizu Sheng expected it.

Jin people also watch people order food.

The Jingping change was an accident purely caused by the emperor's stupidity, which was not only reflected in the defense of the city, but also in the field battle.

Needless to say, it is necessary to attack the camp but make the city full of wind and rain. The key is that after the arrival of Qin Wangjun from all walks of life, the number of Qi troops outside the capital city has surpassed that of Jin soldiers, but Qi Yingzong insisted that these people not play much role .

At that time, the number of troops in the Qi Dynasty was far greater than that of the Jin Army.Although the Jin army's southward march was overwhelming, and almost no Qi army could resist it, it was impossible for the Jin army to completely wipe out these Qi troops.

So when Zhong Pingyuan led the Western Army back to aid the capital for the first time, such a strange phenomenon occurred.

The Jin people were stationed at Moutuogang and did not dare to attack rashly. After Chong Pingyuan entered the city, the Western Army and the dispersed Qi Army and King Qin Army did not move.The two sides remained in a stalemate for a while, until that stupid plan to attack the camp broke the balance.

It is enough to see from this that the Jinren actually did not dare to rashly attack these surrounding King Qin's army.

If they are really sure, they can kill all these King Qin troops during the siege. If there is not even a single soldier around the capital, no matter whether it is siege or peace negotiation, Jinren can't do it. Have more initiative?
That is to say, the Jin people are not sure about destroying all Qin Wang's army. These Qin Wang's troops are not enough to attack, but self-protection is still no big problem.

However, King Qin's army did not belong to each other, and they all knew that if they were beaten, their allies would be as immovable as a mountain, so no one dared to be the first bird.

According to Zhong Pingyuan's method during the first siege of the capital, as long as there are a little more troops to form a numerical advantage over the Jin people, and then let him make overall plans, there is still a great chance of winning.

It's just that Qi Yingzong didn't listen to him.

The current situation is actually somewhat similar.

Although Qi Yingzong issued an edict to dismiss all Qin Wang's army, but after King Yun entered the capital and seized the throne, he had issued another edict to let Qin Wang's army come.Moreover, they also sent people to contact the rebels from all sides to take action together.

After waiting for this period of time, the Qi army has surpassed the Jin army in number.

During this process, seeing the constant mobilization of various armies, the Jin people were of course a little panicked.

But they have no good way.

At this time, they were stationed in Moutuogang, confronting the Western Army.The Jinren tried several times to raid the Western Army, but under the precautions of Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan, they failed to take advantage of it.

The Jin people also discovered that the camps of the Western Army had deep ditches and high fortifications, and were heavily guarded. If they insisted on fighting, it might be difficult to achieve the desired results.

With the nail of the Western Army in place, the Jin people could neither attack the city nor attack the other King Qin's army. They were very afraid that the Western Army would suddenly attack.

They can only sit back and watch the army continue to gather.

The Jinren have already realized that this western army seems to be a little different from the Qi army that was about to collapse at the first touch.

This puts them in a dilemma.

withdraw troops?

Of course they don't want to.Because in the eyes of most Jin people, the Qi Dynasty is still vulnerable. They have already captured a city wall of the capital, and have seized so much property from the city. Even the emperor of the Qi Dynasty has been detained in the military camp. .

Looking at the massacre after breaking the city, there is only one step away.

Retreat at this juncture?They are absolutely unacceptable.

In this way, a fierce dispute broke out among the Jin people.Some people suggested to go directly to the camp of the Western Army without hesitation, and the Qi Dynasty would naturally collapse if they gnawed down;

But obviously, neither of these two arguments can convince everyone in the gold camp.

Therefore, Wan Yansheng finally decided to wait for the Western Army to fight with them.

It is obvious that there is no sweetness in storming the camp of the Western Army, but as long as the Western Army intends to fight with them, they can give full play to the advantage of the Jinren's cavalry and eat the Western Army in one fell swoop.

Wan Yansheng reckoned that the reason why the Western Army kept guarding the camp and could not come out was because they were waiting for more King Qin's army.The Western Army mistakenly believed that as long as there were more Qin Wangjun, they would be able to defeat the Jinren in field battles, and the world would be settled in one battle.

And Wan Yansheng naturally scoffed at this idea.

He was already looking forward to the scene where the Jin people completely defeated them and King Qin's army when the western army decided to leave the camp to fight in the field.

In addition, the Jin people did not forget that they had Qi Yingzong in their hands.

During this period of time, the Jinren ordered Qi Yingzong to write a large number of imperial edicts and imperial edicts, the contents of which were nothing more than ordering the Western Army to retreat, ordering the city to continue to search for property and women to be sent to the Jinying camp, and so on.

However, these edicts were like sinking into the sea, without causing any waves.

Originally, Qi Yingzong's imperial decree was very useful, as long as it was sent to the city, it would not take long for city officials to obey and send a large amount of supplies humbly.But now, the officials in the capital seem to have not seen it at all.

Later, the Jin talents learned through the detailed work in the city that it turned out that after the king of Yun entered the city, he directly launched a coup to seize power.

Now Qi Yingzong in their hands is already a deposed emperor.

When Wan Yansheng first heard the news, he even praised the King Yun a few words.Because in his opinion, this King Yun can be regarded as a hero.

After all, Wan Yansheng also killed the Zhuhe faction through a coup in the future, and then got the chance to be hanged and beaten by General Han Fuyue.

It's just that such a hero appears out of nowhere, which is not good news for Jin Ren.

The situation at this time, it can be said that the arrow is on the string, and it has to be launched.

It is impossible for the Jin people to take the initiative to retreat, but they don't really want to storm the camp of the Western Army.Both sides are waiting for the arrival of this field battle.


Fan Cun listened to Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan finish their plan of attacking the Jin people.

It can be said to be stable and stable, basically there is no flaw.

Because of the situation at this time, the military strength of the Qi Dynasty had already gained the upper hand, and the Jin people did not understand too many tactics and intrigues. This was a purely head-to-head contest.

As long as the Qi army can display the combat power they should have, this battle will definitely be victorious.

So in the eyes of Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan, there is no need to play too many tricks.

Like the attack on the camp that Qi Yingzong did before, it was self-defeating.

No matter how good a strategy is, it always needs people to execute it. Although the combat effectiveness of the Western Army is not bad, it is far from reaching the point where it can use its arms like a finger and use its troops like a god.

What the Qi Dynasty needs at this time is not an adventure, but a steady victory.

However, the new official shook his head slightly after hearing the proposal of the two.

"This plan is certainly safe, but it is still a bit conservative."

Sheng Taizu's military level was higher than that of Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan combined, so it was easy to see the shortcomings of this plan at this time.

Zhong Pingyuan said: "The officials and ministers think that our army has been defeated repeatedly and its morale has been shaken. At this time, although the troops from all walks of life are gathered, they all hesitate to enter.

"At this time, the eastern and western armies of the Jinren gathered together, and their strength should not be underestimated.

"Although this plan is conservative, our local army really can't stand the toss. If there is a mistake, the consequences will be disastrous."

Fan Cun shook his head slightly: "You two generals, your analysis of the current situation is very correct.

"But have you ever thought that it is precisely because the Jinren's eastern and western elites gathered in the capital that we should...contribute to one battle?
"After all, in the eyes of the Jin people, our army is vulnerable.

"That's why they underestimate the enemy and rush forward, and they put their hopes on the first battle to wipe out our army.

"If this is won, let the Jin people know the true strength of the Western Army, and their various tactics will inevitably change... At that time, it will be delayed for a long time, and it will take a lot of trouble!"

Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan looked at each other, and they both saw shocked expressions in each other's eyes.

The officials... actually think so?

If the Jin people are defeated in this battle, then they will definitely realize the true strength of the Western Army.And the various decisions made in the past because of belittling the Qi army may not appear again.

Take some of Jin Bing's decisions during the Jingping Incident as an example.

They crossed the Yellow River with light soldiers. They did not honestly attack the various fortified cities and camps along the way. Instead, they drove straight in and killed the capital.

In this process, Jinren certainly hesitated.For example, before crossing the Yellow River, the Jin people heard that the Qi Dynasty changed the emperor and called on the soldiers of the world to serve the king, which is more or less false.

In the end, the general who first surrendered to the Qi Dynasty and then to the Jinren gave the Jinren an idea: don't be cowardly, don't look up to Qi Dynasty, just stab it and it's over!

As a result, the Jin people beat it and found that it was really the case.

The army of the Qi Dynasty is simply a bunch of trash!

They crossed the Yellow River like a broken bamboo, and came to the city of the capital like a broken bamboo. During the field battle, they basically won all the way and basically did not encounter any decent resistance.

Therefore, at this time, from the commander-in-chief Wan Yansheng to the bottom soldiers, the Jin people basically looked down on Qi Chao.

And this underestimation can also be exploited.

There is a saying in the art of war: Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; use righteousness to win by surprise; soldiers are cunning, lure them with benefits, be humble and arrogant, attack those who are unprepared, and surprise them.

At this time, the emperor's statement was in line with the art of war.

The so-called know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles, but if you don't know yourself and the enemy, you will lose in a battle.The Jinren didn't know the true strength of the Western Army at this time, so as long as this battle was fought, the odds of the Qi Army's victory would naturally increase by a little bit.

But Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan's style of play only reached this level.

They knew they could win this battle, but after winning?

Perhaps they only saw the golden man's retreat, but the official at this time wanted more than the golden man's retreat.

The so-called humble and arrogant means to make the enemy proud and underestimate the enemy, so as to win.

What the officials want is to take advantage of the Jin people's contempt for the military power of the Qi Dynasty as much as possible, so as to expand the results of the battle as much as possible.

Imagine, if this is won, but the Jin people do not suffer heavy losses and retreat calmly, then they will surely come back again after a few years.At that time, the Jin people no longer underestimated the enemy, and many fighter opportunities would no longer exist.

On the contrary, what if you take advantage of the contempt of Qi Chao by the Jin people and directly complete their merits in one battle?

Annihilating the vital forces in the main force of the Jin people as much as possible can directly attack the foundation of the Jin people's rule.When the time comes, let alone the Jin people organize a large army to invade, I am afraid that the backyard will catch fire crazily, and they will not even be able to maintain the existing territory.

Zhong Pingyuan hesitated: "If the official's plan can be realized, it will naturally be the best, and it will be enough to complete its merits in one battle.

"At that time, maybe we can immediately move northward, cross the Yellow River, and even bring Yanyun back.

"But, after all, the officials want to stay in the capital, so it's not appropriate to move lightly."

Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan had no doubts about the official's military capability.Whether it was the destruction of the country of Xixia or the rescue of Taiyuan later, what he showed was a kind of military genius that was born and known.

If the officials personally lead the troops to fight this battle, there should be hope that this kind of victory can be achieved.

But the problem is that his identity is different!

In the past, he was the King of Yun and the Generalissimo of the Northwest Army, so it was only natural for him to lead the troops into battle; but now, he is the emperor, and the safety of the world is at stake, how can he put himself in danger again?
Even if it is a personal conquest by the royal driver, someone must come to settle the rear.

At this time, there was no Zaizhi in the court, and all government affairs were handled by the emperor himself.If the emperor went to fight, who should these government affairs be entrusted to?

However, what Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan didn't expect was that the official shook his head and said, "Of course I have to fight this battle myself!

"My Qi Dynasty's national destiny is here to fight, how can I stay in the capital with peace of mind."

For such a crucial battle, Sheng Taizu has always been uneasy about handing it over to others.Otherwise, at the beginning, he would not have driven himself to fight the northern barbarians.

Of course, during Taizu Sheng's personal conquest, the prince supervised the country and helped him stabilize the rear.

But this time, the King of Yun played by Fan Cun is too young, and there is no such prince who can supervise the country for him.

Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan were at a loss: "Then...does the government want to appoint another prime minister?"

Fan Cun looked at Zhong Pingyuan: "That's right! Zhongqing, you can stay in the capital! You don't need to deal with government affairs, you just need to maintain the law and order of the capital, so that there will be no chaos in the rear. I will bring these Tai students into the barracks In the middle, you only need to send the memorials every day!"

Zhong Pingyuan was stunned: "Ah? Official, seems..."

Fan Cun waved his hand: "There's nothing wrong with it, let's do it like this! It's also a good time to let the ghosts and monsters in the city show their heads, and when Zhen Yujia returns from the conquest, I will clean them up together!"


Coming out of Wende Hall, Zhong Pingyuan was still a little dizzy.

He did not expect that, as a famous general in the world, he would not be able to participate in this battle with Jinren...

Originally, both he and Zhong Pingyuan believed that the current emperor must sit in the capital to continue to handle government affairs and manage the rear for them, and the two generals are jointly planning this war against the Jin people.

Unexpectedly, the emperor directly snatched the command right.

Instead, let Zhong Pingyuan take care of him in the capital!

Zhong Pingyuan is not good at political affairs, he is not Li Boxi after all.But the emperor actually didn't let him handle political affairs, nor did he give him the position of governor, but just let him sit in charge, manage the security of the capital, and coordinate the various resources of the capital.

There was no need to severely suppress all opponents. After all, the emperor had said that he would take this opportunity to let the opposition forces in the city rise up, and then deal with them all.

As for political affairs, it is still handled by the emperor himself!
It's just that the place where political affairs are handled has also been moved from the Wende Hall to the military camp.

Both Liu Fa and Zhong Pingyuan were shocked, what kind of behavior is this...

Not only to manage the marching and fighting, but also to manage the government affairs of the court. This is almost the work of four or five people. The current emperor has to do it all by himself...

But they still can't say anything, because... this one seems to be really good!

If it were someone else, Zhong Pingyuan would definitely be very dissatisfied, why should I let a generation of famous generals show you the door?You fight for me?

But Zhong Pingyuan had nothing to say to the emperor.Because he and Liu Fa are indeed not as good as the emperor...

In this way, Liu Fa returned to the Western Army, Zhong Pingyuan stayed in the capital, and the two began to arrange according to the emperor's request.

But Wan Yansheng still doesn't know that in the upcoming battle that will determine the fate of the two countries, the opponent he will face is the new emperor of the Qi Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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