Chapter 269
Wang Jianxiong nodded: "No problem, General Liu. Since I have traveled thousands of miles to serve the king, I am naturally ready. In this battle, I must advance and retreat with the Western Army, and serve the country with my death!"

Liu Fa looked into Wang Jianxiong's eyes and said seriously: "General Wang, just this is not enough."

Wang Jianxiong was a little surprised: "Not enough?"

I have all advanced together and retreated together, serving the country with my death, why is that not enough?

Liu Fa said: "I want you to hold the line of defense. Even if this becomes the main attack direction of the Jin people, you have to hold out for an hour until the reinforcements arrive!"

Wang Jianxiong couldn't help but turn dark: "General Liu, this... I'm afraid this is a bit too high for the last general..."

These Qin Wangjun came to the capital after overcoming various difficulties. In terms of loyalty, there is naturally no problem.

In terms of courage and fear of death, although they are not the top group, they are still pretty good.

Therefore, Wang Jianxiong can only say that this time he must advance together and retreat together, and he will never flee.

However, what Liu Fa wants now is not an attitude, but a result!
He demanded that Wang Jianxiong must hold the line of defense at all costs and hold back the golden soldiers, even if the golden men were the main attack direction, he would have to last for an hour!
What is this concept?
At this time, the Jin people were still invincible tiger and wolf divisions in the eyes of the Qi army.Before that, when the army of the Qi Dynasty met the Jinren, let alone persist for an hour, I am afraid that they could be called elite if they did not retreat after meeting each other.

Now even if Wang Jianxiong wants to persist for an hour, it depends on whether the soldiers under him can do it?

If the soldiers broke up, he, as a general, would not be able to do too much.

Liu Fa patted him on the shoulder: "General Wang, this general came here to reward the army this time because of this.

"Don't worry, the government is not difficult for the strong. As long as you tell these words clearly to the soldiers, with your strength and the troops supported by the Western Army, it is not difficult to hold for an hour."

Wang Jianxiong obviously still didn't believe it.

Is it not difficult to hold on for an hour?Why do I feel that it is basically impossible...

Liu Fa walked around in the military tent, and then said: "General Wang, this official today can be said to make me feel completely convinced, and I am sincerely convinced! Not only can he win the first prize in literature, he can replace the chief executive in handling political affairs, and he is born to know it." , has extremely high attainments in the art of war!"

At the moment, Liu Fa briefly explained the official's leading troops in the Western Army and handling political affairs in the capital.

Wang Jianxiong was a little puzzled: "General Liu, the last general has heard about these things. It's just that the officials are wise and powerful, what does it have to do with this incident?"

Liu Fa's expression became serious: "It's very simple, this time is a trap set for the Jin people after the officials have worked hard and forgot to sleep and eat! If this battle is successful, it will directly cut off the fortune of the Jin people, let alone let it go!" Jin people dare not go south again, even Yanyun is within easy reach!
"But if this battle fails, then such an opportunity will never come again in the future!

"The reason why the Jin people love to fight is because they underestimate the enemy. It is precisely because they look down on the army of our dynasty, so even though the army of Qin Wang from all walks of life has vaguely formed a siege, they still think that they can penetrate the encirclement in one wave and retreat calmly.

"And the officials just want to take advantage of the mentality of the Jinren, use this encirclement circle to lock them up tightly, and eat up all the Jinren's more than [-] troops!"

Wang Jianxiong's face changed: "More than one hundred thousand troops, eat them all?!"

He never thought of such a thing in his dreams.

The best result most generals of King Qin's army could think of was that they came to the capital to fight bloody battles, achieved some results, and successfully drove the Jin people back to the northern border.

As for whether the Jinren will make a comeback, it can only be said later.

I can only hope that the imperial court can reorganize its army and prepare for war after the golden man retreats, so that the next fight will be more calm.

Unexpectedly, this new official is going to swallow all the golden army?This ambition is too great!

Liu Fa nodded: "That's right, when I first found out about this plan, I was also very shocked.

"But! The officials think that this matter is still very promising, and it is worth a try!"

Wang Jianxiong remained silent.

Well worth a try?This is true. After all, if it really succeeds, it will be a major event that will change the fate of the Qi Dynasty. The benefits are too great, and it is certainly worth a try.

But the question is, what are the chances of success?
The so-called "very promising" by officials, where is the hope?

Liu Fa continued: "General Wang, how long have I been suppressed as a martial artist?

"It has been more than a hundred years since Taizong's reign, right?

"For more than a hundred years, the warriors of our dynasty have almost been reduced to the lowest level, not only suppressed by the civil officials of the dynasty, but also not suppressed by foreign races?

"Every time a battle is fought, the civil servants are holding back the rear, and facing the alien army, the soldiers are often defeated at the touch of a touch, and are slaughtered wantonly by the aliens!
"This sea of ​​blood and deep enmity, how can my warriors forget it?

"Speaking of a big treason, how could even those officials in the past be the culprits?"

Wang Jianxiong couldn't help but change his expression: "General Liu, speak carefully!"

Liu Fa waved his hand: "It's okay, this new official says these words every day!

"So, the reason why the officials sent me to reward the army is precisely because I still have some reputation in the Western Army, and all warriors in the world are willing to give me face. Therefore, you will be more convinced by what I say.

"In the end, I want you to understand one thing: today's officials are not using literature to suppress martial arts, but to restore the status of warriors like us, and even to rise higher than civil servants, to become prime ministers, and to enter the court with military merits to become prime ministers. Perseverance is no longer an empty talk!"

Wang Jianxiong was stunned.

At this moment, he somewhat understood why the officials must let Liu Fa come to reward the army.

Rewarding the army is just an additional task.The real task is to use Liu Fa to convince these generals and soldiers of King Qin's army that from then on, the status of warriors will be different!

Moreover, what Liu Fa said was indeed reasonable.

The warriors of the Qi Dynasty are really aggrieved!
Every time they go to battle, they still need to receive the formation map from the emperor, and they must form the formation according to the formation map, otherwise it will be a serious crime.

How ridiculous is this?
Any civil servant would dare to tell the emperor that he would kill the minister.

And the bloody enmity between the generals and the alien race is even more irresolvable!

The Jin people went south, burned, killed and looted. Almost all of these generals suffered heavy losses in the battle with the Jin people, either lost a large number of soldiers, or lost their beloved lieutenants, or simply their hometowns were affected by the flames of war, or even Fathers and folks were killed by Jinren.

Therefore, this battle is not only meritorious, but also shameful!
I want to tell these warriors that now, not only will the emperor and civil officials in the imperial court stop restraining you, but they will also give you maximum support!The gold and silver treasures of the army and the emperor's attitude conveyed by Liu Fa are the best proof!

And this is an opportunity that must not be lost. If there is any mistake, it will be a shame for future generations, and it will be harmful for thousands of years!

In this way, for these generals, this battle is no longer a battle that can be won or not, but a battle that binds all their wealth, life and interests!
Wang Jianxiong took a deep breath: "General Liu, I understand! If you want to die to serve the country, now is the right time!"

Liu Fa nodded, then shook his head again: "We warriors are going to fight to the death at this time, but it's not enough to just die! We must hold on!
"And, Ben will believe we can hold!"

He paused for a while: "General Wang, tell me, why did the Wang army wait and see each other and didn't help each other last time?"

Wang Jianxiong was stunned: "This... is because the generals are timid, the soldiers have no fighting spirit, and they have no intention of killing the enemy, but they want to protect themselves..."

Liu Fa smiled: "General Wang is right. However, this is not the most fundamental reason.

"The most fundamental reason is that everyone has no confidence!

"Because they don't think they can win, the generals don't think they can win, and every soldier at the grassroots level doesn't think they can win!
"When everyone thinks this way, I am just a piece of loose sand in the army, and it will shatter when I touch it. As a general, how dare I touch the edge of the Jinren?"

Wang Jianxiong suddenly said: "It is true."

The army of the Qi Dynasty was actually caught in some kind of prisoner's dilemma.

The combat effectiveness of the army itself is very low due to lack of pay, lack of training, and uneven supply of troops;

The generals are very aware of this, and they also know that they cannot defeat the Jinren, so they dare not take the initiative to fight, and even dare not rescue friendly troops;
Knowing that the friendly army will not come to rescue, the generals who encounter the golden soldiers will not die again;

And the soldiers all thought so, so every time they collided with the Jinren, they either bombed the camp or mutinied;
A large number of troops behaved like this, which further strengthened this "can't win" thinking and entered a vicious circle.

In fact, are the two sides really powerless to fight?

of course not.

In small-scale battles, there are countless cases of the heroic Qi army defeating the Jinren.

But once it reaches tens of millions of people, the battlefield becomes one-sided.

The reason is that morale and fighting spirit still account for the decisive factors.

At this time, although the number of troops in the Qi Dynasty had already gained the upper hand, if it was still the same as before, with low morale and no fighting spirit, then if they fought again, they would still be defeated at the touch of a finger.

Liu Fa continued: "So this time, during the process of rewarding the army, Ben will discuss his interests with all the generals!

"This time, the officials are personally conscripted by the royal family, and they are in the barracks of the Western Army! And all the deployments at this time are from the hands of the officials.

"The officials have already said that those who die in battle will be rewarded generously, and those who steal alive will not only be punished for their crimes, but also bear this eternal infamy!

"This battle is a battle that will determine the fate of our Qi Dynasty. If someone let the Jinren go because of his cowardice... that will be recorded in the history books and will be remembered forever!

"So, General Wang, don't worry, as long as you can hold on for an hour at all costs, then reinforcements will come! If anyone dares not come to the rescue, the officials will behead his dog first!

"The same is true for other people. If other generals are attacked, General Wang, if you sit idly by and don't go to rescue, it is also military law!"

Wang Jianxiong nodded and said, "The last general...understood!"


In this way, Liu Fa took an elite western army and various supplies of the reward army, and ran all over the camps of King Qin's army.

In addition to telling all these words to every general, he also left some elite Western troops in some weak areas to consolidate the entire encirclement.

In this way, an encircling circle that looks good on paper is formed.

As long as the various armies can support each other and withstand the attempts of the Jinren to break through, then the elite Western Army led by Liu Fa will be able to chase and kill the Jinren, causing heavy losses to the Jinren.

Until the army of more than [-] golden men was eaten up!
This crazy plan shocked all the generals of King Qin's army, but they also had to admit that once this plan was successful, it would bring more than a hundred years of national fortune to the Qi Dynasty.

There are threats, temptations, and spiritual encouragement.

Coupled with the heroism of a generation of heroes shown by this new official during this period, most of the Qin Wangjun generals like Wang Jianxiong are all ready to fight to the death.

During this period of time, there was also an undercurrent surging in the camp of the Jinren.

In the end, Wan Yansheng overwhelmed other voices in the army and made a decision.



All these things were accomplished in a short day and night.

In fact, Jinren's reaction was not slow, it could even be said to be very fast.

After the fierce battle with the Western Army, both sides retreated and recuperated.

After a short rest, Liu Fa non-stop led his elite detours back to the Qin Wangjun from all walks of life to reward the army and unify their thinking.

On the Jinren's side, there was a heated debate about the next action to be taken.

Originally, they had been hesitant and didn't retreat because they were forced to stop after grabbing half of it, and they were very reluctant.He also wanted to use Qi Yingzong in his hands to grab more things from Qi Chao before retreating.

Therefore, the Jinren waited until this field battle with the Western Army.

I thought that the Chinese and Western armies in the field would definitely be defeated in one battle, and then it would be a matter of course to wipe out the King Qin's army and then besiege the capital.

However, the Western Army showed a very strong combat effectiveness. Not only did the Jinren not take advantage of any advantages, but they were faintly at a disadvantage.

This made Wan Yansheng and many Jinren generals feel that the situation was not good.

But many people in the military are still unwilling to accept this fact.

These generals believed that the Jinren could still fight!

The Western Army won a small victory before, just because they were lucky. This time, as long as the Jinren's army presses forward with all their strength and start a bloody battle, the Jinren will win in the end, and the Western Army will definitely be defeated!

It cannot be said that the Jin people are overconfident, it can only be said that they have formed a path dependence.

When the reckless man bumped into the iron plate, his first reaction was not that the iron plate was too hard, but that my impact was not strong enough.

In the past, when the Jin people fought in a stalemate, they continued to give orders to be tough, and the result of being tough always ended in victory for their own side.

Therefore, even if they encountered some setbacks on the battlefield at this time, these golden generals still felt that they could be resolved in a tough way.

But Wan Yansheng is, after all, a general good at strategy.

Although his operation details were not very good, and he was always hanged and beaten by General Han Fuyue later, his judgment of the situation was first-class.

Wan Yansheng had already sensed that something was wrong when he received the faint encirclement formed by the army of Qin Wang from all walks of life in the Qi Dynasty.Coupled with the strong combat power shown by the Western Army, it made him firm in his idea of ​​temporarily withdrawing troops and fighting again in the future.

It's just that it took some time for this idea to convince everyone.

Hearing the news of King Qin's encirclement, most of the Jinren generals burst out laughing.

Qin Wangjun?
Is it that group of troops whose fighting power is not even as good as that of pigs?

Jin Ren has dealt with Qin Wangjun many times.

In the last siege of the capital, although the Jin people failed to break through the capital, the King Qin armies from all walks of life did not dare to take the initiative to attack around the Jin people, they only dared to watch. His elegant demeanor also left a deep impression on Jin Ren.

The reason why the Jinren didn't go to Qin Wangjun to die was just because it wasn't worth it.

Since you won't take the initiative to call, but just watch from the sidelines, then why should I go to the trouble of beating you?It's time to siege the city, it's time to rob and loot, just ignore you.

Therefore, most of the golden generals also felt that this encirclement was ridiculous.

With Qin Wangjun's fighting power, isn't this encirclement just a layer of paper?One poke will break.

They didn't feel that the encirclement was a threat at all, but only thought it was Qi Chao's bluff.After all, Qi Chao had done this kind of thing before, and he was smart enough to play tricks, but in the end, if he touched him a little, all his secrets would be revealed.

In the end, it was Wanyan Sheng who tried his best to overcome all opinions before finalizing the decision to withdraw troops.

Three days later, the Jin soldiers pulled out the stronghold and began to break out from Moutuogang to the north.

Of course, Wan Yansheng also thought of the possibility that the Western Army would inevitably chase after him, so he arranged for the elite to cut off the rear.

With the individual quality of the Jin people, whether it is breaking through or breaking the rear, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.

As for the former army... After all, they are fighting the mob, so they don't need to use too much strength.

In Wan Yansheng's view, as long as he pierces through the window paper and breaks out from the defense area of ​​a King Qin army, he can fight and retreat.At that time, the Western Army will definitely not be able to pursue them hard, and of course they will be safe.


Soon, a fierce battle broke out near the capital of the Qi Dynasty.

The Jin people tried to withdraw their troops from Moutuogang, and began to attack the King Qin's army in the north.

Originally, the Jin people thought that this attack would end soon, and what they had to guard against was the tail-on pursuit of the western army in the rear.

However, the situation is quite different from what they expected!

When attacking, the Jinren did not deliberately choose the main attack direction, but just chose the most convenient road.After all, in their view, the so-called Qin Wangjun is a group of mobs, and there will be no big difference in strength, so why bother to deliberately plan a breakout route?

However, the vanguard of the Jinren was hit head-on by this 20,000-people King Qin army!
Although these King Qin troops had been stationed for a very short time, and there was no time to dig trenches, build walls, and build too many fortifications, they only used portable horses, temporarily felled trees, and dug trenches to block the Jin army. The first round of attack by the pioneers!
And in the process, the Jinren were also shocked to find that these Qin Wangjun seemed to have become a little different!

Originally, these King Qin's troops collapsed instantly as soon as they fought, but now, they have become very tenacious, fighting to the death without retreating.

The Jinren thought it was just bad luck that they met an elite group, so they strictly ordered the soldiers to fight hard, thinking that the morale of the Qi army would naturally collapse after a long time.Unexpectedly, after this battle was fought for more than half an hour, although the King Qin army was crumbling and seemed to be on the verge of failure several times, the generals who commanded the army took the lead in fighting, and were on the verge of collapse several times His morale was saved!

Immediately afterwards, the two surrounding King Qin armies also rushed to support.

The number of these two King Qin armies is not very large, only a few thousand each, but for the battlefield at this time, the addition of such a new force made the situation of the Jin people worse, and they had to give up this direction.

Considering that the Qi army has been occupying favorable terrain, Wan Yansheng decided to change the direction to break through.

I was unlucky this time, and met a Qin Wang army with relatively strong combat effectiveness, but every Qin Wang army can't be so strong, right?
Although the Jin people had an army of more than [-], after all, there was a lot of luggage in the army, which were all good things snatched from the Qi Dynasty.Not to mention the women and slaves taken captive from the Qi Dynasty.

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, the Jin people still prefer to take the roads with convenient transportation, otherwise the marching speed will inevitably be slowed down, and a lot of luggage and property may be lost.

There are only a few roads near Moutuogang, and at this time, each of them has been occupied by King Qin's army.

As soon as the Jinren's army moved, the Western Army had already begun to chase after it.Wan Yansheng had to use a large number of elites to resist the Western Army and cover the retreat of the army, so there was no way to concentrate the elite forces to storm the King Qin's army blocking the way.

Coupled with the fact that King Qin's army no longer sat idly by each other, but began to rescue each other, which made it even more difficult for the Jin people to break through.

After failing to break through in two directions in a row, the soldiers of the Jinren were already exhausted. Considering that the Western Army hadn't exerted its full strength, Wan Yansheng didn't dare to neglect, so he could only let the army retreat to the camp of Moutuogang.

There were some accidents in the first breakout, but it doesn't matter, just wait for a while and choose a suitable time to break out again.After all, the Jin people will leave sooner or later, but it is impossible for the King Qin army of the Qi Dynasty to maintain the high morale it is today.

However, what Wan Yansheng didn't expect was that Jin Ren's breakthrough became more and more difficult every time!
In fact, at the first time, Qin Wangjun was still a little hesitant, and the rescue between each other was not particularly timely. Even some Qin Wangjun were not mentally prepared, but luckily they did not become the main direction of Jinren's attack.

It was only thanks to the bravery of the soldiers of the Qi army after being encouraged by Liu Fa and the emperor in the encounter that they barely withstood it.

However, after defending for the first time, the confidence of all Qin Wangjun doubled!

They were shocked to find that they could really surround the golden man here?

Once the wonderful blueprint drawn by General Liu Fa for them had the possibility of success, these soldiers instantly cheered up.

Because they saw the hope of winning!
For an enemy that has never been defeated, the first reaction of a normal person is of course to run.But if they saw that the enemy was bleeding and seemed to have the possibility of killing him, then their reaction would no longer be to run, but to kill him at all costs!
Of course, the entire line of defense was not without loopholes, it was just that Taizu Sheng had strategized and blocked these loopholes as much as possible.

At this time, the golden man just relied on bravery and no tactics. Basically, everything he wanted to do was written on his face, and he didn't need to deliberately calculate.

As long as the morale of King Qin's army can be mobilized and they can resist desperately, then the whole strategy is already half successful.


Outside the capital city.

A large number of people either pushed wheelbarrows or drove ox carts to the Qi army's barracks.

These are the people who came to transport food spontaneously.

Not only that, the defenders in the capital city have also been reorganized, and all of them are supported by the Qin King's army to supplement their loss of soldiers.

And farther away, such as the south, there are more King Qin troops coming.

Because the emperor announced to the world that the golden man was surrounded!

This is simply great news for the soldiers and civilians of the Qi Dynasty.

The Jin people invaded the south twice, burning, killing and looting along the way, which has already made the people of the North miserable, and they have a deep blood feud with the Jin people.And the people in the capital city also suffered a lot from the Jin people.

But now, there is an opportunity to surround the enemy, gather and annihilate them, how could they let it go?
The common people are simply eating pots of milk, trying every means to support the front-line troops.

In the past, the army of the Qi Dynasty had never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

How can an army that is about to collapse at the first touch and only knows how to pay for it get the support of the people?

But now, they fought bloody battles with the Jinren, which immediately aroused the hearts of the common people.

Sheng Taizu almost tried every means to mobilize all the resources of the entire Qi Dynasty to keep the entire encirclement stable.

As for the Jinren, he finally began to panic at this time.

At the beginning, they still had a nonchalant attitude, thinking that sooner or later the Qi army would be unable to withstand it, and sooner or later they would be able to break through.

And they looted a lot of food and luggage, so they didn't worry about the lack of food in a short period of time, and naturally they weren't that anxious.

But now, as the entire encirclement continues to stabilize, it seems that a noose is constantly tightening around their necks.

As a result, the Jin people began to desperately want to break out of the encirclement. They tried to break out in multiple directions and issued stricter military orders, but they broke through again and again, and finally were tenaciously defended by the Qi army.

The longer the guard time, the stronger the Qi army's will to fight.

After the tug-of-war that lasted for more than a month, the Qi army's fighting will was stronger than before.Because at this time, it has become the consensus of all Qi soldiers to surround the Jin people to death here.

Whoever becomes a breakthrough there is a sinner through the ages!It is going to be pointed out by thousands of people in the Qi Dynasty!

Who can bear this infamy?
Time passed day by day, and the strength of both sides continued to ebb and flow.

The food, grass and supplies in the Jin army camp were rapidly depleted, but the army of the Qi Dynasty was able to continuously obtain supplies from the capital's water transportation.And the line of defense that seemed to be broken with a single stab was actually built by the Qi army to be impregnable!
During the interval between battles, these Qi troops were also constantly digging trenches or building defensive facilities, and the defender's advantage became more and more obvious.

Of course, it is basically difficult to build a circle of encirclement of more than [-] gold soldiers with these troops.

The reason why they were able to surround them for such a long time was because Taizu Sheng had calculated the psychology of the Jin people, thinking that it was almost impossible for them to leave a large amount of luggage and forcefully break through.

They are reluctant.

Therefore, as long as King Qin's army focuses on blocking the main roads around Moutuogang, so that the Jin people's supplies and carts cannot pass smoothly, they can be dragged here for a long time.

It's like cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

But now, no matter how slow people are, they should react.

This time, Wan Yansheng did not go to attack those strategic points occupied by the Qi army, but commanded his Jin soldiers to forcefully break through a path where the two King Qin's guards were weak.

This also means that Wan Yansheng finally accepted the reality and no longer expected to take away all the plundered food, supplies, money, gold, silver, women, etc., but discarded most of the things that could not be taken away, and The light army breaks through and preserves the vitality of the Jinren!

This move is equivalent to breaking the wrist of a strong man.

After all, Wan Yansheng also saw that if he did not make a decision at this time, then with the increasing number of King Qin's army, the entire army of Jin people might really be wiped out.

And when the Jinren made up their minds to break through, the Western Army finally moved.

Liu Fa respectfully rode his war horse and followed behind a young man.

And this young man is wearing a golden helmet and armor, and he is the current emperor who was personally conquered by Yujia.

Fan Cun held up his spear and pointed it in the direction of the Jinren army: "Preach the decree! This battle will determine the fate of our Qi dynasty for the next hundred years!

"I will be the first to lead the soldiers, and I will not disarm for three days, and drive all the Jin people to death!
"Avenging the country's enmity, today, dedicating allegiance to the country, how can you take care of yourself?


Liu Fa stared blankly at the emperor in front of him, as if he saw a gambler, and at the last moment, he bet all the chips in his hand without hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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