My players are all actors

Chapter 273 2 Saints Return to Court

Chapter 273 The Two Saints Return to Court (8000 words for tickets)
Wan Yansheng frowned as he listened to the Jinshi's report.

"Understood, you go down."

After sending away the envoy, he looked at Wan Yanxian beside him: "Han Fuyue agreed not to have Taiyuan, but he wants two emperors.

"You said... what does he mean?"

Wan Yansheng was also very puzzled, not knowing what General Han Fuyue was thinking.

The attitude of the Jin people towards these two emperors is also constantly changing.

At the beginning of the Jingping Incident, the two emperors and all the royal families and ministers were taken away, mainly to attack the center of the Qi Dynasty, so that the Qi Dynasty could no longer organize a ruling regime and court.In this way, it will be much easier for the Jin people to slowly annex the Qi Dynasty in the future.

But the Ninth Prince fled to the south to ascend the throne, which made the golden man's attempt come to nothing.

That's why Wan Yansheng searched mountains and seas, and wanted to repeat the old tricks, beheading Gaozong, and destroying the command center of Qi Dynasty again.

It's just that he failed.

So in this case, the two emperors Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong are in their hands, which is a bit tasteless.

It is a pity to abandon it, and it is tasteless to eat.

The Jinren obviously realized that these two emperors were useful, so they never killed them, but imprisoned them in Wuguo City.How can I use it?After a lot of tossing inside the Jinren, they still couldn't think of a good solution.

To say that the greatest use of these two emperors is actually to affect the legitimacy of Qi Gaozong's rule.

For example, the Jin people had considered before, making Qi Huizong or Qi Yingzong the emperor of the puppet Chu.Letting them rule the Puppet Chu area is justifiable and can reduce the resistance in these places, and it can also make Qi Gaozong sleepless and affect the legitimacy of his rule.

But the idea ultimately failed to materialize.

Because after careful consideration, the Jinren discovered that this method looks beautiful, but in practice, it may not be the case.

Since they are asked to go to the puppet regime to be emperors, they must be under the strict control and supervision of the Jin people.

In this way, the Qi Dynasty could claim that the two emperors were imprisoned by the Jin people and could not handle political affairs in person, so they still had to continue to fight and rescue the two saints.

But what if the Jin people really gave these two emperors some governance power?

Maybe these two emperors will turn against each other when they find an opportunity, and they won't feel at ease as puppets.

After all, these two emperors are different from Liu Yu, the emperor of puppet Chu.

Liu Yu is a traitor of the Qi Dynasty, and basically everyone in the Qi Dynasty is in a state of shouting and beating.Apart from clinging to the Kingdom of Jin and kneeling and licking the Kingdom of Jin, he has no other way to go.

But Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong were the emperors of the Qi Dynasty after all, and countless ministers would urge them to return to the Qi Dynasty or fight against the Jin Dynasty.

Even if the Jin people sent some people to watch them, they might be killed suddenly by a coup.

In short, there is no way to rest assured.

So after thinking about it, the Jinren vaguely realized that these two emperors were useful, but they still couldn't find a suitable usage, so they kept procrastinating.

In history, these two emperors both died of old age in Wuguocheng.

But in this slice of history, their fate will change because of Zhao Haiping.

Wan Yanxian pondered for a long time, and said: "General Han Fuyue's Zhaoyi Army is actually in a state of obedience and disobedience at this time. Apart from being a subject of the Qi Dynasty in name, it seems to be already a separate force.

"So I think that Han Fuyue didn't want these two Qi Dynasty emperors for his own sake.

"He doesn't need to invite two fathers back for himself."

Wan Yansheng nodded in agreement.

Anyone with normal intelligence can see this.

If general Han Fuyue's initial refusal to accept orders can be interpreted as an act of disobedience out of loyalty to the emperor, then now that he is constantly recovering the old land of Puppet Chu, he has no intention of handing it over to the Qi Dynasty. This intention is already obvious.

The distance from the real rebellion is just a matter of shouting.

Then it is impossible for General Han Fuyue to keep these two emperors by his side, because it doesn't make any sense.He is still a courtier of the Qi Dynasty in name, why did he invite two relatives?

When the time comes, he won't listen to these two people, and the world will say that Han Fuyue is a traitor. If he listens to these two people, won't that make him feel uncomfortable?

The practice of coercing the emperor to order the princes also depends on the age and the specific situation?
In the south, there is also Qi Gaozong who is recognized by the whole country. If you coerce the emperor to order the princes, you are treating everyone in the world as mentally retarded.

Wan Yanxian came to a conclusion: "So, Han Fuyue may want to send these two people... back to the Qi Dynasty."

Wanyan Sheng's eyes brightened: "Send it back to Qi Dynasty?

"You mean...Han Fuyue actually has the idea of ​​disturbing the Qi court?

"Even... he wants to prepare for the extermination of Qi?"

Wan Yanxian nodded slightly: "Very likely!"

Wan Yansheng couldn't help standing up and taking a few steps, the expression on his face became a little excited.

Why did sending the two saints back to the Qi Dynasty have the idea of ​​destroying Qi?

This conclusion requires a few turns, but it is not difficult to understand.

These two emperors were hot potatoes for the Zhaoyi Army and the Qi Dynasty.

Although Qi Gaozong yelled to welcome the second sage back, in fact, he was more afraid of the second sage's return than anyone else in his heart.It's just that under the ethics of the ancient feudal society, I have to shout.

This is the highest political correctness of that era.

And General Han Fuyue is actually very aware of this, so his calling for the return of the Second Sage is also a political gesture in cooperation with Qi Gaozong.

In fact, General Han Fuyue privately persuaded the emperor to establish a prince early, also for the sake of Qi Gaozong.Let him determine the heir of the legal line as soon as possible, and find the prince from Taizu's line, then even if the two emperors come back, the throne can still be passed down according to Qi Gaozong's intention.

Unfortunately, Qi Gaozong is an idiot.

There are obviously many ways to solve this problem, but he chose the stupidest one.

If Han Fuyue was still a subject of the Qi Dynasty, then he would never mention the matter of returning the Second Sage.Because how to sign the peace agreement, Qi Gaozong must still make the decision, and Han Fuyue can't do it for him.

But now, if Han Fuyue wanted to welcome these two emperors back, he definitely didn't want to stay in the Zhaoyi Army.

It must be sent to Qi Dynasty!
This is tantamount to stabbing a knife in Qi Gaozong's weakness, and Qi Gaozong can only cry and say thank you.

More importantly, without the assistance of General Han Fuyue, without the military exploits of recovering the Central Plains, Qi Gaozong's ruling legitimacy would be severely lacking.At that time, due to the ethics of the monarch, minister, father and son, Qi Gaozong will inevitably continue to make gestures to return power to Qi Huizong or Qi Yingzong, and the latter may refuse to accept it at first, but who knows what will happen after a long time?

Even if these two emperors did not want the throne, Qi Gaozong would not give up the throne, but what about the ministers around Qi Gaozong?
Do you want to support these two emperors, and become a person who has made great achievements in supporting them and made great progress?
At that time, will Qi Gaozong have the ability and skill of Liang Taizong to directly put the two emperors under house arrest, and always firmly hold the power of the government in his own hands?

The conclusions of these questions are probably not very optimistic.

If it is a wise and mighty emperor, this is not a problem.But these three emperors are three chickens, and when the chickens are pecking at each other, any accident may happen.

In short, General Han Fuyue's move was like sending a ticking time bomb to Qi Chao.

Over time, the Qi Dynasty will inevitably have civil strife.

And why did General Han Fuyue's Zhaoyi Army want the Qi Dynasty to have civil strife?

It's hard to explain this matter clearly.


The more Wan Yansheng thought about it, the better he felt.

"It's a good thing! These two emperors are really not very useful in our hands, but if they can really cause chaos in the Qi Dynasty and make the Zhaoyi Army fight with the Qi Dynasty, then I am a big gold. Can I just sit back and reap the benefits?"

In fact, in the original history, the Jin people could do this.

It's just that their political ability is too weak, so they can't think of this.

The two emperors remained in their hands and did not play any role at all.On the contrary, Qi Gaozong and General Han Fuyue could still shout out the slogan "Welcome to return the two saints" to inspire people.

So, why don't we just send the two emperors back?

Since Qi Gaozong was most afraid of these two emperors going back, the Jinren should do this even more.

On the one hand, this will make the Qi Dynasty no longer have the confidence to shout the slogan "Welcome the Second Sage", and greatly reduce their willingness to regain the old land. In other words, how wonderful is the Qi Dynasty's court with four wastes in one play?
At that time, I am afraid that the four words "dance of demons" will not be able to describe it.

Of course, Qi Gaozong may not sit still, he will try every means to prevent the two emperors from going back.

Just like those brothers and sisters he refused to accept.

But if Jin Ren really wants to give it away, there are plenty of ways.

For example, just send an army to escort with great fanfare, so that everyone knows it?

Can Qi Gaozong still risk the world's displeasure and send troops to fight?Or, when the two emperors arrive in the territory of the Qi Dynasty, can they not accept them?

At that time, he will only be drowned by the spitting stars.

After all, Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong are completely different from those ordinary princes and princesses.

Qi Gaozong could ignore his brothers and sisters, but he absolutely could not ignore his own father and elder brother.

It can only be said that in the original history, Qi Gaozong and the Jinren could be said to be rivals in chess and pecking each other at this point.

Therefore, Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong, the two emperors who were supposed to shine in the history after Jingping and have been infamous for thousands of years, just died of old age in the Five Kingdoms City in the end, without exerting their due destructive power.

Things are different now.

After Zhao Haiping's reminder, Wan Yansheng also came to his senses.

In exchange for these two useless emperors, Taiyuan City is still in his hands, in exchange for possible civil strife in the Qi Dynasty, in exchange for Han Fuyue's possible military encounter with the Qi Dynasty...

It's a bargain!

Thinking of this, Wan Yansheng immediately made a decision: "Okay! Let's do this, hand over the two emperors to Han Fuyue, and let him return to the Qi Dynasty!"



"Sinner Han Fuyue, pay respects to the Supreme Emperor, pay respects to Emperor Yuansheng, pay respects to the Empress Dowager!"

After Qi Gaozong came to the throne, he respected Qi Yingzong as the Holy Emperor of Xiaociyuan from a distance, so this can be regarded as Qi Yingzong's official title at this time.

Before driving, Zhao Haiping made a respectful salute.

To be honest, he didn't have a good impression of these two emperors at all.

But there is no way, after all, you have to do a full set of acting.

As a "Dark Sand" player, acting skills are essential.

The dusty Qi Yingzong, who was getting thinner and thinner, looked very good, and hurried forward to help Zhao Haiping up: "General Han, please get up quickly!
"If General Han hadn't fought bloody battles, how would we be able to return to our homeland? I'm afraid we will die of old age in a foreign land!"

In the other car, a lady in her fifties was overjoyed: "This is General Big and Small Eyes? What a talent, worthy of the country's leadership!"

The scene is simply a touching scene.

It's just that Zhao Haiping's performance was staged, while the Second Sage and Queen Mother Wei showed their true feelings.

They do appreciate it.

This lady, who is nearly fifty years old, is the birth mother of Ninth Prince Qi Gaozong, Empress Dowager Wei.

According to historical records, after General Han Fuyue was unjustly killed and Qi and Jin signed a peace agreement, Empress Dowager Wei was released by the Jin people to the Qi Dynasty at the repeated request of Qi Gaozong.

For Qi Gaozong, Qi Yingzong, the elder brother, must never come back, but welcoming his biological mother back can show his filial piety, and secondly, it will not shake his throne, but it can make the throne more stable. So very positive.

And after Queen Mother Wei returned to the capital, she asked Qi Gaozong as soon as she saw Qi Gaozong: Why don't you see General Big and Small Eyes?
It is rumored that General Han Fuyue has one big eye and one small eye, so he is also known as the general with big and small eyes.

But Qi Gaozong could only answer "death in prison", the Queen Mother Wei was furious immediately, and said on the spot that she would become a monk to atone for Qi Gaozong.Under Qi Gaozong's begging, Empress Dowager Wei did not become a monk, but only wore Taoist clothes in the palace all her life.

The reason is that General Han Fuyue is too famous.

The illustrious reputation of his several victories made the Jinren fearful, and he often mentioned it.So even Empress Dowager Wei, who was far away in the Kingdom of Jin, often heard about General Han Fuyue's illustrious military exploits, and wanted to see him as soon as he returned to the Qi Dynasty.

As for the two emperors Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong, they were in the same mood as Queen Mother Wei at this time.

In fact, according to the real situation in history, Qi Huizong had passed away five years ago. When the Empress Dowager Wei was welcomed back, Qi Huizong's Zigong, that is, the coffin, was also welcomed back.

But in this slice of history, Qi Huizong lived longer than the real history. Although he was old and sick at this time, when he heard that he had the opportunity to return to his homeland, he insisted on this journey, and even showed signs of returning to his glory. .

As for Qi Yingzong, his mentality at this time is that as long as he can return to the Qi Dynasty, he is willing to do anything!
According to historical records, when Empress Dowager Wei was welcomed back to the Qi Dynasty, Qi Yingzong took Empress Dowager Wei's hand and begged: "If you can let me return to the south, let me be the master of the Taiyi Palace. For Brother Jiu (Qi Gaozong) ) without any other requirements!"

It can be seen that Qi Yingzong also knew in his heart that Qi Gaozong absolutely did not want him to go back, and the possibility of him returning to the Qi Dynasty was very slim.

Back in the Qi Dynasty, even if he can no longer be the emperor, at least he is a carefree royal relative, which is much better than being humiliated every day with the Jin people.

Therefore, Qi Huizong, Qi Yingzong and Empress Dowager Wei, the three crucial figures, were all very grateful to General Han Fuyue.

After all, after such a long time, all kinds of rumors have spread to the Kingdom of Jin.They vaguely heard that after General Han Fuyue made several great victories, Qi Gaozong suddenly wanted to retreat.It was General Han Fuyue who withstood the pressure and won another great victory in Zhuxian Town without Qi Dynasty's logistical support.

And the reason why they were able to return to the Qi Dynasty this time was not because of Qi Gaozong, but because of General Han Fuyue.

This article was not written in the peace talks between Qi and Jin, but in the peace talks between Zhaoyi Army and Jin.

Who exactly fished them out, these people know the truth.

But at this time, facing General Han Fuyue who was still willing to respect the minister's festival on the surface, they were naturally grateful.

Zhao Haiping couldn't help feeling that sometimes people are like this.

It is said that Yi and Di are beasts, afraid of power but not virtuous, why are these dog emperors not like this?

He had no doubt that if Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong were allowed to sit in Qi Gaozong's seat, General Han Fuyue would probably not have any good results.Even if he is not killed unjustly, at best he will die in depression.

But after these two emperors were taken captive to the Kingdom of Jin and suffered so much, when they faced a General Han Fuyue, who supported his troops and respected himself, but obeyed his orders, they were full of gratitude, and they were even closer than seeing their own father.

In short, after some performances, Zhao Haiping temporarily left Er Sheng's car in Daming Mansion.

At this time, Zhao Haiping had already stationed the main force of the Zhaoyi Army in Daming Mansion as the actual capital.

Dongping is the capital of the Puppet Chu, and Zhao Haiping was stationed there before, just to digest the account books left by the Puppet Chu as soon as possible, etc., and fully take over the ruling area of ​​the Puppet Chu.But Dongping is too biased after all.

There are only two places that are more suitable as the capital, one is the original capital Liang of the Qi Dynasty, and the other is the former Northern Capital Daming Mansion.

Puppet Chu did not stay in Daming Mansion because the resistance of the people in Daming Mansion was too strong, and this was an advantage for Zhao Haiping.

As for why he didn't go to Daliang, the capital of the previous Qi Dynasty...

Because this is the old capital of the Qi Dynasty, the political meaning is too strong.If the Zhaoyi army really chose this place, the intention of seeking to usurp the throne is a bit too obvious, and it is too far to the south, and it is easy to make Qi Dynasty have some bad associations.

So in the end, I chose Daming Mansion, which is closer to the Jinren, to indicate that the main goal of the Zhaoyi Army was to go north to fight against the Jin.

That night, Zhao Haiping hosted a banquet in hospitality.

After the two emperors and Empress Dowager Wei rested in Daming Mansion for two or three days, they sent escorts to the south and sent them to Qi Gaozong.

At the banquet, the two emperors and the empress dowager naturally sat on the honorable throne, and General Han Fuyue, played by Zhao Haiping, still treated them respectfully and with the etiquette of courtiers.

It wasn't until the wine had passed three rounds and the dishes had tasted five flavors that the atmosphere of the scene was almost ready, Zhao Haiping knelt on the ground with a "plop" at the banquet, and said tearfully: "The guilty minister deserves death!"

Qi Yingzong panicked, and hurriedly left the table to help Zhao Haiping up: "General Han please get up quickly! Why is this?"

Qi Huizong was old and sick, and now he was panting when he walked, and it was inconvenient for Empress Dowager Wei to leave the banquet, but they all watched with concern.

Zhao Haiping's acting skills exploded in an instant, and he said with some emotion: "The end of the war has been delayed for a long time, and it is only at this time that we welcome the second sage back. If we can't fulfill our duties as a minister, and let the second sage suffer humiliation in the enemy's country, this is a crime!

"If you can't recover Yanyun, go straight to Huanglong, and kill all the golden men to avenge the shame of our dynasty, this is the incompetence of the last general, and these two crimes!

"Zhaoyi's army is not restrained by the imperial court, privately resisting gold, welcoming and returning the two saints, and arrogating the way of being a minister, these three crimes!

"Even if the last general has every last resort, he deserves death!"

Qi Yingzong hurriedly said: "General Han, this statement is wrong! If there is no General Han, I am afraid that I will die in Wuguo City, how can I return to the Qi Dynasty? As for the others... Hey, today is a happy day, don't say Alright, stop talking."

After another touching reunion between the monarch and his ministers, everyone left the table and went back to rest.

It's just that Zhao Haiping's performance caused some subtle changes in the hearts of the two emperors and Queen Mother Wei.


Early the next morning, Qi Yingzong went to greet Qi Huizong.

"Father, what do you think of what General Han said yesterday?" Qi Yingzong asked in a low voice when he saw that Queen Mother Wei was not there.

Qi Huizong coughed twice, and said weakly: "What else can we think? This important national event is no longer in the control of our father and son."

Qi Yingzong said again: "But father, after returning to the Qi Dynasty, if the ninth brother doesn't like it, what should I do?"

Qi Huizong glanced at him: "I'm old, I just want to be buried in my homeland, as for can do it yourself!"

The father and son tested each other, obviously knowing each other's thoughts, but they couldn't reach an agreement.

Qi Yingzong had no choice but to resign silently.

Qi Huizong sighed, sat on the chair and closed his eyes slightly, not thinking about these things anymore.


Qi Yingzong returned to his residence, but he became restless.

He kept pacing in the courtyard.

Although these two emperors were stupid during the Jingping Incident, they had experienced so much bitterness in the world and human relationships with the Jinren, and they were not in a high position at this time, so they should have figured out a lot of things.

What General Han Fuyue said at the banquet last night seemed to be an apology on the surface, but if you taste it carefully, which sentence is a real apology?
General Han Fuyue said that the first crime was delaying for a long time, and it was only at this time that the two saints could be welcomed back.

Of course, this is not a crime, after all, everyone knows how powerful the Jinren are.When these two wonderful emperors were in power, even the country was almost lost. Now General Han Fuyue has turned the tide and helped the building to collapse, killing the golden man like a god. .

The second crime that General Han Fuyue said was that he could not regain Yanyun, went straight to Huanglong, and killed all the Jinren.

Of course, this is not a crime, and that sentence, the power of the Jinren is well known.The Qi Dynasty has been established for more than a hundred years, and even the Taizu and Taizong failed to regain Yanyun. Could it be that they are expected to be unworthy descendants?

And this third crime is interesting.

Before, everyone tacitly did not mention the issue of the Zhaoyi Army.

In fact, at this time, the Zhaoyi army obeyed the seal and did not listen to the tune, and the land they had conquered was not returned to the Qi Dynasty at all, but governed by themselves.The source of soldiers, financial resources, logistics, etc. of the entire army have been completely cut off from the Qi Dynasty.

It can be said that the Zhaoyi Army was a separatist regime entrenched in the north of the Qi Dynasty at this time, fighting against Qi and Jin.

Distance treason, that is, a matter of words.

No matter how bad the second sage had no EQ, he didn't dare to pierce the window paper when he was living under the fence.

However, General Han Fuyue took the initiative to bring up this matter, saying that his third crime was "not being restrained by the court, resisting gold privately, and welcoming back the second sage".

From the point of view of the way of a minister, this is indeed a kind of arrogance.After all, how can a courtier make decisions for the emperor?

If Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong are in power, this kind of behavior is absolutely intolerable.

However, Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong looked at this matter from the perspective of prisoners, and the nature was different immediately.

Why was General Han Fuyue not restrained by the court?Wasn't it because he kept fighting for great victories in the front, but Qi Gaozong wanted him to retreat and kneel for peace?

And General Han Fuyue's decision was to continue fighting against the gold and welcome back the Second Sage.

As far as the family, the country and the people are concerned, the imperial court did not resist the gold, and General Han himself resisted the gold. Forget, this is the moral high ground of loyalty and filial piety.

From this point of view, General Han Fuyue didn't call it rebellion, it was called being forced to do nothing by the dog emperor. For the sake of the world, he had to do the tasks that didn't belong to him by himself.

So these three points, ostensibly an apology, are actually some kind of disclaimer.

I tried my best!But someone is holding back!
Who is holding back?

Nonsense, of course it is Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi!

Qi Huizong was old and his health was deteriorating. Even if he went back to recuperate, he probably wouldn't live for a year or so.Therefore, Qi Huizong's only thought is to take care of his life.

As for the father-son relationship of "father resigns and son laughs", even if he feels dissatisfied in his heart, he can't care about it anymore.

But Qi Yingzong is still young, and he still has many years to live.

General Han's words directly brought the conflict between him and Qi Gaozong to the surface.

Qi Yingzong's mentality at this time is indeed that he only needs to return to the Qi Dynasty, and he does not expect to continue to be emperor.

But the problem is that there is a chain of suspicion between him and Qi Gaozong, the ninth younger brother.

You said you don't want to be emperor, Qi Gao Zongxin?

Qi Gaozong would rather stop fighting when General Han continued to win great victories, and would rather cede the entire territory north of the Huaihe River of the Qi Dynasty to the Kingdom of Jin than welcome back his father and brother.

Isn't this attitude obvious?
So at this time, General Han Fuyue came forward to welcome their father and son back, what would Qi Gaozong think?Will you want to get rid of it and then hurry up?
It is true that Qi Yingzong is currently powerless to fight back, but this does not mean that he is a person who will sit and wait to die.

After Qi Huizong was enthroned in Zen, he always issued imperial edicts to conduct remote control.And Qi Yingzong's response was that every time Qi Huizong issued an imperial decree, he would send one back.Later, Qi Huizong was directly taken back to the palace and placed under house arrest.

It can be seen that Qi Yingzong is not without desire for power, and he is by no means a gentle and obedient person.

Once he knew that Qi Gaozong was likely to be unfavorable to him, then Qi Yingzong's mind would become active.

Of course, even if Qi Yingzong had this thought at this time, it would be impossible to move Qi Gaozong.

After all, Qi Gaozong is still in power at this time, while Qi Yingzong has the title of "Second Sage", but he has no real power in his hands, and no one available.

But for Zhao Haiping, as long as this seed is planted in Qi Yingzong's heart, that's enough.

Send this time bomb back, don't rush to detonate it.But once it is detonated, it will be enough to generate a powerful force that will collapse the Qi Dynasty from within!

For the next three years, the world was peaceful.

The Qi, Jin, and Zhaoyi Army's tripartite peace negotiations have been completed, and there is no new war.

However, some insignificant things can still see the undercurrents and undercurrents.

Most of the people in the Qi Dynasty fled north and entered the territory of the Zhaoyi Army, and the local officials repeatedly prohibited them.

This is due to the heavy taxation of the Qi Dynasty, and the rapid recovery of production in the north where the Zhaoyi Army is located, and the reduction of taxes in order to appease the refugees, which has won the hearts of the people.

Qi Chao knew, but could do nothing about it.

The drivers of Qi Huizong, Qi Yingzong and Queen Mother Wei had already arrived at the capital of the Qi Dynasty.

It is said that the scene at that time was extremely moving. Qi Gaozong went out of the city to meet the driver, and then he knelt down in front of Qi Huizong's driver and cried bitterly. The father and son embraced each other and wept.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Gaozong expressed that he would return power to his elder brother Qi Yingzong, but Qi Yingzong repeatedly declined, and Qi Gaozong gave up.

After that, Qi Huizong began to take care of his life as the Supreme Emperor, while Qi Yingzong was really named the Lord of the Taiyi Palace, reciting poems and painting every day in the palace, happy and carefree.

But... a little episode happened soon.

Qi Huizong died.

In fact, in real history, Qi Huizong should have died five years ago.It's just that in this slice of history, he seems to have survived a few more years.

But no matter what, he insisted on returning to the Qi Dynasty already relying on his belief in returning to the roots, and it is normal for him to die.

But in the discussion of the people in the countryside, this matter inexplicably has a bit more conspiracy theory.

Because when Qi Huizong died, he was less than 60 years old.

At this age, if it is said that he is suffering from illness and dying, some people will believe it; but if it is said that he was poisoned and plotted... there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

After all, when Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong fought fiercely, Qi Huizong wanted to toast Qi Yingzong to restore the relationship, but Qi Yingzong didn't drink it, for fear that Qi Huizong would poison the wine.It made Qi Huizong very sad.

From the perspective of conspiracy theory, Qi Huizong is the Supreme Emperor and Qi Gaozong's biological father, which will definitely affect Qi Gaozong's power.And Qi Gaozong was very dissatisfied with this, so it didn't seem too strange that Qi Huizong was poisoned to death with some slow poison secretly.

Although this is speculative and nonsense, people in the countryside think of the fact that Qi Gaozong shouted "return the two saints" but in fact he would rather let General Han Fuyue retreat than continue to fight...

It can only be said that this is not impossible.

At least Qi Gaozong had this motive.

As for what Qi Yingzong, who was under surveillance in the deep palace, would think... only he himself knew.

In short, the Qi, Jin, and Zhaoyi armies have passed two more years without incident.

Until this day, Qin Huizhi, who became powerful because of the terms of the Jinren peace agreement "cannot go to the prime minister without guilt", received a secret letter from General Han Fuyue.

It reads: Zhaoyi Army is willing to help him to board the Great Treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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