My players are all actors

Chapter 275 The Time to Recover Yanyun

Chapter 275 The Time to Recover Yanyun

A year passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Huizhi is drinking tea in the mansion.

Within a year, he relied on supporting Qi Yingzong to restore his power, and his power expanded again.Even major matters between the DPRK and China can be resolved with one word.

If the subordinate ministers have any important matters, they are not reported to the court at the first time, but sent to him first, so that he can make up his mind.

An extremely human minister is nothing more than that.

However, Qin Huizhi never forgot what General Han Fuyue said when he sent Meng Lin here a year ago.

His desire to usurp is like a raging flame, which is getting stronger and stronger, and it is almost unstoppable.

In fact, to be a powerful minister or to usurp the throne?This is a difficult choice, but after making a choice, most people will still choose to fight.

Because power ministers have never had a good end.

Qin Huizhi knew very well that although he seemed to be in power at this time, and he had the status of an emperor without the name of an emperor, in fact, his power was like duckweed on water and would not last long.

After his death, the descendants will definitely be liquidated, and even the coffin will be opened and the body will be slaughtered.

Which power minister can not be hated by the emperor?
Moreover, thinking in a more pessimistic direction, even without waiting for his death, this power will be shaken.

Qi Yingzong had just come to power, because he had no foundation in the court, so he could only entrust all important matters to Qin Huizhi.

In other words, Qin Huizhi could grab more power from Qi Yingzong than Qi Gaozong.

But Qi Yingzong is not a fool, he can feel it.

I won't say anything at first, but as time goes on, this kind of grievance will become deeper and deeper.

Qin Huizhi seized more power from Qi Yingzong, which meant that Qi Yingzong was more vigilant and hated Qin Huizhi than Qi Gaozong.

And Qi Yingzong still has a chance if he wants to regain power slowly.

Because since the Qi Dynasty, the imperial examination has become the mainstream of official selection and appointment.Officials who passed the imperial examination were naturally close to the emperor.

No matter what Qi Yingzong said, he was still the emperor on the bright side, where the rule of law was. As long as he could still go to court and communicate with the officials, he would gradually build up his own team. power poses a threat.

Therefore, what Meng Lin said at that time can be said to have directly touched Qin Huizhi's heart.

Don't be in a hurry, but you can't be in a hurry!
A year, almost.

During this year, Qin Huizhi intensified his efforts to seize power, taking advantage of the vacuum period when Qi Yingzong had just been restored, and firmly held almost all important positions in the court.

Then, he waited for another message.

Outside the house, a fast horse came to report.

"Report to Prime Minister Qin! The latest military newspaper in the north!"

The soldier in charge of reporting the letter raised his hands above his head and presented a military report.

Qin Huizhi couldn't help feeling refreshed, took it quickly, and hurriedly took it apart.

He just glanced at it twice, and he couldn't help laughing: "Good! Good! Good!"

He said three "good" words in a row.

The content of this military newspaper is clearly written.

Just a few days ago, General Han Fuyue had sworn to the Northern Expedition!
The two armies of the Zhaoyi Army started, one went straight to Hedong, and rushed to Taiyuan, an important town still in the hands of the Jin people; the other line started from Daming Mansion, and went straight to Zhending Mansion on Hebei West Road!

And once these two roads are laid down, the next step must be to hit Yanyun Sixteen States.

Although Jin Ren was caught off guard, Taiyuan City is a strong city after all, and Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures is also a very difficult strategic location. The start of this battle may be delayed for a long time. Finish.

The reason why Qin Huizhi clapped his hands and laughed was because he had made an agreement with the Zhaoyi Army, and it was this swearing-in to the Northern Expedition as a signal!

Although the two parties had secretly reached an agreement to cede a large area north of the Yangtze River in exchange for Zhaoyi Army's acquiescence and support for Qin Huizhi's usurpation of the throne, Qin Huizhi had always been wary of Zhaoyi Army.

A peace agreement can be torn up at any time, especially when the other party has the initiative.

Qin Huizhi actually understood it in his heart.

Only an idiot like Qi Gaozong would wishfully think that the peace agreement has been concluded, and he can sit back and relax in the future.

Therefore, Qin Huizhi was still a little worried.What if my side staged a coup and forced Qi Yingzong to abdicate, and General Han Fuyue came calling?
Well now, General Han Fuyue's Northern Expedition is tantamount to a statement of safety.

Because he went to fight the Jinren, the Jinren must mobilize an army to fight back.Once the battle between the two sides started, General Han Fuyue couldn't just stop fighting if he wanted to.

The two powerful enemies in the north fought together, and it was impossible to pay attention to the situation of the Qi Dynasty in the south, so Qin Huizhi would be much safer if he wanted to make trouble.

Qin Huizhi stood up and took two quick steps in the courtyard.Then, he called his cronies.

"Get ready for trouble!"


Under the city of Taiyuan.

Zhao Haiping looked at the impenetrable Taiyuan City, commanding the battle while chatting with General Deng Yuanjing.

"General Deng, how many days do you think Taiyuan City will be destroyed?"

General Deng Yuanjing thought for a while: "Within three days."

Zhao Haiping smiled slightly: "I think so too!"

From Qin Huizhi's point of view, the war between the Zhaoyi army and the Jinren would inevitably be delayed for a long time, and it would not be possible to end within a year or so.

But in the eyes of Zhao Haiping and General Deng Yuanjing, this is definitely not the case.

Perhaps it would be a little more troublesome to fight Yanyun, and it would take three to five months, or one or two months, but the fight against Taiyuan and Zhending Mansion should be a quick victory.

The soldiers of the Zhaoyi Army were given the fields, and they had conducted countless special trainings on weekdays. Whether it was field battles or sieges, they all had very strong combat effectiveness.

During this time, Zhao Haiping was also asking craftsmen to build a large number of siege equipment.

But this is not the most important reason.

The most important reason is that this is the old place of the Qi Dynasty, and the people's hearts want it!
When the Jin people broke through Taiyuan City, they almost slaughtered the people in the city, making Taiyuan almost a dead city.

But after the Jin people ruled Taiyuan, as an important strategic location, it was inevitable to move a large number of people into it.

Again, the number of Jin people is relatively small, and there are various other ethnic groups under their rule. Moreover, in order to build the city and maintain the daily needs of the city, the Jin people still have to drive the Qi Dynasty people from other places in the north. Enrich the town, or do hard labor, or do business, in short, there are still many Qi Dynasty people in the city.

And these people, like the rebels everywhere, were hoping that General Han Fuyue could fight over as soon as possible.

Therefore, the Taiyuan City defended by the Jin people is far from the same as the Taiyuan City in the Qi Dynasty, where the army and the people are united.

The strongest cities are often breached from within.

On the first day, the Zhaoyi army attacked fiercely, and the Jin people in the city fought bravely. They repelled the Zhaoyi army's attacks many times, but failed to achieve much results.

On the second day, riots began to break out in the city, and the Jin people had to divide their troops to suppress them.

On the third day, in the chaos, there was a gap in the city defense of the Jin people. The people in the city opened the city gate, and the commander of Zhaoyi army drove straight in.

That night, Taiyuan recovered.


One south and one north, two places that originally belonged to the territory of the Qi Dynasty, have completely changed into two different states at this time.

To the north of the Huaihe River, in the area ruled by the Zhaoyi Army, the people enthusiastically supported the Northern Expedition, not only in the daily taxes collected, but also many people spontaneously pushed carts to transport food to the front line.

In the rear, after the land was divided, the enthusiasm of the people was also very high. The construction of water conservancy and the reclamation of farmland were a scene of enthusiasm.

However, in the south of the Yangtze River, the capital of the Qi Dynasty was still safe and sound, but in the countryside, there were many hungry people displaced by heavy and exorbitant taxes.

In the capital, there are Yingyingyanyanyan, prosperous and prosperous.The storyteller in the teahouse was talking about the excitement of General Han Fuyue swearing in the Northern Expedition and recovering the old land.

In the palace, a violent turmoil started again.


In the palace, Qi Yingzong hastily summoned a minister.

Chen Yuanshan, the Taiwei in front of the palace.

This is the one who sent the edict to General Han Fuyue before.

In fact, there were still many ministers in the court who were not used to Qin Huizhi, such as Zhang Deyuan who often contradicted Qin Huizhi.But it is a pity that these ministers were also purged during Qi Yingzong's accession to the throne.

At this time, Qi Yingzong looked around and found that the court was full of Qin Huizhi's henchmen, and among the higher-ranking officials, there was only Chen Yuanshan, so he could trust him a little bit.

This Chen Yuanshan is a person who is better at protecting himself wisely, and he was not completely cleaned out by Qin Huizhi.At the same time, he had met General Han Fuyue, which was also very important.

"Officials!" Chen Yuanshan also vaguely realized that this time the emperor had something very important to ask him.

Qi Yingzong looked around and confirmed that he was not being watched by the eunuchs placed by Qin Huizhi. Then he said in a low voice: "Chen Taiwei! Put this thing away and go to the north quickly to find the Zhaoyi Army!"

Chen Yuanshan took something from Qi Yingzong's hand, looked at it carefully, and instantly turned pale with shock: "This, official, this is the clothes belt edict!"

Qi Yingzong's expression was terrified and he was at a loss: "Let General Han Fuyue come to obey the order to hunt down the thieves!"

Chen Yuanshan looked distressed: "But, General Han..."

Qi Yingzong shook his head slightly: "I don't care about that much anymore! Even if it's a risk, it's better than ruining the Qi Dynasty right now!

"Then Qin Huizhi is already plotting against him at this time. I am not afraid of death, but, how can the Qi Dynasty be killed by me?"

Chen Yuanshan was silent, and finally put the clothes and belt into his sleeves, prostrating himself on the ground: "I will fulfill my mission!"

Chen Yuanshan naturally knew that the success rate of Qi Yingzong's method was extremely low, and there might even be a risk of attracting wolves into the house.


At this moment, Qi Yingzong, does he have any other options?
Qin Huizhi was already conspiring to rebel, and it was impossible to keep such a big matter completely secret.Although Qi Yingzong was put under semi-house arrest and closely monitored, it was impossible for Qin Huizhi to completely prevent any ministers from visiting him, and he had not yet reached that stage.

And once Qi Yingzong is completely put under house arrest, the final usurpation of the throne will not be far away.

Qi Yingzong felt this exactly, so he came up with this method when he was desperate.

General Han Fuyue was summoned to lead the Zhaoyi army into King Qin of Jing.

To be honest, the Zhaoyi Army is indeed no longer under the control of the Qi Dynasty.After occupying the former land of the Qi Dynasty in the north, the Zhaoyi Army recruited refugees, divided the land, and changed the tax laws of the Qi Dynasty, eliminating the official system of the Qi Dynasty... In short, it was completely a separatist force.

Only in name, it is still an army under Qi Chao.

Under such circumstances, General Han Fuyue can ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor immediately with just one shout.

But Qi Yingzong would rather let General Han Fuyue come.

Because General Han Fuyue at least publicly admitted that he was a subject of the Qi Dynasty, but Qin Huizhi was about to rebel and usurp the throne!
The lesser of two evils, can't you only choose General Han Fuyue?
Take a step back and consider the worst plan, if both of them want to usurp the throne.

Then, if General Han Fuyue usurped the throne, he might still have his own life, but if Qin Hui usurped the throne, he would definitely die.

No matter how you think about it, General Han Fuyue is much more reliable than Qin Huizhi.

And if General Han Fuyue really came to King Qin, Qin Huizhi's power would inevitably be loosened due to the power struggle between the two sides. Maybe he, the emperor, could take the opportunity to find a way out.

In short, this is the last resort for Qi Yingzong who does not want to sit still.

Chen Yuanshan left in a hurry.

Three days later, Qin Huizhi announced to the outside world that Qi Yingzong was ill and unable to handle the government affairs, and was recuperating in the palace.

All major affairs in the court are decided by Qin Hui's words.


Under Yanjing City.

After days of fierce fighting, the city of Yanjing was filled with corpses, which was very tragic.

It's just that Zhao Haiping looked at this majestic city, but he didn't discuss the specific siege plan with General Deng Yuanjing, but talked about the history of the city.

After all, the plan for the siege has been formulated, and all the preparations that should be made have been done.Whether or not Yanjing City can be conquered at this time depends entirely on willpower and hard power.

Numerous soldiers climbed up the city wall with ladders, while trebuchets threw stones at the city behind them, and the rams, escorted by shield soldiers, moved towards the city gate.

Zhao Haiping said with emotion: "Every time I read the history of the Qi Dynasty, Yan Yun is always a hurdle that I can't get around.

"The three-dimensional defense line formed by the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun is a barrier for the entire northern border. Once Yanyun is gone, the cavalry of the northern barbarians can drive straight in without any terrain to stop them.

"It's like 'If you defend the river, you must defend the Huai River'. The reason is that there is a dense water network between the Yangtze River and the Huai River, which can effectively block the barbarian cavalry. The same is true for Yanyun.

"The Qi Dynasty has not had Yanyun since the founding of the country, and the subsequent several military campaigns have all ended in failure. Many people always say that when they talk about why the Qi Dynasty has been defeated repeatedly, it is because Yanyun was not in the Qi Dynasty. hands.

"However, there was the Liang Dynasty in the past, and the Dasheng Dynasty in the future. Which dynasty has Yanyun in its hands since its establishment? Isn't every inch of territory fought for with blood and sweat?

"Only in the Qi Dynasty, there was already a twilight phase at the beginning of the founding of the country.

"General Deng, in your opinion, do you think the Qi Dynasty has a chance to recover Yanyun?"

After General Deng Yuanjing wiped out the bandits, he basically spent the rest of his life defending against the northern barbarians in the north, so he naturally knew the terrain in the north like the palm of his hand.

Moreover, General Deng Yuanjing is also an excellent strategist. He likes to read military books and history, so he naturally has very unique insights in this regard.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Of course there are opportunities, and more than once.

"The first opportunity was Emperor Sejong's personal conquest in the Later Zhou Dynasty. At that time, the army went all the way to the city of Youzhou. However, when the two sides were about to engage in a strategic decisive battle, Sejong of the Later Zhou Dynasty fell ill, and finally failed.

"The second chance was when the Qi Dynasty was first established. Emperor Taizu could also choose not to wipe out the southern countries, but to go north to attack Yanyun. At that time, the Liao Kingdom was in power and the country was in chaos. However, the Taizu of the Qi Dynasty still He believed that the Liao Kingdom was powerful and could not be confronted head-on, and set a strategy of 'first south and then north, first easy and then difficult'.

"But it was this strategy that caused Qi Taizu to lose an excellent opportunity to recover Yanyun. Because after the Qi Dynasty wiped out the small southern countries, the officials of the Liao Kingdom killed the king and changed the emperor, and the political situation was on the right track.

"Actually, at that time, if we could recover Yanyun in one go, and then go back to attack the small countries in the south, wouldn't we be wiped out immediately?
"I think back then, although the emperor Taizu of the Dasheng Dynasty followed the strategy of 'building high walls, accumulating food widely, and slowly becoming king', he was never ambiguous when it was time to fight a tough battle. Although the Dasheng Dynasty was just established, he conquered the northern barbarians several times. It can be said to be extremely decisive, and this is how the martial arts and martial arts of the founding of the Dasheng Dynasty were achieved.

"If my dynasty Taizu also thinks that we should 'first the south and then the north, and the easy before the difficult', I am afraid that once the strategic window is lost, it will become even more difficult to regain the north."

General Deng Yuanjing paused for a while, and continued: "When the third chance comes, it will be Qi Taizong's Northern Expedition.

"At that time, the Liao Kingdom had ended its civil strife and recovered quickly. Qi Taizong was not good at using troops. After being unable to attack for a long time, he lost a complete defeat in the field battle, and directly leaked his own old background.

"The fourth chance is to unite Jin to destroy Liao.

"Originally the Jin people attacked the Liao Kingdom in the north, and the Qi Dynasty could send troops to attack Yanyun. At that time, what the elite Qi army faced was just some remnants and defeated generals of the Liao Kingdom.

"However, the Qi army's military discipline was abolished. After taking Yanjing, they burned, killed and looted wantonly, which attracted the attention of the soldiers and people in the city, and drove the Qi army out. Then, when the reinforcements from the Liao Kingdom arrived, they were defeated again.

"Since then, the people of Jin have also seen clearly the true face of the Qi Dynasty, and only then did the Jingping change take place.

"From this point of view, the Qi Dynasty missed four opportunities to take back Yanyun. In the final analysis, it is still a human problem.

"Taizu Taizong's strategic ability is insufficient, and he did not seize the best opportunity; his military command ability is not good, and he cannot win tough battles; his internal affairs and civil politics are also not good. Can't catch it.

"No matter how strong the Liao and Jin Dynasties are, how can they be stronger than the Northern Man?

"When I went to the north of the Taizu, although I captured Shandong, most of the north was still in the hands of the northern barbarians. In order to be safe, the Emperor Taizu first attacked Henan, then entered Tongguan, and cut off all the branches around Dadu. Only one battle can decide the world.

"The fact is true, after leveling the surroundings, it took only one month to conquer Dadu.

"The so-called Jincheng Tangchi, in the final analysis, still has to be defended by people. The general situation has been established, and there is always a way to attack a mere city.

"It's a pity that although the Qi Dynasty holds many important places such as Shandong and Henan in its hands, it is helpless with Yanyun."

Zhao Haiping nodded: "General Deng is right.

"In fact, the more I experience it, the more I feel that history is often composed of a lot of accidents.

"Take Qi Chao's missed four chances as an example. Which one is not a failure? Which one is not a sigh? Even if luck is a little bit better, the result is likely to be different.

"So... I can't miss another fifth chance."

Zhao Haiping looked at the walls of Yanjing City: "Actually, the Qi Dynasty still has a fifth chance to recover Yanyun, and that is now.

"General Han Fuyue was invincible at first, winning consecutive battles, but he was unjustly killed by Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi. Since then, the Qi Dynasty has moved to the south of the Yangtze River, and no longer considers the Northern Expedition.

"Even the former capital has never been taken back, and the Yellow River has never been seen again, let alone Yanyun.

"But in fact, there is an excellent strategic window at this time, and that is... the death of Wan Yansheng.

"After the death of Emperor Taizong of the Jin Kingdom, Jin Xizong came to power. Wan Yansheng was in charge of the government and launched a war against the Qi Dynasty, while Jin Xizong was in charge of the government.

"It's just that Jin Xizong didn't have the ability to govern the country. First, he fully relied on Wan Yansheng, living a graceful and luxurious emperor's life carefree, and didn't think about making progress; but after Wan Yansheng died, he began to be in a state of panic all day long. Queen's power.

"Jin Xizong was addicted to alcohol, killed ministers without authorization, was moody, and betrayed his relatives. In the end, he was assassinated by Wanyan Hailing and others.

"Afterwards, Wanyan Hailing became extremely tyrannical and went south again, but was killed by his subordinates. After Wanyan Hailing's death, Jin Shizong, who ascended to the throne, was also the most famous emperor in the Kingdom of Jin, known as 'Little Yaoshun'. At this point, the Qi Dynasty's strategic window period is completely gone.

"So, this fifth chance is now.

"Wan Yansheng is too old and sick to use the army, and he died less than a year ago; Jin Xizong ignored the government, and Wanyan Hailing conspired to seize power. The entire Jin Kingdom is at its most vulnerable time.

"However, the original Qi Dynasty not only failed to seize this strategic window, but instead unjustly killed General Han Fuyue, and sat back and watched Jin Guo recover its strength.

"From this point of view, Qi Gaozong is a sinner through the ages!
"When China needed heroes the most, he killed them abruptly.

"Just being poisoned, it's a bit cheap for him.

"But it's okay, when I take down Yanyun and destroy the Kingdom of Jin, I still have a chance to go back and open the coffin to kill the corpse."

General Deng Yuanjing was silent, and he didn't know what to say when speaking about the danger of a courtier who wanted to open the emperor's coffin and kill his body.

At this moment, a soldier came to report: "General! There is a Chen Taiwei from the Qi Dynasty who has come to the army, saying that he brought the emperor's secret edict, and asked to see the general!"

Zhao Haiping was silent for a moment: "Let him wait in the camp."


That night, the army returned to camp.

Although it is an excellent window to capture Yanyun at this time, it is a strong city after all, and it will take more than a month to take it down no matter how fast it is.

After fighting for days, the soldiers were exhausted and suffered a lot of damage.Still have to seize the time to rest.

Returning to the big tent of the Chinese army, Zhao Haiping saw the former imperial lieutenant Chen Yuanshan again.

It's just that the last time I saw him, it was Qi Gaozong who sent him to send the edict of Zhao'an, but this time when we met again, it was Qi Yingzong who sent him to send the edict of clothes and belts.

"General Han, please take the country of the Qi Dynasty as your heart, and the people of the world as your heart, and send troops to serve the king!"

Chen Yuanshan's words were so earnest that he almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Zhao Haiping read the clothes belt edict several times, and said calmly: "Chen Taiwei, if the Zhaoyi army withdraws at this time, and the great cause of recovering Yanyun will be ruined once again."

Chen Yuanshan hurriedly said: "General Han!

"But Qin Huizhi is plotting to usurp the throne at this time, and the officials have been placed under house arrest by him, and his life may be in danger soon!

"General Han uses his troops like a god, and Yan Yun will be able to recover in the future. But if we don't go to Qin Wang now, the country of our Qi Dynasty, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

Zhao Haiping looked at it, with a strange look on his face: "Could it be that the state of the Qi Dynasty is more important than recovering Yanyun?
"Without Yanyun, the people of the northern lands would be under the iron hooves of the barbarians all the time, either being plundered or killed, and they would never sleep peacefully.

"During the time of war and chaos in the north, the officials were singing and dancing in the capital, but have you ever thought that the common people are worthy of the state, and the officials... dare to say that they are worthy of the common people?"

Zhao Haiping's words made Chen Yuanshan speechless.

Yes, what face do you have to beg General Han Fuyue to serve the king?
The Jingping change was brought about by the two wonderful emperors Qi Huizong and Qi Yingzong.

They were taken captive to the Kingdom of Jin to be humiliated, it was indeed miserable.But they are the culprits of the Jingping Change.How innocent are the common people, wanting to be killed wantonly by the Jin people?
They can still be alive, and they can still eat well. What about the people who were massacred or starved to death?

As for Qi Gaozong, he insisted on calling back General Han Fuyue even after he was victorious, and even negotiated peace with the Jin people, so that Qin Huizhi would be in charge of the court.

The reason why Qin Huizhi was able to get to the point where he is seeking to usurp the throne today is that Emperor Gaozong had to blame himself?

Emperor Gaozong had been poisoned and now it was Emperor Yingzong's turn.

These two people are indeed undisputed emperors in the legal system, but for the common people... they can only say that they deserve it.

And General Han Fuyue's recovery of Yanyun at this time is obviously much more important than rescuing Qi Yingzong.

Chen Yuanshan panicked: "General Han, what can we do about this matter?"

In fact, Zhao Haiping had already planned in his heart, after all, Qin Huizhi's usurpation of the throne was also instigated by him.

But at this time, he still pretended to think about it, and then said: "Actually, this matter is far less serious than you think.

"Chen Taiwei, you have the clothes belt edict in your hand, you should find King Qin, the commander of the Qi Dynasty's imperial army. Although Qin Huizhi has power in the court, among the warriors, there are not a few people who hate him.

"In this way, in order to ensure the safety of Taiwei Chen, I would like to lend you five thousand elite soldiers to keep you safe. At the same time, I also have some friendship with the military generals of the court, so I edited a few letters and stated my interests.

"At that time, please trouble Chen Taiwei to go around and call on these generals to go to Beijing to serve the king and kill Qin Huizhi. In this way, we can get the best of both worlds!"

Chen Taiwei couldn't help being overjoyed: "It's so good! Then there will be General Lao!"

Zhao Haiping turned around and smiled, fetched a pen and paper, and quickly wrote a letter.

This letter was written to some warriors he knew who were loyal to the Qi Dynasty.

Although Qin Huizhi has power in the government and the public, he keeps replacing important government positions with his own people, and keeps suppressing generals, but it is unrealistic to want to replace all the generals in the Qi Dynasty.

Many generals among them are still waiting and watching.

Of course they could not accept Qin Hui's usurpation of the throne, but they could not resist on their own.

Because once the resistance is very likely to be charged with treason, it will be quickly extinguished.

But now, Yi Dai Zhao, General Han's letter, and the elite soldiers who protected Chen Taiwei...all made it possible for Chen Taiwei to form an army against Qin Huizhi.

(End of this chapter)

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