My players are all actors

Chapter 282 Clear the Ultimate Trial!

Chapter 282 Clear the Ultimate Trial!

Of course, the so-called "huge" refers to the Qi army.

For the Qi army who had never seen anything in the world at this time, the destructive power caused by this shell was already terrifying.

The lethality of solid shells is limited, but the city defenses of Yanjing City at this time are far from being comparable to the thick city walls built in the Dasheng Dynasty that are more than ten meters thick and use glutinous rice as adhesive, so this cannon will still explode. There was a gap nearly the size of a person.

Brick chips flew around the city wall, and the shock was clearly transmitted to the surroundings. The Jin defenders on the city were even shaken to the point where they couldn't stand still.

This kind of terrifying power has surpassed the previous return cannon, and even far surpassed all current siege equipment.

In contrast, the stones thrown by the previous man-made trebuchets are like tickling.

It's just that for players like Li Hongyun, this power is still much worse than the hot weapons of later generations.

But considering that "Dark Sand" is a historical game after all, it can only be tolerated.

It's almost done, you can't really rub a nuclear bomb with your hands and send it to the monster, can you?Then the style of the game has changed.

The joyful look on General Han Fuyue's face became more intense: "Good!

"With such a magical weapon, why worry that Yanjing City will not be captured? In a few days, it will be enough to conquer this strong city!
"Keep firing at the city wall!"

During the siege, there were very few siege battles that actually broke through the city gate, and in most cases the breakthrough was opened from the city wall.

Because the city gate is by no means just two thin wooden doors. Behind the heavy wooden doors, there are often heavy gates weighing several thousand catties wrapped in solid wood, firmly embedded in the grooves of the city wall, and controlled by winches.

What's more, there are urn cities behind the gates of many strong cities. Even if the gates are breached, they will face the dilemma of "catch the turtle in the urn".

In this case, storming a certain section of the city wall is a more cost-effective choice.

General Han Fuyue was naturally able to clearly judge the situation at this time: With such a magical cannon, it only needs to fire at a certain section of the city wall one after another. The soldiers don't need to attack at all. That's it.

If the enemy dares to fight in the field, then General Han Fuyue can directly kill and injure the vital forces of the Jin people in the field; After the city wall, rush directly into the gap.

In the process of artillery bombardment, the Jinren were almost helpless and had nothing to do.

Li Hongyun and other players looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"How many days?
"No, General Han.

"Breaking Yanjing City is today!"

As soon as he turned his head, more cannons were pulled up!
Every Magic Machine player supervised the construction of a cannon, which was then brought to the battlefield together.

Moreover, these officials from the Ministry of Industry secretly took out a few small cannons from nowhere!

The size of these small cannons is not too big, and there are two legs in front, a bit like a tiger squatting, like a mortar of later generations.

This is the tiger crouching cannon after being transformed by the magic machine player!
The gun barrel of this kind of artillery is slender. Although the range is not far, it can only hit about 500 meters, but it only weighs more than 30 catties.

This was originally a big killer that General Deng Yuanjing used to defend against bandits in the late Dasheng Dynasty. At this time, it appeared on the battlefield of the Qi Dynasty ahead of time.

Of course, these magic machine players choose it, on the one hand, because it has a wide range of applications, and can play a certain role in both siege and field battles, and on the other hand, because of its small size, it can just fit in the magic machine. In the receiver, take it with you.

The magic machine players each have a cannon and a tiger crouching cannon.

The cannon needs to be used by many soldiers, but these players still need to adjust the angle, and after the soldiers have finished cleaning the gun chamber, loading the shells, etc., start the fire by themselves.

Because magic machine players have exclusive talents, when using these cannons in person, both accuracy and safety will be greatly improved.

As for those tiger crouching cannons, they were also placed aside in advance.

These tiger squat guns are not intended to be used directly to attack the city, because the range is shorter than the cannon, and the damage to the city wall is minimal.They serve other purposes.

The muzzles of several cannons were all aimed at the same section of the city wall.


With one order, the artillery fires!

The heavy solid shells came out of the chamber with a roar, flew out with a whistling sound, and kept hitting similar positions on the same section of the city wall!

It is impossible to accurately hit all the breaches, and the artillery at this time is not so accurate.But with the talent and technology of the magic machine players, these shells still landed within a few meters of the city wall.

Make the already shaken city wall even worse!

Stone chips flew, bricks fell, and some golden soldiers were desperately trying to move stones, bricks, and wood in the city to block the gap, but they were hit directly by the shells flying from behind, smashing their bodies to pieces , Limbs flying around.

Under this kind of fire suppression, no matter whether it is a brick or a human body, it will only collapse!
Soon, under the concentrated attack of the artillery, the gap on the city wall began to continue to expand.From a gap that only allowed one person to pass through, it became a huge gap that several people could pass through.

And to blow down the entire city wall, it only takes a few more rounds of volleys.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound from the city gate.

The heavy gate was slowly raised!

Immediately afterwards, a large number of golden soldiers filed out!

There are a large number of heavy cavalry in front, light cavalry cover on both wings, and a large number of infantry behind.

After these golden soldiers rushed out, the Qianjin gate was quickly lowered, and the suspension bridge was raised again.

And they all have a faint demonic energy lingering around them.

General Han Fuyue couldn't help but look solemn: "Protect the artillery!"

Obviously, these golden soldiers rushed out of the city gate with only one purpose, which was to destroy the Qi army's artillery as much as possible.

In the current situation, if the Qi army's artillery is allowed to continue to bombard, it will be a matter of time before the city wall falls.Therefore, going out of the city and destroying the artillery at this time is the only chance for the Jin people to win.

Moreover, these golden soldiers have been strengthened by monsters. Although they are not completely fearless like the golden soldiers who were directly possessed by monsters in the Sequencer Expedition, their fighting will is far stronger than ordinary golden soldiers.

After the golden man left the city, he immediately lowered the Qianjin gate, which meant that this golden soldier was a death squad, and they had no intention of going back alive.

But the players had obviously expected the Jinren's eagerness to jump over the wall.

"General Han, tell the soldiers to back up a bit and stand up for us!
"Let's deal with these golden soldiers!"

The players handed the cannons to other Qi soldiers to continue attacking the city walls.And I adjusted the position of the tiger squatting cannon, aiming at the golden soldier who was rushing towards me.


"Boom! Boom!"

The tiger squat guns of the players fired one after another!
A large number of lead bullets were ejected from the tiger squatting gun. These lead bullets were compacted in layers. There was a large lead bullet in front of several layers of small lead bullets, which was sprayed out instantly like a shotgun. The squatting guns formed a terrifying firepower net!
The heavy cavalry of the Jinren were still charging, but they were hit head-to-head by lead bullets, and the horses wailed in an instant, and they fell down one after another.

The tiger crouching gun is especially suitable for dealing with the enemy's dense formation, effectively suppressing its crazy offensive.

And after such a round of cavalry and shooting, even the golden soldiers strengthened by the monsters have collapsed in formation and are in a mess.

General Han Fuyue saw the timing and decisively ordered: "Come on!"

The cavalry troops of the Qi army attacked like a whirlwind, and directly ate up the remnants of these golden men.

In the process, the heavy artillery was still bombarding the city wall non-stop, and a large section of the city wall had already collapsed.

And the golden soldiers deployed on that section of the city wall also suffered heavy losses, not to mention blocking the line of defense, they did not dare to collect the corpses of friendly troops.


The soldiers of the Qi army couldn't wait any longer, and they rushed up at the moment the artillery stopped firing, and stormed towards the gap in the city wall!
The Jinren also reacted quickly and re-armed, but at the position of the gap, the strength of the two sides was no longer proportional.

Qi Jun rushed into the city directly and continuously in one go!
And the magic machine players headed by Li Hongyun wanted to proudly put their hands on their hips while cleaning up the cannons on the battlefield.

Look, look!
This is the magic machine player!
Compared with the chicness of cavalry players, magic machine players can exert more powerful combat effectiveness in this stage of siege warfare.

Not only can you cast and command soldiers to use powerful artillery to attack the city, but you can also carry tiger squatting guns with you to bombard the enemy's dense formation to your heart's content.

Of course, God Machine players are not omnipotent. The artillery they develop in the ultimate trial cannot surpass the current technological level by much, and they need the support of various financial resources.If you can't be in a high position, mobilize a lot of resources, and guarantee a certain amount of research and development time, you won't be able to produce these artillery.

In this historical slice, all kinds of conditions are just met, and the magic machine player can play such a big role.

But in any case, being able to play such a huge role in the ultimate trial is already very exciting for the magic machine players.

"We're going too!"

Li Hongyun and other magic machine players put away their tiger squatting guns one after another, and followed the Qi army to climb the city.

Then, step by step, after the Qi army occupied the high terrain in the city, they deployed artillery to provide fire support for the Qi army.

The sixteen prefectures of Yanyun came down with one drum.


After recovering Yanyun Sixteen States, General Han Fuyue's army was stationed.

This time the Qi Dynasty did not repeat the previous mistakes, did not wantonly burn, kill and loot, and did not arouse fierce resistance from the people in the city.

General Han Fuyue's strict military discipline and strong combat power led the troops to "do not demolish houses to death from freezing, and do not plunder to death from starvation", so that no major turmoil broke out in the newly recovered city.

Immediately afterwards, the imperial edict of the Qi Dynasty arrived, reducing taxes and appeasing people's hearts. The order of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun stabilized and was gradually digested by the Qi Dynasty.

After resting, General Han Fuyue continued to march northward, destroying the Kingdom of Jin in one fell swoop.

Then, General Han Fuyue returned in triumph.


At the banquet, the officials of the DPRK and China, General Han Fuyue and the lieutenant general of the army drank heavily, and the scene was very happy.

Li Hongyun and other magic machine players boasted about their huge role in conquering Yanjing City, which made many players have the idea of ​​wanting to be a magic machine identity.

Qin Huizhi, played by Chu Ge, came to General Han Fuyue with a wine glass.

"General Han, the truth is in the rear to supervise the transportation of food, grass and military resources for you, isn't it good?"

General Han Fuyue lost his initial anger, and said respectfully: "The success of this Northern Expedition all depends on the stability of the rear, so that the general can concentrate on the frontline war.

"So this time the Northern Expedition was successful, Prime Minister Qin should be the first to contribute.

"I was the one who blamed Mr. Qin in the past.

"From now on, there will be no more wars in the world, and this general will finally be able to disarm and return to his fields."

General Han Fuyue was as humble as ever.

Chu Ge laughed: "That's not necessary, you didn't misjudge me before.

"Besides, it's probably too early for General Han to disarm and return to the fields?"

General Han Fuyue was stunned for a moment: "What's the meaning of Prime Minister Qin? The golden captives have been pacified, Yan Yun has been restored, this world is already in a peaceful and prosperous age, and the world is bright and bright. The last general, a warrior, what else can he do besides disarming and returning to the fields?"

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "General Han's words are wrong.

"Will the warriors have nothing to do in the peaceful and prosperous age? You can go one step further and add a yellow robe."

Han Fuyue was shocked: "Qin Prime Minister, don't joke! The last general is so loyal, how dare he commit such a great crime of treason?"

Chu Ge laughed: "It's just a joke, it's okay, it's okay."

In fact, the players present really hope that General Han Fuyue can seek to usurp the throne and directly seize the Qi Dynasty.

After all, it is much better for General Han Fuyue to be the emperor than Qi Gaozong and his gang of cheaters.

But after all, this is the real General Han Fuyue in history. He really has no intention of treason, so naturally he can't force it.

Chu Ge had a drink and continued: "General Han, it is a bit too optimistic to say that the world will be fine and he will be dismissed and returned to the fields.

"General Han has a poem, do you still remember the content? It seems that you haven't finished the content yet?"

General Han Fuyue nodded: "Of course I remember.

"Jing Ping's shame, it's still not snowing, and the courtiers' hatred, when will it disappear. Wait for the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky.

"It's just that Jingping's shame has been cleared at this time, the old mountains and rivers have been cleaned up, and the Sixteen Youyun Prefectures that neither Taizu nor Taizong have ever taken back have also been taken back.

"Is it all done?"

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "Is there another sentence in it: drive a long car to break through the gap in Helan Mountain?"

General Han Fuyue was taken aback: "...Yes."

Chu Ge asked, "Where is Helan Mountain?"

General Han Fuyue was silent for a moment: "In Xixia."

Chu Ge asked again: "There is another sentence, the ambition eats the meat of the Hulu hungry, and laughs and talks about drinking the blood of the Huns thirsty. Where are the Huns?"

General Han Fuyue: "In the depths of... Mobei."

Chu Ge nodded: "That's right, Beiman will rise soon."

In real history, the Northern Barbarians rose about 40 years after the death of General Han Fuyue.

Even if General Han Fuyue did not die unjustly at the age of 39, it is unlikely that he would live to the day when the Beiman really rose.

However, he can plan ahead.

Consolidate the army to prepare for war, continue to train troops, strengthen the military force of the Qi Dynasty, and leave more generals for future generations.

They even directly led troops into Mobei, and continued to attack the northern barbarian tribes that are still nomadic, cutting off the possibility of their rise.

As for stepping through Helan Mountain, attacking Xixia and the like, it's even more out of the question.

General Han Fuyue couldn't help but be very high-spirited: "Okay! Let me borrow Qin Xiangji's words! The final general will definitely go through fire and water, and he will not hesitate!"

He paused, and suddenly thought of a very important matter.

It stands to reason that this matter should have been kept in his heart and missed all the time, but for some reason, the battle on the front line was tight, so he forgot it.

When I returned to the capital at this time, I always felt that something was missing during the banquet, and it was only at this time that I suddenly realized it.

"Qin Xiang!
"Since I returned to Beijing last time, I haven't seen the current official family again.

"The official... what happened to him at this time?"

This matter has been lingering in General Han Fuyue's mind, obviously not asking questions.

Chu Ge gave General Han Fuyue a meaningful look, and asked, "General Han really wants to know?"

General Han Fuyue nodded: "Of course! As a subject, how can you not care about the official's health?"

Chu Ge thought for a while: "Okay, then I invite General Han to come with me."

The two left the banquet and entered the palace in a carriage.

In a side hall, General Han Fuyue saw Qi Gaozong lying on the bed and being served by several young eunuchs.

I saw that there were still bruises on his face, and he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his whole body was covered with bandages, which was not beneficial to the vegetative state, and he could not move at all.

General Han Fuyue couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "The official's injury is so serious?

"The golden envoy... What a ruthless hand!
"It's a pity that he is already dead, otherwise the general will definitely tear him into pieces!"

Chu Ge coughed twice: "Ahem, it is indeed a heinous crime. But General Han, don't worry, the Jin envoy has been beaten to death in the court hall, and his body is hung on the city gate. The official's loyalty to the country is a worthy death. "Oh no, I've done my best."

General Han Fuyue frowned, and after observing carefully, he said, "But why is there still blood oozing under the official's bandage?"

You must know that the beating of people by the Jin envoy was already a matter before the Northern Expedition, and more than half a year had passed by this time.

Why is Qi Gaozong still bleeding now?
Chu Ge was silent for a moment: "This... the Jinren wanted to assassinate the official, so he must have sent a martial arts master.

"These martial arts masters often have internal strength, and when they strike down with a palm, the fur on the surface is not broken, but they have already suffered serious internal injuries.

"Although the officials have been recuperating, internal injuries are difficult to treat after all, so there are often blood oozing out."

General Han Fuyue frowned, apparently not quite believing this statement.

martial arts master?Internal strength?
He has heard of this kind of thing before, but first, he has been in the army for so long, and he has seen so-called martial arts masters, but he has never seen any one with internal strength; second, even martial arts masters, It should also be a master of the Qi Dynasty, why should the Jin people have martial arts masters?

But doubts are doubts, and he can't think of other possibilities.

Anyway, after the official was paralyzed in bed, nothing was delayed, so it didn't matter.

I even feel in my heart that without this official family, the government orders are smoother than before, the logistics are sufficient, and the whole country is thriving.

Chu Ge said: "General Han, before I leave, I will clear the way for you.

"When the time comes, whether you want to be an important assistant minister or the founding king of the country will be in your mind."

General Han Fuyue was taken aback: "Before you leave? What does Prime Minister Qin mean?"

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "You will know soon.

"General Han, I am very glad to be able to fight side by side with you. I hope that you will become a heroic spirit in the future, and we will have the opportunity to fight together."


Chu Ge and other players are about to complete the ultimate trial.

And before they leave, they have to deal with the funeral.

Because Emperor Gaozong of Qi was injured by the dark power of the Jin envoy, he was unable to govern, so the important officials headed by Qin Huizhi regarded him as the Supreme Emperor and supported the crown prince to ascend the throne.

This prince is Emperor Xiaozong.

Of course, at this time, Emperor Xiaozong had not been established as the crown prince, and it was a full 20 years earlier than when he actually ascended the throne.

When he came to the throne, he was only 15 years old.

But these are not a problem in the eyes of Chu Ge and other players who cover the sky with one hand.

After Emperor Xiaozong came to the throne, he really did not violate his "filial piety" personality, and served beside Qi Gaozong day and night, taking good care of him.

This makes it a pity for many players who still want to beat Qi Gaozong again, it is not easy to do it.

But Qi Gaozong is already a vegetable at this time, so forget it.

Then, the players headed by Chu Ge began to consciously hand over the affairs of state to General Han Fuyue, allowing him to hold the power.

As for the future, is General Han Fuyue going to be a loyal minister of the Qi Dynasty and assist Qi Xiaozong?Or directly usurp the throne and become the Taizu emperor himself?
Then let General Han Fuyue decide for himself.

Afterwards, the players committed suicide collectively in the mansion.

Anyway, whether it is taking poison, hanging or committing suicide, the players are already familiar with it.

They just used the bodies of these officials and gave them high positions of authority.If you just leave like this, when these officials wake up, they might mess around.

Therefore, it is better to cut the weeds and root out the roots, and kill them all!
And after all this was done, the entire slice of history began to rumble and vibrate.

Everything in the history slice started to reverse rapidly, and then turned forward again.

The players saw the real history, saw Han Fuyue's grief and indignation when he died in an unjust prison, and saw Qin Huizhi's success as a villain, but soon, the historical trend played by the players was displayed in front of everyone.

And as General Han Fuyue, supported by the players, led the elite Qi army to go deep into Mobei and attack the northern barbarians, those two words came to their hearts involuntarily.

Thirty fame dust and soil.

Eight thousand miles of road, cloud and moon!
A line of system prompts appeared in everyone's field of vision.

[Ultimate Trial: Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon]

【Clearance! 】

[The historical slice occupied by demons has been conquered! 】

[But the battle is not over yet. 】

[The barrier of this historical slice has been broken, and the power of the sorter can penetrate into this slice, but the demon will not hand over control of this historical slice so easily. 】

[The Fortress of the Sequencer has been successfully connected to the historical slice. 】

[Resist the attack of monsters and wipe out all the monsters in this historical slice! 】

(End of this chapter)

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