My players are all actors

Chapter 317 Jedi Counterattack

Chapter 317 Jedi Counterattack
Li Hongyun looked at the light spot representing the King of Qin, left from the Palace of the King of Qin, and entered the Tai Chi Hall.

For King Qin, tonight was obviously the most dangerous night in his life.

And the first dilemma he has to solve is the astronomical event of "Taibai Jingtian".

Sure enough, as soon as Liang Gaozu saw the King of Qin, he immediately asked him angrily: "The Taishi Order wrote a letter, Taibai sees Qin's division, and the King of Qin should have the world. What does it mean!"

The King of Qin immediately knelt down on the ground: "Father has learned from you, but I really don't know! My son has always been loyal to Father, how could he have the intention of taking over the world!"

However, such rhetoric obviously could not satisfy Liang Gaozu.

King Qin obviously had no choice but to play the emotional card, hoping to impress Liang Gaozu.

Li Hongyun, who was watching from the third perspective, couldn't help frowning slightly.

Obviously, King Qin's behavior here was also buried in the game "Dark Sand".

If Li Hongyun sat idly by, the father and son would not be able to come to any conclusion after arguing, and Liang Gaozu's suspicion of King Qin would only become more serious.

Even a decree will be issued soon to take a series of measures to weaken and attack King Qin, and King Qin will no longer have any good reasons to resist.

And there is the most important point: if King Qin continues to be passive like this, Liang Gaozu will not call the prince and King Qi into the palace tomorrow, then the historical change of Xuanwu Gate will never happen.

The premise of the change of Xuanwu Gate was that King Qin led people to ambush at Xuanwu Gate first, and ambushed the prince and King Qi.

But if the crown prince and King Qi did not come to Xuanwu Gate unprepared, but guarded in the East Palace with full armor, then the success rate of King Qin's operation would be very low.

Because at this time, whether it is the army legally owned by the crown prince on the surface, or the army recruited in private, there are far more troops than the Qin Palace.

Even if the King of Qin could fight, it would be difficult to quickly decide the outcome when he was outnumbered.

What's more, once the two sides fight, Liang Gaozu will definitely send the imperial army to suppress it immediately. At that time, Liang Gaozu will help the prince or the king of Qin?That's the obvious thing.

Therefore, if a player who doesn't know much about this matter hesitates for a while and asks King Qin to go back like this, the whole situation may completely collapse.

Thinking of this, Li Hongyun didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately manipulated the king of Qin to give the answer given by the king of Qin in history, which was also the only standard answer to this matter.

"Report to my father, my son has something important to report!"

The King of Qin didn't respond positively to Liang Gaozu's question of "Taibai sees the division of Qin, and the King of Qin should have the world", instead he changed the topic.

Liang Gaozu couldn't help but his face darkened, and his brows were deeply frowned.

He could feel that King Qin was interrupting, and he was unwilling to answer his question directly, but wanted to hear what King Qin had to say.


The King of Qin knelt down on the ground, with a firm and decisive tone: "I will report to my father, the prince and the harem have adulterous affairs!"

Liang Gaozu was stunned for a moment, and then flew into a rage: "It's nonsense! You framed the prince, and dared to frame the noble concubine, how many lives do you have! Do you really think that you are my son, so I won't punish you for your crime?"

King Qin's tone was still firm: "Report to the emperor, my son is definitely not a false accusation, and my son has evidence!
"On the tenth day of the first month of last month, the emperor went out for inspection, and the crown prince entered Yin Defei's palace, leaving only half a day later.

"In March of this year, even until the fifth year of Wude, the crown prince frequently visited the palaces of Concubine Yin De and Zhang Jieyu every one or two months. Just ask and you'll know!"

Liang Gaozu's expression suddenly froze on his face, and he was stunned.

The King of Qin spoke a series of times, and his tone was firm and convincing.

Liang Gaozu carefully recalled several of these times, and found that he was indeed not in the palace.Moreover, the prince did go in and out of the harem to meet Zhang Jieyu and Yin Defei on weekdays.

It's just that Liang Gaozu never cared about it before, he just thought it was the prince who met and greeted these concubines normally.

But now that King Qin listed all the time points one by one, coupled with such a firm tone, Liang Gaozu himself was stunned.

Li Hongyun, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help feeling secretly that this was indeed the standard answer for King Qin at the moment.

Liang Gaozu summoned the King of Qin to question him, obviously looking for faults through astronomical issues.

Although it is true that "Taibai sees the division of Qin", and the inference of "the king of Qin should have the world" is also very consistent with the theory of the interaction between heaven and man, such things as celestial phenomena depend on how people interpret them.

If the Taibai Jinxing happened to fall on the ground of Qi at that time, Liang Gaozu's reaction would not be so extreme.

Even Tai Shiling would not report like this at all.

It is hard to say whether Tai Shiling was hinted by the prince, or purely out of professionalism.

But in terms of results, the Taibai Jingtian incident handed the Prince Group a sharp knife.

Liang Gaozu was already very suspicious of King Qin, and coupled with the Taibai Jingtian incident, it was already too late to see him.

No matter how King Qin defends, it is impossible to change the fact that Taibai Jingtian.

Therefore, in this trap constructed by Liang Gaozu, it is meaningless for King Qin to struggle no matter how much he struggles.

So King Qin jumped out of this trap directly, changed the subject, and attacked the prince's promiscuous harem.

Some historical materials do record that "the prince steamed with Zhang Jieyu and Yin Defei", but Li Hongyun judged by common sense that the authenticity of this matter is not high.

Because the prince and these two noble concubines really have no reason to get together.

The prince has so many beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, there is absolutely no need to mess with his father's woman. This kind of behavior can no longer be described as playing with fire, it is completely playing to death.

It is impossible not to leak it at all, and once it is leaked, it is probably more serious than treason.

Liang Gaozu could tolerate him rebelling, but he might not be able to tolerate him touching his favorite concubine.

Therefore, most of Qin Wang's remarks were false accusations.

But false accusation is the only means available at this time.

Several memory fragments of King Qin appeared in Li Hongyun's vision.

It's not that the King of Qin didn't know the prince's other black information. For example, before, the prince privately recruited more than [-] Chang'an evil young men to form his own private soldiers, named Chang Lin Bing, and contacted the generals guarding Youzhou, asking him to select [-] soldiers. Riding into Chang'an.

The crown prince is legally armed. Whether it is forming a private army or secretly making friends with side generals, it is a very taboo behavior, and it can even be regarded as treason.

However, after this incident was exposed, Liang Gaozu just called the prince and scolded him.

In the seventh year of Wude, the prince even made big news.Liang Gaozu went to Renzhi Palace to escape the summer heat, and the prince stayed in Chang'an. As a result, the prince sent someone to deliver armor to Yang Wenqian who was stationed in Gyeongju.

Hiding armor privately in ancient times was a felony, almost equivalent to treason.

Yang Wenqian had served as a guard in the East Palace before, and directly participated in the formation of the prince's personal soldier Chang Lin Bing, and sending armor to Yang Wengan was undoubtedly to do something big with internal and external cooperation.

As a result, the matter was leaked, and Liang Gaozu was angry and summoned the prince.The crown prince was terrified and didn't know what to do, and his subordinates even advised him to turn his back on it.

But the prince thought about Liang Gaozu, especially about the covetous and victorious King Qin, and felt that rebellion would be a dead end, so he went to take the blame.

Liang Gaozu was so angry that he scolded him, and even gave him only wheat rice that night.But even so, Liang Gaozu didn't do anything to the prince in the end.

On the contrary, it was Yang Wenqian who really rebelled in Qingyang, and then the king of Qin led his troops there before starting the fight. When Yang Wengan's men heard that the king of Qin was coming, they beat a hammer and dispersed.

Yang Wengan was killed by his subordinates and passed on to Chang'an.

However, even so, the crown prince's position is still as stable as Mount Tai, without any shake.

According to historical records, before the king of Qin went to conquer Yang Wengan, Liang Gaozu once told him that after the peace, he would be made the prince and the prince would be abolished as the king of Shu.

But regardless of whether this historical material is true or not, Liang Gaozu obviously did not fulfill it in the end.

The prince's rebellion incident seems to be full of doubts, and there are two biggest doubts: first, the prince's rebellion is a bit too childish, and the secrecy work is too poor, so he was accused so easily; second, Yang Wengan is Where does the courage to rebel come from?
Therefore, some people believe that this Yang Wengan was probably an undercover agent placed by the King of Qin, just to create such a rebellion incident and logically abolish the crown prince.

But careful scrutiny reveals that this statement is even more unlikely.

It is true that the prince rebelled, otherwise he would not have gone to Liang Gaozu to plead guilty.For things like treason, if he didn't have his own intentions, it would be impossible to achieve such an effect by simply framing him.

And Yang Wenqian was indeed a member of the East Palace, and helped the prince form Changlin soldiers.

Yang Wenqian's rebellion is inevitable, and he must know this in his heart.

And judging from the fact that he collaborated with the prince to rebel, it is obvious that he is very valued by the prince.

So here comes the question, if he is really King Qin's man, then he would rather not have the trust of the prince, not the glory and wealth that he has already obtained, but want to plot against the prince and use his own life or even the life of his entire family to pave the way for King Qin?

This doesn't make sense, unless King Qin has mastered the brainwashing technique.

Moreover, no matter who instigated it, it was indeed the crown prince who gave Yang Wengan the armor.Even if he was encouraged by others, his desire to do something big was obvious.

Therefore, this rebellion seems very stupid. The most likely reason is that the crown prince and Yang Wengan are just that stupid.After all, in history, there are not only stupid acts of treason, but many.

In short, after these several incidents, King Qin has found a fact helplessly.

That is, no matter how the prince dies, he will be safe and sound.

That being the case, if he wanted to threaten the prince and really find something that hurt Liang Gaozu, he could only "steam in the palace".

Although King Qin did not have much conclusive evidence, he succeeded in arousing Liang Gaozu's suspicion.

Because the prince's relationship with these two noble concubines is indeed too close.

The King of Qin has his own base, which is the military group, from the soldiers to the generals, he has no second thoughts about him.But the prince couldn't dig out these people, so he could only consider other directions.

And these concubines in the harem are indeed an important direction for the prince to make friends with.

King Qin has been fighting outside all year round, so he is not familiar with these concubines, and he was offended by the Luoyang treasury incident before.The prince, on the other hand, walked around frequently, giving away treasures, and often let Zhang Jieyu and Concubine Yin De blow pillow wind on Liang Gaozu's side.

Therefore, it is true that the prince often goes to the palace of the two noble concubines, and the two noble concubines have been saying good things about the prince in Liang Gaozu's ears, which made Liang Gaozu also suspicious, and felt that there was indeed something wrong with this matter .

Of course, it is impossible to convict him because of this, after all, King Qin did not produce any real and strong evidence.

This matter still has to wait for the crown prince and the imperial concubine to defend themselves before the truth can be revealed.

Therefore, relying on "Taibai sees Qin Fen" and "the prince and the harem fornication", the prince and the king of Qin drew a tie in this incident.

Seeing that there would be no results, Liang Gaozu decided to let King Qin go back first.Early tomorrow morning, he will summon the crown prince and King Qi, and face to face with King Qin.

At that time, whether the prince has committed adultery with the harem, and Taibai will settle it in the court when he sees Qin Fen.

With this counterattack, King Qin not only bought himself an extra night, but also won the opportunity to intercept and kill the prince and King Qi at the Xuanwu Gate at the same time.


After King Qin returned to his mansion, countless light spots immediately became busy.

Li Hongyun saw many discussions about the change of Xuanwu Gate, which basically focused on the details of the change of Xuanwu Gate.

But in fact, the real coup process is often simple and straightforward.

After all, those very complicated conspiracies and tricks often exist in literary and artistic works, and the conspiracies and tricks in reality are simple and straightforward.

Because a conspiracy always needs people to execute it, the more complex the conspiracy, the higher the requirements for execution, and anyone among them may have problems.

Therefore, the key to the conspiracy lies in simplicity, directness, and efficiency, and in order to ensure this, efforts must be made in daily preparations.

And judging from the dense light spots in the Prince Qin's mansion, King Qin's preparations are obviously much more adequate than those of the Prince.

Of course, this is not to say that the prince was not prepared, or that the prince was at a disadvantage during the coup.In fact, the prince is the one with the advantage.

The strength of him and King Qi is crushing King Qin.

There are more than two thousand private soldiers of the prince, named Chang Lin Bing.In addition, King Qi should also have private soldiers. The specific number of historical data is not recorded, but it is recorded that he "hid many desperate warriors and bestowed them generously for use."According to common sense, there should be at least several hundred people.

On King Qin's side, he also has his own private soldiers, but the number is about 800 people.

Yuchi Jingde once said, "Also, there are more than [-] warriors raised in the king's house, and those who are outside have entered the palace now", which can be used as evidence.

Eight hundred versus three thousand is obviously an absolute disadvantage in terms of military strength.

More importantly, the imperial guards guarding the entire palace are theoretically still under the orders of Liang Gaozu.

If all these forbidden troops are included, the gap in strength between the two sides will be even greater.

Moreover, King Qin's goal is not just to use these 800 people to kill the prince and King Qi.

It is not difficult to kill the prince by ambushing, but King Qin still has another important goal, which is to control Liang Gaozu.

Otherwise, if the crown prince and King Qi were killed but failed to seize power from Liang Gaozu, the problems after that would be even more troublesome.

Therefore, King Qin actually used only a dozen people to ambush the prince and King Qi, and the remaining manpower had to complete the tasks of controlling Liang Gaozu, intercepting the imperial army and the prince, and King Qi supporting the army.

Calculated in this way, King Qin's manpower is even more stretched.

But judging from the results, King Qin's process of completing the change of Xuanwu Gate was as delicate as a surgical operation, without any accidents at all, and it was even a bit too simple.

This is obviously because King Qin's bargaining chip is not only on these 800 people, but more important things, he has already done everything in advance.

Li Hongyun saw countless light spots patrolling the palace, and those were the imperial guards responsible for guarding the palace.

And when observing them at close range, you can often see memory fragments emerging from them.

These memory fragments, almost without exception, are all the heroic appearance of King Qin they saw when they fought with King Qin.

It was not just the obedience and trust of the soldiers to the general, but more like a kind of ordinary people's admiration for the gods.

When the civil war was basically peaceful, Liang Gaozu disbanded the government soldiers in Guanzhong.

And carefully selected 30,000 people from the government soldiers to form the imperial palace's imperial army, responsible for guarding the safety of the entire imperial palace.He also distributed the fertile fields beside the Baiqu north of the Weishui River to them, and named them "Yuan Cong Forbidden Army".

The selection of the imperial guards in all dynasties is the strictest, and they are basically the sons of good families with innocent backgrounds or the orphans of soldiers who died in battle.

Liang Taizu's behavior is not a big problem. These soldiers in Guanzhong basically made great contributions in the process of Liang Dynasty's conquest of the world. They are full of ability and loyalty. It should not be wrong to let them be the imperial guards to guard the palace. What a big problem.

But the only question Liang Gaozu didn't think of was: Are they more loyal to the emperor, or are they more loyal to the king of Qin?
According to historical records, as early as two years ago, that is, the seventh year of Wude, King Qin had already started to win over these forbidden troops.

However, the effect of this kind of wooing is actually not certain.

It is impossible for him to ask these forbidden soldiers clearly: the king is about to rebel, do you support the king or the emperor?It is even more impossible to disclose specific details.

The gold and silver treasures were sent out, and words were also brought with them, but to what extent these forbidden soldiers can help him, we can only know on the day when the incident happened.

Among the Forbidden Army, King Qin also focused on developing his own manpower.

There are fourteen guards in the imperial city. Among them, the king of Qin is the general of the twelve guards, that is, he nominally leads the twelve guards, including the left and right guards, the left and right guards, the left and right Wuhou, the left and right villages, and the left and right leaders.

But the problem is that although the twelve guards nominally obey the king of Qin, the king of Qin cannot rely on them to launch a coup.Because among the twelve guards, there are still many who are more obedient to the emperor.

During the coup, the only ones who can be relied on are the absolutely loyal private soldiers, that is, the 800 people.

As for the twelve guards, it is very likely that the command did not move on the day of the coup.

Moreover, it is also difficult to buy people from the twelve guards, because they have to take turns, and King Qin himself is not sure when the coup will start.And if you buy them all, there are too many targets, and it is very easy to leak the wind.

Therefore, King Qin aimed at the two guards that he had no control over in name, that is, the left and right guards.

The left prison guard is responsible for entering, while the right prison guard is responsible for exiting.When entering and leaving, one must check the door, whether there is permission to enter and exit the palace, and what to do when entering the palace, all need to be carefully checked, otherwise people cannot be released.

In particular, Chang He's "Jian Er Zhang Shang" has always been responsible for guarding the Xuanwu Gate.

Therefore, buying Chang He is the most critical node for Xuanwumen to succeed.

The reason why King Qin chose Xuanwu Gate to launch a coup was because the south gate of the palace was closed except for some very important celebrations and festivals.If you want to enter the palace, you have to go through the Xuanwu Gate in the north.

So since Chang He is so important, didn't the prince think of buying him?
Of course I have thought about it, and in name, Chang He is still the prince's confidant and deeply trusted.

Therefore, the prince also thought that he had the chance to win. With Chang He, the God of Dinghai at the Xuanwu Gate, if something happened, he would definitely inform him, so naturally he could sit back and relax.

But in fact, Chang He went out with the King of Qin as early as the second year of Wude. In the seventh year of Wude, he led the Xuanwu Gate and bought the forbidden army. He has always been a double agent who only obeyed the King of Qin.

As a result, the King of Qin had actually defeated the Prince in two places, Changhe and the Forbidden Army, and the Prince knew nothing about it.

That night, the Palace of King Qin was brightly lit.

Although arrangements have been made in advance, it is still a very difficult thing to gather all the people who support me overnight, formulate a comprehensive and thorough plan, and ensure that no one leaks the secrets.

In the previous struggle, the crown prince and King Qi were not idle either.

They falsely accused Yuchi Jingde and the generals under King Qin. Although they failed and were rescued by King Qin, they continued to slander and asked Liang Gaozu to dismantle the configuration of King Qin's mansion.

For example, counselors such as Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui have all been transferred from the Qin Palace by Liang Gaozu.

The implementation of the Xuanwumen Incident requires a complete and careful plan, taking into account various trends and situations. This is treason, not a child's play. If something goes wrong in any link, these people may end up dying.

Therefore, King Qin had asked Yuchi Jingde to invite Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others in advance.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui disagreed for the first time, saying that the decree of His Majesty's imperial edict prevents us from serving the King of Qin, and we cannot accept the teachings of the King, otherwise we will definitely be convicted and die.

So the King of Qin was furious and asked Yuchi Jingde to go forward with his saber.So Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui put on Taoist clothes and entered Qin Wangfu.

These people began to prepare for tomorrow's action in the Qin Palace.

On the other hand, looking at the Prince and King Qi, it is a completely different scene.

The entire Prince's Mansion has actually been infiltrated by the King of Qin like a sieve. For example, the Su Gengcheng Wang Yan in the East Palace has already been bought by the King of Qin.Before the crown prince and the king of Qi wanted to assassinate the king of Qin in Kunming Lake, he was the one who came to inform him. While the king of Qin was alert, he hurriedly started planning.

On the night before the Xuanwumen Incident, the Prince and King Qi were still not alert.

They got the news from a channel they trusted, and thought that the king of Qin would not lead troops into the city tomorrow, so they didn't have too many precautions.

Even Zhang Jieyu came to the East Palace in a hurry, called the King of Qi, and told the prince and King of Qi that the King of Qin had sued them in front of Liang Gaozu today, and asked them to pretend to be sick and not enter the palace tomorrow, and to rectify the army to prevent accidents.

But the prince and King Qi didn't believe it.

In hindsight, the prince and King Qi lost the most precious opportunity to change history, but based on the analysis of the situation at that time, it was reasonable for them to make such a decision.

Because Zhang Jieyu was just guessing without any convincing evidence.

What's more, the Crown Prince and King Qi didn't only have Zhang Jieyu as their information channel, they also had many other channels to get news.

And the news they got from these channels made them think that King Qin would not dare to do anything in the palace, so they made such a decision.

Obviously, this is not just a coincidence, but a huge gap between the intelligence systems of the two sides and the support of the people.

On one side are countless light spots shining like stars in Prince Qin's Mansion, and on the other side is the dark mass of Prince's Mansion. The outcome of the two sides has actually been decided at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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