My players are all actors

Chapter 323 King Qi Version Longzhong Pair

At this time, Liang Gaozu was still staying in Taiyuan, leading the Jinyang palace supervisor, and Pei Ji was the deputy supervisor.

Due to the chaos and precariousness of the world, Liang Gaozu was also plotting to raise troops.

But at this time, the former emperor had extremely distrusted him, and sent his cronies Gao Junya and Wang Wei to Jinyang to monitor his every move.

Therefore, if Liang Gaozu wanted to raise troops to rebel, he first had to recruit troops and expand his power, but such a big fanfare would definitely arouse vigilance.

This has always been a big problem that plagued Liang Gaozu when Jinyang raised troops.

At this time, Gao Junya and Wang Wei were still in the city. Although Liang Gaozu and Qin Wang were making friends with heroes and making contacts with all parties, the conditions for raising troops were still immature.

In case Gao Junya and Wang Wei find out about the leak, the former dynasty may send troops to suppress it at any time.

And this is exactly what Liang Gaozu is having a headache.

Li Hongyun plays King Qi, who is only [-] or [-] years old at this time. First, he must find his second brother, King Qin.

Tell him that you have something very important to discuss with him.

In fact, Li Hongyun could also choose to go directly to Liang Gaozu, but after thinking about it, he felt that the success rate of doing so was very low.

Liang Gaozu had more affection for his son than admiration.

Even though King Qin was victorious in all battles, Liang Gaozu didn't think that King Qin's talents were superior to his own.

But King Qi was too young at this time, so Liang Gaozu would definitely not pay attention to his opinion.Even if it is mentioned, it may not have a good effect.

Li Hongyun needs a springboard, which is King Qin.

But in order to catch this springboard, he needs to do one thing first, and that is to go to Jinyang.

At this time, the prince and King Qi were not in Jinyang, they were in Hedong.It was after Liang Gaozu decided to raise troops, even after Gao Junya and Wang Wei had been removed, that he wrote to the two of them, asking them to go to Jinyang.

But after receiving the secret letter, the crown prince and King Qi fled in a panic, leaving behind even their relatives, the fifth younger brother was arrested and killed, and all the heroes who spent years of money to befriend were in vain.

It can be said that the lake has collapsed.

But this time is different, Li Hongyun is here.

Due to his young age, he basically had no chance to use force at this stage, so at the beginning of the game, he first used his talent of eloquence to persuade the prince to bring his fifth younger brother and the heroes he had befriended with him. One step rushed to Jinyang.


"Fourth brother? Why are you here!"

In the middle of the night, King Qin, who was planning in his own courtyard, was shocked when he saw King Qi.

After all, the army was still in the stage of plotting at this time, and Liang Gaozu hadn't sent the secret letter yet, so both the crown prince and King Qi should be in Hedong.

Suddenly seeing King Qi in Jinyang, King Qin himself was startled.

Li Hongyun smiled slightly: "Second brother, I came with eldest brother and fifth brother.

"Big brother and fifth brother have already gone to see father first, so I came to see you specially.

"I was the one who persuaded my elder brother to come to Jinyang."

King Qin was obviously also stunned. He thought that King Qi must have been brought here by the prince, but he didn't expect that it was King Qi's own idea.

"Why?" King Qin asked.

Li Hongyun smiled slightly: "Second brother, do you really think that I would not have guessed that you and your father conspired to raise troops in Jinyang?"...

King Qin's expression changed slightly in an instant.

It is true that he was planning a rebellion, but being exposed by his 15 years old younger brother in person is another matter.

Is it so obvious?Is it already known?

Li Hongyun continued: "Don't worry, second brother, this matter has not been exposed yet. However, I have seen that you and elder brother made friends with heroes in Jinyang and Hedong respectively.

"The world is precarious, you and my brothers are going to achieve great things in this troubled world, so it is normal to do these preparations.

"However, it is not a good move to leave me and my eldest brother in Hedong."

Hearing this, King Qin was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that this young man seemed to have seen people before.

At the beginning, Liang Gaozu's strategy was to leave the prince in Hedong, take King Qin with him, and head to Jinyang.

This choice is also reasonable. After all, the prince is old and needs to stabilize the rear, while the king of Qin is young and brave, so he takes it with him as his right-hand man.

After that, letting the prince stay in Chang'an to supervise the country, and let the King of Qin go out to fight, basically conforms to this idea.

He gave many treasures to the prince and King Qin respectively, and asked them to recruit heroes in Hedong and Jinyang respectively.

But the results of the two recruiting heroes are quite different.

Liu Wenjing, Pei Ji and others who the King of Qin made friends with became the main forces in Jinyang's rise of troops, but the prince's friendship was in vain, nothing was left behind, and even his fifth younger brother was wiped out.

Because the prince received a secret letter and learned that Liang Gaozu and King Qin had raised troops in Jinyang, he fled in a hurry without any preparations. He even abandoned his relatives and took nothing with him.

The fifth younger brother was arrested and killed, and all his family records were also wiped out.

King Qin got married when he was 15 years old, and after the prince entered Chang'an, he married Zheng Guanyin who was only 26 years old when he was [-] years old.As Liang Guogong's son, why didn't he get married before?

Apparently they had been married before, but they were all thrown east of the river.

He didn't even have time to take away his relatives, let alone those heroes he befriended. Naturally, they all cut off contact and were completely useless.

With such a result, on the one hand, it can be said that the prince's ability is limited, his judgment is insufficient, he did not detect the danger in time, and he was not prepared. It was too late to escape when he received the secret letter.

But on the other hand, Liang Gaozu's arrangement also has certain problems.

Therefore, Li Hongyun used his talent of eloquence to analyze the situation for the prince, and told him the dangers he might encounter if he stayed in Hedong, so he persuaded him to go to Jinyang together.

After this analysis, King Qin also realized that his fourth brother's knowledge is much better than that of his elder brother.

"But... you left Hedong without authorization, wouldn't the situation in Jinyang be more dangerous?"

Obviously, Liang Gaozu only brought King Qin to Jinyang for a reason.

The crown prince, King Qi and others were all in Hedong, so maybe everyone would not think that Liang Gaozu was plotting a rebellion; but they suddenly came running with their families behind them, and the signal was a bit obvious.

On the contrary, it will intensify the situation, and may even ruin major events.

Li Hongyun had naturally thought about this.

"It's okay.

"Second brother, I am here this time to assist you and your father in raising troops.  …

"I know that my father has not made up his mind at this time, and your persuasion failed. But it doesn't matter, I have a way."

King Qin couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, very surprised.

Apparently, in his memory, he never thought that the fourth brother, who had nothing serious to do except eating, drinking and having fun since he was a child, could say such a thing.

Considering King Qi's personality, this matter is obviously very unreliable.But he showed decisiveness that didn't match his age when he decisively persuaded his eldest brother to come to Jinyang, and what he said was very serious and old-fashioned, so King Qin still decided to listen.

After all, King Qin is young, and he has a lot in common with his fourth brother.

"Fang's world is in chaos today, and my father must have thought of raising the army. The reason why the second brother's persuasion failed is because it is complicated and difficult to make a decision at this time.

"Father is concerned about three things.

"First, Gao Junya and Wang Wei are confidantes of the imperial court, if they cannot be properly eliminated, they may be suppressed by the imperial court's army as soon as they join forces.

"Secondly, there are Turks in the north watching over them. If you can't appease the Turks, you won't be able to fight for supremacy in the south. At that time, the only ending will be to trap Jinyang to death.

"Thirdly, second brother, although you have also made friends with many heroes, it is very uncertain how many people will respond after the army is raised, and whether the war will go smoothly.

"That's why my father was indecisive, and it was difficult to make up his mind."

King Qin nodded, he knew the situation in Jinyang City very well, and knew that what the fourth brother said was very correct.

He was a little surprised that a young boy who was only 15 years old in the far east of the river had such insight.

But what surprised him even more was yet to come.

"That's why I persuaded my elder brother to come here to help my father make up his mind.

"At this moment, the situation is clear, and the conditions for raising troops are ripe. And my eldest brother and I fleeing Hedong will send a clear signal to the outside world. Even if my father wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it at all.

"So, this third point is easily solved.

"Even if my father is indecisive, the only way is to raise troops.

"As for the first and second points, it is not difficult to solve.

"Gao Junya and Wang Wei, just lure them to death. But if they kill them blatantly, I'm afraid it will leave us with a bad reputation as rebellious officials and thieves.

"Therefore, we can spread rumors that these two people are colluding with the Turks to invade. When the Turks invade, we will trap and kill them on the grounds of discussing the war. When the time comes, we will raise troops to fight back the Turks, and the people of Jinyang will definitely support them." , and it is logical for us to raise troops.

"Then, we surrendered to the Turks, promised treasures and goods, and promised to continue to share the benefits with the Turks after we went south. In this way, we don't have to worry about the Turks going south to harass us, but we can use the power of the Turks.

"Of course, people who are not of our race must have a different heart. At the beginning of the war, we temporarily borrowed the power of the Turkic people, but after we captured Chang'an and became full-fledged, we had to draw a clear line with the Turkic people."

The more King Qin listened, the brighter his eyes became.

What Li Hongyun said was the most perfect strategy at this time, coupled with his "slick tongue" talent, these words are very convincing.

"Take Chang'an?" King Qin keenly grasped another key point.

Li Hongyun nodded: "That's right, I have a series of follow-up plans for this matter. It's just that it's not too late. We can go to see my father and tell him about our interests."...

King Qin immediately stood up: "Let's go!"


At this time, Liang Gaozu had also seen the prince and his fifth son.

But there was no joy on his face, instead, anxiety was written all over his face.

"How could you listen to your little brother and come here rashly!"

Liang Gaozu looked displeased and reprimanded the prince.

Obviously, the prince and others left Hedong with great fanfare and went to Jinyang, sending very bad news to the outside world.Many people have become more and more certain about the news that he is going to rebel.

And the impact of this is almost completely irreversible.

Even if they were asked to return to Hedong immediately, it would be useless.

Just then, Li Hongyun and King Qin arrived.

Liang Gaozu was angry, but he didn't reprimand Li Hongyun too much.

Because Li Hongyun was only fourteen or fifteen years old at this time, and he was a younger brother.He can give advice, but whether to listen to it or not depends on the elder brother.

Therefore, Liang Gaozu obviously believed that the main responsibility for leaving Hedong and running to Jinyang was not the king of Qi, but the prince.

At this critical juncture, King Qin spoke.

He repeated what Li Hongyun said to him, and continued to urge Liang Gaozu to raise troops.

It was impossible for Liang Gaozu to listen to such a big event from a fourteen or fifteen-year-old son, but the effect was much better when Qin Wang said these words.

Liang Gaozu's eyes lit up when he heard the tactics of trapping and killing Gao Junya and Wang Wei, and appeasing the Turks.


For him, this method is just right for him, and it is completely in line with his ideas!
Li Hongyun couldn't help secretly delighting, could it be different?This is the way you came up with in history...

It's just that Liang Gaozu at this time felt that the conditions for raising troops were not yet mature, so he hadn't thought about these issues in depth.

So after hearing Li Hongyun's plan, his first reaction was surprise, and his second reaction was stunned.

Totally thought of a piece to go!
"You just said, capture Chang'an?" Liang Gaozu looked at Li Hongyun and asked this question.

Obviously, at this time, Liang Gaozu finally paid attention to this fourth son who was only [-] or [-] years old, and was willing to listen to him.

Li Hongyun smiled slightly and continued: "That's right, capture Chang'an.

"At this time, the emperor is in the Jiangdu palace, and the Chang'an garrison is very empty.

"And the location of Chang'an is very important. We used Hedong and Jinyang as our base camps, went south to attack Chang'an, and then radiated our power to the entire Guanzhong.

"In the land of Guanzhong, there are four fortified dangers, and there are fertile fields for thousands of miles. If you enter, you can shock Bashu, go east to Luoyang, and retreat to protect yourself.

"At that time, father, you and your elder brother will sit in Chang'an and stabilize the rear. My second brother and I will fight north and south, expand the territory, and the world will be settled!"

Upon hearing these words, the King of Qin suddenly regained his spirits: "Then how do you think we should expand the territory?"

Li Hongyun continued: "First go down to Xihe, Huoyi, Ping Song Laosheng; then enter Guanzhong from Hedong, open warehouses to release grain, relieve the poor, and at the same time sweep up the bandits.

"The general trend has been achieved, and Chang'an can be captured to build a foundation for the capital.

"Afterwards, father should cut off the princes first from north to south, from west to east."

Liang Gaozu was puzzled: "North first, then south, first west, then east?"

Li Hongyun nodded: "Yes, at this time there is Xue Ju in the northwest, and Liu Wuzhou in the north. If these two want to compete for the world, they must surpass us.

"Therefore, they will inevitably attack on their own initiative.

"Especially Liu Wuzhou, when we occupy Chang'an, he will definitely spy on Jinyang. If we rashly go east to Luoyang, the situation will be dangerous.

"Therefore, we must first go north and then south, and go west and then east. After Xue Ju and Liu Wuzhou are eliminated, we can go east to Luoyang and attack Wang Shichong. After that, we will pacify Hebei and Jiangnan, and unify the world!"

Hearing this, Liang Gaozu frowned slightly: "What about Li Mi?"

In the situation at this time, the biggest traitor in the world is actually Li Mi, and Wang Shichong is still a courtier of the previous dynasty in name at this time.

What's more, Wang Shichong was being beaten violently by Li Mi at this time, and he was defeated repeatedly.

That's why Liang Gaozu was a little surprised why there was Wang Shichong but no Li Mi in this plan.

Li Hongyun smiled slightly: "Li Mi, although there are many thieves and bandits, but there are many internal conflicts, and he will eventually be defeated, so there is nothing to worry about."

These words are full of magic stick style.

Liang Gaozu fell into silence when he heard it, King Qin's eyes lit up, and the prince was a little confused.

But Li Hongyun is convinced that his words have already planted seeds in the hearts of these people.

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