My players are all actors

Chapter 342 The Battle of Liaodong

Chapter 342 The Battle of Liaodong
While the players won the battle heartily, their vision gradually increased.

A line of system prompts appeared in everyone's field of vision.

[Ultimate Trial: Universe Peace Today]

【Clearance! 】

[The historical slice occupied by demons has been conquered! 】

[But the battle is not over yet. 】

[The barrier of this historical slice has been broken, and the power of the sorter can penetrate into this slice, but the demon will not hand over control of this historical slice so easily. 】

[The Fortress of the Sequencer has been successfully connected to the historical slice. 】

[Resist the attack of monsters and wipe out all the monsters in this historical slice! 】

Players left the roles they were playing one after another, and reappeared in this historical slice in their own images.

Many people still have something to say.

Luo Ying was a little perplexed: "This is the end? The difficulty of this ultimate trial seems to be worse than that of a man's identity..."

Li Hongyun chuckled: "Be more confident, remove the 'as if'. The difficulty of the ultimate test is not as difficult as the identity test."

These players have all passed the identity trial. Whether it is the identity trial of cavalry or magic machine players, in their opinion, it is more difficult than the ultimate trial.

Zhao Haiping said with emotion: "However, this ultimate trial was quite enjoyable, and the unification was completed without King Qin."

Li Hongyun admired Liang Taizong even more: "So Emperor Taizong is awesome!

"Our players are group players, and we have obtained the future script in advance, and we can also instigate rebellion by planting powerful ghosts. The difficulty has been reduced too much.

"Emperor Taizong not only has no one to cooperate, but also has a lot of internal hindrances. In this way, he can only be unified a little slower than the players, and he didn't miss the battle of national destiny like the destruction of Turks. In fact, nothing was delayed. This is amazing!"

Huo Yunying also nodded: "Well, in comparison, our process of passing the ultimate trial is a bit simple."

Chu Ge smiled: "This is normal.

"Although the ultimate trial sounds bluffing at the beginning, it is 100% painful, but after all, you can experience it repeatedly in the simulation trial and find out an optimal solution.

"And the ultimate trial is a group of many players who can cooperate with each other and don't have to fight alone.

"In addition to the fact that everyone has been fighting all the way from the Great Sheng Dynasty, and their quality in all aspects is relatively comprehensive, it will naturally become easier to pass the ultimate trial.

"However, it's not over just by clearing the ultimate trial. There's still an even more important expedition."

Everyone looked at the changes in the entire historical slice.

I saw that Chang'an City, which was close at hand, disappeared, and they seemed to have crossed an unknown distance in an instant, and came to a completely strange land.

The camera is still moving forward quickly, and their field of vision crosses the boundless swampland, the towering peaks, the deep valleys and dense forests, and finally stops when they look at a city in the distance.

Everyone looked at Chu Ge in unison.

"Where is this?"

Chu Ge's face darkened: "How do I know, you really treat me like an encyclopedia!"

Obviously, it is too difficult to judge the specific place here just by the nearby mountains and rivers.

What's more, this is still an ancient style. These cities may have been completely destroyed in the continuous wars that followed. How can we recognize them?

On the contrary, Li Weiyi looked at the city in the distance, stroked his chin and said, "It seems a bit like the architectural style of Goguryeo?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

That being said, it does look more and more like it.

Their field of vision had crossed a large swamp before, and this swamp was probably Liaoze.

Liaoze is actually a swamp in the Liaodong area.In ancient times, the Liaodong area was not a fertile and prosperous place, especially in the Liaoze generation. The swampland reached more than two hundred miles, and it was difficult for people and horses to pass through.

And this was also an important reason why the Central Plains dynasty was so difficult to conquer Goguryeo at that time.

The earliest ancestors of the Liao Kingdom lived near Liaoze. At that time, people in this area basically lived on nomads, fishing and hunting, and rarely did farming, precisely because this area was not suitable for farming at this time.

Of course, Goguryeo occupies a wider area, so Goguryeo has a large number of farming systems.

Chu Ge quickly judged the mission this time: "Could it be that our goal this time is to assist Emperor Taizong to destroy Goguryeo?"

Everyone couldn't help but suddenly.

The arrangement of the battlefield here can be said to be unexpected and reasonable.

Unexpected, because this was by no means the most difficult battle Liang Taizong fought, let alone a comparable opponent.

In military terms, the opponent is completely pressed to the ground and rubbed against each other.Through the encirclement to fight for aid, the other party sent more than [-] mobile rescue forces, but they were all defeated by Liang Chao's army, and they did not pose too much threat at all.

It makes sense, because it was indeed a very difficult battle at the time.

This kind of difficulty does not lie in the opponent's command ability and combat bravery. In this regard, the soldiers of Goguryeo were crushed by the soldiers of the Liang Dynasty.

Difficulty is mainly due to logistical support, terrain and weather.

In terms of logistical support, the logistical support of the Liang Dynasty had to pass through Liaodong, especially the Liaoze area, which was very difficult to pass.Moreover, more grain has to be carried through the Grand Canal, and this grain transportation route is more than a thousand miles.

Of course, Liang Taizong successfully conquered several cities shortly after the start of the war, obtained a large amount of food supplies from these Goguryeo cities, and completely achieved the enemy's food.

But the initial military rations still had to be transported by themselves.

In terms of terrain, this area is mountainous, and the Goguryeo people's technology of building mountain cities was a unique skill at that time.

In the Liang Dynasty, the siege equipment was not advanced enough. Many times, if you wanted to conquer a strong city, you could only pile up earth mountains outside the city. However, it took a long time to pile up earth mountains, because the third problem was the weather.

Goguryeo's winter was very cold, and the Liang Dynasty's heat preservation measures were not in place. Therefore, although the soldiers of the Liang Dynasty only killed 2000 people in battle, a large number of horses froze to death.

So when winter is approaching, they can only withdraw their troops.

In terms of results, Liang Taizong's personal conquest of Goguryeo is not a failure, because the result of this battle is actually: conquering Xuantu, breaking Gaimu, attacking Beisha, returning to Liaodong, entering Baiyan, flattening Wugu, and opening thousands of miles. .

The army of the Liang Dynasty was 150,000 to 2000. At the cost of 160,000 people, they killed 500 Goguryeo troops, captured [-], obtained [-] horses and oxen, and captured [-] households with a population of [-]. And [-] people from the Chieftain's children.

Beat Goguryeo back to the south of the Yalu River, prevented Goguryeo's unification of the peninsula, wiped out all the main field forces of Goguryeo, and recovered the Liaodong Peninsula.

Such a result, why is it considered a failure?
Because in the eyes of Liang Taizong and Li Jing, this battle failed to destroy the country of Goguryeo, and failed to capture the king of Goguryeo to dance in Chang'an, which was obviously a failure.

It can only be said that considering the battle of Goguryeo as a failure is more like the God of War in Versailles.

Now, the goal of the players is to achieve God of War Versailles.

Li Hongyun couldn't help cheering up: "Okay, then teach Bangzi how to be a man! Let them keep filming dramas, saying that Emperor Taizong was shot blind in one eye and lost his face!"

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "Hehe, strictly speaking, Goguryeo has nothing to do with Bangzi, it's Bangzi who forcibly put gold on his face.

"The reason why they want to forcibly recognize Goguryeo as their father is mainly to find a theoretical basis for themselves to occupy the entire peninsula, and they even covet the territorial sovereignty of our country's Liaodong.

"In fact, Goguryeo has no inheritance relationship with Goryeo. Goguryeo was built by Buyeo people. After the destruction of Goguryeo in the Liang Dynasty, the Andong Protectorate was established in its territory. Most of the wealthy households and hundreds of thousands of people all They were moved to various parts of the Central Plains and have been fully integrated into the various ethnic groups in the Central Plains.

"There is still a small part of the subjects of the Balhae Kingdom, and the rest are integrated into the Turks and Silla. Therefore, Goguryeo is actually completely annihilated in the long river of history. Its establishment and demise have nothing to do with Bangzi, just because of the geographical proximity , so he was forced to recognize his father by Bangzi, and fulfilled his political demands in reality."

Everyone couldn't help but eager to try: "Then how do we fight? Hurry up, I can't wait!"

Chu Ge thought about it: "If the battle against Goguryeo is true in history, it is actually very simple.

"First of all, in the field battle, the Goguryeo army was completely rubbed against the ground by the Liang army.

"What we have to solve is the siege warfare, how can we quickly conquer the fortified city of Goguryeo under the conditions of ancient times.

"It's actually not too difficult, after all, we have magic machine players who can make all kinds of large-scale siege equipment.

"Besides, Emperor Taizong almost captured Anshicheng back then, but his luck was really outrageous.

"At that time, Liang Jun spent a lot of effort to build the earth mountain outside, trying to use the earth mountain to climb the city. As a result, halfway through the construction, the earth mountain collapsed and collapsed the city wall.

"Originally, if the Liang army rushed up at this time, they could break through the city. As a result, the officials in charge of building the earth mountain neglected their duties and were not there. Instead, the Goguryeo army rushed out of the city and occupied the earth mountain. Liang Jun was busy for nothing.

"As long as there is a reliable person at that time, An Shicheng has already won.

"Of course, since it's the Expedition of the Sequencer, it's definitely not that simple. I'm afraid there will be some new problems on the demon side."

As everyone was talking, they felt that the whole earth began to rumble and tremble!
The boundless black air permeated instantly, covering all the mountains, rivers, and cities ahead.

The power of the monster gradually spread, and this powerful aura was even worse than every time the players fought against the monster before!

But at the same time, the Fortress of the Ordered One also cut through the waves, tore the ground from Liao Ze, broke through the ground, and confronted the area occupied by the demons!
Of course, these two places are actually very far away from each other, and Liaoze can be regarded as the starting point of the marching route for Emperor Taizong of Liang to conquer Goguryeo.

In other words, the two sides will decide the outcome on this vast land!
(End of this chapter)

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