At this time, Liang Taizong was as confused as Sheng Taizu before him.

what's the situation?
He watched as his entire army disappeared, replaced by people he had never seen before.

Although these people also wore all kinds of ancient armor and held ancient weapons, they were obviously not like a standard army, but more like a miscellaneous army composed of various forces.

Moreover, even a miscellaneous army is often a collection of multiple armies, and at least one army's internal dress is roughly uniform.

But for these people in front of them, what they wear seems to be completely random, and there are no rules or systems to constrain them.

The players immediately gathered in front of Liang Taizong.

It's just that there are indeed too many players at this time, and only a very small number of people can really come to Liang Taizong, and most of them can only take a look from a distance, looking at the soaring royal air.

Like Sheng Taizu, Liang Taizong also had a royal air, as if he had been hit with a highlight effect.

Although the highlighting effect spread to all players in the near future, Liang Taizong was still very eye-catching.

Looking at the Goguryeo side, a large amount of demonic energy gathered, and the demons in the city could be seen just about to move.

Especially the 150,000 troops that originally came to support from Goguryeo were all possessed by demons at this time.

Liang Taizong was a little confused: It seems that a crucial battle is about to be fought, where is my army?Where are my Li Ji, Li Daozong, and Qi Bi?

There is only one bare commander left.

Chu Ge stepped forward and introduced himself again: "Your Majesty, we are the ones who protect the long river of history, and we are also people who come from hundreds of years later."

Since both parties are relying on Haoran Zhengqi, they will naturally trust each other without too much communication cost.

And all heroic spirits that appear in the sequencer's expedition gameplay will appear in the peak state by default.

Before Sheng Taizu had both the strategy of his prime and the bravery of a young man.

The same is true for Liang Taizong this time.

"Your Majesty, how should we fight this battle?"

The players are all waiting for Liang Taizong's command.

Obviously, in this place, neither Chu Ge nor Zhao Haiping would compete with Liang Taizong for the command, after all, they knew it well.Even if his own level is not bad, he can only be a humble elementary school student in front of Liang Taizong, the most skilled fighter among the emperors through the ages.

Of course, Chu Ge also briefed Liang Taizong on the abilities of the players.

At present, the total number of players in "Dark Sands" has reached 200,000, but [-] of them have just entered the game. Although they have passed the internal beta selection, their combat power is still far behind other players.

Although there are special cases like Luo Ying, in general their combat power is still not to be expected.

In other words, the approximate composition of these 200,000 players is:
[-] cavalry, mainly composed of soldiers, rangers, and a small number of assassins.

Fifty thousand magical machines, the distribution of basic occupations is relatively even, and there are four occupations.

There are less than 10,000 people, mainly warriors and ranger players.

The rest were not able to obtain the subsidiary status.

After all, the trials of the three subsidiary identities are indeed too difficult, and many people have not been able to obtain any of them so far.

In addition, Chu Ge also introduced to Liang Taizong the special abilities of these professions, as well as the powerful power of siege equipment and artillery, and the feature that players can be resurrected once.

Liang Taizong listened carefully, with an expression of disbelief flashing across his face.

Rarely has he really fought such a rich battle!
Since the time of King Qin, Emperor Taizong of Liang often won many battles with less.

For this expedition to Goguryeo, he only used 30,000 infantry troops and [-] navy troops, some of whom were responsible for the siege of the city, and only [-] people were actually used for field battles.

According to historical data, the total population of Goguryeo at that time was more than 300 million. Even if it was higher, Goguryeo would be able to mobilize 400,000 troops.

But these 400,000 troops cannot all be mobile field forces. Most of them are going to defend various cities, maintain stability in various places, or carry out normal agricultural production.

Goguryeo sent 150,000 troops as reinforcements this time to rescue Anshicheng, which can actually be regarded as the army of the whole country.

If this battle is defeated, it is almost impossible for Goguryeo to come up with any decent mobile force to fight the Liang army.

And it was under such circumstances that Emperor Liang Taizong in history chose to use 30,000 people to fight against 150,000 people, and he won a complete victory. In the first battle, Koguryo was beaten so that no army dared to come to the field.

It's just because Anshi City's terrain is too dangerous, and he couldn't get it down in the end, so he was helpless.

At this time, Liang Jun is really at the peak of combat effectiveness. One-on-one is called a big advantage crushing, and one-to-ten is called evenly matched.

At this time, the combat power of the players is not inferior to the peak Liang Jun, and they have the special magical powers of various sorters, which makes Liang Taizong eager to try.

What's more, Liang Taizong's body has also returned to its peak state at this time.

In history, when he personally conquered Goguryeo, he was actually at the end of his life, and he died of illness not long after returning to the court.Therefore, he was just sitting in command, and it was no longer possible to personally fight the enemy.

Naturally, it is impossible to behave like a wolf warrior when he was young.

But at this time, Emperor Liang Taizong had returned to his peak state as the King of Qin. I am afraid that the players present knew better than anyone else what this meant.

After all, they were all beaten by King Qin in the previous imitation trials.

The aggressive figure riding a war horse and holding a big bow left a very deep impression on them.

At this time, Liang Taizong, or King Qin, directly said to the leading players: "You follow me to investigate the battlefield!"


Soon, several players followed King Qin to survey all the terrain around Anshi City.

Anshi City is an important military town, guarding the traffic arteries.

And it is on the hillside, easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In fact, in the real history, someone once suggested to Liang Taizong that he should simply bypass Anshi City and send troops to surprise the capital of Goguryeo directly.But Liang Taizong did not adopt it.

Later, when the class teacher returned to the court, Emperor Liang Taizong talked about this matter with Li Jing, and Li Jing also thought that he should send troops to surprise him, but Emperor Liang Taizong regretted it a bit.

However, this incident does not mean that Liang Taizong's IQ was offline, because after reviewing the review, the surprise attack may have achieved good results, but it is still somewhat difficult to achieve the goal of destroying Goguryeo in World War I.

The reason why Emperor Liang Taizong didn't decide to make a surprise attack was because the location of Anshi City was too dangerous. If he couldn't take it down, he would rashly bypass it and go thousands of miles to attack Goguryeo's rear. It was still not safe.

And Liang Taizong couldn't predict the future, and he didn't expect that he didn't take down the city until the end.

At the time, it seemed that Anshicheng was still very hopeful.

If Liang Jun's earth mountain had not collapsed and the officials in charge had just neglected their duties, Anshi City would have already been captured.

And once Anshi City is captured, Liang Jun will have no worries when he advances eastward, and he can also go all the way like a broken bamboo.

Therefore, Anshi City can indeed be said to be the key to directly determining the victory or defeat of this war.

The players also followed Liang Taizong to explore the surrounding terrain. During this process, the military command ability has naturally been greatly improved.

There are mountains on both sides of Anshi City, and the city is built on the slope of the peaks on the north side.

There is a river below, passing through the mountains.The valley formed along the river is the traffic artery guarded by Anshicheng, and it is also the path to continue to go deep into the hinterland of Goguryeo.

The river flows south, not far from Anshi City, there is a small open space in the southwest, which is the most suitable place to deploy troops.

Goguryeo's reinforcements came to rescue from the south and along the river valley.

In other words, there is a high probability that both sides will use this small open space as the best place for a decisive battle.

Soon, the players followed King Qin to a nearby hillside, overlooking the entire battlefield.

Zhao Haiping finally caught the opportunity and asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"Your Majesty, on the spot, how can we be invincible?"

King Qin smiled slightly: "Isn't this simple?
"As long as you observe the enemy's formation, you can know which of the enemy's troops is strong and which is weak.

"Just use our weak forces to deal with the enemy's strong forces, and then use our strong forces to attack the enemy's weak forces.

"Even if the opponent's strong army attacks our weak army, our weak army will only retreat a few hundred steps and will not be defeated; but our strong army attacking the enemy's weak army must be outflanked and defeated in one battle!
"In this way, the outcome can be divided naturally."

As soon as this remark came out, the players around him were speechless.

My good fellow, Your Majesty, what you said is too reasonable, it is the truth!

It's like asking a question to the god of learning, asking is tantamount to asking for nothing.

First of all, how to determine which army is strong and which army is weak by observing the enemy's formation?By formation?temperament?Or the ethereal... morale?
Secondly, why should our weak troops only retreat hundreds of steps when they are attacked by the opponent's trump card army, and they will not retreat?

Finally, why can our strong troops be able to directly pierce the opponent's weak troops?
It can only be said that this thing is a bit like an advanced version of Tian Ji's horse racing, but in actual operation, it is much more difficult than Tian Ji's horse racing. There is a little difference in the details, and the result is quite different.

It can only be said that King Qin's art of war was not taught to others.

There are only two kinds of his operations: the first one is that you can understand it, but you can’t learn it; the second one is that you can’t understand it, but you can’t learn it.

Just like every time he fights, he first fortifies the wall and clears the field, constantly sends out small groups of troops to harass the enemy's grain roads, and starts frantically multi-line operations until the opponent can't stand it anymore and starts to retreat, chasing and killing all the way to death.

There is also what he said about using weak forces to support the opponent's strong forces, and then using one's own strong forces to stab the opponent's weak forces.

These are all operations that you can understand but cannot learn.

As for the few cavalrymen of the King of Qin who dared to go to the camp of a 100,000 army to taunt and provoke, or dared to charge [-] people with thousands of people, these were operations that were incomprehensible and impossible to learn.

Soon, King Qin had thoroughly investigated the surrounding terrain and began to form troops.

"Fan Cun, Luo Ying.

"The two of you each lead [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, line up on the hillside to the west of this open space, display your banners, and attract the Goguryeo army to come to the decisive battle!
"Li Hongyun.

"You lead a thousand magic tricks, and you are also covering on the hillside!
"Zhao Haiping.

"You lead [-] elite cavalry, hide in the valley on the east bank of the river and in the North Mountain, and wait for the opportunity to outflank the enemy's rear!

"I led [-] cavalry to watch and direct the battle from the heights of Beishan!
"Others continue to storm Anshi City. I hope that the day when the field battle is won is also the day when Anshi City will be destroyed!"

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