My players are all actors

Chapter 346 Heroic Spirit Summoning

Chapter 346 Heroic Spirit Summoning
The players rushed down from the hillside with King Qin, cutting off the army of monsters in half!
Pinch the head, remove the tail, and cut off the center.

A standard segmentation process is completed.

If it was an ordinary human army, it would have completely collapsed by this time.

But the group system of the magic soldiers is indeed too high. They are not afraid of death, and they will not shrink back because of the situation on the battlefield. They did not fall into chaos like ordinary soldiers, but continued to fight to the death.

However, this does not mean that King Qin's tactics are useless, because not only the morale is hit, but also the formation.

In the era of cold weapons, formation is the key to victory.

A team with a well-organized formation can have a huge advantage against a side with a chaotic formation. This can be simply understood as that the team with a well-organized formation will play more and less locally every time, and break down each time.

Just like two infantry battles, both sides are holding long spears, and the formation of the strict formation forms a long formation, while the other formation is scattered.Then the side with a well-organized formation can stab the opponent's skirmishers to death at the same time, but it is difficult for skirmishers to cause damage to a complete formation.

Therefore, the gap in formation is often a key factor in the disparity in battle losses in the cold weapon era.

Although the demon can enhance the fighting will of all the demon soldiers and make them fearless of death, it is impossible to restore the disrupted formation.

In this way, the players quickly gained the upper hand.

And the players who followed King Qin once again felt what a humanoid Gundam is.

I saw that the king of Qin had already taken out the super big bow before the battle, and the bow and arrow were stretched like a full moon.


A huge arrow flew out, and a Goguryeo cavalry in front immediately fell down!
Many players also followed in the footsteps of King Qin and began to ride and shoot. The first round of charge had already broken a hole in the center of the monster.

This is the position of the demon's central army, and the equipment is not particularly sophisticated, so there is no good way to resist this elite cavalry.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides began to fight each other!
The King of Qin rushed to the front, and casually pulled out the extended version of the Liang Dao from his waist.

With one swing of the knife, it's like chopping melons and vegetables!
The players couldn't help feeling emotional when they saw King Qin's figure.This is the real hooker!No matter how hard the players practice, I am afraid it is impossible to practice like this.

In fact, players have also seen the cheating performance of some top players in the battlefield, such as Zhao Haiping, Fan Cun and so on.These people's fighting skills are very superb, if they were placed in ancient times, they would have to be a generation of brave generals.

But they are at most the top talents in an era, and what about King Qin?Belonging to the sum of the talents of all eras can be regarded as a figure who is awesome.

King Qin fought in the battlefield, only four words can describe it, strolling in the courtyard!

In fact, many people don't understand why these fierce generals who have experienced hundreds of battles and take the lead in every charge can still survive with all their tails and tails.

It stands to reason that if you rush into an army of tens of thousands of people alone, are these tens of thousands of people pigs?If one person gives you a shot, you will die long ago.

This is obviously a misunderstanding of ordinary people.

In fact, in the eyes of a real fierce general, the battle formation is completely different from what ordinary people see.

Even in a chaotic battlefield, where there are shouts of killing, clashes of swords and guns, and flying arrows, most of them are not a threat to themselves.

For example, a long spear ten meters away, a broadsword five meters away, and an arrow shot from nowhere more than ten meters away...these are actually not much of a threat. a knife or a spear.

Therefore, these fierce men only need to keep paying attention to the situation in front of them, and properly kill the enemies that threaten them.

By repeating this cycle, you can guarantee yourself an invincible position on the battlefield.

On the contrary, it was Ruya, because it was more likely to be recruited outside their warning range.

At this time, King Qin showed his bravery to the fullest.

He is equipped with two beam sabers at his waist, and both are extended beam sabers for horse fighting.Of course, he is not a dual swordsman. The reason why he has two swords is just in case.

If one of the knives is cut sharply, you can draw out the other knife to continue chopping.

In the battle with Song Laosheng that year, there are historical records: "The emperor was caught by the arrows, and he pulled out and fought again. He killed dozens of people with his hands, and his two swords were exhausted. Blood flowed into his sleeves, and he fought again."

With the king of Qin taking the lead, the players are naturally excited, rushing repeatedly in the central formation of the demon soldiers, further disrupting the formation of the demon soldiers!


From above, several big monsters are also watching the battlefield.

At this time, each of them still has a lot of magic energy that can be put into the battlefield, but the problem is that the orderer has not actually made a move yet.

In the first round of confrontation, it was clear that the Sequencer had the upper hand.

The new force led by King Qin blossomed in the center, directly stirring up the formation of the magic soldiers.In the front, the elite demon soldiers were blocked by the Sequencer's Modao Squad, elite infantry, and Shenji Battalion, unable to advance an inch at all; behind, the players' cavalry were advancing like chopping melons and vegetables.

Although the number of monsters has the upper hand, in such a situation, the number has long been unable to play a decisive role.

"How to do?"

The three big demons all fell silent.

Each time they try to take the upper hand in the initial trial, then the sorter will have to change first, and they can have a big advantage.But each time, the attempt ended in failure.

I have to admit that the gap between the two sides in terms of formation is indeed not the slightest...

Gong Gong said impatiently: "The Sequencer must be in this army! It's just a few tens of thousands of people, as long as you give me all the magic energy, I'll bump into it..."

Fei Lian said angrily: "I knew I'd hit him head-on! How can you be sure that the person in sequence must be in the army?

"Couldn't it be in the army besieging Anshi City? He might even stay in the Fortress of the Ordered Ones!"

At this time, the power of the sorter is actually divided into three parts.

The first is naturally the battlefield of the field battle at this time, the second is Anshi City, which is under siege, and the third is the Fortress of the Orderers.These three areas may all be the hiding places of the sorters.

If you really give all the power to Gong Gong and let it hit it head-on, then the chance of guessing right is only one-third.

This is obviously unacceptable to both Feilian and Kuafu.

Gonggong said angrily: "Then what do you say!"

Kuafu thought for a while: "How about this! It just so happens that we each take charge of a battlefield! The field battlefield, the Anshicheng battlefield, and the Fortress of the Ordered, we each take charge of one of these three places. Kill all the phantoms of the residents, and then go to help the other two parties!"

Gong Gong proudly said: "Yes!"

Apparently, in its view, Fei Lian has no other purpose other than dragging its feet, and it wishes to do it by itself, so as not to be hindered.

Fei Lian was silent for a while, then said, "Yes."

He also saw clearly that it is difficult to make any progress if he continues to argue with Gonggong and Kuafu at this time. Since neither of them agrees with the other, it is better to keep busy.

Gonggong said: "Okay, then I will lead the magic soldiers to attack the fortress of the Ordered Ones!"

Fei Lian thought for a while and agreed: "Then Kuafu, you will be in charge of the field, and I will go to Anshicheng."

This allocation is also very suitable for the strengths of these three great monsters.

Gonggong has the strongest explosive power and the most impressive single-body lethality. It is most suitable for this big monster with a strong head to attack the Fortress of the Ordered.To prevent him from throwing his ultimate move in the middle of the battle.

Going to fight the fortress of the sequencer, at least they can find a way to break through the city wall.

Kuafu has amazing stamina and is good at long-term battles. After joining the field battle, he should be able to fight with the Sequencer.

As for Fei Lian, he is cunning, vigilant, and good at saving his life. If he controls the defenders of Anshi City, he should be able to last longer and even have a chance to counterattack.

It was happily finalized, and the three big monsters quickly turned into black smoke and dispersed.

Apparently, they are also somewhat displeased with each other, wishing to get away from each other as soon as possible.

And at the first moment when these big monsters took action, Meng Yuan also learned the news through participating in the business.

In the next second, he had already responded.

System prompts appeared in all players' field of vision.

[All dead and revived players immediately join the battle to defend the Fortress of the Orderer! 】

【Gonggong, Kuafu, and Feilian have already gone to the three major battlefields of the Fortress of the Sequencer, the Field, and Anshi City! 】

[Heroic spirit summoning and gigantic functions have been activated, win at all costs! 】

At the moment the prompt appeared, the giant leaderboard that players were familiar with before also appeared.

The player who kills the most enemies will have the opportunity to become huge, and experience the feeling of a real man on the battlefield for a few minutes.

And the heroic spirits who have cooperated before are also in a state of summoning.

The battle between the two sides has finally entered a fierce stage!

At this time, the fighting players saw the system prompt and reacted differently.

"Three big monsters? There are actually three big monsters on the battlefield this time?"

"Isn't that all the big monsters except Xing Tian have arrived?"

"This difficulty is a bit outrageous!"

"In such a situation, think about what King Qin would do?"

"Oh, I see. First, the king of Qin captured the two kings in one battle at Hulaoguan, and now there are players who destroy the three demons in one battle?"

"So that's how it is, it's a great game!"

"Quickly, don't leave the fortress of the Orderer for the resurrected ones, prepare to defend in the fortress!"

"The field troops and the Anshicheng siege troops stand up! If it's a good deal, you can exchange your life for a life, but there's no need to die on purpose. The Fortress of the Ordered is still safe!"

The players immediately began to arrange troops and dispatch forces.

Fortunately, although Gonggong was responsible for attacking the fortress of the Orderers, its power could not be projected there all at once.It still needs to draw troops from the original magic soldiers, and gradually march towards the Fortress of the Ordered Ones.

This gives players time to prepare.

At this time, the battle is more intense, or the field battlefield.

King Qin led the players to clash in the center of the army of demon soldiers, killing an unknown number of demon soldiers.

At this time, both his swords have been blessed by Hao Ran's righteousness, so they can't curl their blades.But after repeated battles, he was already covered in blood.

"Okay, have fun!"

The fighting will of the magic soldiers is far better than that of ordinary enemies, but King Qin has no sense of defeat.

Because he was good at fighting for a long time.

In the proud battle of his life, he often did not eat for two days and did not disarm for three days. How long has he been fighting now?Still far from reaching his limit.

Only with the addition of Kuafu, the situation on the battlefield has undergone some changes.

The stamina of the magic soldier has been greatly improved. Not only that, but also a phantom of Kuafu hovering in mid-air, constantly sprinkling magic energy to weak positions in the battlefield, making it difficult for players to find a breakthrough.

The King of Qin couldn't help being furious: "Where the monster dares to make a mistake here!"

As he spoke, he drew his bow and set an arrow, and shot an arrow towards the phantom in the sky!

The big arrow infused with awe-inspiring righteousness actually pierced Kuafu's afterimage in an instant.

The big demon screamed, and the demonic energy instantly dissipated, and he dared not show any signs of it.

In fact, with Kuafu's strength, at this time, if all the demonic energy is concentrated to show its original shape, it is impossible for King Qin to win. After all, the power of demons still has the upper hand in this historical slice at this time.

But Kuafu didn't want to show his original shape at this time, because he might be targeted by the sequencers.

In this case, its afterimage could not stand up to King Qin's arrow.

It's just that although Kuafu no longer appeared, he was still secretly commanding the magic soldiers to fight, and the situation between the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

King Qin felt a little regretful: "It's a pity that my strong generals are not here! If Li Jing, Yuchi Jingde, Qin Shubao, Cheng Zhijie and others are here, what a mere monster is!
"...It's okay to have Xue Rengui!"

Obviously, King Qin was a little uncomfortable at this time.

In the process of pacifying the world, he quickly subdued a large number of fierce generals, and these fierce generals provided him with great assistance in the process of conquering the world.

The players were silent for a moment, and said weakly: "Your Majesty, it is impossible to have Li Jing, and it is impossible to have the two door gods, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Shubao. We can't use the characters in this historical slice before we get through this historical slice." .

" about you make do with the generals of future generations?"

The King of Qin felt a little regretful: "It's okay, what's his name?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a dazzling golden light falling from the sky, and a general was falling on the battlefield, smashing all the surrounding demon soldiers to pieces!
And with his appearance, there is an opening poem.

"Last night, the cold gnats couldn't stop singing. I was startled back to Qianlimeng, and it was already three o'clock. I got up and walked around the steps alone. People were quiet, and the moon was dim outside the curtain."

"The white head is fame. The old pine and bamboo in the old mountain hinder the return journey. I want to put my heart on the Yaoqin. If there are few bosom friends, who will listen to the broken strings!"

Hearing this poem, King Qin's first reaction was to frown slightly.

"A real man was born between heaven and earth. He should ride a horse and start a career. How can he be sentimental and pretend to be melancholy. As a general, shouldn't he have some more heroic poems?"

A player next to him reminded: "Your Majesty, he has heroic poems. How about 'Aspirations hungry for Hulu meat, laughing and thirsty for Huns' blood'?"

King Qin nodded: "That's good! But why..."

The players said silently: "Your Majesty, I suggest that you don't ask too many questions. Knowing about General Han Fuyue will not be good for your blood pressure."

King Qin was a little puzzled: "Why?"

The player said: "Your Majesty, do you know that there is a poem by a poet of the same dynasty as General Han Fuyue: Accumulated anger sometimes sings to water, and lonely loyalists have nowhere to cry in Zhaoling? General Han Fuyue met the most worthy Zhaoling The thing about Ling..."

The King of Qin nodded silently: "So that's how it is... I think it was a generation of famous generals who met a faint king in power, and their ambitions could not be stretched, so they could only live in seclusion in the countryside and die in depression..."

The players around were silent.

After a while, they said weakly: "Your Majesty, your talents in all aspects are top-notch, but it is also obvious that your imagination is still lacking."

Obviously, the most extreme situation that King Qin can think of is nothing more than a generation of famous generals who have made great military achievements but have no way to serve the country, so they can only retire to the countryside to die in anger.

With his brilliance and prowess, it would be difficult to imagine what happened to General Han Fuyue, and it would also be difficult to imagine how low an emperor's lower limit could be.

"Alright, General Han, then let me see your strength!"

After King Qin finished speaking, he immediately patted his horse and rushed out!
And General Han Fuyue also followed with a spear in his hand.

Inspired by the heroic spirit of General Han Fuyue, the players felt their whole bodies instantly filled with strength, as if they were the elite divisions who "do not demolish houses to death from freezing, and do not plunder to death from starvation", surrounding General Han Fuyue, Unshakable like a mountain.

General Han Fuyue raised his spear and knocked off the demon soldiers in front of him one after another.

King Qin couldn't help laughing: "Okay! Without Li Jing, without Yuchi Jingde, Han Fuyue is fine!
"I hold a bow and arrow, and the public follows with a gun, even if there are millions of people, I can't do it!
"If it was in the Zhenguan period, with your talent, General Han, you would definitely be able to fight the battle of destroying the country!"

The players couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Who said no!
Why did General Han Fuyue express emotion in his poems, "If there are few bosom friends, who will listen to the broken strings?"

This is not a literati's embarrassment for writing new words, he really has no bosom friend...

But now, he has met a bosom friend.

Liang Taizong can be said to be the bosom friend of all famous ministers and generals in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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