My players are all actors

Chapter 353 Buy a Catty of Melon Seeds for Comfort

Chapter 353 Buy a catty of melon seeds to comfort you
The bewildered Gonggong looked at the bewildered players, and the two sides looked at each other with puzzled eyes, and they all froze for a while.

For Gonggong, the scene in front of it was completely unexpected.

No, didn't I just kill the real sorter?

Without the orderers, these phantoms of the aborigines should be wiped out in an instant. They should instantly become a harmless aura of righteousness and collapse into the entire historical slice. Only heroic spirits like Liang Taizong and General Han Fuyue could continue Maintaining a human form, but it can't last long under the attack of monsters...

But why, these phantoms of the aborigines seem to be completely unaffected?

For the players, the scene in front of them also made them a little confused.

Is this the big monster?

How come it's so fake?
Gonggong, with a human head and a snake body, originally floated in the sky, wrapped in magic energy like a black dragon at a dinner party, giving players a strong sense of oppression.

But now, it still has a human-headed snake body, but its size has shrunk many times. In the eyes of the players, it looks more like a harmless little snake, coiled in the pit and looking at them blankly.

Of course, to say it is a small snake is to compare it with its original size.The current Gonggong is still two or three meters high, but compared to the previous behemoth, it is already quite small.

Gonggong's body trembled slightly.

"What's going on? Could it be that the real sequencer is not in the sequencer's fortress??"

It can't accept this reality, but there really is no other explanation for this situation.

The two sides looked at each other, and neither of them could respond immediately.

After a while, one player seemed to come back to his senses, and shot an arrow with a "whoosh".

With a "puff", the arrow with great righteousness hit Gonggong's demon body, and was quickly eroded by the demonic energy and disappeared, but part of the demonic energy on Gonggong's body was wiped out, which is also clearly visible.

The players reacted instantly: "Go!"

The previous Gonggong was too scary, hovering in the sky like a black dragon, even if the players attacked it, there was no way to attack it.

After all, it is too high and too big. The range of the players' bows and arrows or catapults is not enough, and even if they hit it, it may be difficult to cause too much damage.

But it's different now. Although Gonggong is still quite large, it is clearly within the size range of the "quick kill" boss.


Gonggong was furious. It couldn't accept that these ant-like phantoms of aborigines would look down on it like this. The way it looked at itself was no different from the way it looked at those randomly kneaded magic soldiers.

Its snake body circled quickly, and slammed into the player who rushed over first!

With a loud bang, all the players in a straight line behind, including this player, were smashed into ashes, and even a deep gully was left on the ground.

"Good guy! There's something wrong with this boss, hurry up and spread out, keep the scattered formation!"

The players quickly responded, quickly changed the array, and continued to besiege Gonggong.

They continued to play the fine tradition of besieging the boss. The quick and flexible players attracted hatred in the front, and the players behind shot arrows, threw spears or chanted poems to cause greater damage to Gonggong.

Gonggong has never seen such a posture.

Although it is a big monster, but because of its powerful strength, it has been guarded in the relatively later dynasty slices, not to mention that it is difficult for ordinary sorters to kill here. With an absolute strength advantage, they often win without any tactics.

Even if there are occasional sequencers to make it into a hard fight, it is definitely not the current style of painting.

How can anyone play like this?

Gonggong is simply unable to use its strength. The phantom group of aborigines in front of it is obviously not strong, and it can even be said to be very weak. A breeze.

But after it shrunk in size, it was discovered that it was hard to touch!
These people are as slippery as loaches, stealing left and right, but every time Gong Gong makes a violent attack, he is often dodged at an incredible angle. Even if he hits, he only kills one or two people, which is simply a drop in the bucket. .


Gong Gong let out a roar, its anger had reached its limit, it gathered its remaining strength and slammed into it again!
With a loud "boom", the players who had been repeatedly jumping sideways and drawing hatred instantly evaporated on the spot.

Not only that, a deep pit was smashed out of the fan-shaped area after Gonggong's impact, and all the players inside were sent back to the resurrection point with a dazed look on their faces.

And most of them have no resurrection times, so they can only stay at the resurrection point in the state of soul, watching the rest of the battle.

But after this collision, Gonggong's size shrunk again, and the players swarmed up, quickly annihilating its clone completely.

After the battle, the players began to clean up the battlefield.

And comment on this big monster.

"Okay, the performance is full. This should be the best demon after Xing Tian."

"Here we have to name and criticize Fei Lian, what the hell, he knows how to run away."

"This collision really created an epic feeling, but... what about our fortress! It has to be repaired from scratch!"

"It's okay, it's all plot arrangements. Anyway, the plot is moving forward. I'm used to things like moving bricks."

After counting the battlefield, the players found that although the losses were heavy, they were still within acceptable limits.

Although Gonggong's shocking collision wiped out all the players in the Fortress of the Sequencer, and also caused serious damage to the Fortress of the Sequencer, after all, there are only a small number of players in it.

Most of the players are still fighting in the field battlefield and the battlefield behind Gonggong.

What the players just don't understand is, why doesn't Gonggong go to the wild battlefield?Aren't there more people over there?
Soon, the surviving players finished cleaning the battlefield and were ready to go to the field battlefield to support the players fighting Kuafu.



The players shouted loudly and rushed to the field battlefield.

However, as the vision of the battlefield ahead gradually became clearer, they were stunned.

The enthusiasm that was like fire before was instantly chilled.

Because the battle here is also over!
Although players can communicate with each other, if there are too many channels, they can't listen at all, and it will be very confusing.Therefore, most players still only listen to the command of their team leader during the battle, and have no time to take care of other places.

And this time, the battles in the two battlefields are very intense, so the players don't have much energy to understand the situation in the other battlefield when they are fully committed to the battle.

After the Sequencer Fortress was finished, the battle on the field battlefield was also coming to an end. When the players arrived, the battle just ended.

These players have already climbed the mountains one after another, some sat on the ground, some gathered together in small groups, and some simply sat on the trees, and they just moved a small bench and started cracking melon seeds.

The new players were a little confused: "What's going on?"

"Oh, it's okay, the battle is over." A player replied.

The new player was even more confused: "Then what are you doing here?"

The player replied: "Watching the performance of King Qin."

The new players looked in the direction of the other players' field of vision, and saw King Qin galloping ahead in the wilderness in the distance, while Kuafu was chasing after him.

Whenever Kuafu was about to catch up, the king of Qin would turn his head and shoot Kuafu with an arrow, causing his speed to drop sharply.

Kuafu yelled in anger, but he didn't have the same long-range attack method as King Qin. Sometimes he could only use magic energy to condense into stones or throw them over with a stick, but King Qin easily dodged them with his superb riding skills. .

And so on and on.

Finally, it seemed that King Qin's quiver was about to bottom out, and he began to pat the horse in a big circle, and gradually ran back.

The players stood up one after another.

"Come to live!"

"Hurry up, set up your formation, and prepare to collect your pockets!"

The magic machine players have already made preparations, setting up all kinds of artillery and muskets, cavalry on the two wings, and an array of long-range weapons such as bows and arrows and magic arm bows in the middle.

Kuafu was already outraged, and only King Qin was left running in front of him in his field of vision and even in his mind.

So angry!

Cunning Heroic Spirit!
However, Kuafu also found out that the arrows in King Qin's quiver were finally about to bottom out. After there were no more arrows, Kuafu was sure that he could catch King Qin soon.

Then it wins!

However, at this moment, King Qin slapped the horse's ass, and the horse drifted instantly, returning to the players' formation.

There is quite a chicness of drifting into the warehouse.

Kuafu snorted coldly: "Why, did you give up because you knew you couldn't beat me?"

However, in the next second, the artillery fires!
The players had already set up their formations relying on the mountain situation, and they fired a round of arrows at Kuafu, and the artillery and muskets also fired one after another.

After the gunpowder smoke passed, Kuafu stared at the dissipated demonic energy on his body, his eyes widened angrily.

"You are cheating!"

King Qin was a little surprised: "Why did I cheat? I only said whether the gambler can catch up with me, and I didn't say that other people can't attack? If you don't accept it, you can attack me too!"

The players are a little embarrassed.

I feel that the intelligence of these big monsters is really worrying, and Fei Lian, who is in charge of IQ, even sneaked away at the first time, so that the process of fooling Kuafu made the players feel a little guilty.

Maybe I should buy it a catty of melon seeds to comfort it?
"You cunning people!"

Kuafu was obviously already in a state of extreme anger, his figure began to swell rapidly, and the corpses of those demon soldiers who fell on the ground also quickly disappeared, and all the remaining demon energy in the entire slice was absorbed into its body.

Players' cannons, bullets, and arrows shot at it, and it didn't have a good effect at all.

But it was all too late.

In the sky, Beichen appeared out of thin air.

Most of the Fortress of the Sequencer and the City Lord's Mansion have been destroyed, so it is not appropriate for Beichen to come out from there. It would be more compelling to simply walk out of the void.

And the moment he appeared, the players felt that the awe-inspiring righteousness in their bodies was being pulled away and concentrated, and along with the awe-inspiring righteousness in the mountains, rivers and vegetation of the entire historical slice, it rose up!

"Evil heretics, die!"

After shouting angrily, Beichen condensed countless arrogance and righteousness into a long sword, which was instantly radiant and slashed at Xing Tian!


Kuafu's huge body couldn't resist the power of this sword at all, as if the ice and snow melted, he was split in half by the long sword from head to toe!

Kuafu roared angrily, threw his cane and smashed it into the players' array, many players were unable to dodge and suffered heavy losses.

But in the next second, under the suppression of Hao Ran's righteousness, the cane turned into a peach forest.

Kuafu stared angrily at Beichen in the air, but in the next second, Beichen had turned into righteousness, falling from the sky like a canopy, suppressing the remaining demonic energy in the historical slices, and gradually transforming them into righteousness.

Kuafu is still unwilling, but its huge body has collapsed.

The power of all the big monsters in the entire history slice has been swept away!
(End of this chapter)

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