My players are all actors

Chapter 355 New Version Update Announcement

Chapter 355 New Version Update Announcement

While players are discussing the previous game, the new version update announcement of "Dark Sand" is also freshly released.

"The new version update announcement of "Dark Sand":

"After the players worked together to help Emperor Liang Taizong sweep the troubled times and subdue the barbarians, the historical slice of 'Ping the universe today' has been successfully conquered.

"During the battle of the Great Demon Gonggong, the Fortress of the Sequencer was severely damaged. Alternative city construction plans and the list of player purchases of ordnance have been updated. For details, please enter the game to check.

"The abilities of the Sequencer have been upgraded accordingly.

""Dark Sand" will enter a seven-day state of preparation for a new version:
"[-]. The clip content of the customs clearance of "Jian Lai Universe Ping" will be updated in different ways:

""The King of Qin Breaking the Battle" will be released on the video website in the form of video;
"The Battle of Hulaoguan will be released in the form of a war simulation game;
""Change of Xuanwumen" will be released in the form of an interactive game;
"Second, in the way of sealing the frontiers of land, the scope of the sequencer's fortress and the player's land will be further expanded. After connecting with the new historical slice, the surrounding terrain will undergo more changes.

"In the Fortress of the Sequencer and the fief, more new craftsmen and shops will appear, and more resource points will be unlocked. The opening of new content is parallel to the construction of the Citadel of the Sequencer, without affecting each other.

"Players can use construction points to purchase various new weapons such as Liang Dao, Mo Dao, and Mingguang Armor in the Fortress of the Sequencer.

"Third, the Heroic Spirit Summoning function has been upgraded.

"Heroic spirits that can be summoned at the moment: General Deng Yuanjing, Sheng Taizu, Zaizhi Wang Wenchuan (dual form), Yu Jiaxuan, General Han Fuyue, Liang Taizong, Yuchi Jingde.

"Fourth, the issuance of internal test qualifications.

"At this stage, an additional 30 internal test qualifications will be issued, bringing the total number of internal test players to [-].

"The new internal test quota will be selected according to the original mechanism.

"Special attention: According to different historical slices, the number of players carried by the Sequencer's Expedition is also different. In some special cases, entering the Sequencer's Expedition may have to be screened. to be the first.

"Five, the number of resurrections +1
"In the sequencer's expedition gameplay, due to the increase in the power of the sequencer, the number of resurrections for all players will increase by one.

"Seven days later, the game will open a brand new version 'but make Dragon City Fly General', the specific update content is as follows.

"[-]. A batch of new talent skills have been unlocked in the sequencer's talent skill library, and the skill levels of 'A', 'B', and 'C' have been unlocked.

"Second, part of the talent skills will be unlocked as permanent talent skills, and the permanent talent skills will not occupy the original talent skill slots.

"Third, unlock the dungeon 'Feng Lang Ju Xu'.

"After the players worked together and defeated all four big monsters in a row, the demon lord Chi You has realized the powerful threat of the Sequencer, and decided to use all his strength to chase and intercept the Sequencer.

"Players, please be ready for the final battle with the Demon Lord Chiyou at any time!"


As soon as the update announcement came out, players immediately started a heated discussion.

"Hey, the dungeon was released in three different forms this time?"

"Qin Wang Breaking the Array is equivalent to posting the MV directly? Yes, there are real historical scenes, and then the real performance at that time, this must be watched a hundred times!"

"The Battle of Hulaoguan will be released as a simulated war game? Like Total War? That's exciting!"

"Does that mean that ordinary players can also experience the battlefield of the Battle of Hulaoguan in this game? Choose different forces, choose different styles of play, and watch the real fight on the vast battlefield. Thinking about it is exciting!"

"Yeah, most people have no concept of the real battlefield. Although "Dark Sand" has released a lot of videos before, everyone is not directing the operation by themselves after all. Now that the game is released, more people should be able to experience it. It's a real battlefield!"

"I don't know if the game configuration is high or not, and how to operate it. It feels quite complicated!"

"What's the matter, "Dark Sand" has officially made a VR game with consciousness connection, so it's so difficult to intercept a part to make a simulated war game."

"And it can also cultivate potential players! Maybe if you play "Battle of Hulaoguan" well, you are more likely to be qualified for the closed beta of "Dark Sands"?"

"Speaking of which, the internal test qualifications issued are all 30! When will the server be officially launched!"

"I don't know... There are 30 people online at the same time in this game, but it's obviously not at the point where it can be completely released. If it is completely released, it is estimated that the number of people will skyrocket to several million tens of millions..."

"30 people are online at the same time. In other games, it is already considered a devastating level, but in this game it is only a closed beta, outrageous!"

""Change of Xuanwumen" is also open, which means that we can continue to explore other details in the game."

"Well, it's a bit similar to the previous copy of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon", but this one should have more details."

"The fiefdom and the Fortress of the Ordered Ones have been upgraded again, but the Fortress of the Ordered Ones has been destroyed! Should we rebuild it first?"

"The officials didn't even mention the reconstruction! Is it true that the officials deliberately destroyed the Fortress of the Ordered and let us continue to move bricks?"

"But there are new craftsmen, shops, and new equipment such as Liang Dao, Mo Dao, and Mingguang Armor. It's okay."

"Actually, whether the Fortress of the Sequencer is destroyed or not has nothing to do with us. Anyway, the construction points have already been obtained, and we can earn another construction point by moving bricks again."

"This time, I killed all the remaining three big monsters in one breath. After absorbing so much magic energy, it should be upgraded to a big one."

"That's all the plot of the game, you upstairs are in the play!"

"The number of resurrections +1 is the key point, it is simply an epic enhancement! Finally, I have one more life to roam around!"

"The new dungeon is Fenglang Juxu! Looking forward to it!"

"But what does it mean that the demon Lord Chi You will come to the decisive battle at any time? What does it mean that we should be prepared? Will he come or not?"

"Then it looks like it will probably come..."

"In short, Chu Ge and the big guys are ready to figure out how to deal with it. How should we play or how to play!"


With the launch of the latest three works, the whole network has once again set off a wave of upsurge.

Many people who have not qualified for the internal test are waiting eagerly!
There is no way to enter "Dark Sand" to experience those hearty battles in person. You can only experience it in this way after the players pass the level.

Huo Yunying was in her own home, having just experienced the video of "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Battle" and the game "Change of Xuanwumen".

They were released on video websites and game platforms respectively, and the number of views and downloads so far have been growing rapidly.

The number of views of "King of Qin Breaking the Array" has exceeded 5000 million in a short period of time, and according to this trend, it is only a matter of time before the number of views exceeds [-] million or even over [-] million.

The amount of barrage is dense and overwhelming, and even a large number of foreign media have reproduced it one after another.

The game "Change of Xuanwu Gate" is similar to the previous "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon", and it is similar to the form of interactive videos.

It's just that "Change of Xuanwu Gate" doesn't just make choices like an interactive video, but can focus on various little people and see the details of their various behaviors. The whole game is like a huge treasure trove, with Countless nuances are waiting for players to discover.

There are already many specialized scholars or history buffs frantically brushing the process, trying to analyze the truth of the Xuanwumen Incident as comprehensively as possible, and determine what the political situation was like at that time.

But Huo Yunying was more concerned about the war simulation game "Battle of Hulao Pass".

So far, Huo Yunying's life has also changed a lot because of the game "Dark Sand".

Relying on his popularity in the game, he opened a martial arts gym, and there is an endless stream of students. Now he teaches in the martial arts gym during the day and fights in "Dark Sand" at night. It can be said that he is doing what he likes 24 hours a day.

This may also be an important positive effect of the emergence of "Dark Sand": it has freed many players from boring work, and they can do what they like, and they have a good income, completely changing their lives.

Huo Yunying entered the game of "Battle of Hulao Pass".

"Hey, this game is well detailed!"

This was Huo Yunying's first reaction.

The content of this game is actually not complicated. After entering the game, the title interface only has a few simple options.

They are: [Story Mode], [Custom Battleground], [Battle Mode], [Options] and [Exit Game].

Among them, the plot mode is to experience the whole process of the battle of Hulaoguan under the specific historical conditions at that time.

Players can choose to play any of the three forces of King Qin, Wang Shichong, and Dou Jiande. The ultimate goal of the plot mission is to win the battle of Hulaoguan.

Of course, there are different difficulty divisions, namely [easy], [medium], [difficult], [real], of which the real difficulty is of course the highest.

The difficulty of winning the three parties is of course different, but it is really hard to say which one is more difficult.

The biggest difficulty for King Qin is not only to win the tough battle with Wang Shichong in the early stage and lock him firmly in Luoyang City so that he cannot come out, but also to use only a few thousand people to defeat Dou Jiande's [-] army.

And what about Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande?The two forces do have a certain numerical advantage, but the problem is that there is King Qin on the opposite side.

Players recalled the tragic scene of being killed by King Qin in the simulated trial.

Therefore, it is very difficult for these three forces to play, and it is difficult to say which one is more difficult.

The plot is carefully divided into different stages, and the whole big battle is dismantled into many small modules, which is convenient for players to experience in stages, from easy to difficult.

[Custom battlefield] allows players to use existing materials, including different scenes and different arms to customize the battle.

For those UP masters who like to deduce in the sand table in the game, this is simply an ecstatic mode.

Because there are too few similar games that simulate real battlefields, and many of them are old games, the physics engine and picture quality are not very good.This wave can be said to be an epic enhancement.

What's more, the material of "Dark Sand" can basically be used at will, and there is no need to worry about any copyright issues in the video.

As for the [Battle Mode], it is even more interesting. Players are allowed to match each other in twos, but currently it supports up to three parties, and no more is supported.

What surprised Huo Yunying even more was that the optimization of this game is too good!

Although there are so many soldiers running around on the screen, and the battlefield is so large, calculations seem to be happening everywhere, but the CPU and graphics card usage rates are not high, which is simply unscientific.

However, considering the various black technologies of the producer of "Dark Sand", even the VR technology of consciousness connection has been realized, it is not surprising that this little PC optimization technology is a little bit against the sky.

Of course, the fly in the ointment is that this game is limited by the form of the client after all, and it is impossible to achieve complete simulation like the game "Dark Sand". Operations such as archery, chopping, etc. can be performed through the keyboard, mouse or handle, and it is impossible to be specific and accurate in how to exert force.

But in many other aspects, it still restores the real battlefield as much as possible.

For example, the soldiers here are not emotionless robots, they all have their own ideas, and they are prone to mutiny or collapse in the real cold weapon battlefield.

It is impossible to expect soldiers to perfectly execute their tactical instructions like other strategy games.

Tactical strategy, morale boosting, adaptability during the battle, etc. are all very important, and any shortcoming may cause the collapse of the battlefield.

Compared with other strategy games or combat simulation games, this is of course much more difficult, but "Sand Sand" is also a game that focuses on reality.

For the players of "Dark Sands", they have already experienced it in the real battlefield, and the difficulty is reduced when switching to PC, which can be played as daily entertainment. For those ordinary players who want to experience the real battlefield Words, even more ecstasy.

Finally a war simulation game this realistic!
However, this update disappoints the players because there are no new subordinate identities for the time being, so there will be no dungeons of cavalry, magic machine, or Pive Trial for players to play.


The fortress of the Orderers has just been destroyed, why don't you take this opportunity to rebuild it with bricks?
You can also save some construction points to buy new equipment such as Liang Dao, Mo Dao, Ming Guangjia, etc., and the quality of the war horses of the Liang Dynasty is also very high. Wouldn’t it be nice to update all the equipment in the whole body?
In this way, players are looking forward to the arrival of the new version with great joy.

(End of this chapter)

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