My players are all actors

Chapter 358 Chi You's Decision

Chapter 358 Chi You's Decision

At this time, in the depths of the vast Mobei grassland.

Demon Lord Chi You and the other four big monsters, oh no, it should be said that the other three and a half little monsters lined up.

Feilian, Xingtian, Gonggong, and Kuafu originally guarded the four large historical slices of Sheng, Qi, Liang, and Chu respectively, and the sum of their respective demonic powers is even slightly higher than that of the demon lord Chiyou himself.

Of course, the four big monsters are far inferior to Chi You if taken individually, and it is almost impossible for them to cooperate, so it is impossible to unite and kill Chi You.

But now, the strength of these big monsters has been severely damaged, and it is even more impossible to pose any threat to Chi You.

Among the four big demons, the order of strength from high to low is roughly Kuafu, Feilian, Xingtian, and Gonggong.

Among them, Xingtian and Gonggong were the worst. They guarded the two key historical slices of Qi and Liang respectively, and basically fought to the last moment.

The result is that their avatars, which condense most of their power, are completely wiped out by the players, and the remaining power at this time is only [-] to [-]% of the main body.

Although Kuafu also suffered heavy losses in the previous Liang Dynasty slice, but it itself guarded the Chu Dynasty's historical slice after all, so the power allocated is not too much.

At this time, there are still [-] to [-]% of the power left.

As for Fei Lian, although he was the first big demon to bear the brunt of the rise of the Sequencer, he managed to preserve his strength to the greatest extent by virtue of his ability to adapt to the wind and run away in time.

At this time, about [-]% of the power is left.

The original four big monsters, except for Kuafu who barely counted as half of them, the other three big monsters can only be regarded as little monsters.

Of course, even so, they are far stronger than ordinary monsters.

The demon lord Chiyou has a huge figure, with ears like swords and halberds, and two horns on his head.

Its upper body was naked, its muscles were knotted, and it had a metallic luster, while its lower body was wrapped in animal skins, giving it a savage and powerful feeling.

Not only that, but there are dozens of phantoms similar to it around it, which are the 81 brothers of Chi You in the legend.

Chi You, who is said to be a weapon maker in legend, can also be regarded as the first tribe to use bronzes. He is also known as the Three Patriarchs of China along with Huangdi and Yandi.

Of course, this Demon Lord at this time is not Chi You himself, like the other four great monsters, they are all monsters who have stolen and occupied the images of these ancient gods after entrenching the ancient slices.

The sky is filled with black air, and more monsters are still gathering.

The base camp of the Demon Lord Chiyou is not here. Its behavior at this time is the same as that of Kuafu before. It is an expedition across the historical slice where it is located. come over.

However, this time the demon lord Chi You also brought about [-]% of the power, leaving only [-]% to guard the historical slices of the ancient times.

This can also be said to be the base camp flying dragon riding on the face.

The decisive battle that should have been fought in the ancient history slice came ahead of time, because Chi You also knew very well that if nothing was done, it would be a high probability event for the sequencer to win the Chu Dynasty history slice.

When the time comes, the Sequencer will absorb Kuafu's power, and then go to the ancient history slice to fight it decisively, which will be very unfavorable to the demon.

And at this time, taking advantage of the fact that the power of the Sequencer is not strong enough, it directly takes out all the power it can use to become a clone, and then gathers the remaining power of the other four big monsters, which is theoretically the best way to win.

Looking back at the four big monsters, Chi You was completely out of breath.

Previously, the clones of these four great monsters returned to the historical slices of the ancient times and complained in front of Chi You.

The first to arrive was Fei Lian, who knew very well that his behavior of running away would be condemned by the other two big monsters, not to mention that Xing Tian was still angry with him before, so he had already thought of an excuse while running away.

"Master Demon Monarch! The other three big monsters are too stupid, I can't cooperate with them at all!"

Fei Lian was the first to report what he had done. Of course, it was full of embellishments and spring and autumn brushwork.

Including the other two big monsters who were scattered by the sequencer to lure the enemy and dragged each other, while he was attacked by the main force of the sequencer, and only in the second before he was about to be surrounded by the sequencer did he rely on his keen sense of smell And powerful wisdom successfully escaped.

And when I was besieged by the Sequencer and it was becoming difficult to persist, the two big monsters were still indifferent. It seems that those two brainless people will definitely be divided and disintegrated by the more intelligent and close to the Sequencer, and they will be defeated one by one , and I will definitely not take the blame.

Not long after, the remaining clones of the other two big monsters also arrived.

Gong Gong has a violent temper, and he wanted to fight Fei Lian desperately when he came up, but the power of his avatar has been severely weakened now, and he can't beat Fei Lian at all, so in the end he can only sue the demon king.

Kuafu was in the same situation, and the complaints of the two of them brought back painful memories for Xing Tian, ​​and there was a spectacle of three big monsters denouncing Fei Lian together.

However, Fei Lian did not fall into a disadvantage because of this. He quoted from many sources and analyzed in detail in front of the demon king Chi You, which just made the situation more and more chaotic.

After all, Fei Lian is the brainiest of the three big monsters, which means that he has the strongest ability to mess around and twist right and wrong.

The other three big monsters can't say it together, so even if it is reasonable, it is not very useful. The two sides are just a match in public opinion.

In the end, Chi You couldn't stand it anymore, and stopped them in a rage.

"Okay! Stop arguing!
"The reason why you failed is because you each have your own ideas, you don't understand each other, and you don't belong to each other! You have already reached this point, so stop messing around!

"Next, you all listen to my orders. If there is a situation like today's prevarication after the war, you will be killed immediately!"

Under Chi You's fury, the differences between the four great demons were finally temporarily suppressed.

The demon's "unforgiveness" is different from that of human beings, and is closer to the state of "one whale falls and all things live".After the big monster is completely killed, the demonic energy it gathered will gradually disperse, turning into various weak monsters, and in the process of distorting more slices of history, new big monsters will be bred.

For Chi You, facing this situation, it is also difficult to deal with it completely and fairly.

Because it doesn't know the specific situation of the war, did Fei Lian run away?Or are the other three big monsters too reckless to forcefully send them off?

I'm afraid it's hard to find out now.

And at the moment of the war, overturning old accounts means that it will have an impact on the current battle.Because no matter which side wins the result of overturning old scores, the next battle will inevitably be biased towards this side's plan.

If you think that Fei Lian is right, then the next battle will definitely be on the conservative side; if you think Gong Gong is right, then the next battle will definitely be on the aggressive side.

So Chi You simply suppressed the disputes between the four great monsters, letting them put aside their disputes and concentrate on the next decisive battle.

However, this result is completely acceptable to Fei Lian, and even a little proud, but it is very unacceptable to the other three big demons, and it even makes it easier for the pent-up resentment to burst out.

Fei Lian immediately came to Chi You, and said flatteringly, "Master Mojun! Then how should we deal with this Sequencer?"

Chi You snorted coldly: "It's very simple, show the chariots and horses, and confront each other head-on!"

With a wave of its hand, a huge sand table built with magic energy appeared on the empty field in front of it, giving a panoramic view of the entire vast battlefield.

The battlefield this time is the entire desolate Mobei, even though Chi You has hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, it still seems very small on such a spatial scale.

But the demons have the home court advantage, because they came to this historical slice to possess the people of Beidi.

The Beidi people are nomadic tribes. They were originally distributed in the area with rich water and grass in Mobei, and they can easily gather a strong cavalry to come and go freely.

The demon cannot and does not need to occupy all the Beidi people. After all, in Chi You's view, there are many Beidi people with low combat effectiveness.

Just like when sorters select aborigines to help, they will also give priority to those who are strong, and ordinary aborigines just let it go.

The same is true for monsters. Since they are in this historical slice, they must still use the power of the barbarians in this slice.Some of the strong ones can be directly transformed into magic soldiers, but the weaker Beidi people can only exist as a force like the "Magic Alliance Army".

Chi You glanced at the four big monsters, and said coldly: "The biggest problem with the four of you is that you always want to play tricks with the Sequencer!
"If it was before, it might still work, but this sequencer is obviously completely different from the previous sequencers. He is so wise and close to a monster, and your strategy is obviously far inferior to him!
"Fei Lian is good at intelligence. It is understandable for him to want to use his brains with the sequencer. Don't you know what the conditions are for the three of you? Not only do you underestimate the sequencer, but you also don't listen to Fei Lian's dissuasion! Can you not fail? ?"

The other three big monsters all had expressions of dissatisfaction, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Chi You looked at Fei Lian again: "Fei Lian! You are also at fault! Since resourcefulness doesn't work, it's time to concentrate your superior forces to eliminate the orderly ones! But you always want to protect yourself in everything, and you never really concentrate your superior forces! "

Fei Lian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty Demon Lord taught me a lesson!"

Chi You proudly looked into the distance: "So, this king will never make the mistakes you once made! The reason why we chose to fight here this time is to concentrate our superior forces and make it clear that we will fight to the death with the Sorcerers!

"We will fight head-on, and we will never give the sequencer any chance to use tricks!"

Fei Lian hurriedly praised: "Master Mojun is wise!"

In fact, it doesn't think so in its heart.

Do you think I haven't thought about concentrating superior forces to fight to the death?But every time the sorter can think of a way to break the game that I haven't even considered!
Am I trying to outwit him?No, I was simply crushed by IQ!
But it is impossible to say that, Chi You is so full of ambition, and if he speaks sarcasticly at this time, he may become the first of the four big monsters to be Karma.

Since it was Chi You who made the move in person, the four big monsters could only silently obey the arrangement.

 I have been very anxious in the past few days. The current protective measures are sufficient and safe. Don't treat it as a big cold and take personal protection.In the end, the book was almost finished after the big battle, and then filled in the pits at the end of the virtual, and I was thinking about new books around the Spring Festival.Hey, it's difficult to concentrate in the eventful autumn. I hope my readers are safe, and I hope that I will write a good book after the year when the inspiration is bursting.

(End of this chapter)

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