I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 11 The Ability of the "Tyrant"——Spiritual Law

Chapter 11 The Ability of the "Tyrant"——Spiritual Law

Xu Ruyi looked at Jiang He in front of her, and asked in confusion, "Did I do something wrong?"

He always felt that after he killed the "little monster" just now, Jiang He's mood became very depressed.

Jiang He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was very confused when he got to the mouth, and finally shook his head dejectedly: "No, you did it right."

Distortion is irreversible. Once someone around you is distorted, the first choice is to kill the other party with your own hands.

This is the consensus of the survivors who have survived in this world.

Even Jiang He personally executed many aberrants, including many of his friends and even relatives.

So what Xu Ruyi did was not wrong.

It was just because it was Xu Ruyi that Jiang He had illusions about him.

Maybe... "Zero Zero Zero" knows that there is a way to reverse the distortion?

Jiang He regained his composure and followed Xu Ruyi on the road. On the way, he asked Xu Ruyi this question.

"Boss, do you know of any way to turn the mutant back into a human?"

"Are you asking in reality or in the game?"

"What about in reality?"

"In reality, I'm just an ordinary person." Xu Ruyi spread her hands, "How could I do such a powerful thing."

"..." Jiang He was at a loss for words for a while, and then he said after a while, "What about in the game?"

Xu Ruyi looked at him like an idiot: "Although "Second Home" is doing well, this is just a game, and these monsters are just data."

"……you're right."

Jiang He sighed, it seems that "Zero Zero Zero" can't make the deformed body regain sanity, or even turn back into a human being.


As time passed, Jiang He couldn't tell the direction in the fog, so he followed Xu Ruyi all the time.

There is no difference between day and night in the Paradise, and the passage of time is also difficult to estimate. Jiang He doesn't know how long he and Xu Ruyi have walked, but only knows that his legs are sore as if filled with lead.

Gradually, he discovered one thing, a very serious thing—"Zero Zero" seemed to have lost his way.

The reason for discovering this was that after the two of them went around in a big circle, they finally returned to the ashes of the weird tree again.


Jiang He looked at Xu Ling's wreckage, and turned to Xu Ruyi who was beside him: "Boss, what do you think about this matter?"

Xu Ruyi looked away guiltily.

He...was really lost.

In this fog, his vision was indeed better than that of ordinary people, but he still couldn't tell the direction.

The reason why he hadn't taken the wrong path before was because he was following the guidance of the calling voice beside his ear.

But after that voice disappeared, Xu Ruyi just turned around like a headless chicken.

It has taken too much time to walk this way.

Xu Ruyi murmured: "We can't delay any longer, there is not enough time..."

"What, what time?"

Jiang He was alert immediately, and looked around worriedly.

Could it be that after a while, this paradoxical domain will become dangerous even to "Zero Zero"?

Xu Ruyi didn't expect Jiang He to hear her soliloquy, and replied: "In two hours, I should get up, and I can't play games."


"There are discounted eggs in the supermarket in the morning. I have to get up early, otherwise those aunts will snatch them up."

Xu Ruyi explained.

Jiang He wanted to scold his mother in his heart.

Aren't the discounted eggs in the supermarket only available in the evening?

It must have been changed by the guys in "Zero Shelter" to match the schedule of "Zero Zero Zero". Maybe they can't arrange a group of granny operators to be passers-by to snatch eggs?

Do I want to die because of the reason of "worried that the discounted eggs will be snatched up by the aunts"?

If he dies like this, he may die with regret!
Two hours... How could it be possible to leave this strange realm in two hours?What's more, the silly roe deer "Zero Lingling" still insists on going to the city center to have a look.

The more Jiang He thought about it, the paler his face became, and the sweat dripped from his forehead.

He was thinking about how to persuade Xu Ruyi to give up the discounted eggs this morning, but he saw Xu Ruyi clenched his fists as if to cheer him up: "So I have to be more serious."

"What does it mean to be serious..."

Before Jiang He could say anything, Xu Ruyi in front of him suddenly began to change dramatically!
His mutated black scales on his left arm began to expand little by little, and black blood vessels appeared under the skin, spreading towards his shoulders, neck, and even his face. After a while, the entire left half of his body began to be covered with black scales. , A bone spur broke through the skin and grew out.

As for Xu Ruyi's eyes, one eye is normal like an ordinary person, black and white are distinct.

But the other eye turned into pure black!

Jiang He backed away in fright, fell to the ground, and stared blankly at the mutated Xu Ruyi.

He knew that Xu Ruyi's body was deforming, and what he was worried about was that Xu Ruyi would become an irrational monster like everyone else after being deformed.

In that case, the first one to suffer would be him who stayed by Xu Ruyi's side!
But fortunately, after the mutation, Xu Ruyi just glanced at him calmly, and even kindly reminded him: "Just sit by the side for a while, it might be a little dangerous."

He can speak, and knows to remind him to be safe.

Jiang He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It seems that even after the distortion, "Linglingling" still completely maintains his rationality.

But that's right, after all, he was originally...

After Xu Ruyi told Jiang He, she stopped paying attention to him, but focused on the black mist in front of her.

"I remember the bear my sister gave me. It seems to have a powerful skill."

He searched for a while on his mission panel, and finally found the skill he wanted.

[Are you using the ability of "Tyrant" - Word of Spirit Law? 】


After Xu Ruyi clicked OK on the system panel, an indescribable force suddenly burst out from his heart.


When the syllables of these two words were slowly spit out from his mouth, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

The surrounding time and space seemed to freeze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the gray mist around Xu Ruyi receded like a tide, and the surrounding buildings revealed their true appearance.

This scene was like when Moses parted the sea in the Bible.

"Actually, if I'm a little more serious, it's still very powerful."

Xu Ruyi wanted to brag a little implicitly, and turned to look at Jiang He behind him.

But when he turned around, he found that Jiang He was not in the original place.

He froze for a moment, then his face changed: "That's bad."

It seems that Jiang He was also "dismissed" by the "Spiritual Law Order" just now.

(End of this chapter)

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