I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 17 Chu Xiangtian's Two Difficulties

Chapter 17 Chu Xiangtian's Dilemma
After Chu Xiangtian left, Xu Ruyi noticed that Jiang He had been a little bit aggrieved.

This guy is really addicted to the game.

He seems to be a very victorious person.

Xu Ruyi sighed in her heart, and then led Jiang He to continue walking to the top of the building.

There are many checkpoints set up in this corridor, some of which require fingerprints, retinas and other methods to unlock.

But in front of Xu Ruyi, who possessed the "Spiritual Law", these checkpoints were not a problem.

So the two of them arrived at the top floor of the building very smoothly.

Xu Ruyi stood in front of the last iron gate and said, "I'm going to open the gate."

Jiang He immediately said: "Boss, you do your own thing, don't worry about mine."

Xu Ruyi sighed, turned to look at Jiang He who was hanging on him like a koala, and said politely, "I can't open the door if you're like this."

Only then did Jiang He withdraw his hand and smiled awkwardly.

But he was still clinging to Xu Ruyi, only a punch away from Xu Ruyi.

There is no way, the more he goes to the top floor, the more serious the mental pollution that lures him to deform, even the ability of "Zero Zero Zero" to shield the mental pollution is weakened, and he can only stay next to "Zero Zero Zero" , to be able to resist this ubiquitous spiritual pollution.

And the mental pollution is getting more and more serious, which means that the two of them are getting closer and closer to the aberration that exudes this terrifying spiritual pollution.

Jiang He was very nervous and terrified in his heart. If it wasn't for the professionalism of the staff of the Alien Bureau and the confidence of "Linglingling" beside him, he would have turned around and fled away.

Just when Xu Ruyi was about to open the door, a loud voice came from behind:

"Brother master, wait for me!"

Xu Ruyi looked behind in surprise, and saw Chu Xiangtian running towards the two of them.

"Why did you come back?"

Facing Xu Ruyi's confused question, Chu Xiangtian bent his waist and propped his legs up to pant for a while, then raised his head with a sunny smile: "I thought about it, quitting halfway will definitely affect the mentality of teammates, so I think it's better to It’s better to finish the task first.”

"It's not good for you, you can't delay real things because of the game." Xu Ruyi still remembered that Chu Xiangtian's excuse for leaving was to pick up his daughter from school, and said very seriously, "Family is very important."

"It's okay, I'll let my mother-in-law pick it up."

Chu Xiangtian ran the train with his mouth full, and he didn't blush or pant when he told a lie, and he ignored Jiang He who cast a contemptuous look at him.

He didn't wait for Xu Ruyi to refuse, and when he saw Xu Ruyi standing in front of the last checkpoint, he immediately approached courteously: "Brother Master, you want to open this door, right? I'll do it."

Another internet-addicted young man addicted to games.

Xu Ruyi vowed secretly in her heart that she must not become such a person.

Although the game "Second Home" is well done, it is so real that sometimes it is even unclear whether it is a game or reality.

But a game is a game, and you cannot escape from reality.

When Chu Xiangtian opened the door, Jiang He sneaked up behind him, and whispered through his teeth to ask: "Why did you run back? Is there any danger outside?"

"Hehe, guess what."

"Who the hell are you?"

"Hehe, guess what."

Jiang He is hard, his fist is hard.

He really wanted to give this little boy a hard punch.

But because of Xu Ruyi's presence, he couldn't be too obvious.

The most important thing is... He doesn't know what the strength of this little boy is. If it comes from an illegal organization that controls the master of this paradoxical domain, it might be very powerful.

Jiang He decided to endure it, not because he was afraid, but because he suddenly felt that he should be more magnanimous.

Really not afraid!


If possible, Chu Xiangtian really didn't want to run back.

His current mood is as if he forgot to bring paper when he went to the toilet, and he is in a dilemma when he sees his clean hands...

That's how difficult it is!
He never imagined that there were so many basilisks gathered outside the building, and those basilisks were obviously connected to the main consciousness body of "Different Snake" after "Different Snake" got out of trouble.

The burning golden pupil is the best proof!

If it is said that when "Different Snake" is contained, her descendants are just deformed bodies without self-awareness, and they are not at all fearful.

Then the basilisk child under the dominance of the "different snake" will become extremely terrifying!
Chu Xiangtian couldn't escape from the basilisk army besieged outside the building at all. If he dared to go out, he would be torn to pieces by the basilisk child body dominated by the "different snake" consciousness.

But if he returns to the inside of the building, then he has to face the body of the "Different Snake".

He can also choose to retreat to the building and hide, hoping that "Xu Ruyi" and "Different Snake" may have a big battle, which will allow him to find a chance to escape.

But it doesn't work at all.

Although the first checkpoint of the building used an iron door made of B-grade alloy, it couldn't last long under the successive attacks of the basilisks.

In fact, the reason Chu Xiangtian rushed to Xu Ruyi's side in such a hurry was because a basilisk had already broken into the building.

It's useless to hide, this is the "Divine Snake"'s magical domain, and the owner of the magical domain can perceive all outsiders who break into her territory.And judging from her hatred for the "Scavenger Cooperative Society", she ordered the basilisk descendant to kill herself first.

Chu Xiangtian hesitated again and again, and finally decided to go back and meet Xu Ruyi.

Even if it means that he has to face the "different snake" body.

But with Xu Ruyi's side, things might turn around!
So we must have a good relationship with Xu Ruyi!

"It's just a good relationship, it's not hard for me."

Chu Xiangtian is very confident.

He joined the Scavengers Mutual Aid Society for just three years, and his position has skyrocketed. What did he rely on?
Is it ability?

No, he can lick his boss!

No one knows how to lick dogs better than me!

Xu Ruyi always felt that after Chu Xiangtian came back, he was extraordinarily attentive to him.

I almost wiped the floor with my sleeve before letting him step on it.

This gave him a very strange feeling, and he thought about it hard, as if when he and Aye were in high school, Aye was so attentive to the girl he liked.

This thought made him subconsciously choose to stay away from Chu Xiangtian, and looked at him with vigilant eyes from time to time.

"Brother master, are you thirsty? I have something to drink."

"Not thirsty."

"Then are you hungry, I..."

"Not hungry."



Chu Xiangtian: "..."

There is actually someone in this world who is indifferent to his diligence?
Impossible, absolutely—absolutely impossible!
Chu Xiangtian was hit hard.

When the three reached the top floor, the announcement at the entrance suddenly rang.


There was a cold and weird sound on the radio, like the hissing sound of a snake letter pouring out, which made people's hairs stand on end.

Chu Xiangtian broke out in cold sweat.

This is... the voice of "Different Snake".

But an aberrant, why does he even know how to use radio? !
(End of this chapter)

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