I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 20 Kneel down!

Chapter 20 Kneel down!

The different snake slowly crawled towards him, stretching out his hands, wanting to touch his face.

Ke Xu Ruyi turned her face away with some resistance.


She whispered in Xu Ruyi's ear.

She was saying - "stay".

Stay in this strange realm forever and accompany her.

This request was even more difficult for him to accept than making Xu Ruyi a receiver.

"Feel sorry."

Xu Ruyi could only apologize, stood up and walked out: "It seems that we are not suitable."

He can't choose to stay here, he has his own home.

But when he was about to choose to leave, a snake's tail suddenly wrapped around his ankle.

Xu Ruyi only felt that her body was weightless, and the things in front of her eyes began to be turned upside down. When she reacted, she realized that she was hung upside down in mid-air.

The different snake lifted Xu Ruyi with its own tail, and the long snake tail began to wrap around his body.

It's like a boa constrictor entwining its prey while eating, opening its mouth wide.

She was smiling, but the corners of her mouth were starting to crack.

The original small cherry mouth quickly split into four petals, and the mouthparts were even bigger than her head when it opened.

Xu Ruyi watched this hideous and terrifying scene with a calm expression.

He said: "I really want to leave, the discounted eggs in the supermarket are waiting for no one."

While he was speaking, the bloody mouth of the different snake had already touched his head, and it was about to swallow his head.

Aberrations are not completely devoid of rationality and emotion, and some powerful aberrations can still maintain part of rationality and emotion.

It's just that their reason and emotion have long been distorted and filled with madness.

Yi Snake has no malice towards Xu Ruyi, and even admires and likes her.

I like it so much that I want to keep him in my body, blood and flesh blend, spirit and spirit collide, and become one and never separate.

Her love comes with appetite.

The different snake... is hungry.

Xu Ruyi sighed slightly: "You are like this... I will really be angry."


In the corridor of the first containment room, basilisks crowded each other like a tide, without even a place to stay.

Jiang He and Chu Xiangtian were not torn to pieces by these basilisks, but they were not much better off either.

They were grabbed by the limbs and held high above their heads by the basilisks.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Jiang He's consciousness began to blur, and vague words murmured from his mouth.

His current situation is very bad, his body has begun to alienate, starting from the bottom of the neck to become woody, and he can clearly feel the feeling of dying when his consciousness is withdrawn.

He was too close to the strange snake, and Xu Ruyi happened not to be by his side. The ubiquitous spiritual pollution in this strange realm had already begun to erode his body.

If this continues, he will be completely reduced to a deformity!
Chu Xiangtian was much better than him. Although he was also held high by the basilisks, at least he had the ability to resist the mental pollution of the "different snake", and his body did not change.

But his mood was just as bad.

"The reason why these basilisks don't kill me is because their 'mother' is hungry." Chu Xiangtian was extremely anxious in his heart, "When Xu Ruyi finishes talking with the strange snake, I am afraid that the operator of the Alien Bureau and I will have a close relationship. These basilisks will be used as nutrients to offer to the different snakes."

At that time, what will Xu Ruyi do?
Should he rescue the two of them, or... enjoy a sumptuous dinner with the different snake?

Chu Xiangtian didn't know the answer, and didn't dare to think about it.

But when the basilisks were waiting for the call of the "mother", there was a sudden scream of different snakes in the first containment room.

Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening explosion.


The iron door made of "A-level" alloy in the first containment room unexpectedly burst open, and the strong air waves caused by the explosion lifted the basilisks in the corridor layer by layer.

Chu Xiangtian agreed to be impacted by the air wave, and fell heavily on the wall.

But Jiang He was lucky, he was far away from the explosion site, and the basilisk underneath acted as a cushion for him, so he didn't seem to be injured much.

Chu Xiangtian supported himself with difficulty, and looked in the direction of the first containment room.

The dust in the sky gradually fell, and two huge figures could be seen dimly.

The different snake crawled on the ground, and in mid-air was a black monster.

He was covered with black scales all over his body, with bony spurs growing on both sides of his shoulders, and one of his pupils was black and white, the other was as black as ink, and black membrane wings grew out from behind, spreading out. Time actually blocked all the light.

This image is like a demon in mythology!
"NO.089... Tyrant."

Chu Xiangtian looked at the figure in mid-air, and murmured very solemnly.

Before he joined the "Scavenger Mutual Aid Society", he once witnessed the "Tyrant" with his own eyes.

The demigod-level mutant who destroyed more than ten shelters, and he is a survivor of one of the shelters.

So people thought that the "tyrant" was wiped out or taken in by the Alien Bureau, but who would have thought that it went to Xu Ruyi's "country".

Yi Snake seemed to have suffered some injuries, but the wounds were healing quickly.


She uttered a sharp cry towards Xu Ruyi who was in mid-air, and opened her mouthparts. She was a full-fledged monster despite her beauty just now.

Xu Ruyi, who was completely mutated, lowered her eyes, looked at the strange snake below, stretched out her hand and pointed lightly, and the black and white different pupils seemed to have divine light flowing:

"Your Majesty!"

There is a special magic in this sound.

The different snake was forced to change its trajectory, and its whole body prostrated itself on the ground, unable to move.

Not only the different snakes, but all the basilisks around them were crushed to their knees on the ground by this indescribable force.

Chu Xiangtian was no exception, even though he tried his best to control his body, he still knelt down uncontrollably.

Even Jiang He, who was already in a coma, was like a puppet on a string, his body controlled by that mysterious force, kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, Xu Ruyi is like a god, and the people below are all kneeling down!
"Hiss... roar!!"

The different snake had a ferocious face, screamed shrillly, and struggled constantly, but it didn't change at all.

Her rank is only one step behind the "tyrant".

But this level is the gap between "God" and "Ordinary".

Even in his own strange domain, the snake could not compete with Xu Ruyi who borrowed the power of the "tyrant"!
As for Chu Xiangtian, who was kneeling on the ground, after a short moment of stupefaction, a burst of ecstasy rose in his heart: "Xu Ruyi and Yi Snake have fought!"

That means, the worst didn't happen!

Xu Ruyi did not choose to stand on the side of the different snake, but chose the hostile side!
And now it seems that the snake is not Xu Ruyi's opponent at all.

Very good, Xu Ruyi, just follow your "weird killer" habit and give the strange snake to...

Just when Chu Xiangtian hoped that Xu Ruyi would make further moves against the snake, Xu Ruyi suddenly waved his membrane wings in mid-air, and swooped down to pick up Jiang He and himself who were kneeling on the ground, one with each hand, without looking back. Start running.

(End of this chapter)

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