I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 32 His kingdom is too dangerous!

Chapter 32 His kingdom is too dangerous!

If there is a perspective, starting from Xu Ruyi's "small town" and continuously rising upwards, breaking the barriers of the "domain", then the "small town" will visibly become smaller until...

A black sun appeared in the perspective!

The pitch-black sun wandered quietly in the starry sky, surrounded by nine star tracks that circled around it in an orderly manner.

And in this starry sky, there is a figure who is escaping from the black sun in embarrassment.

It was a middle-aged man dressed plainly, but at this moment, his body seemed to be torn from his waist by a ferocious beast. The flesh and blood below his chest had long since disappeared, and the granulation in the wound was squirming wildly, as if he wanted to repair the damage. Nearly half of the body, but there is a mysterious force attached to the wound, hindering the healing of the wound.

His face flushed abnormally for a while, and he spat out a few mouthfuls of black blood with a "wow".

This black blood was wriggling in the void like a living thing. If you got close, you could hear bursts of miserable screams from it.

The middle-aged uncle looked back at the black sun behind him, his eyes full of fear and fear.

"The former king of fantasy..."

He murmured bitterly: "His 'country' is indeed terrifying."

He just wanted to send a letter in, and he didn't even get close to the black sun.

But it happened to be such a coincidence that he ran into a certain existence who was about to return to the "King's Kingdom".

That was a disruptor of an era.

It's just that he didn't expect that the former king of fantasy survived after losing his throne, and even entered Xu Ruyi's "country".

It seems that the identity of one of the "family" seats next to Xu Ruyi can be confirmed, but it is not known what role this person is playing.

"I must go to sleep."

Unwillingness flashed across the eyes of the middle-aged uncle, but he was helpless.

He was injured too badly, and he couldn't even stay here for too long, because it was too close to the "Star of Origin", too close to the treacherous realm of those "kings", and it was difficult for him to suppress his aura now. Those "kings" found out, so his fate...is to be eaten!
If it weren't for the rush of human beings, he would never have ventured close to the "Star of Origin", let alone try to open his "kingdom".

But right now, there is no way.

The last seat... can only be decided by him!

It cannot be taken away by humans!

The figure of the middle-aged uncle gradually became illusory and gradually disappeared into the void.

And not long after the middle-aged uncle left, several "planets" surrounding the first star orbit of the "black sun" suddenly burst out with terrifying consciousness.

An unspeakable sense of terror came to the place where the middle-aged uncle disappeared, but he found nothing, and finally returned to his own star one after another.

This piece of "starry sky" once again fell into silence.


In the next few days, Xu Ruyi's life was very peaceful.

Go to work honestly every day, get off work on time, clean the house every day, and cook for myself...

His life is still as regular as a robot.

It's just that during the time that he was supposed to spend with Ye Qiubai, he would sit alone in his room in a daze, doing nothing.

Only occasionally, he would think of Ye Qiubai's phrase "Occasionally do something unplanned, Brother Xu", and think of that night, he went to the administration building without any plans after get off work that night.

He would think that it is really good to be like this once in a while.

But when she wanted to do something unplanned, Xu Ruyi couldn't think of what to do.

In the end, he just sat in the room in a daze.

On the other side, the Headquarters Building of the Alien Bureau.

Fang Yuan's life didn't seem to have changed much since she was appointed last time.

Her daily work is still staring at the camera monitoring Xu Ruyi all day long, and after get off work, she has to write two reports on Xu Ruyi - "Behavioral Analysis Report" and "Psychoanalysis Report".

If it was in the past, Fang Yuan would soon feel how boring and tedious this job is, even a bit torturous.

But ever since she knew what kind of appointment her superior had assigned to her, when she monitored Xu Ruyi's life, she always had a different feeling in her heart.

"This guy...actually looks pretty good!"

Fang Yuan tried to find enough advantages in Xu Ruyi.

In fact, he does have a lot of advantages. He can't say how handsome he is, but at least he is clean and handsome. Although he is dull, he is very polite. Although he is very rigid, he is very kind. so cute……

Well, Fang Yuan felt that she was going to run out of stories.

As a citizen born after the cataclysm, she has received information from all directions about how dangerous and terrifying mutants are since she was a child.

From parents' mouths...

From the teacher's teaching...

From the jokes friends used to scare each other...

From the textbook...

From society...

All of this made her unable to accept the fact that she was about to get along with a monster day and night!
Even in "games"!

Even Xu Ruyi doesn't seem so harmful.

"If I knew this was the case, why not tell me that this guy is a monster in the first place."

Fang Yuan was very troubled. When she leaned her head to watch the surveillance every day, she would pull her hair when she saw Xu Ruyi's face.

She is stupid, as long as you don't tell her, she won't be able to see Xu Ruyi's problem.

Just think of him as a bit of a weirdo.

Just as Fang Yuan was sitting in the surveillance room, watching Xu Ruyi who was under surveillance sitting in a daze at home, pulling her hair with worry...

The door of the surveillance room opened.

"Fang Yuan..."

Li Nan walked in from the outside, and when he was about to talk to Fang Yuan, he suddenly noticed that Fang Yuan was worried. Exactly the same."

Fang Yuan froze for a moment, her face flushed "shua", and she immediately put her hands down.

"Team, Captain, what do you want from me?"

She looked away, stuttered a little, and changed the subject abruptly.

When Li Nan was reminded by her, he remembered the purpose of his coming: "Oh, the special game cabin sent by the headquarters has arrived, and the inspector asked you to go there to do the final inspection and test. You stop the work at hand and hand it over. Leave it to the other colleagues, follow me now."

This is what he and Fang Yuan explained, but Li Nan didn't expect that the special game cabin would be delivered so quickly from the headquarters. He thought it would take at least half a month.

Has it finally come to this day?
Fang Yuan sighed, knowing that the arrival of the special game cabin at the headquarters meant that her mission was about to start.

Obviously I'm not mentally prepared yet...

She was still struggling in her heart, but she had already stood up: "Yes, I will go there right now."

(End of this chapter)

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