I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 38 Myself, don't shoot!

Chapter 38 Myself, don't shoot!
[Identity confirmation... Welcome, D-class personnel, Operator Fang Yuan]

[Please note that you will appear in Shelter No. [-], the headquarters of the Abnormality Bureau, and the acting chairman's office on the [-]th floor. 】

[Please guide NO.0-01 Xu Ruyi correctly in the "game", and strictly abide by the content of the revised version 5.2 of "Guidelines on How to Get Along with "Zero Zero Zero". 】

[Your "game" content has been recorded, and after the "game" is over, it will be transmitted to the terminal computer of the headquarters for evaluation. Your irregular behavior may cause the following consequences, including but not limited to salary penalty, suspension for viewing, fixed-term imprisonment, life Imprisonment, life imprisonment, and death penalty. 】

When the darkness dissipated, Fang Yuan's vision gradually returned to clarity.

The dizziness from the consciousness transmission was like the feeling of motion sickness, so she couldn't help rubbing the center of her brows, frowning slightly, and it took a while before she recovered.

The prompt sounded by her ears was directly conveyed to her deep consciousness by the neural implant helmet attached to the game cabin.

Fang Yuan's first reaction when she regained her composure was to lower her head to check her body.

"This... so real."

She pinched her tiger's mouth, and the slight pain made her dumbfounded.

Didn't it just mean passing on the consciousness body?But why did she feel as if her body came together.

This feeling is the same as the game "Second Home" with the full perception mode turned on.

Fang Yuan also played the game "Second Home", not because of fishing, but because the headquarters issued a clear order for this game, requiring all the officers of the Alien Bureau to participate in this game.

"Is this really something science can do?"

The feeling of being too real made her feel a little suspicious.

But when her attention shifted from her body to the environment she was in now, she immediately had no time to think about it.

Because... just behind the door of the room she was in, there were several electromagnetic guns facing her, with purple-blue arcs flickering at the muzzles, making a hissing sound.

And several armed security personnel hid behind the door, looking at her who suddenly appeared in the room through the gap in the iron door, looking like they had seen a ghost.

Fang Yuan's expression gradually became stiff.

After a stalemate between the two sides for a while, she moved her hand, as if she wanted to lift up...

And this action immediately made the tense guards feel as if they were facing an enemy, and immediately raised the electromagnetic gun in their hands, maintaining a shooting posture.

The moment Fang Yuan raised the muzzle of the gun, she immediately squatted on the ground, crouched with her head in her arms and shouted loudly:

"Don't shoot, I surrender, I surrender... No, I am one of my own, I have shed blood for the organization!"


"You said you were an operator of the Alien Bureau? Are you on a mission?"

After getting the news from his assistant, Qin Cang hurried to the scene immediately.

He looked at Fang Yuan who was squatting on the ground at the point of a gun and dared not make a sound, his eyes widened involuntarily.

"Didn't I tell you the job number?"

Fang Yuan was very wronged.

She just came here after accepting the appointment from the headquarters. She thought she would be greeted in the hallway when she came to the headquarters, but she didn't expect to be pointed at gunpoint when she opened her eyes.

Fang Yuan's appearance gave Qin Cang a headache.

Regarding Fang Yuan's appointment, it is a confidential file of the Foreign Affairs Bureau.

Except for Li Nan, who is Fang Yuan's immediate superior and related to the task, only members above the councilor level are eligible to browse this file.

Qin Cang is the first leader of the N1 Research Institute, but the N1 Research Institute itself is only a subordinate department of the Abnormality Bureau, and it is only a research institution without real power, so even as the first leader, he has no authority to know Fang Yuan's existence.

As a result, Fang Yuan's appearance completely disrupted his plan.

"Professor, I checked, and there is no problem with my identity."

The assistant leaned over to him and reported the incident in a low voice.

Qin Cang's complexion suddenly became ugly.

Although he knew that the headquarters had somehow mastered the ability of "Zero Zero Zero" to travel through the strange domain, but he never expected that the headquarters had already researched the relevant machines and put them into use.

You must know that this has not passed through the N1 research institute at all!

Who built the shuttle machine for the headquarters?

Could it be the N2 Research Institute specializing in the research of some civilian items?

That group of LOSERs are also worthy?The last thing they came out with was a fucking hair tonic!If they hadn't invested in the use of sheep on a whim, their research funding this year would have been confiscated!
Not handing over such an important thing to the N1 Research Institute, which specializes in military research, shows that the headquarters does not trust the N1 Research Institute, which makes Qin Cang very angry.

But he didn't have the time to think about it right now.

The most urgent task is how to deal with this D-level operator who followed "Zero Zero Zero" here.

Do you want to silence it?

Fang Yuan didn't notice the coldness in Qin Cang's eyes at all. She looked around and asked suddenly, "Is this the N1 research institute?"

The reason why she found out was because she noticed that although the other party was wearing the uniform of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, there was an additional "N1" logo on the operator's badge on the chest.

This represents the department the other party belongs to.

Qin Cang took a deep breath, temporarily suppressed the thought of silence, nodded and said: "Yes."

Fang Yuan was very astonished: "But I...don't I want to go to the headquarters? This place is far away from the headquarters!"

"This was my mistake." Qin Cang made up a lie very calmly, "The headquarters gave the 'coordinates' to my department for calculation, but there seems to be a small mistake in the calculation, which caused you to appear in the here."

"The 'zero zero zero'..."

"He's not here, maybe he didn't choose to keep the appointment, maybe he went to other places."

"Then what should I do?!"

Fang Yuan was a little dumbfounded by Qin Cang's answer.

She never thought that there would be a sudden situation other than this situation.

Qin Cang reminded: "Can't you just go back?"

He didn't want to cause trouble, it would be great if Fang Yuan could go back by herself.

Fang Yuan's expression was stunned for a while, and then gradually became horrified:
"They just sent me here, but didn't tell me how to go back...God, why should I go back?!"

She's mentally broken!

"Don't worry, I will contact the headquarters for you to see if there can be a solution. Before that, you should sit here and wait for a while."

Qin Cang temporarily comforted Fang Yuan and placed her in the lounge before choosing to leave.

But after leaving the lounge, he muttered: "A conscious body... why does a conscious body have an entity? What kind of machine did those people in the headquarters build?"

The original intention of silence was completely gone, replaced by curiosity.

"Since that catastrophe, there have really been many things that science can't explain."


"It's interesting!"

His eyes gradually became brighter, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.



When Qin Cang came to the door of the laboratory where Xu Ruyi was being held again, he took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, collected his mood, and took out his ID card to open the door.

He still has something more worthy of "exploration", waiting for him.

But when he pushed open the door, the scene in front of him left him stunned.

In the laboratory, Xu Ruyi broke free from the straitjacket at some point, and sat on the edge of the operating table, holding her knees in a daze as if she didn't know what to think.

And behind him, two members of the research institute who were in charge of cleaning up the laboratory had a strange red light in their eyes, watching Xu Ruyi fanatically and piously.

Xu Ruyi seemed to have heard the opening of the door, her eyes gradually became focused, and she slowly raised her head to look at Qin Cang who was standing at the door at a loss.

he asked:
"Dr. Qin, what is your wish?"

(End of this chapter)

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