I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 51 Be nice to your future wife

Chapter 51 Be nice to your future wife

"The news on TV is authoritative and very accurate."

This is not what Xu Ruyi wrote down in his code of conduct notebook, but it is the thought instilled in him by the people around him since he was a child.

Everyone said so, seeming to mention it in his ear intentionally or unintentionally.

As long as Xu Ruyi can remember, she has been living in Shelter Zero.

Living in a...false society.

His thoughts are like a blank sheet of paper, and on the premise of not violating its principles, the Foreign Situation Bureau can give him some guidance.

This is an additional supplement to his code of conduct, which can be broken, but before it is broken, Xu Ruyi will believe it.

So when Xu Ruyi saw the news on TV, although she couldn't understand some of the terminology that the expert said that made people feel confused, she still easily accepted this statement.

Even if it sounds unbelievable.

"It turns out that the current technology is advanced enough to bring out the things in the game?"

Xu Ruyi stared down at the monocle called "Mirror of Deceit and Lies" in her hand, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

"But in reality... will it still have the effect in the game?"

He was curious and wanted to try it out after wearing it.

But when he picked up the monocle, he couldn't help but think of the pairs of eyes that appeared behind those people in the N1 research institute...

Eyes full of malice.

The movements of his hands gradually stopped, and he sat on the floor with his head down, thinking.

"never mind."

In the end, Xu Ruyi decided to give up.

This monocle...is not interesting, he thinks it magnifies the evil in people's hearts.

Otherwise, why would everyone be malicious towards themselves?

This is unrealistic, after all, I don't even know the NPCs in the game.

But why... is Fang Yuan an exception?

Is it because she is the only "player" in the game besides herself?

Xu Ruyi thought of Fang Yuan, and couldn't help but see Fang Yuan holding his hand tightly with both hands, crying until her snot bubbles were about to come out, trying to pout her mouth and asking him "does it hurt?"... …

He was in a daze for a while, shook his head vigorously, threw out the image of the little crying bag in his mind, and focused his attention on the "Mirror of Fraud and Lies" in his hand again.

He murmured: "I don't want to wear it in the future, I will be 'thirsty'."

"Do you want to return it to your brother?"

Xu Ruyi showed hesitation, and tugged at her hair in confusion.

After all... This is a coming-of-age gift from his brother.

It was also the first normal-looking gift he received from his "family".

After struggling with it for a long time, he finally decided to keep it, even if he didn't use it, at least he could cherish it and keep it.

He rummaged around at home for a while and found a small iron box with a lock. He carefully put the monocle into the iron box, locked it and put it under the bed.

After doing all this, Xu Ruyi wiped off her sweat, glanced at the time, and her expression froze.

"Oops, time is running out."

He rushed to the bathroom in a hurry, and could only reluctantly give up the idea of ​​taking a bubble bath and simply take a shower.


The monitoring room of the Bureau of Abnormalities Building.

Li Nan is instructing the technicians to take screenshots of the surveillance video. The surveillance in Xu Ruyi's room is an ultra-high-definition camera. After restoring the clarity, even the pores can be seen clearly.

He wanted to take a screenshot of what Xu Ruyi brought out from the "game" and report it to the headquarters.

Although it seemed that it was just an ordinary monocle, it was brought out by Xu Ruyi from the "game" after all, and no one could be sure if it was a powerful strange object with strange functions.

Li Nan was very worried that Xu Ruyi would use that strange object in "reality", and no one could predict what consequences this would cause.

Fortunately, Xu Ruyi had no intention of using it, but carefully locked it in an iron box and hid it under the hide.

Li Nan immediately told his subordinates: "After 'Lingling' leaves the residence, send someone to his house to take out the iron box first."

The subordinate was a little embarrassed: "Captain, steal the 'zero zero zero'..."

"That's not stealing." Li Nanyi interrupted him politely, and said seriously, "We're just keeping it for him temporarily."

That way, it looks like the adults who keep saying that they want to keep the lucky money for their children during the Chinese New Year.


After Xu Ruyi left the house, she went downstairs to the supermarket to buy a nutritious meal, and ate it while sitting on a park bench.

Nutrimeal was terrible, just mushy liquid food, a synthetic patty, and a green drink for vitamins instead of fruits and vegetables.

This is the lowest level of food, and ordinary people find it difficult to swallow. The only advantage is that it is nutritionally balanced and provides the energy needed by the human body.

Xu Ruyi ate very calmly, he had long been used to the sticky taste of nutrients.

I heard that for the dinner of the upper class, fresh meat steaks will be cut from real animals and baked, and then seasoned with exquisite seasonings. There will be real vegetables and fruits, and there will even be a cup brewed with grain instead of industrial synthesis. alcoholic beverages.

Xu Ruyi has never eaten it since she was so old, but she would occasionally watch it on TV when watching those old movies before the catastrophe at Aye's house.

He doesn't really understand this kind of behavior. It is obvious that eating is just an behavior to meet the needs of the body and maintain life. The nutritional value contained in the luxurious dinners of the upper class is not even as difficult to swallow as it is carefully prepared by experts. The nutritious meal has high nutritional value.

After he finished eating all the food on the dinner plate, he touched his pocket and took out two eggs.

This is his most extravagant behavior - buying two discounted eggs in the supermarket every morning, not artificially synthesized, but eggs laid by a real poultry "chicken", boiled and eaten with dinner.

This is his... all these years, the only hobby that makes the Foreign Affairs Bureau who monitors him feel incomprehensible.

When Xu Ruyi was about to peel the eggs, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and the movements of her hands gradually stopped.

"In the future, I will leave it for my wife to eat."

He muttered to himself, and put the egg back into his pocket.

Xu Ruyi can't afford to buy four eggs a day. His salary is only 300 yuan a month, and one egg costs two yuan and five without discount. Although the discount is one yuan, one person can only buy two.

In his notebook filled with his code of conduct, he wrote down this sentence very solemnly——

"Be nice to your future wife."

he will do it.

(End of this chapter)

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