I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 57 Do you eat barbecue?

Chapter 57 Do you eat barbecue?
In a corner of the shelter, the figure of a girl is slowly emerging.

"Even if I experienced it once..."

"But this feeling still makes me want to vomit, vomit..."

The sense of imbalance brought about by traveling through space made Fang Yuan dizzy for a while, squatting on the ground and retching.

She squatted on the ground for a while, and the things in front of her eyes merged from overlapping shadows, and her sight gradually recovered.

The auxiliary system of the game cabin transmits sound into her mind through a neural implant.

[Identity confirmation... Welcome, D-class personnel, Operator Fang Yuan]

[Please guide NO.0-01 Xu Ruyi correctly in the "game", and strictly abide by it...]

The warning tone of the auxiliary system repeats these warning contents every time.

Only this time, there is an extra sentence at the end.

[The call template has been loaded, and you can choose to enable or disable the setting for communicating with 'reality'. 】

"Fang Yuan, can you hear me?"

In Fang Yuan's mind, Captain Li Nan's voice sounded.

Before she entered the game cabin this time, Inspector Zhao of Shelter Zero had already obtained the approval of her superiors to partially modify this special game cabin.

It's just because of the rush of time, there is only one day, so inspector Zhao can only load a call template for this special game cabin, which can allow Fang Yuan to keep in touch with the people in Shelter Zero during the "execution mission" , to seek help if needed.

Fang Yuan didn't answer right away, she was looking around in a daze.

The metal corridor leads to all directions, and the bright lights illuminate the metal corridor transparently, and there are sophisticated composite metal doors on both sides of the corridor, and a metal plate is hung on the metal door, which is densely filled with small characters.

Fang Yuan turned her head with stiff eyes, and looked at the composite metal door closest to her. The metal plate hanging on it clearly marked the information of "tenant".

【NO.1252——Monster Lizard】

[Deployment in the Paradox: The Eighth Star Track]

[Hazard level: C-]

[Ability: The saliva is extremely corrosive and possesses tenacious vitality. If the tail is broken, it can grow and recover in a short time]

[Appearance description: The strange lizard is a human deformity, with a high degree of distortion, and no human signs.Its height is...]

[Containment Procedures: No special requirements]

[Containment time: December 21, [-], cataclysmic year - present]

The contents on the metal plate all show that the "tenant" who lives here is a deformed body.

Fang Yuan was looking at where she was at this moment, and the indescribable sense of familiarity made her instantly realize where she was.

Li Nan's voice was still ringing in his mind: "Commissioner Fang Yuan, can you hear me? Please answer."

Only then did Fang Yuan come to her senses, and quickly replied, "Yes, I can hear you."

"Report your current location."

"I'm now..." She glanced around, still a little confused, "I seem to be in a shelter."

"Shelter? Which shelter?"

"I don't know, but the architectural style and containment information here are basically the same as those in our bureau. In addition, I have containment information here..." Fang Yuan told Li Nan the containment information of the strange lizard.

Li Nan's voice stopped for a while, and he was using the information given by Fang Yuan to investigate.

After a while, Li Nan replied with a strange voice: "Commissioner Fang Yuan, you are now in Shelter No. [-], the headquarters of the Abnormalities Bureau, and an underground shelter. Seriously, why are you It will appear in that place, which is the most heavily guarded place in the headquarters, and only the confidential archive room in the entire headquarters has the same level of security as the underground shelter."

Fang Yuan was also a little dumbfounded, she didn't know why she appeared here.

Li Nan said: "We will contact the headquarters immediately and ask them to give you the necessary support. Don't walk around indiscriminately, that place is very dangerous. Is Lingling by your side?"

Fang Yuan didn't dare to wander around, and replied, "No, I didn't watch..."


Just as she was talking to the voice in her head, there was a loud noise in the containment room of the "strange lizard" beside her.

This sudden voice made Fang Yuan's heart skip a beat, and half of what she said was abruptly held back in her stomach.

She widened her eyes and looked at the containment room of the "strange lizard", only to hear...



After a sound of slamming the door, a convex body appeared on the hard composite metal door, shaped like a huge lizard.


After the last sound, the iron gate collapsed, and a huge lizard body more than ten meters long was smashed out of the gate, passed in front of Fang Yuan, and smashed against the wall. The force made the monitor lizard's body sink deeply into the wall.

Fang Yuan stared blankly at all this, her mind seemed to be half a beat behind.


She heard footsteps, the sound was like the sound of horseshoes, and the direction of the sound came from behind the opened iron door.

"Fang Yuan, what happened to you? Please answer!"

In his mind, Li Nan's voice became anxious.

But Fang Yuan didn't bother to answer him, her pupils tremblingly looked at the open iron door.

The headless black horse stepped out of the shadows, its hooves stepped on the metal floor, and an inextinguishable flame burned wherever it passed.

But what is really shocking is the figure on horseback!
The holy wings spread out, and the radiance of divinity enveloped the whole body.

But under this holiness, there is a body like a devil, with fine black scales all over the body, and a long dragon tail swaying behind him.

He has two arms of a normal person, but from his shoulders, there are two crystal arms like jasper, which are extremely slender.

Black flames lingered on his body, carrying a terrifying aura of destruction.

Holy and evil formed a distinct sense of separation in him.

The moment he emerged from the containment room, he quickly noticed the trembling girl not far away. He pulled the rein with his hand, and the headless horse under the seat understood the master's intentions and walked towards that side.

Fang Yuan looked at the figure that kept approaching her, her mind went blank.

The terrifying aura made her breathless, and the huge gap in rank couldn't even raise the thought of running away.

In her heart, she couldn't help wanting to kneel down and worship this great existence.

But at this moment, she heard a familiar voice.


That terrifying, great, and invisible existence slightly moved its head, looked at the strange lizard embedded in the wall, and looked at Fang Yuan again: "Want to eat barbecue?"

Fang Yuan's expression gradually froze, followed by her body tactically receding, as if she had seen a ghost.


The existence asked again: "Do you eat barbecue? This game is very realistic, and eating has a taste."

She was really sure this time.

It was Xu Ruyi's voice! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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