my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 19 Sister Chen Ying

Chapter 19 Sister Chen Ying
Some swords are born with sharp sword lights, and some swords have no sword lights themselves, but a peerless master of swords can make ordinary swords without sword lights release dazzling sword lights.

Chen Mu is that kind of existence.

Zhao Feiyan knows a lot of secrets. Many years ago, there was a legendary figure in Hongzhou. The legend of Hongzhou.

That legendary man cultivated his sword light after seventy years of hard work, and Chen Mu only took one month. What kind of monster is he?

Zhao Feiyan couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Sister Fairy, can you teach me other sword skills?" Chen Mu blinked and looked at Zhao Feiyan with a pure expression.

Zhao Feiyan had a black line on her forehead, her face was completely drunk, she said coldly: "You can't chew too much, you just touched the threshold of this move, and there is still a lot of room for improvement, keep practicing."

Chen Mu thinks it makes sense, this sword flash can still be stronger, and after a few more months of practice, it will definitely have stronger power.

With the help of Spiritual Secret Technique and Quick Shadow Step, Chen Mu felt that he had the opportunity to kill his opponent silently a hundred steps away.

"Thank you, Sister Fairy, for your reminder." Chen Mu smiled gratefully.

Zhao Feiyan was speechless, she didn't expect to be able to achieve such an effect with the sword skills she made up randomly, this kid is simply against the sky.

Chen Mu's talent made her envious, even comparable to her master, and perhaps even comparable to that legendary figure in the ancient barren island.

"When I master Sword Flash perfectly, can Sister Fairy teach me new sword skills?" Chen Mu looked at her expectantly.

Zhao Feiyan wanted to refuse, but seeing Chen Mu's innocent eyes and cute face, she didn't refuse. She said coldly, "I'll teach you new sword skills when I'm in a good mood."

"Thank you, Sister Fairy."

"You continue to practice swords."

Zhao Feiyan sighed softly, then left.

Chen Mu looked at the epee in his hand, and couldn't help murmuring: "She doesn't seem to be happy, could it be that my sword flash is not good enough?"

"It seems that I have to work harder. Now is not the time to be complacent."

Chen Mu swung the epee again, and continued to practice in the martial arts arena. Chen Hao also practiced sword flashing. He felt that even if it took ten or eight years, it would be worthwhile to practice sword flashing.

in the evening.

Silver snowflakes fell from the sky.

The snow this year is earlier than usual.

The two brothers looked up at the sky, Chen Hao frowned, "It's probably going to be very cold this year."

Chen Mu nodded, and he said worriedly: "Grandpa said that the northern wilderness in winter is more dangerous. If there is a cold wave in winter, there may be monster tides."

Every winter, food in the north will become scarce, and the monsters will go south to find food at this time. If there is a cold wave, the monsters will go south in groups, like a tide, and every monster tide will cause a lot of disasters .

"I hope there will be no natural disasters this year."

When the brothers were talking about the weather changes, Tang Shi rushed to the martial arts arena, and she said anxiously: "Xiaomu, my aunt is about to give birth."

Hearing this, Chen Mu hurried back to his courtyard, followed by Chen Hao and Tang Shi.

Chen Yan wandered anxiously outside the door.

Chen Mu also stood outside the door full of expectation.

I don't know if the mother's baby is a younger sister or a younger brother, and whether it is also a time traveler?
Suddenly, loud cries and cries sounded in the room, and everyone outside the door knew that the child was born safely.

Chen Mu shook his head slightly.

It doesn't seem to be a traverser.

"Second Master."

"It's a daughter."

Chen Yan entered the room and went straight to Tang Wan.

Chen Mu saw his younger sister first.

He hugged his sister with tenderness in his eyes, but the sister closed her eyes and cried, which made him at a loss.

Tang Shi looked at the little sister and said with a smile: "You are white and fat. This little face looks like my aunt's. She must be very beautiful in the future."

Tang Wan had taken fire ginseng, and that elixir also nourished her younger sister, so she was born fat and healthy.

"let me see."

Logan said with a tired face.

Chen Mu hugged his younger sister to his mother, and Chen Yan said with a smile: "It just so happens that the two names we thought of at the beginning can be used."

After Chen Ying was born, the Chen family was silent in a happy atmosphere, and Chen Mu was very happy. He knew that the Chen family would be more lively in the future.

Chen Ying is completely different from Chen Mu. She sleeps most of the time every day, and always cries when she wakes up. Tang Wan needs to recover, so it falls on Chen Yan to take care of Chen Ying.

Chen Yan hasn't had a good night's sleep recently. He is woken up by Chen Ying's cries every night, so he can only get up to take care of her, change her diaper, warm her with animal milk, and put her to sleep.

In the Northern Wilderness, most children grow up drinking animal milk, and such children are healthier.

Half a month later, Chen Yan lost a lot of weight. He felt that taking care of the children was harder than being a escort. Fortunately, Tang Shi lived in Chen's house and helped him every day, which relieved him a lot of burden.

The birth of Chen Ying dispelled their idea of ​​having another child, and they were really tired enough to vomit blood.

There is a younger sister in the family, and it is much more lively, and her loud cry can be heard every day.

Chen Mu goes to the martial arts field to practice swords every day, and when he has time, he spends time with his younger sister and helps his parents change her diaper.

He remembers growing up as a baby. He often wanted to go to the toilet. His parents didn't know, so he could only remind them by shouting. If they didn't respond, they could only pull it in their crotch.

Children don't think about this, so Chen Ying changes diapers a lot more than Chen Mu.

When Chen Tiannan returned to the Chen family, he learned that his little grandson had been born, and said with a smile on his face: "When Yingying is full moon, we will make full moon wine for her to celebrate."

Recently, the business of the Shunfeng Escort is very good, many families take care of the business of the Escort, which also makes Chen Tiannan busier than before.

No matter how busy Chen Tiannan was, he would spare time to celebrate with his granddaughter, and everyone agreed with a smile.

When Tang Shi got the news, she thought it was a good opportunity to ease the relationship between the two families. She hurried back to the Tang family in Jincheng and told Tang Lin about the Chen family making full moon wine.

After half a month of recuperation, Tang Wan recovered well, and she began to take care of Chen Ying by herself. Chen Yan was exhausted these days.

Chen Mu followed his father to clean up the room where the sundries were kept. Chen Ying will live there when she grows up, and if her cousin comes to play again, she will have a room to rest.

After cleaning the room, Chen Mu continued to practice swords in the martial arts field. His sword flash became more and more powerful, and he could also use a wooden sword.

A snowy afternoon.

The streets were covered with thick snow.

There was an old blind man knocking on the door of the Chen residence.

He was dressed in tattered gray clothes, with many holes in his trouser legs, long gray and messy hair, and a dry face, looking like a homeless man.

After opening the door, the servant girl thought it was a beggar and said with a smile: "Old man, wait here, I will go in and get you something to eat."

Chen Tiannan often said that Jishan Family had Yuqing, and often told the maids in the family to give some food when encountering such difficulties.

The old blind man shook his head, "No need, tell your Patriarch, the old man is lucky to send his family's junior."

The servant girl was skeptical, but it happened that Chen Tiannan was at home, so she told the master about it.

Chen Tiannan came to the door, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what's the matter with the old man?"

The old blind man said with a blank expression: "This old man came from Xuanzhou and passed by Beihuang. He heard that the Chen family had a dragon, so he stopped here to have a look."


Chen Tiannan was shocked.

Xuanzhou is tens of thousands of miles away from Beihuang, and it is impossible for ordinary people to cross it. The old man in front of him is actually from the prosperous Xuanzhou.

Ordinary people would never be able to reach Xuanzhou from Barren Island in their entire life. If the old blind man in front of him really came from Xuanzhou, then he is definitely not simple.

Chen Tiannan didn't question it, and invited with a smile: "Senior, come and sit in the room first."

He didn't get to the bottom of it, but first invited the old blind man to the lobby and brought him tea.

The old blind man didn't drink tea, he expressed his intention of coming, and said indifferently: "The old man has seen your grandson's spirit from ten miles away. He is talented and intelligent, so I want to give him a fortune."

"Ten miles!"

Chen Tiannan gasped, even if he was a sword king, his perception would not be ten miles away.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior, but Ling Yunzong has already taken a fancy to Xiaomu." Chen Tiannan cupped his hands.

The old blind man said calmly: "Of course I don't dare to snatch the junior that Ling Yunzong likes. I intend to teach him how to practice, so I won't accept disciples."

Chen Tiannan stood up, bowed to thank him and said, "Thank you senior, I don't know your last name?"

"Traveling around the world for too long, the name doesn't matter." The old blind man shook his head slightly.

Chen Tiannan didn't ask any further questions, he brought the old blind man to the martial arts arena.

The old blind man is blind, but he walks without a cane. From here, he can see that he is extraordinary.

martial arts arena.

Surrounded by silver.


The two brothers came towards them.

Chen Tiannan said with a smile: "This senior is from Xuanzhou, he intends to teach you how to practice, why don't you hurry up and thank you senior."

"Thank you senior."

The two brothers looked excited.

The old blind man said lightly, "Only he can learn what I want to teach."

The old blind man pointed at Chen Mu.

Chen Hao was inevitably a little disappointed, "I haven't practiced yet, why do you think I'm not good enough, senior?"

"Because your spirit is ordinary." The old blind man shook his head slightly.

Chen Hao doesn't understand, does that mean I'm stupid?If so, then I'm really a bit stupid. Since he couldn't learn it, he chose to continue practicing swords.

Chen Tiannan didn't leave the martial arts arena, he wanted to know what this old blind man would teach, if he was a liar, at most give him something to eat, and then invite him out of Chen's house.

If he is really capable, the Chen family will definitely treat him with courtesy and treat him as a distinguished guest.

(End of this chapter)

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