my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 303 Taiqing Immortal Palace

Chapter 303 Taiqing Immortal Palace
Chen Yao was lying on the bed, her face was pale and bloodless. Chen Mu found that the blood in the little girl's body had been deprived and she was very weak.

Chen Mu was so angry that Chu Chu, who was sitting beside him, could feel the chill.

Chen Yao had a special feeling, she opened her eyes with difficulty, and her eyes were dim.

Chen Mu's consciousness appeared in the little girl's sea of ​​consciousness, "Yaoyao, it's my brother who didn't protect you well, and my brother will come to take you home soon."

Chen Yao is not only weak physically, but also mentally weak. The Taiqing Immortal Palace wanted to peep into her sea of ​​consciousness, but she resisted forcefully and failed to let them succeed.

"Brother, I'm fine, this pain is nothing, don't worry." Chen Yao said wearily.

Chen Mu originally only wanted to save his little sister, and didn't want to fight to the death with the Taiqing Immortal Palace, but the Taiqing Immortal Palace dared to hurt Chen Yao, so it would never die.

Wen Xuanyin walked into the room with the soup, and she sat down by the bed, "Chen Yao, Chen Mu will not come to save you, he will not be able to protect himself."

"You are very weak now, this is a warming and nourishing decoction that can help you recover."

Chen Yao ignored it, Wen Xuanyin did not force her to drink the medicine, but put the soup on the wooden table next to the bed, "You still have three months, if you don't take the medicine, you may not be able to last for half a month."

Chen Mu naturally understood what she meant. If he didn't show up within three months, Chen Yao's life would be in danger. "Yaoyao, you drink the medicine first, and when you recover, my brother will take you home."

Chen Yao didn't want Chen Mu to worry, "Brother, don't worry, I will live well."

Seeing the young girl's appearance, Chen Mu felt sad and angry. He carefully checked the defenses of the Great Purity Immortal Palace, and found that the strong men of the Great Purity Immortal Palace had disappeared a lot compared to last time.

However, the huge monster still sits in the Taiqing Immortal Palace, and it is very difficult for Chen Mu to rescue Chen Yao under his nose.

Lao Zhou promised to help, and he could only hope that he could resist the giant.

Chen Mu's consciousness came to Chicheng Cave, and Mu Honglian sorted out the information just collected in the cave.

Seeing Chen Mu's consciousness appear, Mu Honglian hurriedly said respectfully: "Master!"

Chen Mu asked: "Hong Lian, what's the latest news about the forces in the fairy world?"

Mu Honglian respectfully said: "My lord, after I release the news, all major forces will unite and send strong men to the Forbidden Starfall."

"A fierce battle broke out in the depths of the Starfall Forbidden Land, but although the demon god was weak, he still retreated. All major forces are looking for its traces. Everyone is worried that the eternal calamity reincarnation domain will be destroyed, and they have reinforced the ancient city of Dizhou!"

Chen Mu has heard of the Eternal Tribulation Reincarnation Realm, where demon gods and taboos are sealed, and there are many terrifying existences in it. The demon gods can sense each other, and the escaped demon gods are likely to rescue other sealed demon gods. , the entire fairyland will fall into catastrophe.

Chicheng Dongtian sent a large number of strong men, some of them were looking for traces of the escaped demon god, and some of them reinforced the ancient city of Dizhou to strengthen the defense there.

Chen Mu knew that the demon god who escaped from the Starfall Forbidden Land was very strong, and the demon god Bajiu must have something to do with the weakened defense of the Taiqing Immortal Palace.

Lao Zhou also wants Chen Mu to help seal the Bajiu Demon God. The most important thing for him now is to rescue the little sister and get the little sister out of danger, and then think about other things.

Mu Honglian suddenly remembered something, and said in a deep voice: "Taiqing Immortal Palace has said, if the lord continues to hide, your sister may be in danger!"

"They gave you three months to appear in Taiqing Immortal Palace."

"I'll be there."

Chen Mu asked again: "Honglian, help me investigate the specific location of Taiqing Immortal Palace corresponding to the mortal world."

"no problem."

Mu Honglian nodded in agreement.

Chen Mu has a map of the fairy world, he can calculate the approximate location, but the exact location is not clear, if the deviation is too large, it will affect his plan.

Mu Honglian immediately went to help Chen Mu investigate.

Chen Mu's consciousness returned to the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Now that there is a genuine demon god in the fairy world, all major forces are panicking. He must take advantage of this opportunity to act.

The divine ship headed to Tianzhou at the fastest speed, and Chen Mu also accelerated the speed of refining the origin of the tribulation thunder.

Many voices suddenly sounded in Chen Mu's ears. These voices came from the mortal world. Zhen Tianyin was absorbing mysterious power and became stronger and stronger.

The mortal world, the Eastern Desolation.

In Xiaoshitou Town, the nearby people often bow down in front of Chen Mu's stone statue, because not long ago, Qin Nishang came here and healed a little girl who was seriously ill with his own hands. Everyone regarded Chen Mu as a god.

The news spread quickly, and the nearby towns heard about it and followed suit.

Chen Mu never thought that there would be such an effect. He couldn't help everyone, and he was in the fairy world, so he couldn't do it himself. He could only ask Qin Nishang and the Chen family to help the people in need.

In Beihuang, a fringe village of the Dayan Dynasty, Duan Feng practiced his sword in the yard outside the thatched hut. He was holding a wooden stick, and he swung his sword with style.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the people in the village saw the immortal cultivator of Xuanjianzong coming with a sword, and the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi fell in Duan Feng's dilapidated courtyard.

Lu Zhou is the deacon of Xuanjianzong. When he passed by the village, he noticed Duan Feng. There are children practicing in such a remote village.

When Duan Feng saw Lu Zhou Yujian coming, he also bowed excitedly, "Duan Feng has seen senior."

Lu Zhou smiled and asked: "There are no immortals nearby, how can you still practice?"

Duan Feng replied truthfully: "Some time ago, I knelt down in front of the stone statue, and then that senior appeared in my mind and taught me how to practice."

Lu Zhou was shocked when he heard the words, Duan Feng could get the opportunity, maybe Chen Mu liked it, he quickly asked with a smile, "Are you interested in practicing with me at Xuanjianzong?"

Duan Fengwenyan opened his eyes excitedly, then hesitated, "But I still have to take care of my sister."

"Take her to Xuanjianzong."

"Really? Thank you, senior!"

Lu Zhou solemnly said: "Of course, I am the deacon of Xuanjianzong, and I can recommend you to join the sect!"

Duan Feng happily told Duan Yu the news. At this time, a large number of people gathered near the broken courtyard, and many children looked at the two brothers and sisters enviously.

The people around were talking, and they thought it was all due to the stone statue.

Gradually, the stone statues of Chen Mu in many places were completely surrounded, and whispers sounded in his ears, and the light of Zhen Tianyin became more and more dazzling.

Chen Mu can now obtain power blessings through Zhentianyin. This energy is so strong that it is not even backlashed. He gradually understands the source of Zhentianyin's power.

The power of Zhen Tianyin comes from all living beings, Chen Mu will be backlashed if he pushes it forcefully, but if he gains the belief of all living beings, he can use it without any influence.

Helping Chen Mu was proposed by Su Min, and Qin Nishang and the Chen family were in charge of promoting it. Now Chen Mu's influence in the barren island is growing, and the power given by Zhen Tianyin is getting stronger and stronger.

Beihuang, Chen family.

Chen Ying has been busy recently.

Chen Mu's consciousness appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Chen Ying said excitedly: "Brother, where is Yaoyao?"

Chen Mu solemnly said: "Yaoyao was imprisoned by Taiqing Immortal Palace, I am preparing to rescue Yaoyao, you rush to Xuanzhou first, I need your cooperation when the time comes."

Chen Ying heard the words and said seriously: "Brother, no problem, I will leave immediately."

A month later.

Chen Mu returned to the Immortal Continent.

The day agreed upon by Taiqing Immortal Palace is getting closer and closer, and the time left for Chen Mu is getting less and less. If he wants to rescue his little sister, the best way is to sneak in.

The vicinity of the Taiqing Immortal Palace is heavily guarded, and there is a powerful man in charge. It is difficult for Chen Mu to sneak in unless it creates chaos. He suddenly thought of a way.

Chen Mu sealed Erwu Demon God deep in the fairy waterfall, and he planned to use that demon god to cause chaos in Taiqing Immortal Palace, and then rescue Chen Yao.

The Shenzhou appeared in Yuzhou, and Chen Mu took Chu Chu to the fairy waterfall. He was worried that the fairy waterfall would be dangerous, so he let Chu Chu stay outside and went to the depths of the fairy waterfall alone.

The fairy waterfall has dried up, but there are still restrictions in the passage. Chen Mu passed the test and soon appeared in the area where the demon god was sealed.

He crossed his hands and fingers, and then the golden seal of time and space appeared, and the golden seal opened the space out of thin air, and Chen Mu took away the Erwu Demon God who was sealed here.

Sitting outside the fairy waterfall, Chu Chu looked left and right, always feeling that there were eyes staring at her, and when Chen Mu came out, she stood up happily.

Chen Mu was going to hide her in a safe place, and didn't want to take Chu Chu to risk.

Taoshan, in the warm spring season, the peach blossoms are blooming all over the mountain. Chen Mu has already taught Chu Chu how to cook all kinds of food. He said in a deep voice: "Chu Chu, stay here obediently, I will come back to pick you up."

Chu Chu pouted, a little bit reluctant, but she knew that Chen Mu had important things to do, so she muttered, "Big brother, you must come back to pick me up!"

"Do not worry!"

Chen Mu rubbed her little face.

Lao Zhou reminded: "She is a demon god after all, if there is no restriction, something may go wrong."

Chen Mu looked at Chu Chu, there was an agreement before, as long as she was obedient, she would not be sealed.

"If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility." Chen Mu replied, and then smiled at Chu Chu.

Chu Chu watched Chen Mu leave, and then she lay down on the grass covered with peach blossoms and fell asleep.

Taiqing Immortal Palace is located in the east of Tianzhou, hidden deep in the mountains shrouded in clouds and mist. When Chen Mu approached, he noticed the runes all over the forest in front of him. As long as he approached, he could attract the attention of the strong in the fairy world.

Mu Honglian collected the specific location of Taiqing Immortal Palace corresponding to the mortal world, Huangshan in the north of Xuanzhou, which is also relatively close to Taiqing College.

Chen Ying has arrived at the agreed place.

Chen Mu led the Erwu Demon Gods to forcibly rush into the outer perimeter of Taiqing Immortal Palace, the surrounding killing formations were activated, runes filled the sky in an instant, and the mountains shook.

Chen Mu released the power of Chaos, and the Chaos Clock enveloped his body. The killing array here was ineffective for him, and the strong men in the Taiqing Immortal Palace also heard the movement.

"Is it Chen Mu?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the area outside the Immortal Palace, which was covered by special rules and could not be peeped.

The powerhouses of Taiqing Immortal Palace rushed over one after another.

Chen Mu put away the decree on Erwu Demon God's body, and left the place quietly.

Chen Yao was sitting in the yard, she couldn't help raising her head when she heard the movement, Wen Xuanyin stood up, and said with a light smile, "It seems that he hasn't abandoned you."

Ye Qingxuan brought the two old men to the yard, and said calmly, "Look at Chen Yao."

There were already restrictions around Chen Yao's courtyard, and now there is a net of heaven and earth, Ye Qingxuan looks confident, as long as Chen Mu shows up, there is nowhere to escape.

Outside the Immortal Palace, Erwu Demon God opened his bright red eyes. An old man rushed over first. He wanted to persuade Chen Mu to surrender, but he saw the Demon God.

The old man's eyes widened, but Erwu Demon God's face was expressionless, and there was killing intent in his dark red eyes.


Before the old man finished speaking, the Erwu Demon God rushed forward and knocked him out with a punch.

While Erwu Demon God was breathing, the surrounding blood mist was swallowed by him, and his cultivation base soared instantly.

Before the other immortal cultivators arrived, the Erwu Demon God took the initiative to attack. He condensed a dark spear in his hand, and killed all directions around the Taiqing Immortal Palace.

After Erwu Demon God devoured his energy and blood, his cultivation level skyrocketed and he became more and more terrifying. Soon the strong men of Taiqing Immortal Palace also realized that something was wrong.

"It's a demon god!"

"Palace Master, something is wrong, a demon god broke into the Taiqing Immortal Palace and started killing!"

Ye Qingxuan was also shocked when he got the news, all major forces are uniting to encircle and suppress the demon god, and the demon god will appear in Taiqing Immortal Palace!
Wen Xuanyin quickly asked, "Is it Chuchu?"

The disciple in charge of reporting shook his head again and again, "No, that demon god has grown up."

"It's true that our Taiqing Immortal Palace is easy to bully!" Ye Qingxuan frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Go and see with me, Xuanyin, take care of her."

Ye Qingxuan took away the strong men near the small courtyard, Wen Xuanyin said solemnly: "Master, don't worry."

Chen Yao remained silent. She knew by intuition that Chen Mu was nearby. She was both happy and worried, and she didn't want anything to happen to her brother.

Wen Xuanyin looked at Chen Yao, found her complex expression, shook her head and sighed softly, "I thought there was hope, but then the hope was shattered, it must be very hard."

Chen Yao looked at Wen Xuanyin. Although she lost her golden eyes, there was light in her eyes at the moment, "Don't worry, my brother will definitely come."

Wen Xuanyin was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly: "Even if he comes, he can't save you."

On the outskirts of the Taiqing Immortal Palace, the Erwu Demon Gods were on a killing spree, and some elders at the level of Sword Gods even fell. As more and more powerful people were devoured, the power of the Demon Gods became stronger and stronger.

Ye Qingxuan was shocked when he saw Erwu Demon God, he didn't expect it was really Demon God, the void was distorted, an old woman came out, she raised her hand to manifest the mountain.


The Erwu Demon God was suppressed by the mountains!
"Greetings to Patriarch Jingyun!" Ye Qingxuan bowed to the old woman, who was the third generation disciple of Taiqing Immortal Palace and lived for a long time.

Immortal cultivators around bowed down one after another. Patriarch Jingyun is one of the few strong immortal kings. She suppressed the demon god with a single shot, and everyone was overjoyed.


The majestic mountains were broken.

The Erwu Demon God rushed out.

Facing the fierce and powerful Erwu Demon God, Patriarch Jingyun looked indifferent, she raised her hand to manifest a giant palm, and directly held Erwu Demon God in the giant palm.

The body of the Erwu Demon God suddenly swelled, and the giant palm was slowly stretched open. Patriarch Jingyun couldn't help frowning, "Array, help me!"

Hearing the order, Ye Qingxuan took the lead in the formation, and they released the immortal power in their bodies at the same time. Thousands of immortal powers condensed together. Patriarch Jingyun let go, and the demon god instantly became thousands of feet high, and the mountains were all under his feet.

With the help of the formation method, the ancestor Jingyun multiplied her strength. She faced the demon god directly, formed seals with both hands, and the majestic immortal power turned into chains to bind the two five demon gods.

There are runes constantly rising from the mountain, condensing into a mighty rune sword, directly submerging the Erwu Demon God, that spectacular scene can be seen clearly from a distance, the mountains are shaking, and the distant sky is shrouded in sword light, Wen Xuanyin can't take his eyes off Looking at the battlefield, Chen Yao didn't care about the demon god, she sat quietly in the yard.

The formation stones around the courtyard burst instantly, Chen Mu forced his way into the courtyard, and the power of chaos suppressed the restriction here. As soon as Wen Xuanyin turned around, she saw a dazzling sword light attacking. The moment she lifted the fairy sword, she was shocked by the tyrannical energy. back out.

Wen Xuanyin collided with the courtyard wall. She originally thought that she could fight Chen Mu a few times, but she was severely injured when they first met. She coughed up blood and stood up with difficulty.

"elder brother!"

A smile appeared on Chen Yao's pretty face, Chen Mu stepped forward and hugged the little girl, and said in a deep voice: "It's my brother's fault, my brother will take you home now!"

Wen Xuanyin coughed and said, "Chen Mu, Chen Yao doesn't belong to the fairy world. If she leaves Taiqing Immortal Palace, she will suffer the backlash of heaven. Do you really think you can take her away?"

"We can sit down and talk!"

Wen Xuanyin wanted to threaten Chen Mu with this.

Chen Yao is very weak, and if she suffers the backlash of heaven, she is close to death.

There is a restriction above the Taiqing Immortal Palace, and it is difficult for even flies to escape, and there are demon gods and great powers fighting in the place where they come in.

Now that Chen Ying opened the immortal gate with her sword, it would be very difficult for Chen Mu to take Chen Yao away, unless she broke the restriction on the high place first, and then let Yingying open the immortal gate with her sword.

"I hope you are more valuable than I thought!" Chen Mu appeared in front of Wen Xuanyin in the blink of an eye, and then raised his hand to seal her cultivation base.

Wen Xuanyin said in a deep voice: "Chen Mu, even if they use me as a bargaining chip, it is impossible for Master and the others to let you leave Taiqing Immortal Palace. As long as you cooperate with Taiqing Immortal Palace, all conflicts can be easily resolved."

Chen Mu said indifferently: "When you hurt my sister, it will be too late."

Outside the Taiqing Immortal Palace, they had just controlled the Erwu Demon God, and there was a change inside the Immortal Palace. Ye Qingxuan immediately understood that something was wrong, "No! It's Chen Mu!"

 ps: Thank you Listen to a song, Lingyun Daoyou, luke, a bag of rice to carry a few floors, Dudu, Fengyue Fantasy, xiaowu, for the monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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