my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 306 The Evil Cultivator Reappears

Chapter 306 The Evil Cultivator Reappears
In Taoshan, the morning glow dispels the morning fog, and the forest is full of falling flowers. Chu Chu is curled up and lying on her side under the peach tree, and her body is covered with bright peach blossoms.

When Chen Mu returned to Taoshan, he saw that Chu Chu was sleeping, so he didn't bother him. He sat cross-legged under the tree and needed to rest after the life-and-death battle and running around.

Chu Chu's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, she sensed Chen Mu's aura, and suddenly opened her eyes, with a smile in her eyes, and her small face was full of joy.

Seeing Chen Mu practicing, Chu Chu didn't yell excitedly. She hugged her knees with her hands and squatted quietly nearby.

The pure energy in the seven-color gourd helped Chen Mu recover quickly. He became stronger after the fierce battle, and this battle benefited him a lot.

Chen Mu also understands the gap between himself and the Immortal King. Patriarch Jingyun is not yet at his peak state. If he meets a peak Immortal King, it may be difficult to escape.

Chen Mu was able to escape from Taiqing Immortal Palace this time. The most important thing was that the demon god disrupted the situation. I don't know what the demon god's purpose is, so we can't relax our vigilance anyway.

The map of the fairy world did not mark the specific location of the ancient fairy city. Chen Mu's consciousness appeared in Mu Honglian's sea of ​​consciousness, and the latter said excitedly: "My lord."

Mu Honglian now especially admires Chen Mu.

"Honglian, can you provide me with some information about the ancient fairy city?" Chen Mu asked.

Mu Honglian smiled and nodded, "My lord, the ancient fairy city is an ancient city. That city is in the secret realm in the middle of the continent, and the entrance to the secret realm is extremely hidden."

Chen Mu suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't find the ancient fairy city in the middle of Yuzhou.

"Even I don't know the exact location of the ancient city, but I can help to find out. Our ancestors of Chicheng Dongtian know the entrance to the secret realm."

"Thanks a lot."

Mu Honglian smiled tenderly: "Unfortunately, my lord, although I don't know the location of the ancient city, I still know that the ancient city is heavily guarded and more difficult to break into than the Taiqing Immortal Palace. There are many old monsters who survived from ancient times!"

Chen Mu nodded slightly, there must be a powerful person who can seal demon gods and forbidden creatures there.

Mu Honglian reminded: "Master, if you go to the ancient city, be careful, those old monsters will definitely not let you go, Taiqing Immortal Palace and Taishang Immortal Palace are looking for your traces, and they also say that you are in collusion with the Demon God .”

"I know."

Chen Mu looked calm, and he didn't want to let the Taiqing Immortal Palace and the Supreme Immortal Palace go. When the strength becomes stronger, he will definitely eradicate these two major forces.

Near noon.

Chen Mu's whole body glowed with sunshine. After taking the fairy liquid from the seven-color gourd, his cultivation base was improved again, and his whole body was full of vigor and energy.

This time the Zhentianyin was urged to not suffer backlash. The main reason is that the Zhentianyin was not forcibly activated, and there is also the blessing of faith. If more faith can be obtained, the Zhentianyin can release stronger power.

Chen Mu didn't deliberately force it. Grandpa often said that there must be Yuqing in a family of good deeds. He is in the fairy world, and there are only a handful of help he can give to ordinary people.

With the help of the Chen family and Qin Nishang, Chen Mu's influence in the mortal world is growing, and there are more and more whispers in his ears, and he can hear the joys and sorrows of the world every day.

Chen Mu opened his eyes, and Chu Chu was tilting his head, smiling sweetly, and showing two small canine teeth, "Big brother, Chu Chu is very obedient."

Chen Mu rubbed her little head, then got up, he put his hand on the trunk of the peach tree, and with the influx of vitality, the peach tree bore a lot of peaches.


Chu Chu blinked.

Chen Mu picked off the plump peaches and smiled, "Taste it, is it sweet?"

Chu Chu held the peach, and when she sipped her mouth, there was a crisp voice, "Mmm, it's very sweet!"

Chen Mu looked at Chuchu's innocent smiling face. If she wasn't a demon god, he could still find a home for her, but she was unstable, so she had to be sealed or kept with her. Living alone was risky.

"Chuchu, do you like peaches? If I like them, I can pick more. We have to hurry and may not come back here." Chen Mu felt that staying here for a long time was dangerous.

The power of the fairy world may have calculated his position, so they can't stay in Taoshan for a long time.

Chen Mu suddenly thought of walking around the world, maybe because he had heard too many whispers and too many joys and sorrows recently, so he thought it was to enlighten the Tao.

In the mortal world, the Northern Wilderness.

Chen Ying and Chen Yao returned to the Chen family.

When Chen Yao came to her parents' courtyard, Tang Wan saw her daughter returning home smoothly, and the sadness on her face disappeared instantly. She stood up excitedly and hugged Chen Yao.


"Mom, I made you worry."

Chen Yan also blamed himself: "Yaoyao, it's useless to be a father, and can't protect you."

With a smile on Chen Yao's pretty face, she said crisply: "Father, I don't blame you, I will work hard to practice in the future."

Tang Wan quickly asked: "Yaoyao, where's your brother, why hasn't he come back?"

Chen Yao replied with a smile: "Mother, brother can't come back for the time being, you don't have to worry, he is safe now, thanks to brother for saving me this time."

Chen Xijiao smiled and said: "I knew that Xiaomu would definitely be able to rescue Yaoyao."

Looking at Chen Yao's haggard look, Tang Wan couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Yaoyao, you have suffered a lot in the fairy world, and mother will cook something delicious for you when you come back."

Chen Yan was also a little distressed, "Yaoyao, dad will go and dig some big medicine for you."

Chen Mu used to grow a lot of big medicine near Chen's house, and now it is in handy.

"Dad, I'll go too."

Chen Ying happily left with Chen Yan.

Tang Wan and Chen Xi accompanied Chen Yao in the courtyard.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai ran to the courtyard one after another, they both jumped into Chen Yao's arms and acted like a baby, Qi Qi ran over, with a small face and said with a coquettish smile, "Sister Yao Yao."

Chen Su and Chen Tong rushed over, "Sister-in-law, you are finally back."

Chen Yao looked at the two of them and joked, "If you want to protect my sister-in-law, you should practice hard in the future and not be lazy."

Chen Tong nodded heavily, Chen Su stuck out his little tongue, and then pulled Chen Yao's arm to act like a spoiled child, Tang Wan and Chen Xi couldn't help laughing out loud.


When Chen Tiannan's voice came, he shouted excitedly outside the courtyard, and Chen Yao got up quickly, "Grandpa, I'm going to see you."

The yard suddenly became lively.

Everyone surrounded Chen Yao, she had a happy smile on her pretty face, it was better to be at home.

"Yaoyao, you've lost a lot of weight." Xu Yan came to the courtyard and saw Chen Yao, feeling distressed.

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Ma'am, I'm fine, just come back and recuperate for a few days."

Xu Yan nodded, "Just come back."

Chen Wei felt a little regretful, "Xiao Hao and Xiao Han are busy outside, if they know you're back, they must be smiling from ear to ear."

Chen Yao heard from her sister on the road that Chen Hao and Chen Han were promoting Chen Mu. There are stone statues of Chen Mu in many places. The two brothers have contributed a lot.

Chen Tong asked curiously, "Sister-in-law, where's third uncle? And how did you come back?"

When Chen Yao thought of the scene of being rescued, the pride on her face was beyond words, "Of course it was my sister-in-law who came to rescue from your third uncle. There are many powerful immortal cultivators around, but none of them can stop your third uncle's footsteps."

With longing in Chen Tong's eyes, he said firmly, "I will work hard in the future to become a strong man like my third uncle, protect my sister, protect my sister-in-law, and protect everyone in the Chen family."

Both Chen Wei and Chen Tiannan smiled and nodded, but Chen Su covered his mouth and said with a light smile: "At your age, Third Uncle is already a top expert in the Northern Wilderness!"

"Father said, as long as you work harder every day than yesterday, you can become stronger!" Chen Tong said seriously.

Chen Yao smiled and nodded, "Tongtong is right, Susu, you have to practice seriously."

"Hey, I know."

Chen Su stuck out her tongue coquettishly.

Chen Ying picked up the magic medicine. She knew that her sister was very weak, so she combined it with a mild elixir, refined it many times, and gave it to Chen Yao without any side effects.

After taking it, Chen Yao's face returned to blood. The blood in her body was deprived and it was difficult to recover. The sword palace in her body was also abolished by the strong men of Taiqing Immortal Palace.

Only Chen Ying knew about her sister's condition, but Chen Yao didn't let her tell everyone, fearing that her parents would be upset.

In the evening, Chen Tiannan and Chen Yan came to the ancestral house to offer incense and thank the ancestors for their protection.

Two days later, Chen Han and Chen Hao rushed back, and they brought all kinds of fruits and food back to see Chen Yao.

"Yaoyao, I made you suffer."

Chen Hao looked at the little girl's thin body and couldn't help shaking his head, "How is third brother?"

Chen Yao nodded and said with a light smile, "Second brother, my brother is alright, he asked me to thank you, he got your help to rescue me smoothly."

Chen Hao scratched his head and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, as long as you can help the third brother."

After visiting Chen Yao, Chen Hao visited Chen Su and Chen Tong again, and then continued to travel far away with Chen Han, trying to exaggerate Chen Mu's influence.

Chen Hao also got the latest news about Chen Mu from Chen Yao this time, and entering the Taiqing Immortal Palace to rescue his sister will definitely attract more people.

Chen Yao rested for a few days and then began to practice again. The Chen family returned to its former bustle. Tang Wan still looked at the sky from time to time. She not only hoped that Chen Mu would return home soon, but also hoped that Jiang Fuxian would come back.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were chasing and fighting on the courtyard wall, Da Zhuang was patrolling the nearby mountains and forests, Chen Tiannan was making tea in the martial arts field, watching the juniors practice.

After this incident, the juniors understood that happiness was hard-won, and they began to practice seriously, even Chen Ying was practicing. Her divine power was growing slowly, but she had the foundation of cultivating immortals, and her realm was raised again.

Kunzai and Qiqi were not idle either, they followed Yan Longyue and were responsible for running errands in the escort agency.

When the common people heard that Chen Mu had killed the Taiqing Immortal Palace in the Upper Immortal Realm to rescue his sister, their blood boiled with enthusiasm. After the news spread, everyone worshiped Chen Mu even more.

Immortal world, the northern part of Yuzhou.

Chen Mu led Chu Chu to walk on the criss-crossed fields, and the common people were farming in the fields. When they raised their heads, they would show strange expressions when they saw two people passing by, and they could be seen from their clothes.

The secular world in the fairy world is more ordinary than the mortal world. There are no immortal cultivators in the secular world. Chen Mu was born in the mortal world, so at least he can still cultivate. People in the fairy world are not allowed to practice, and they can only spend their lives ordinary.

Walking through the fields, they passed the nearby villages, and an old man with a cane came out to greet them, and all the old and young in the group ran out to watch.

Chen Mu looked easy-going, and said with a smile: "We are just passing by, so don't be nervous."

Seeing Chen Mu's bright smile, the old man relaxed a lot, and still respectfully said, "Meet the immortal."

Chen Mu smiled lightly and said, "Are you always busy?"

I met many people on the road, but the only one who took the initiative to say hello was this rickety old man. Chen Mu guessed that he had a reason.

The old man knelt on the ground and begged: "Monsters and beasts are rampant recently, and there are often fewer people in our village recently. Please help us from the immortals."


Chen Mu nodded with a smile.

The old man burst into tears, and the villagers behind him knelt down and bowed, "Thank you, Immortal."

Chu Chu said seriously: "Big brother, I want to fight monsters, and I want to help them!"

The people around showed surprise eyes, after all Chu Chu looked very weak.

Chen Mu rubbed Chu Chu's head, very relieved, nodded with a smile, "Okay."

Chu Chu has the power of a demon god, and it is very easy to deal with monsters. The old man is the village head of Liujia Village, and he arranged Chen Mu and the others in his home.

The village is dominated by earthen walls. The village head's house and several wealthy families are stone houses. Chen Mu and Chu Chu came to the yard, where chickens and ducks were raised loosely.

Chu Chu drooled when she looked at the chickens and ducks.

Seeing this, Chen Mu took out a elixir and said with a smile, "Old village chief, I want to exchange this elixir for two chickens with you."

The old village head had seen this kind of scene before, and quickly refused, "Immortal, no need, you take it, we ask you to help, how dare you take your things again!"

Chen Mu smiled and said, "Old village chief, you're welcome, this elixir is very common."

The old village head could only accept it. He felt that Chen Mu was different from the fairy that the elders in the village had said before, "Where did the fairy come from?"

Chen Mu smiled and said, "From the mortal world."

The old village head widened his eyes and asked in surprise, "Are you all casual cultivators?"

In the fairy world, casual practice is a serious crime.

Chen Mu pointed to the sky, "Old village chief, I am from the sky, not born in this land."

The old village chief said in shock: "You are a heavenly man!"

Chen Mu couldn't explain clearly, so he nodded with a smile. He personally killed two roosters, and then marinated them. The old village chief was watching, and he saw Chen Mu wrapped the marinated chickens in lotus leaves, and then wrapped them in soil. .

The old village chief was puzzled, and Chu Chu was equally curious, "Big brother, what are you doing?"

"Beggar Chicken."

Chen Mu smiled.

When the beggar chicken was ready, the yard was full of fragrance, Chu Chu tore the beggar chicken, and said with a sweet smile, "It smells so good, big brother, you are really amazing."

Chen Mu was not happy, because the people in this village were still living in dire straits, and he did not sense the existence of monsters nearby.

Even if there are monsters in the distance, they are very weak monsters and will not attack this kind of village.

The old village head sighed: "The victims recently are all young girls, they are very pitiful."

Chen Mu felt that something was wrong. This was a targeted attack. As night fell, the doors and windows of each house were closed, and a figure approached Liujia Village close to the ground.


The village was shaking.

Chu Chu fell from a height, and the middle-aged man in black was trampled under her feet.

The middle-aged man looked strange, and his feminine face made him feel uncomfortable. Chu Chujiao said, "Big villain, I've caught you."

Chen Mu said lightly: "It's not monsters that harm people. There are no casual cultivators in the fairy world. Who taught you?"

"Hehe, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business. If you dare to touch me, the consequences will be very serious." The middle-aged man threatened.

Chu Chu stomped heavily on him a few times, the middle-aged man coughed up blood, his internal organs were shattered on the spot, even his spine was broken, and he looked embarrassed.

The middle-aged man didn't expect to run into trouble, because the forces in the fairy world don't care about mortals at all.

Chen Mu's spirit entered his sea of ​​consciousness, and forcibly peeped, and found a terrifying existence inside. The middle-aged man was resisting, not daring to reveal the existence of that person.

The middle-aged man lost his mind on the spot.

Chen Mu saw intermittent images of a group of evil cultivators enshrining something, if left unattended, there might be a big problem, and he was going to investigate.

"bad guy!"

Chu Chu continued to step on two feet, Chen Mu raised his hand, and the golden flame burned the corpse.

Chen Mu went back to the village and told the old village chief, "The monster has been dealt with, don't worry."

The old village chief also heard what happened just now, and he knelt down in front of Chen Mu excitedly, weeping with joy, "Thank you, Immortal, you saved our Liujia Village."

"It's easy to do, you can go to rest early, we have other things, so don't bother."

Chen Mu took Chuchu away from Liujia Village, and they drove towards the north in the dark.

 ps: Thank you for the reward, thank you Cai Xixi, the breeze blowing the heart of the snail, and Xiao Guoguo for the monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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