my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 308 Ancient Immortal City

Chapter 308 Ancient Immortal City
In the middle of Dizhou, there are many large towns, including the Xiuxian family.

There are supernatural forces behind these cultivating families, and Chen Mu has collected a lot of useful information through Mu Honglian.

Many immortal cultivating families in Dizhou originated from the ancient immortal city, and some of them can even enter and leave the ancient immortal city to serve the immortal cultivators inside.

Bluestone City.

The city is very lively.

Chen Mu and Chu Chu came to the noodle shop.

They were dressed in common people's clothes, they looked like father and daughter, Chen Mu shouted: "Boss, here are two big bowls of pork shredded pork noodles with green peppers."

"Okay, guest officer, it will be ready soon." The owner of the noodle shop immediately arranged seats for them.

Chu Chu's eyes were full of curiosity, she followed Chen Mu to experience life in the secular world.

After Chen Mu came to Dizhou, he hid his breath. He found out the specific location of the ancient fairy city, but it was still troublesome to pass through the secret realm.

That secret realm is indestructible, even the Immortal King powerhouse cannot open the gap.

Mu Honglian said that the Wang family of Qingshi City often recruited strong men to mine in the ancient fairy city. He planned to sneak into the secret realm. As long as he got the Seven Tribulations Reincarnation Pill, Chen Mu would be able to break through again.

"Two guest officers, please take it easy."

"OK, thanks."

Chu Chu rolled up the noodles with chopsticks, and then swallowed them in one gulp. Chen Mu said with a smile, "This is how you eat the noodles one bite at a time."

Chen Mu taught Chu Chu how to eat noodles. Chu Chu watched carefully and learned it quickly.

"Chuchu, how does it taste?"

"Very fragrant, I like it very much."

There was a small dimple hanging from the corner of Chu Chu's mouth.

After eating the noodles, Chen Mu bought a string of candied haws for Chu Chu on the street, "Thank you, big brother."

Chu Chu was eating candied haws, her face was full of joy, Chen Mu asked with a smile: "Chu Chu, what do you want to eat, I will buy it for you in advance."

Chen Mu was going to the ancient fairy city, and might have to leave for a while, Chu Chu shook her head, and said crisply: "Brother, go and do your work, don't worry about Chu Chu, I will be obedient."

Chu Chu was like Chen Ying when she was a child, very good. Chen Mu rubbed her little head and bought her a lot of delicious food in advance.

Chen Mu rented a house on the edge of Qingshi City, and before leaving, he warned: "Be obedient at home, don't go out by yourself."

Chu Chu nodded heavily, "Brother, go get busy, I will take care of myself."

After Chen Mu left, he came to the gate of the Wang family, where the old man in charge was registering, and there were not many strong men who signed up for the ancient fairy city.

After his investigation, Chen Mu knew the general situation. It is very risky to mine in the ancient fairy city, and those who enter are close to death.

The strong men who came here to sign up were all indifferent to life and death. They wanted to leave some money for their families, and as long as they signed up, they could get a lot of money.

When Chen Mu came to the registration place, the old man in charge glanced at him, and said calmly, "Write your name down" without interrogating him.

Chen Mu wrote his name, and the old man urged: "Go into the mansion and wait."

The process was very simple, and there was no inspection. Chen Mu came to the courtyard of the mansion. There were already a dozen strong men here. They were all older, and Chen Mu looked the youngest in it.

After a while, two or three people came in again. Until evening, there were only about twenty people in the yard. A middle-aged man in brocade clothes came to the yard, frowned and said, "Why are there so few people?"

The middle-aged man in Jin Yi sighed, "Go ahead and get the money, and prepare to go to the ancient city tonight."

Chen Mu mixed in the crowd and followed everyone to the backyard to collect the money. Most of the strong men chose to send the money to their families. When Chen Mu went to collect the money, he was discovered by the girl in the green skirt.

She said with a smile: "It's a pity that you dig mines. Be my servant, and this lady will support you."

When the girl in the green skirt came up to her, the strong men around her showed envious eyes, and all those in charge bowed and saluted, which showed that the girl's status was not low.

Chen Mu smiled slightly, "Thank you for your kindness, miss, I just want to mine."

The strong men all around laughed.

The old man in charge scolded: "Why are you so ignorant, it's your blessing to be favored by the lady, and you are still unwilling."

Chen Mu still didn't change his face.

At first, Wang Yan thought that Chen Mu was good-looking, and planned to stay by her side as a servant, but seeing his reaction, she felt that he might not be simple.

"Uncle Zhao, let him go." Wang Yan smiled and shook her head, "It happens that no one has been going to the mine recently, and now some people are willing to go, which is a good thing."

The old man in charge nodded repeatedly.

After receiving the money, Chen Mu kept it on his body, so it would be convenient for him to buy things for Chu Chu in the future.

Just as Chen Mu was about to leave the backyard, Wang Yan suddenly grabbed Chen Mu's arm, trying to test it out, but found that there was no spiritual power in his body. Chen Mu asked in surprise, "Miss, what do you mean?"

Am I thinking too much?Wang Yan let go of her hand quickly, and she said with a smile: "You think carefully, with me, your job is very easy, and the reward is very generous."

Chen Mu thanked again: "Thank you miss for your kindness, I just want to rely on myself."

"All right!"

Wang Yan didn't force him, "Near death in the mine, according to past experience, as long as you don't look back in the mine, you can survive."

"Thank you for your reminder, Miss."

"You don't need to thank me. When you go to the mine, someone will tell you. Good luck!"

Originally, Chen Mu only wanted to sign in the ancient fairy city, but now he is also a little curious about this mysterious mine, feeling that there are secrets in it, and wonders why ordinary people should not be sent to dig mines, but immortal cultivators.

At night, a monster landed in the courtyard. It was a very large two-winged beast with black hair, four legs, and a head like an eagle's head. When the strong men saw the beast, they would show fear and run away.

Chen Mu in the crowd retreated with the team, but his expression did not change.

Wang Yan watched Chen Mu from a distance, and could tell from his expression that something was wrong with this man.

Chen Mu also knew that Wang Yan was staring at him. He was too lazy to waste his expression. If he was exposed, he would threaten the Wang family, so he didn't deliberately hide it.

Although she saw that Chen Mu had a problem, Wang Yan still didn't pretend to be smart. She knew what kind of place the ancient city was, and no matter what purpose Chen Mu had, it was impossible to make waves in the ancient city.

"Go, get ready to go."

The strong men sat on the backs of the black giant beasts one after another. As the giant beasts flew into the air, smoke and dust rose from the courtyard. Watching the giant beasts leave Qingshi City, Wang Yan whispered: "It looks so beautiful, it must be a cultivator."

In the small courtyard on the edge of Qingshi City, Chu Chu was also looking into the distance with a smile on her lips.

On the back of the giant beast, the strong men were chatting, and the strong man joked: "That was Miss Wang just now, you didn't have to follow me to die."

"Little brother, you will regret it when you go to the mine, it's a place where people cannibalize."

Chen Mu was smiling. He didn't care, but he was a little curious about the mine and wanted to take a look.

After half a night of driving, in the early morning, the black giant beast landed on the plain, and there were many giant beasts nearby, probably people brought from all over the place.

Chen Mu and the others were driven off, and then gathered on the white round platform, which is the teleportation array.

At noon, there were already 600 people on the teleportation platform, and suddenly a white light fell, and then the entire teleportation platform's strong men disappeared.

When they were teleported into the secret realm, the strong men were a little nervous. Chen Mu looked inside the secret realm, and there was a sense of desolation here.

The rules of heaven and earth here are very special, the space is more stable than the fairyland, there are strong men kneeling on the ground constantly, and it took a long time for everyone to return to normal.

At this time, a warship came from afar to pick up the strong men and go to the mine. Chen Mu looked up into the depths of the starry sky. Among the stars, there was a magnificent ancient city, like a bright moon, surrounded by many stars.

At this time, many strong men noticed that the ancient city in the starry sky was too grand and conspicuous. Only Chen Mu could sense that there were many ancient creatures sitting there, and it was not something he could go there whenever he wanted.

If Chen Mu gets close to the ancient fairy city now, he will definitely be discovered by the old monsters in the city. He must find a way to sneak into the ancient fairy city quietly.

The warship landed near the teleportation platform. Immortal cultivators were organizing strong men to board the ship. Chen Mu followed the team to the warship. He was also curious about the mine.

Soon, the warship took off.

Chen Mu took the opportunity to observe the situation in the secret realm.

Through Zhen Tianyin, he found that the stars in the secret realm are fixed, that is to say, there is no daylight here, but the bright starlight does not affect it.

The warship landed on the wide square. This is a huge city, the mine is not far away, there are almost no laborers in the city, and the horror here can be seen from the empty streets.

Chen Mu and the others were sent to the square to assemble, surrounded by immortal practitioners who were in charge of order.

The middle-aged man in black armor stood on a high place, and he shouted loudly: "You will enter the mine in batches. Before that, I will say a few things!"

"First, since you are here, don't try to run away. If you get caught, you will be at your own risk!"

"Second, after entering the mine, you are not allowed to turn back. No matter what the situation is, you are not allowed to turn back. If you want to come out alive, you can't turn back and keep going."

"Third, as long as you dig red stones in the mine, no matter how big or small, you can get the qualification of cultivating immortals, and you will have endless glory and wealth in the future."

Hearing this, there was a commotion in the square, but Chen Mu shook his head slightly. There is no such good thing in the world, but he was interested in the red stone in the mouth of the middle-aged man in Heijia, it must be a very precious thing.

Soon the strong men in the square were divided into groups of ten, and a team leader was arranged to introduce them to more detailed tasks.

Chen Mu and nine other strong men were taken away by the middle-aged team leader. The team leader was Yang Ming, who was just an ordinary sword sect with a low level of cultivation. "When you enter the mine, pay attention to the ores around you. If you find red ores Come out quickly, the longer you stay inside, the more dangerous it will be."

A strong man wondered: "Didn't it mean that we can't turn back? How can we get out if we don't turn back?"

Yang Ming said with a smile: "It's simple, walk backwards and come out, remember, don't look back."

A strong man asked curiously: "What is the use of the red stone?"

Yang Ming frowned and scolded: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, it's a good thing, and it will be sent to the fairy city in the sky for those big shots. If you can find a piece, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life!"

When Chen Mu heard this, he had a way to enter the ancient fairy city. Yang Ming arranged for them to rest, and might arrange for them to enter the mine later.

The rest of the strong men couldn't sleep, and while they were chatting, Chen Mu had already disappeared.

In the palace in the city.

With his hands behind his back, the middle-aged Heijia said with a solemn expression, "Now there are fewer and fewer miners. As the mine tunnels get deeper, the output of redstone is getting lower and lower."

There is also an old man in the temple, who is shaking his head, "The higher ups are pressing hard, if we don't provide enough red stones, we will all be punished."

The middle-aged Heijia said in a deep voice: "If this continues, we can only go outside and catch mortals and come back."

Suddenly, Chen Mu appeared in the palace, and the pupils of the middle-aged man in black armor shrank sharply. He felt the terrible pressure and knelt down unconsciously.

The old men in white knelt down at the same time. They were all sword masters, but facing Chen Mu's coercion, they didn't even dare to resist.

Chen Mu said lightly: "You still want to catch mortals? It seems that you are not a good person."

The middle-aged man in Heijia said in a deep voice, "My lord, this is the territory of the ancient city. If you act recklessly, the strong people above will never let you go."

Chen Mu said lightly: "Hehe, if you want to survive, answer my question."


The middle-aged Heijia and the old man nodded one after another.

Chen Mu was not angry, and the two of them kept trembling, as if meeting a strong man from the ancient city.

"What is the redstone in the mine?"

"My lord, I don't know either. I heard that the red stone is made of Almighty's blood."

The old monsters in the ancient fairy city needed it, and it must be something not simple. Chen Mu then asked, "Why let mortals dig mines?"

The old man respectfully said: "My lord, there are strange things in the mine. Immortal cultivators will surely die if they enter. Many strong people have died in the mine. To prevent the strangeness from appearing, immortal cultivators are forbidden to enter."

Chen Mu continued to ask: "How do you send the red stone to the ancient fairy city?"

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "Every seven days, there will be strong people coming down from above."

"Can you enter the ancient fairy city?"

"No, you need a token, and the fairy envoy also needs a token to enter and leave the ancient city."

Chen Mu nodded, "How long will the emissary come to the mine? And how to leave the secret realm."

He hasn't found the exit of the secret realm yet, the teleportation platform can only enter, but not exit, and this secret realm is very strong, it is difficult to break through.

The old man replied truthfully: "The emissary will probably come tomorrow. There is a teleportation array in the ancient city leading to the outside world."

The young man in the black armor sighed: "We haven't dug up enough redstones. Today we have to send a large number of mortals into the mine to collect redstones."

"Show me the redstone."


The middle-aged Heijia and the old man looked at each other, "My lord, if the red stone is lost..."

Chen Mu gave them a cold look, and the two dared not say any more. The middle-aged man in Heijia said in a deep voice, "My lord, the red stone is in the box behind you."

There is a black box in the palace, this box is very extraordinary, it can isolate Chen Mu from prying eyes, even he didn't pay attention, the box was opened soon.

There are a bunch of red stones scattered inside, all of which are small, and the largest one is only the size of a fingernail. Chen Mu can feel the majestic life energy contained in the red stones.

Chen Mu could feel that the red stone is not simple, like a great medicine, which can prolong life and replenish the source of life. He picked up a piece and refined it.

That piece of redstone quickly turned into dust.

Both the middle-aged Heijia and the old man were shocked. He dared to move the red stone. This was an enemy of Gu Cheng Da Neng. Chen Mu's cultivation had not increased, but the Hongmeng tree grew rapidly, and the red stone contained a lot of life essence.

The strong people in the ancient fairy city need these to prove that they have physical problems and need red stones to continue their lives. There may be other reasons for them to sit in the ancient city.

The output of red stones is indeed very small, and it can even be said to be a drop in the bucket. Chen Mu took all the red stones directly, and the middle-aged man and the old man dared not speak out, "My lord, you will anger the strong in the ancient city by doing this." , I advise you not to do this."

Chen Mu smiled and said, "Since you lack redstones, let me dig them for you."

The middle-aged man in Heijia and the old man looked surprised, and they exclaimed, "You want to enter the mine?"

Chen Mu left two energy imprints on the middle-aged man and the old man in the black armor, "Let those mortals stay in the city, I will imprint on you, if you are smart, just pretend nothing happened."

The middle-aged Heijia and the old man nodded repeatedly. They now hope that Chen Mu can die in the mine. After all, the immortal cultivators who enter the mine are all dead.

Chen Mu went to the mine alone.

 ps: Thank you Kafuuspray, Little Peggy Wow, Gao Zhan for your monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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